{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | LaTeX standard commands and environments.
module Text.LaTeX.Base.Commands
 ( -- * Basic functions
   raw , between , comment , (%)
   -- * Preamble commands
 , title
 , author
 , date
 , institute
 , thanks
 , documentclass
 , usepackage
 , linespread
   -- ** Classes
   -- *** Document classes
 , article
 , proc
 , report
 , minimal
 , book
 , slides
   -- *** Class options
 , ClassOption (..)
 , customopt
 , draft
 , titlepage
 , notitlepage
 , onecolumn
 , twocolumn
 , oneside
 , twoside
 , landscape
 , openright
 , openany
 , fleqn
 , leqno
   -- ** Paper sizes
 , PaperType (..)
 , a0paper
 , a1paper
 , a2paper
 , a3paper
 , a4paper
 , a5paper
 , a6paper
 , b0paper
 , b1paper
 , b2paper
 , b3paper
 , b4paper
 , b5paper
 , b6paper
 , letterpaper
 , executivepaper
 , legalpaper
   -- ** Page styles
 , pagestyle
 , thispagestyle
 , plain
 , headings
 , empty
 , myheadings
 , markboth
 , markright
   -- * Body commands
 , document
 , maketitle
   -- ** Document structure
 , tableofcontents
 , abstract
 , appendix
   -- *** Sections
 , part
 , chapter
 , section
 , subsection
 , subsubsection
 , paragraph
 , subparagraph
   -- ** Logos & symbols
 , today
 , tex
 , latex
 , laTeX2
 , laTeXe
 , ldots
 , vdots
 , ddots
 -- *** HaTeX specific
 , hatex
 , hatex3
 , hatex_meta
 , version
 , hatex_version
 -- ** Document layout
 , par
 , newline
 , lnbk
 , lnbk_
 , newpage
 , cleardoublepage
 , clearpage
 , linebreak
 , nolinebreak
 , pagebreak
 , nopagebreak
 , hspace
 , hspace_
 , vspace
 , hfill
 , vfill
 , stretch
 , smallskip
 , bigskip
 , indent
 , noindent
   -- *** Document measures
 , textwidth
 , linewidth
   -- ** Formatting text
 , verbatim
   -- *** Fonts
   -- Different font styles.
 , textbf
 , textit
 , texttt
 , textrm
 , textsf
 , textmd
 , textup
 , textsl
 , textsc
 , textnormal
 , underline
 , emph
   -- *** Sizes
   -- | Sizes are sorted from smallest to biggest.
 , tiny
 , scriptsize
 , footnotesize
 , small
 , normalsize
 , large
 , large2
 , large3
 , huge
 , huge2
   -- ** Environments
 , equation
 , equation_
 , enumerate
 , itemize
 , item
 , flushleft
 , flushright
 , center
 , quote
 , verse
 , cite
 , description
 , minipage
 , figure
   -- ** Page numbering
 , pagenumbering
 , arabic
 , roman
 , roman_
 , alph
 , alph_
   -- ** Boxes
 , mbox
 , fbox
 , parbox
 , framebox
 , makebox
 , raisebox
 , rule
   -- ** Cross references
 , caption
 , label
 , ref
 , pageref
   -- ** Tables
 , tabular
 , (&)
 , hline
 , cline
   -- ** Others
 , footnote
 , protect
 , hyphenation
 , hyp
 , qts
   ) where

import Data.String
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Text (toLower)
import Text.LaTeX.Base.Syntax
import Text.LaTeX.Base.Class
import Text.LaTeX.Base.Render
import Text.LaTeX.Base.Types
import Data.Version
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Paths_HaTeX

-- | Insert a raw piece of 'Text'.
-- This functions doesn't care about @LaTeX@ reserved characters,
-- it insert the text just as it is received.
raw :: LaTeXC l => Text -> l
raw = fromLaTeX . TeXRaw

-- | Calling 'between' @c l1 l2@ puts @c@ between @l1@ and @l2@ and
--   appends them.
between :: Monoid m => m -> m -> m -> m
between c l1 l2 = l1 <> c <> l2

-- | Create a comment.
comment :: LaTeXC l => Text -> l
comment = fromLaTeX . TeXComment

-- | This operator appends a comment after a expression.
--   For example:
-- > textbf "I'm just an example." % "Insert a few words here."
-- Since you are writing in Haskell, you may not need to output comments
-- as you can add them in the Haskell source. I added this feature
-- for completeness.
(%) :: LaTeXC l => l -> Text -> l
(%) l = (l <>) . comment

-- | Generate the title. It normally contains the 'title' name
-- of your document, the 'author'(s) and 'date'.
maketitle :: LaTeXC l => l
maketitle = comm0 "maketitle"

-- | Set the title of your document.
title :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
title = liftL $ \t -> TeXComm "title" [FixArg t]

-- | Set a date for your document.
date :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
date = liftL $ \t -> TeXComm "date" [FixArg t]

-- | Set the author(s) of the document.
author :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
author = liftL $ \t -> TeXComm "author" [FixArg t]

-- | Set either an institute or an organization
-- for the document.
institute :: LaTeXC l => Maybe l -> l -> l
institute  Nothing = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "institute" [FixArg l]
institute (Just s) = liftL2 (\l1 l2 -> TeXComm "institute" [OptArg l1,FixArg l2]) s

thanks :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
thanks = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "thanks" [FixArg l]

-- | Import a package. First argument is a list of options for
-- the package named in the second argument.
usepackage :: LaTeXC l => [l] -> PackageName -> l
usepackage ls pn = liftListL (\ls -> TeXComm "usepackage" [MOptArg ls ,FixArg $ fromString pn]) ls

-- | The @LaTeX@ logo.
latex :: LaTeXC l => l
latex = comm0 "LaTeX"

-- | Start a new paragraph
par :: LaTeXC l => l
par = comm0 "par"

-- | Start a new line.
newline :: LaTeXC l => l
newline = comm0 "newline"

part :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
part = liftL $ \p -> TeXComm "part" [FixArg p]

chapter :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
chapter = liftL $ \c -> TeXComm "chapter" [FixArg c]

-- | Start a new section with a given title.
section :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
section = liftL $ \s -> TeXComm "section" [FixArg s]

subsection :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
subsection = liftL $ \sub -> TeXComm "subsection" [FixArg sub]

subsubsection :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
subsubsection = liftL $ \sub -> TeXComm "subsubsection" [FixArg sub]

paragraph :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
paragraph = liftL $ \p -> TeXComm "paragraph" [FixArg p]

subparagraph :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
subparagraph = liftL $ \p -> TeXComm "subparagraph" [FixArg p]

-- | Create the table of contents, automatically generated
-- from your 'section's, 'subsection's, and other related stuff.
tableofcontents :: LaTeXC l => l
tableofcontents = comm0 "tableofcontents"

appendix :: LaTeXC l => l
appendix = comm0 "appendix"

item :: LaTeXC l => Maybe l -> l
item Nothing    = commS "item "
item (Just opt) = liftL (\opt -> TeXComm "item" [OptArg opt]) opt

equation :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
equation = liftL $ TeXEnv "equation" []

equation_ :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
equation_ = liftL $ TeXEnv "equation*" []

enumerate :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
enumerate = liftL $ TeXEnv "enumerate" []

itemize :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
itemize = liftL $ TeXEnv "itemize" []

description :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
description = liftL $ TeXEnv "description" []

flushleft :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
flushleft = liftL $ TeXEnv "flushleft" []

flushright :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
flushright = liftL $ TeXEnv "flushright" []

center :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
center = liftL $ TeXEnv "center" []

quote :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
quote = liftL $ TeXEnv "quote" []

verse :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
verse = liftL $ TeXEnv "verse" []

-- | Minipage environment.
minipage :: LaTeXC l =>
            Maybe Pos -- ^ Optional position
         -> l         -- ^ Width
         -> l         -- ^ Minipage content
         -> l
minipage Nothing  = liftL2 $ \ts -> TeXEnv "minipage" [ FixArg ts ]
minipage (Just p) = liftL2 $ \ts -> TeXEnv "minipage" [ OptArg $ rendertex p , FixArg ts ]

-- | Figure environment.
figure :: LaTeXC l =>
          Maybe Pos -- ^ Optional position
       -> l         -- ^ Figure content
       -> l
figure Nothing  = liftL $ TeXEnv "figure" []
figure (Just p) = liftL $ TeXEnv "figure" [ OptArg $ TeXRaw $ render p ]

abstract :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
abstract = liftL $ TeXEnv "abstract" []

cite :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
cite = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "cite" [FixArg l]

-- Document class

-- | A class option to be passed to the 'documentclass' function.
data ClassOption =
 | TitlePage
 | NoTitlePage
 | OneColumn
 | TwoColumn
 | OneSide
 | TwoSide
 | Landscape
 | OpenRight
 | OpenAny
 | Fleqn
 | Leqno
 | FontSize Measure
 | Paper PaperType
 | CustomOption String
   deriving Show

instance Render ClassOption where
 render (FontSize m) = render m
 render (Paper pt) = toLower (render pt) <> "paper"
 render (CustomOption str) = fromString str
 render co = toLower $ fromString $ show co

customopt :: String -> ClassOption
customopt = CustomOption

instance IsString ClassOption where
 fromString = customopt

-- | LaTeX available paper types.
data PaperType =
   A0 | A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | A6
 | B0 | B1 | B2 | B3 | B4 | B5 | B6
 | Letter | Executive | Legal
   deriving Show

instance Render PaperType where

-- | Set the document class. Needed in all documents.
documentclass :: LaTeXC l =>
                [ClassOption] -- ^ Class options
              -> ClassName    -- ^ Class name
              -> l
documentclass opts cn = fromLaTeX $ TeXComm "documentclass" [MOptArg $ fmap rendertex opts , FixArg $ fromString cn]

article :: ClassName
article = "article"

proc :: ClassName
proc = "proc"

minimal :: ClassName
minimal = "minimal"

report :: ClassName
report = "report"

book :: ClassName
book = "book"

slides :: ClassName
slides = "slides"

a0paper :: ClassOption
a0paper = Paper A0

a1paper :: ClassOption
a1paper = Paper A1

a2paper :: ClassOption
a2paper = Paper A2

a3paper :: ClassOption
a3paper = Paper A3

a4paper :: ClassOption
a4paper = Paper A4

a5paper :: ClassOption
a5paper = Paper A5

a6paper :: ClassOption
a6paper = Paper A6

b0paper :: ClassOption
b0paper = Paper B0

b1paper :: ClassOption
b1paper = Paper B1

b2paper :: ClassOption
b2paper = Paper B2

b3paper :: ClassOption
b3paper = Paper B3

b4paper :: ClassOption
b4paper = Paper B4

b5paper :: ClassOption
b5paper = Paper B5

b6paper :: ClassOption
b6paper = Paper B6

letterpaper :: ClassOption
letterpaper = Paper Letter

executivepaper :: ClassOption
executivepaper = Paper Executive

legalpaper :: ClassOption
legalpaper = Paper Legal

draft :: ClassOption
draft = Draft

-- | Typesets displayed formulae left-aligned instead of centred.
fleqn :: ClassOption
fleqn = Fleqn

-- | Places the numbering of formulae on the left hand side instead of the right.
leqno :: ClassOption
leqno = Leqno

titlepage :: ClassOption
titlepage = TitlePage

notitlepage :: ClassOption
notitlepage = NoTitlePage

onecolumn :: ClassOption
onecolumn = OneColumn

twocolumn :: ClassOption
twocolumn = TwoColumn

oneside :: ClassOption
oneside = OneSide

twoside :: ClassOption
twoside = TwoSide

-- | Changes the layout of the document to print in landscape mode
landscape :: ClassOption
landscape = Landscape

-- | Makes chapters begin either only on right hand pages
openright :: ClassOption
openright = OpenRight

-- | Makes chapters begin on the next page available.
openany :: ClassOption
openany = OpenAny

document :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
document = liftL $ TeXEnv "document" []

pagenumbering :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
pagenumbering = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "pagenumbering" [FixArg l]

-- | Arabic numerals.
arabic :: LaTeXC l => l
arabic = fromLaTeX "arabic"

-- | Lowercase roman numerals.
roman :: LaTeXC l => l
roman = fromLaTeX "roman"

-- | Uppercase roman numerals.
roman_ :: LaTeXC l => l
roman_ = fromLaTeX "Roman"

-- | Lowercase letters.
alph :: LaTeXC l => l
alph = fromLaTeX "alph"

-- | Uppercase letters.
alph_ :: LaTeXC l => l
alph_ = fromLaTeX "Alph"

pagestyle :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
pagestyle = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "pagestyle" [FixArg l]

thispagestyle :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
thispagestyle = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "thispagestyle" [FixArg l]

plain :: LaTeXC l => l
plain = fromLaTeX "plain"

headings :: LaTeXC l => l
headings = fromLaTeX "headings"

empty :: LaTeXC l => l
empty = fromLaTeX "empty"

myheadings :: LaTeXC l => l
myheadings = fromLaTeX "myheadings"

-- | Used in conjunction with 'myheadings' for setting both the left and the right heading.
markboth :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> l
markboth = liftL2 $ \l1 l2 -> TeXComm "markboth" [FixArg l1 , FixArg l2]

-- | Used in conjunction with 'myheadings' for setting the right heading.
markright :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
markright = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "markright" [FixArg l]

-- | Start a new line. In a 'tabular', it starts a new row, so use 'newline' instead.
lnbk  :: LaTeXC l => l
lnbk = fromLaTeX $ TeXNewLine False

lnbk_ :: LaTeXC l => l
lnbk_ = fromLaTeX $ TeXNewLine True

hyp :: LaTeXC l => l
hyp = fromLaTeX $ TeXCommS "-"

cleardoublepage :: LaTeXC l => l
cleardoublepage = comm0 "cleardoublepage"

clearpage :: LaTeXC l => l
clearpage = comm0 "clearpage"

newpage :: LaTeXC l => l
newpage = comm0 "newpage"

linebreak :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
linebreak = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "linebreak" [OptArg l]

nolinebreak :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
nolinebreak = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "nolinebreak" [OptArg l]

nopagebreak :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
nopagebreak = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "nopagebreak" [OptArg l]

pagebreak :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
pagebreak = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "pagebreak" [OptArg l]

hyphenation :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
hyphenation = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "hyphenation" [FixArg l]

mbox :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
mbox = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "mbox" [FixArg l]

fbox :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
fbox = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "fbox" [FixArg l]

today :: LaTeXC l => l
today = comm0 "today"

tex :: LaTeXC l => l
tex = comm0 "TeX"

laTeX2 :: LaTeXC l => l
laTeX2 = comm0 "LaTeX"

laTeXe :: LaTeXC l => l
laTeXe = comm0 "LaTeXe"

-- | Horizontal dots.
ldots :: LaTeXC l => l
ldots = comm0 "ldots"

-- | Vertical dots.
vdots :: LaTeXC l => l
vdots = comm0 "vdots"

-- | Diagonal dots.
ddots :: LaTeXC l => l
ddots = comm0 "ddots"

-- | Quotation marks.
qts :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
qts l = between l (raw "``") (raw "''")

footnote :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
footnote = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "footnote" [FixArg l]

linespread :: LaTeXC l => Float -> l
linespread x = fromLaTeX $ TeXComm "linespread" [FixArg $ rendertex x]

indent :: LaTeXC l => l
indent = comm0 "indent"

noindent :: LaTeXC l => l
noindent = comm0 "noindent"

hspace :: LaTeXC l => Measure -> l
hspace m = fromLaTeX $ TeXComm "hspace" [FixArg $ rendertex m]

hspace_ :: LaTeXC l => Measure -> l
hspace_ m = fromLaTeX $ TeXComm "hspace*" [FixArg $ rendertex m]

stretch :: LaTeXC l => Int -> l
stretch n = fromLaTeX $ TeXComm "stretch" [FixArg $ rendertex n]

vspace :: LaTeXC l => Measure -> l
vspace m = fromLaTeX $ TeXComm "vspace" [FixArg $ rendertex m]

-- | Fill out all available horizontal space.
hfill :: LaTeXC l => l
hfill = comm0 "hfill"

-- | Fill out all available vertical space.
vfill :: LaTeXC l => l
vfill = comm0 "vfill"

protect :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
protect l = commS "protect" <> l

textwidth :: LaTeXC l => l
textwidth = comm0 "textwidth"

linewidth :: LaTeXC l => l
linewidth = comm0 "linewidth"

verbatim :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
verbatim = liftL $ TeXEnv "verbatim" []

underline :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
underline = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "underline" [FixArg l]

emph :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
emph = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "emph" [FixArg l]

textrm :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
textrm = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "textrm" [FixArg l]

textsf :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
textsf = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "textsf" [FixArg l]

-- | Set the given argument to monospaced font.
texttt :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
texttt = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "texttt" [FixArg l]

textmd :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
textmd = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "textmd" [FixArg l]

-- | Set the given argument to bold font face.
textbf :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
textbf = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "textbf" [FixArg l]

textup :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
textup = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "textup" [FixArg l]

-- Set the given argument to italic font face.
textit :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
textit = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "textit" [FixArg l]

textsl :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
textsl = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "textsl" [FixArg l]

-- | Set the given argument to small caps format.
textsc :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
textsc = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "textsc" [FixArg l]

textnormal :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
textnormal = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "textnormal" [FixArg l]

tiny :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
tiny = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "tiny" [FixArg l]

scriptsize :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
scriptsize = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "scriptsize" [FixArg l]		

footnotesize :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
footnotesize = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "footnotesize" [FixArg l]

small :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
small = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "small" [FixArg l]

normalsize :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
normalsize = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "normalsize" [FixArg l]

large :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
large = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "large" [FixArg l]

large2 :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
large2 = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "Large" [FixArg l]

large3 :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
large3 = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "LARGE" [FixArg l]

huge :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
huge = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "huge" [FixArg l]

huge2 :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
huge2 = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "Huge" [FixArg l]

smallskip :: LaTeXC l => l
smallskip = comm0 "smallskip"

bigskip :: LaTeXC l => l
bigskip = comm0 "bigskip"

-- | The 'tabular' environment can be used to typeset tables with optional horizontal and vertical lines.
tabular :: LaTeXC l =>
           Maybe Pos   -- ^ This optional parameter can be used to specify the vertical position of the table.
                       --   Defaulted to 'Center'.
        -> [TableSpec] -- ^ Table specification of columns and vertical lines.
        -> l       -- ^ Table content. See '&', 'lnbk', 'hline' and 'cline'.
        -> l       -- ^ Resulting table syntax.
tabular Nothing ts  = liftL $ TeXEnv "tabular" [ FixArg $ TeXRaw $ renderAppend ts ]
tabular (Just p) ts = liftL $ TeXEnv "tabular" [ OptArg $ TeXRaw $ render p , FixArg $ TeXRaw $ renderAppend ts ]

-- | Column separator.
(&) :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> l
(&) = liftL2 $ TeXOp "&"

-- | Horizontal line.
hline :: LaTeXC l => l
hline = commS "hline "

-- | @cline i j@ writes a partial horizontal line beginning in column @i@ and ending in column @j@.
cline :: LaTeXC l => Int -> Int -> l
cline i j = fromLaTeX $ TeXComm "cline" [ FixArg $ TeXRaw $ render i <> "-" <> render j ]

parbox :: LaTeXC l => Maybe Pos -> Measure -> l -> l
parbox Nothing w = liftL $ \t -> TeXComm "parbox" [ FixArg $ rendertex w , FixArg t ]
parbox (Just p) w = liftL $ \t -> TeXComm "parbox" [ OptArg $ TeXRaw $ render p
                                                   , FixArg $ TeXRaw $ render w
                                                   , FixArg t ]

makebox :: LaTeXC l => Maybe Measure -> Maybe Pos -> l -> l
makebox Nothing  Nothing  = liftL $ \t -> TeXComm "makebox" [ FixArg t ]
makebox (Just w) Nothing  = liftL $ \t -> TeXComm "makebox" [ OptArg $ TeXRaw $ render w
                                                            , FixArg t ]
makebox Nothing (Just p)  = liftL $ \t -> TeXComm "makebox" [ OptArg $ TeXRaw $ render p
                                                            , FixArg t ]
makebox (Just w) (Just p) = liftL $ \t -> TeXComm "makebox" [ OptArg $ TeXRaw $ render w
                                                            , OptArg $ TeXRaw $ render p
                                                            , FixArg t ]	

framebox :: LaTeXC l =>  Maybe Measure -> Maybe Pos -> l -> l
framebox Nothing Nothing   = liftL $ \t -> TeXComm "framebox" [ FixArg t ]
framebox (Just w) Nothing  = liftL $ \t -> TeXComm "framebox" [ OptArg $ TeXRaw $ render w
                                                              , FixArg t ]
framebox Nothing (Just p)  = liftL $ \t -> TeXComm "framebox" [ OptArg $ TeXRaw $ render p
                                                              , FixArg t ]
framebox (Just w) (Just p) = liftL $ \t -> TeXComm "framebox" [ OptArg $ TeXRaw $ render w
                                                              , OptArg $ TeXRaw $ render p
                                                              , FixArg t ]

raisebox :: LaTeXC l => Measure -> Maybe Measure -> Maybe Measure -> l -> l
raisebox m ma mb = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "raisebox" $
    [ FixArg $ rendertex m ]
 ++   fmap (OptArg . rendertex) (catMaybes [ma,mb])
 ++ [ FixArg l ]

-- | Produce a simple black box.
rule :: LaTeXC l =>
        Maybe Measure -- ^ Optional lifting.
     -> Measure       -- ^ Width.
     -> Measure       -- ^ Height.
     -> l
rule Nothing w h  = fromLaTeX $ TeXComm "rule" [ FixArg $ TeXRaw $ render w
                                               , FixArg $ TeXRaw $ render h ]
rule (Just l) w h = fromLaTeX $ TeXComm "rule" [ OptArg $ TeXRaw $ render l
                                               , FixArg $ TeXRaw $ render w
                                               , FixArg $ TeXRaw $ render h ]

-- HaTeX specific symbols

-- | Print the HaTeX logo.
hatex :: LaTeXC l => l
hatex = mbox $ "H"
     <> hspace (Ex $ negate 0.3)
     <> textsc "a"
     <> hspace (Ex $ negate 0.3)
     <> tex

-- | Print the HaTeX 3 logo.
hatex3 :: LaTeXC l => l
hatex3 = hatex <> emph (textbf "3")

-- | Print the HaTeX-meta logo.
hatex_meta :: LaTeXC l => l
hatex_meta = hatex <> emph (textsc "-meta")

-- | Print the HaTeX logo, beside the complete version number.
hatex_version :: LaTeXC l => l
hatex_version = hatex
             <> emph (textbf $ rendertex x)
             <> hspace (Ex $ negate 0.3)
             <> emph ("." <> fromString (intercalate "." $ fmap show xs))
  (x:xs) = versionBranch version

caption :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
caption = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "caption" [FixArg l]

label :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
label = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "label" [FixArg $ TeXRaw $ render l]

ref :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
ref = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "ref" [FixArg $ TeXRaw $ render l]

pageref :: LaTeXC l => l -> l
pageref = liftL $ \l -> TeXComm "pageref" [FixArg $ TeXRaw $ render l]