name : JSONb version : 1.0.7 x-revision: 1 category : Text license : BSD3 license-file : LICENSE author : Jason Dusek maintainer : homepage : synopsis : JSON parser that uses byte strings. description : This parser consumes lazy ByteStrings to produce JSON in a simple, efficient format backed with strict ByteStrings, Rationals and ByteString tries. See the schema generation tools and the command line JSON schema generator (in the examples subdir) for an example of how to use the parsing tools. . Have you considered @aeson@ (), a newer, extensively benchmarked JSON parsing library? cabal-version : >= 1.6 build-type : Simple extra-source-files : README test/SimpleUnits.hs source-repository head type : git location : flag cli description : Enable command line tool. default : False library build-depends : base >= 2 && <= 4.5 , containers , utf8-string >= 0.3 , bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.10 , attoparsec >= 0.8 && < 0.10 , bytestring-nums >= 0.3.1 , bytestring-trie >= 0.1.4 && < 0.2.4 exposed-modules : Text.JSONb Text.JSONb.Simple Text.JSONb.Schema Text.JSONb.Schema.Display Text.JSONb.Decode Text.JSONb.Encode Text.JSON.Escape extensions : StandaloneDeriving FlexibleInstances RelaxedPolyRec ScopedTypeVariables ParallelListComp executable json-schema main-is : examples/JSONSchema.hs if flag(cli) buildable : True else buildable : False build-depends : base >= 2 && <= 5 , containers , utf8-string >= 0.3 , bytestring >= 0.9 , attoparsec >= 0.8 , bytestring-nums >= 0.3.1 , bytestring-trie >= 0.1.4 extensions : FlexibleInstances RelaxedPolyRec NoMonomorphismRestriction