{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, DeriveDataTypeable,
    ScopedTypeVariables, ExistentialQuantification, NamedFieldPuns, 
    ViewPatterns #-}
-- | This module allows you to register procedures which can then be
-- | called from another node.  Due to limitations in GHC, it is not
-- | possible to snapshot its state; you will always need to
-- | re-register them at program startup.
-- | RPC calls are distinguished using an arbitrary name, as well as
-- | the type of the parameter and return value.
module Network.Hermes.RPC where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception

import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map(Map)
import Data.ByteString
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Serialize
import Data.Serialize.Put
import Data.Serialize.Get
import System.Random
import System.Log.Logger
import Data.Int
import Data.Unamb(race)

import Network.Hermes.Core
import Network.Hermes.Misc
import Network.Hermes.Protocol
import Network.Hermes.MChan

type ProcName = String

-- | ProcName :: Type
type ProcId = (ProcName,Type)

-- OPTIMIZE: Use a proper Word128 or something.
type Serial = Integer

data RPCContext = RPCContext {
  core :: CoreContext
  ,nextSerial :: IO Serial
  ,callbacks :: MVar (Map ProcId ThreadId)

data RPCQuery p r = RPCQuery {
  parameter :: p
  ,serial :: Serial
  } deriving(Typeable)

instance Serialize p => Serialize (RPCQuery p r) where
  put (RPCQuery p s) = put p >> put s
  get = liftM2 RPCQuery get get

data RPCReply p r = RPCReply {
  reply :: r
  } deriving(Typeable)
instance Serialize r => Serialize (RPCReply p r) where
  put (RPCReply r) = put r
  get = RPCReply <$> get

-- | Do NOT create multiple contexts for one CoreContext. They'll conflict.
newContext :: CoreContext
             -> IO RPCContext
newContext core = do
  serialV <- newMVar =<< randomRIO (0,2^128)
  let nextSerial = modifyMVar serialV (return . join (,) . succ)
  callbacks <- newMVar M.empty
  return RPCContext{..}

-- | Registers (or replaces) a callback to be executed
-- when we receive a call to this name.
-- Individual callbacks are currently always executed in serial. Do we
-- want parallel?
registerCallback :: forall p r. (Serialize p, Serialize r, Typeable p, Typeable r)
                   => RPCContext
                   -> ProcName   -- ^ Callback's name
                   -> (p -> IO r) -- ^ The callback itself
                   -> IO ()
registerCallback RPCContext{callbacks,core} name proc = block $ do
  modifyMVar_ callbacks $ \cbmap -> do
    let key = (name,showType proc)
        oldTid = M.lookup key cbmap
    maybe (return ()) killThread oldTid
    tid <- forkIO handleCallback
    return $ M.insert key tid cbmap
    handleCallback = unblock $ forever $ do
      (uuid, RPCQuery{..} :: RPCQuery p r) <- recv' core name
      reply <- proc parameter
      send' core uuid (RPCReply{..} :: RPCReply p r) serial

-- | Remote procedure call
-- Apart from core exceptions, it may fail in the specific case that the procedure doesn't exist,
-- in which case it returns Nothing.
call :: forall p r. (Serialize p, Typeable p, Serialize r, Typeable r) =>
       RPCContext -> HermesID -> ProcName -> p -> IO (Maybe r)
call RPCContext{..} uuid name parameter = do
  serial <- nextSerial
  send' core uuid (RPCQuery{parameter,serial} :: RPCQuery p r) name
  let getReply = do
        (_,msg :: RPCReply p r) <- recv' core serial
        return $ Just $ reply msg
      getFailure = do
        (_,RejectedMessage) <- recv' core (showType serial, encode serial)
        return Nothing
  race getReply getFailure