module  Hsmtlib.Solvers.Cmd.Parser.CmdResult where

import           Control.Applicative                    ((<|>),(<$>))
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.List                              (intercalate)
import           Data.Map                               as M
import           Data.Maybe                             (isJust)
import           Hsmtlib.Solver                         as Solv
import           Hsmtlib.Solvers.Cmd.Parser.Parsers     hiding (numeral, symbol)
import           Hsmtlib.Solvers.Cmd.Parser.Syntax      as S
import           Hsmtlib.Solvers.Cmd.Parser.Visualizers
import           Prelude                                as P
import           Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Prim     (parse)

genResponse :: String -> GenResult
genResponse stg =
    case result of
        Left err -> Solv.GUError $ show err
        Right cmdRep -> case cmdRep of
                            CmdGenResponse S.Success -> Solv.Success
                            CmdGenResponse S.Unsupported -> Solv.Unsupported
                            CmdGenResponse (S.Error err) -> Solv.Error err
    where result = parse parseCmdGenResponse "" stg

checkSatResponse :: String -> SatResult
checkSatResponse stg =
    case result of
        Left err ->  Solv.SUError $ show  err
        Right cmdRep -> case cmdRep of
                            S.Sat -> Solv.Sat
                            S.Unsat -> Solv.Unsat
                            S.Unknown -> Solv.Unknown
    where result = parse parseCheckSatResponse "" stg

getValueResponse :: String -> GValResult
getValueResponse stg = GVUError  $ stg ++ "\n" ++ tree
    where result = parse parseGetValueResponse "" stg
          tree =  getVR' result

getVR' :: Show a => Either a [ValuationPair] -> String
getVR' result =
  case result of
    Left err -> show err
    Right vals -> intercalate "\n" (fmap (showValuationPair 0) vals)

getValueResponse :: String -> GValResult
getValueResponse stg = case result of
                        Left err -> GVUError $ stg ++ "|"++show err
                        Right vals -> getVR' $ getValResponse vals
    where result = parse parseGetValueResponse "" stg

getVR' :: [GValResult] -> GValResult
getVR' xs | length xs == 1 = head xs
          | otherwise = Results xs

getValResponse::[ValuationPair] -> [GValResult]
getValResponse vp = arrays ++ errors
                      -- gets the results in a Maybe GValResult.
                where res = getValResponses vp 
                      --Produes UErrors from the results that gave Nothing.
                      errors = valErrors' vp res
                      cRes = P.filter isJust res -- Removes the Nothings.
                      -- Joins all arrays in one and 
                      --removes the Just from all results.
                      arrays = joinArrays cRes 

valErrors' :: [ValuationPair] -> [Maybe GValResult] -> [GValResult]
valErrors' [] [] = []
valErrors' (x:xs) (Nothing:gs) = 
  GVUError (showValuationPair 0 x) : valErrors' xs gs
valErrors' (_:xs) (_:gs) = valErrors' xs  gs  


joinArrays :: [Maybe GValResult] -> [GValResult]
joinArrays = joinArrays' $ VArrays empty

joinArrays' :: GValResult -> [Maybe GValResult] -> [GValResult]
-- if there was no array in the result then don't put an empty one.
joinArrays' (VArrays n) [] | M.null n = [] 
                           | otherwise = [VArrays n]
joinArrays' res (x:xs) = case nVal of
                          (VArrays _) -> joinArrays' nVal xs
                          _ -> nVal : joinArrays' res xs
                         where nVal = checkGVal res x 

checkGVal :: GValResult ->  Maybe GValResult -> GValResult
checkGVal (VArrays oarr) (Just(VArrays arr)) = 
  VArrays $ unionWith union oarr arr
checkGVal _ (Just x) = x

getValResponses :: [ValuationPair] -> [Maybe GValResult]
getValResponses = fmap getGValResult

getGValResult :: ValuationPair -> Maybe GValResult
getGValResult vp = getVar vp
               <|> getArray vp
               <|> getFun vp
               <|> getBitVec vp

{- | Retrives the value of a BitVector.
     Works with:
     - Z3.
getBitVec :: ValuationPair -> Maybe GValResult
getBitVec vp = getBitVec' name vhex
               where name = getVarName vp
                     vhex = getHexVal vp

-- auxiliar function to getBitVec
getBitVec' :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe GValResult
getBitVec' (Just name) (Just vhex) = Just $ Res name $ VHex vhex
getBitVec' _ _ = Nothing

{- | Retrives the value of a function.
     Works with:
     - Z3.
getFun :: ValuationPair -> Maybe GValResult
getFun vp = getFun' name value
            where name = getFunName vp
                  value = getFunResult vp

-- auxiliar function to getFun
getFun' :: Maybe String -> Maybe Value -> Maybe GValResult
getFun' (Just name) (Just res) = Just $  Res name  res
getFun' _ _ = Nothing

{- | Retrives the value of a variable.
     Works with:
     - Z3.
getVar :: ValuationPair ->  Maybe GValResult
getVar vp = getVar' name value
            where name = getVarName vp
                  value = getVarValue vp

-- auxiliar function to getVar
getVar' :: Maybe String -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe GValResult
getVar' Nothing _ = Nothing
getVar' _ Nothing = Nothing
getVar' (Just name) (Just value) = Just $ Res name $ VInt value

{- | Retrives the value of an array.
     Works with:
      - Z3.
getArray :: ValuationPair -> Maybe GValResult
getArray vp =
  case isArr of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just _ -> case res of
                Just arr -> Just $ VArrays arr
                Nothing -> Nothing

    where name = arrayName vp
          posInt = arrayIntPos vp
          posVar = arrayVarPos vp
          val = arrayVal vp
          isArr = isArray vp
          res = getArray' name posInt posVar val

-- Auxiliar function to getArray.
getArray' :: Maybe String
          -> Maybe Integer
          -> Maybe String
          -> Maybe Integer
          -> Maybe Arrays
getArray' (Just name) (Just pos) Nothing (Just val) =
    Just $ singleton name $  singleton (show pos) val
getArray' (Just name) Nothing (Just pos) (Just val) =
    Just $ singleton name $ singleton pos val
getArray' _ _ _ _ = Nothing

-- Auxiliar functions to get values from constructed ast.

isArray :: ValuationPair -> Maybe Bool
isArray = isArray' 
      <=< symbol 
      <=< qIdentifier 
      <=< fstTermQualIdentierT 
      <=< fstTerm

{- | Verifies if the string correspond to a certain notation that indicates
     that is an Array.
     For example Z3 would have the keyword select therefor it's an array.
     If it isn't an array then returns nothing

isArray' :: String -> Maybe Bool
isArray' "select" = Just True
isArray' _ = Nothing

-- Auxliar functions to work with arrays.
{- | Retrives the name of the array.
     Works with:
      - Z3.

arrayName :: ValuationPair -> Maybe String
arrayName = symbol
        <=< qIdentifier
        <=< termQualIdentifier
        <=< fstValArray
        <=< sndTermQualIdentierT
        <=< fstTerm
        where fstValArray x = Just $ head x

{-| Retrives the position of the array if it is an Integer.
    Works with:
    - Z3.
arrayIntPos :: ValuationPair -> Maybe Integer
arrayIntPos = numeral
          <=< getTermSpecConstant
          <=< sndValArray
          <=< sndTermQualIdentierT
          <=< fstTerm
          where sndValArray x = Just $ x !! 1

{-| Retrives the position of the array if it is a String.
    Works with:
    - Z3.
arrayVarPos :: ValuationPair -> Maybe String
arrayVarPos = symbol
          <=< qIdentifier
          <=< termQualIdentifier
          <=< sndValArray
          <=< sndTermQualIdentierT
          <=< fstTerm
          where sndValArray x = Just $ x !! 1

{-| Retrives the value of an array.
    Works with:
    - Z3.
arrayVal :: ValuationPair -> Maybe Integer
arrayVal = numeral <=< getTermSpecConstant <=< sndTerm

{- | Retrive the name of a variable.
     Works with:
     - Z3.


getVarName :: ValuationPair -> Maybe String
getVarName = symbol <=< qIdentifier <=< termQualIdentifier <=< fstTerm

{- | Retrive the variable of a variable.
     Works with:
     - Z3.

getVarValue :: ValuationPair -> Maybe Integer
getVarValue = numeral <=< getTermSpecConstant <=< sndTerm

{- | Retrives the name of a function.
     Works with:
     - Z3
getFunName :: ValuationPair -> Maybe String
getFunName = symbol <=< qIdentifier <=< fstTermQualIdentierT <=< fstTerm

{- | Retrives the result of a function if it is a Integer.
     Works with:
     - Z3.

getFunResult :: ValuationPair -> Maybe Value
getFunResult vp = getFunResultBool vp <|> getFunResultInt vp
getFunResultBool :: ValuationPair -> Maybe Value
getFunResultBool = VBool <#> toBool <=< getFunResultBool'

getFunResultInt :: ValuationPair -> Maybe Value
getFunResultInt = VInt <#> getFunResultInt'

(<#>):: Functor m => (b -> c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c
(<#>) f m = \x -> f <$> m x 

toBool :: String -> Maybe Bool
toBool "true" = Just True
toBool "false" = Just False
toBool _ = Nothing

getFunResultInt' :: ValuationPair -> Maybe Integer
getFunResultInt' = numeral <=< getTermSpecConstant <=< sndTerm

getFunResultBool' :: ValuationPair -> Maybe String
getFunResultBool' = symbol <=< qIdentifier <=< termQualIdentifier <=< sndTerm

{- | Retrives the result of a bitvector.
     Works with:
     - Z3
getHexVal :: ValuationPair -> Maybe String
getHexVal = hex <=< getTermSpecConstant <=< fstTerm

-- Auxiliar functions to get specific value from ast.

-- | Returns the first term of a valuation pair.
fstTerm :: ValuationPair -> Maybe Term
fstTerm (ValuationPair a _) = Just  a

-- | Returns the second term of a valuation pair.
sndTerm :: ValuationPair -> Maybe Term
sndTerm (ValuationPair _ b) = Just b

-- | Returns the list of terms from TermQualIdeintifierT
sndTermQualIdentierT :: Term -> Maybe [Term]
sndTermQualIdentierT (TermQualIdentifierT _ ts) = Just ts
sndTermQualIdentierT _ = Nothing

fstTermQualIdentierT :: Term -> Maybe QualIdentifier
fstTermQualIdentierT (TermQualIdentifierT qi _) = Just qi
fstTermQualIdentierT _ = Nothing

termQualIdentifier :: Term -> Maybe QualIdentifier
termQualIdentifier (TermQualIdentifier a) = Just a
termQualIdentifier _ = Nothing

getTermSpecConstant :: Term -> Maybe SpecConstant
getTermSpecConstant (TermSpecConstant spc) = Just spc
getTermSpecConstant _ = Nothing

qIdentifier :: QualIdentifier -> Maybe Identifier
qIdentifier (QIdentifier a) = Just a
qIdentifier _ = Nothing

symbol :: Identifier -> Maybe String
symbol (ISymbol s)  = Just s
symbol _ = Nothing

numeral :: SpecConstant -> Maybe Integer
numeral (SpecConstantNumeral n) = Just n
numeral _ = Nothing

hex :: SpecConstant -> Maybe String
hex (SpecConstantHexadecimal shex) = Just shex
hex  _ = Nothing