{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

-- Module      : TypeUtils

-- Maintainer  : refactor-fp\@kent.ac.uk
-- |
-- This module contains a collection of program analysis and
-- transformation functions (the API) that work over the Type
-- Decorated AST. Most of the functions defined in the module are
-- taken directly from the API, but in some cases are modified to work
-- with the type decorated AST.
-- In particular some new functions have been added to make type
-- decorated AST traversals easier.
-- In HaRe, in order to preserve the comments and layout of refactored
-- programs, a refactoring modifies not only the AST but also the
-- token stream, and the program source after the refactoring is
-- extracted from the token stream rather than the AST, for the
-- comments and layout information is kept in the token steam instead
-- of the AST. As a consequence, a program transformation function
-- from this API modifies both the AST and the token stream (unless
-- explicitly stated). So when you build your own program
-- transformations, try to use the API to do the transformation, as
-- this can liberate you from caring about the token stream.
-- This type decorated API is still in development. Any suggestions
-- and comments are very much welcome.

module Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TypeUtils
 -- * Program Analysis
    -- ** Imports and exports
    inScopeInfo, isInScopeAndUnqualified, isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc, inScopeNames
   , isExported, isExplicitlyExported, modIsExported
   , equivalentNameInNewMod
   , hsQualifier

    -- ** Property checking
    ,isQualifiedPN, isFunOrPatName, isTypeSig, isTypeSigDecl

    -- ** Getting
    , findEntity'
    , findIdForName
    , getTypeForName


    -- ** Modules and files
    -- ,clientModsAndFiles,serverModsAndFiles,isAnExistingMod
    -- ,fileNameToModName, strToModName, modNameToStr
    , isMainModule
    , getModule

    -- ** Locations
    ,defineLoc, useLoc, locToExp
    -- ,locToName
    , locToRdrName

 -- * Program transformation
    -- ** Adding
    ,addDecl, addItemsToImport, addItemsToExport, addHiding
    ,addParamsToDecls, addParamsToSigs, addActualParamsToRhs, addImportDecl, duplicateDecl

    -- ** Removing
    ,rmDecl, rmTypeSig, rmTypeSigs -- , commentOutTypeSig, rmParams
    -- ,rmItemsFromExport, rmSubEntsFromExport, Delete(delete)

    -- ** Updating
    , rmQualifier, qualifyToplevelName, renamePN, HowToQual(..), autoRenameLocalVar

    -- ** Identifiers, expressions, patterns and declarations
    , expToNameRdr
    , pNtoPat
    , usedWithoutQualR

    -- ** Others
    , divideDecls
    , mkRdrName,mkQualifiedRdrName,mkNewGhcName,mkNewName,mkNewToplevelName
    , registerRdrName

    -- The following functions are not in the the API yet.
    , causeNameClashInExports {- , inRegion , unmodified -}

    , declsSybTransform

    -- * Typed AST traversals (added by CMB)
    -- * Miscellous
    -- ,removeFromInts, getDataName, checkTypes, getPNs, getPN, getPNPats, mapASTOverTAST

    -- * Debug stuff
    , rdrNameFromName
 ) where

import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Exception

import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.ExactPrint
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcVersionSpecific
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.LocUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Monad
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.MonadFunctions
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TypeSyn
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Types
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Variables

import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Types
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Utils

-- Modules from GHC
import qualified FastString    as GHC
import qualified GHC           as GHC
import qualified Module        as GHC
import qualified Name          as GHC
import qualified Outputable    as GHC
import qualified RdrName       as GHC
import qualified TyCon         as GHC
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
import qualified TypeRep       as GHC
import qualified TyCoRep       as GHC
import qualified BasicTypes    as GHC
import qualified Unique        as GHC
import qualified Var           as GHC

import qualified Var           as Var

import qualified Data.Generics as SYB
import qualified GHC.SYB.Utils as SYB

import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Data.Generics.Strafunski.StrategyLib.StrategyLib hiding (liftIO,MonadPlus,mzero)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |Process the inscope relation returned from the parsing and module
-- analysis pass, and return a list of four-element tuples. Each tuple
-- contains an identifier name, the identifier's namespace info, the
-- identifier's defining module name and its qualifier name.
-- The same identifier may have multiple entries in the result because
-- it may have different qualifiers. This makes it easier to decide
-- whether the identifier can be used unqualifiedly by just checking
-- whether there is an entry for it with the qualifier field being
-- Nothing.
inScopeInfo :: InScopes                                      -- ^ The inscope relation .
           ->[(String, GHC.NameSpace, GHC.ModuleName, Maybe GHC.ModuleName)] -- ^ The result
inScopeInfo names = nub $  map getEntInfo $ names
     getEntInfo name
       =(showGhc name,
         GHC.occNameSpace $ GHC.nameOccName name,
         GHC.moduleName $ GHC.nameModule name,
         getQualMaybe $ GHC.nameRdrName name)

     getQualMaybe rdrName = case rdrName of
       GHC.Qual modName _occName -> Just modName
       _                         -> Nothing

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return True if the identifier is inscope and can be used without
-- a qualifier.
isInScopeAndUnqualified::String       -- ^ The identifier name.
                       ->InScopes     -- ^ The inscope relation
                       ->Bool         -- ^ The result.
isInScopeAndUnqualified n names
 = isJust $ find (\ (x, _,_, qual) -> x == n && isNothing qual ) $ inScopeInfo names

-- | Return True if the identifier is inscope and can be used without
-- a qualifier. The identifier name string may have a qualifier
-- already
-- NOTE: may require qualification based on name clash with an
-- existing identifier.
isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc ::
     String           -- ^ The identifier name.
  -> (Maybe GHC.Name) -- ^ Existing name, to be excluded from test, if
                      --   known
  -> RefactGhc Bool   -- ^ The result.
isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc n maybeExising = do
  names <- ghandle handler (GHC.parseName n)
  logm $ "isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc:(n,(maybeExising,names))=" ++ (show n) ++ ":" ++  (showGhc (maybeExising,names))
  ctx <- GHC.getContext
  logm $ "isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc:ctx=" ++ (showGhc ctx)
  let nameList = case maybeExising of
                  Nothing -> names
                  Just n' -> filter (\x -> (showGhcQual x) /= (showGhcQual n')) names
  logm $ "isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc:(n,nameList)=" ++ (show n) ++ ":" ++  (showGhc nameList)
  return $ nameList /= []

    handler:: SomeException -> RefactGhc [GHC.Name]
    handler e = do
      logm $ "isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc.handler e=" ++ (show e)
      return []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Return all 'GHC.Name's that correspond to the given string, in the current
-- module.

-- Note: this returns a list because TH constructor names do not have the
-- correct namespace so the two variants are returned, constructor and
-- non-constructor. I suspect that when this is looked up only one will ever
-- come through. Hence we should only ever see 0 or 1 names here.
inScopeNames :: String               -- ^ The identifier name.
             -> RefactGhc [GHC.Name] -- ^ The result.
inScopeNames n = do
  names <- ghandle handler (GHC.parseName n)
  logm $ "inScopeNames:(n,names)=" ++ (show n) ++ ":" ++  (showGhc names)
  return $ names

    handler:: SomeException -> RefactGhc [GHC.Name]
    handler e = do
      logm $ "inScopeNames.handler e=" ++ (show e)
      return []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Given a 'GHC.Name' defined in one module, find the equivalent one in the
-- currently loaded module. This is required otherwise name equality checking
-- based on 'GHC.nameUnique' will fail.
equivalentNameInNewMod :: GHC.Name -> RefactGhc [GHC.Name]
equivalentNameInNewMod old = do
  -- we have to do it this way otherwise names imported qualified will not be
  -- detected

  -- ghc-mod 5.6 introduced a funny whereby the packagekey for the inscopes is
  -- "main@main" but for the current file is "main@main"
  -- So ignore the packagekey for now
  -- See https://github.com/DanielG/ghc-mod/issues/811
  -- TODO: revisit this
  -- let eqModules (GHC.Module pk1 mn1) (GHC.Module pk2 mn2) = mn1 == mn2
  let eqModules (GHC.Module pk1 mn1) (GHC.Module pk2 mn2) = mn1 == mn2 && pk1 == pk2

  gnames <- GHC.getNamesInScope
  logm $ "equivalentNameInNewMod:gnames=" ++ showGhcQual (map (\n -> (GHC.nameModule n,n)) gnames)
  let clientModule = GHC.nameModule old
  logm $ "equivalentNameInNewMod:(old,clientModule)=" ++ showGhcQual (old,clientModule)
  let clientInscopes = filter (\n -> clientModule == GHC.nameModule n) gnames
  let clientInscopes = filter (\n -> eqModules clientModule (GHC.nameModule n)) gnames
  logm $ "equivalentNameInNewMod:clientInscopes=" ++ showGhcQual clientInscopes
  let newNames = filter (\n -> showGhcQual n == showGhcQual old) clientInscopes
  return newNames

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return all the possible qualifiers for the identifier. The identifier
-- is not inscope if the result is an empty list. NOTE: This is intended to be
-- used when processing a client module, so the 'GHC.Name' parameter is actually
-- from a different module.
hsQualifier :: GHC.Name                   -- ^ The identifier.
            -> RefactGhc [GHC.ModuleName] -- ^ The result.
hsQualifier pname = do
  names <- inScopeNames (showGhc pname)
  let mods = map (GHC.moduleName . GHC.nameModule) names
  return mods

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Make a qualified 'GHC.RdrName'
mkQualifiedRdrName :: GHC.ModuleName -> String -> GHC.RdrName
mkQualifiedRdrName mn s = GHC.mkRdrQual mn (GHC.mkVarOcc s)

-- |Make a simple unqualified 'GHC.RdrName'
mkRdrName :: String -> GHC.RdrName
mkRdrName s = GHC.mkVarUnqual (GHC.mkFastString s)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Register a 'GHC.Located' 'GHC.RdrName' in the 'NameMap' so it can be looked
-- up if needed. This will create a brand new 'GHC.Name', so no guarantees are
-- given as to matches later. Perhaps this is a bad idea.
registerRdrName :: GHC.Located GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc ()
registerRdrName (GHC.L l rn) = do
  case GHC.isQual_maybe rn of
    Nothing -> do
      n <- mkNewGhcName Nothing (showGhc rn)
      addToNameMap l n
    Just (mn,oc) -> do
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
      n <- mkNewGhcName (Just (GHC.Module (GHC.stringToPackageKey "HaRe") mn)) (showGhc oc)
      n <- mkNewGhcName (Just (GHC.Module (GHC.stringToUnitId "HaRe") mn)) (showGhc oc)
      addToNameMap l n

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Make a new GHC.Name, using the Unique Int sequence stored in the
-- RefactState.
mkNewGhcName :: Maybe GHC.Module -> String -> RefactGhc GHC.Name
mkNewGhcName maybeMod name = do
  s <- get
  u <- gets rsUniqState
  put s { rsUniqState = (u+1) }
  return (mkNewGhcNamePure 'H' (u + 1) maybeMod name)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

mkNewToplevelName :: GHC.Module -> String -> GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc GHC.Name
mkNewToplevelName modid name defLoc = do
  s <- get
  u <- gets rsUniqState
  put s { rsUniqState = (u+1) }

  let un = GHC.mkUnique 'H' (u+1) -- H for HaRe :)
      n = GHC.mkExternalName un modid (GHC.mkVarOcc name) defLoc
  return n


-- |Create a new name base on the old name. Suppose the old name is 'f', then
--  the new name would be like 'f_i' where 'i' is an integer.
mkNewName::String      -- ^ The old name
          ->[String]   -- ^ The set of names which the new name cannot take
          ->Int        -- ^ The posfix value
          ->String     -- ^ The result
mkNewName oldName fds suffix
  =let newName=if suffix==0 then oldName
                            else oldName++"_"++ show suffix
   in if elem newName fds
        then mkNewName oldName fds (suffix+1)
        else newName

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return True if the current module is exported either by default
-- or by specifying the module name in the export.
modIsExported:: GHC.ModuleName       -- ^ The module name
               -> GHC.RenamedSource  -- ^ The AST of the module
               -> Bool               -- ^ The result
modIsExported modName (_g,_emps,mexps,_mdocs)
   = let
       modExported (GHC.L _ (GHC.IEModuleContents (GHC.L _ name))) = name == modName
       modExported _ = False

       moduleExports = filter modExported $ fromMaybe [] mexps

     in if isNothing mexps
           then True
           else (nonEmptyList moduleExports)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return True if an identifier is exported by the module currently
-- being refactored.
isExported :: GHC.Name -> RefactGhc Bool
isExported n = do
  typechecked <- getTypecheckedModule
  let modInfo = GHC.tm_checked_module_info typechecked
  return $ GHC.modInfoIsExportedName modInfo n

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return True if an identifier is explicitly exported by the module.
isExplicitlyExported:: NameMap
                    -> GHC.Name           -- ^ The identifier
                    -> GHC.ParsedSource -- ^ The AST of the module
                    -> Bool              -- ^ The result
isExplicitlyExported nm pn (GHC.L _ p)
  = findNameInRdr nm pn  (GHC.hsmodExports p)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Check if the proposed new name will conflict with an existing export
causeNameClashInExports::  NameMap
                        -> GHC.Name          -- ^ The original name
                        -> GHC.Name          -- ^ The new name
                        -> GHC.ModuleName    -- ^ The identity of the module
                        -> GHC.ParsedSource -- ^ The AST of the module
                        -> Bool              -- ^ The result

-- Note that in the abstract representation of exps, there is no qualified entities.
causeNameClashInExports nm pn newName modName parsed@(GHC.L _ p)
  = let exps = GHC.unLoc $ fromMaybe (GHC.noLoc []) (GHC.hsmodExports p)
        varExps = concatMap nameFromExport $ filter isImpVar exps
        nameFromExport (GHC.L _ (GHC.IEVar x)) = [rdrName2NamePure nm x]
        nameFromExport _                       = []
        -- TODO: make withoutQual part of the API
        withoutQual n = showGhc $ GHC.localiseName n
        modNames=nub (concatMap (\x -> if withoutQual x== withoutQual newName
                                         then [GHC.moduleName $ GHC.nameModule x]
                                         else []) varExps)
        res = (isExplicitlyExported nm pn parsed) &&
               ( any modIsUnQualifedImported modNames
                 || elem modName modNames)
    in res
    isImpVar (GHC.L _ x) = case x of
      GHC.IEVar _ -> True
      _           -> False

    modIsUnQualifedImported modName'
      in isJust $ find (\(GHC.L _ (GHC.ImportDecl _ (GHC.L _ modName1) _qualify _source _safe isQualified _isImplicit _as _h))
                                -> modName1 == modName' && (not isQualified)) (GHC.hsmodImports p)

-- Original seems to be
--   1. pick up any module names in the export list with same unQual
     --   part as the new name
--   2. Check if the old is exported explicitly
--   3.  if so, if the new module is exported unqualified
--        or belongs to the current module
--       then it will cause a clash


-- | Return True if the identifier is unqualifiedly used in the given syntax
-- phrase. Check in a way that the test can be done in a client module, i.e. not
-- using the nameUnique
-- usedWithoutQualR :: GHC.Name -> GHC.ParsedSource -> Bool
usedWithoutQualR :: (SYB.Data t) => GHC.Name -> t -> Bool
usedWithoutQualR name t = isJust $ SYB.something (inName) t
     inName :: (SYB.Typeable a) => a -> Maybe Bool
     inName = nameSybQuery checkName

     -- ----------------

     checkName ((GHC.L _ pn)::GHC.Located GHC.RdrName)
        -- Check the OccName match, for use in a client module refactoring
        | ((GHC.rdrNameOcc pn) == (GHC.nameOccName name)) &&
          GHC.isUnqual pn     = Just True
     checkName _ = Nothing


getModule :: RefactGhc GHC.Module
getModule = do
  typechecked <- getTypecheckedModule
  return $ GHC.ms_mod $ GHC.pm_mod_summary $ GHC.tm_parsed_module typechecked

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return True if a string is a lexically  valid variable name.
isVarId :: String -> Bool
isVarId mid = isId mid && isSmall (ghead "isVarId" mid)
     where isSmall c=isLower c || c=='_'

-- | Return True if a string is a lexically valid constructor name.
isConId :: String -> Bool
isConId mid = isId mid && isUpper (ghead "isConId" mid)

-- | Return True if a string is a lexically valid operator name.
isOperator :: String -> Bool
isOperator mid = mid /= [] && isOpSym (ghead "isOperator" mid) &&
                isLegalOpTail (tail mid) && not (isReservedOp mid)
    isOpSym mid' = elem mid' opSymbols
       where opSymbols = ['!', '#', '$', '%', '&', '*', '+','.','/','<','=','>','?','@','\'','^','|','-','~']

    isLegalOpTail tail' = all isLegal tail'
       where isLegal c = isOpSym c || c==':'

    isReservedOp mid' = elem mid' reservedOps
       where reservedOps = ["..", ":","::","=","\"", "|","<-","@","~","=>"]

-- | Returns True if a string lexically is an identifier.
-- *This function should not be exported.*
isId mid = mid/=[] && isLegalIdTail (tail mid) && not (isReservedId mid)
    isLegalIdTail tail' = all isLegal tail'
        where isLegal c=isSmall c|| isUpper c || isDigit c || c=='\''

    isReservedId mid' = elem mid' reservedIds
      where reservedIds=["case", "class", "data", "default", "deriving","do","else" ,"if",
                         "import", "in", "infix","infixl","infixr","instance","let","module",
                         "newtype", "of","then","type","where","_"]

    isSmall c=isLower c || c=='_'


-- |Return True if a PName is a toplevel PName.
isTopLevelPN::GHC.Name -> RefactGhc Bool
isTopLevelPN n = do
  typechecked <- getTypecheckedModule
  let maybeNames = GHC.modInfoTopLevelScope $ GHC.tm_checked_module_info typechecked
  let names = fromMaybe [] maybeNames
  return $ n `elem` names

-- |Return True if a PName is a local PName.
isLocalPN::GHC.Name -> Bool
isLocalPN = GHC.isInternalName

-- |Return True if the name has a @GHC.SrcSpan@, i.e. is declared in
-- source we care about
isNonLibraryName :: GHC.Name -> Bool
isNonLibraryName n = case (GHC.nameSrcSpan n) of
  GHC.UnhelpfulSpan _ -> False
  _                   -> True

-- |Return True if a PName is a function\/pattern name defined in t.
isFunOrPatName :: (SYB.Data t) => NameMap -> GHC.Name -> t -> Bool
isFunOrPatName nm pn
   = isJust . SYB.something (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker `SYB.extQ` workerDecl)
        worker (decl::GHC.LHsBind GHC.RdrName)
           | definesRdr nm pn decl = Just True
        worker _ = Nothing

        workerDecl (GHC.L l (GHC.ValD decl)::GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName)
           | definesRdr nm pn (GHC.L l decl) = Just True
        workerDecl _ = Nothing

-- |Return True if a PName is a qualified PName.
--  AZ:NOTE: this tests the use instance, the underlying name may be qualified.
--           e.g. used name is zip, GHC.List.zip
--     NOTE2: not sure if this gives a meaningful result for a GHC.Name
isQualifiedPN :: GHC.Name -> RefactGhc Bool
isQualifiedPN name = return $ GHC.isQual $ GHC.nameRdrName name

-- | Return True if a declaration is a type signature declaration.
isTypeSig :: GHC.LSig a -> Bool
isTypeSig (GHC.L _ (GHC.TypeSig{})) = True
isTypeSig _ = False

-- | Return True if a declaration is a type signature declaration.
isTypeSigDecl :: GHC.LHsDecl a -> Bool
isTypeSigDecl (GHC.L _ (GHC.SigD (GHC.TypeSig{}))) = True
isTypeSigDecl _ = False

-- | Return True if a declaration is a function definition.
isFunBindP :: GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName -> Bool
isFunBindP (GHC.L _ (GHC.ValD (GHC.FunBind{}))) = True
isFunBindP _ =False

isFunBindR::GHC.LHsBind t -> Bool
isFunBindR (GHC.L _l (GHC.FunBind{})) = True
isFunBindR _ =False

-- | Returns True if a declaration is a pattern binding.
isPatBindP :: GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName -> Bool
isPatBindP (GHC.L _ (GHC.ValD (GHC.PatBind _ _ _ _ _))) = True
isPatBindP _=False

isPatBindR :: GHC.LHsBind t -> Bool
isPatBindR (GHC.L _ (GHC.PatBind _ _ _ _ _)) = True
isPatBindR _=False

-- | Return True if a declaration is a pattern binding which only
-- defines a variable value.
isSimplePatDecl :: GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName -> Bool
isSimplePatDecl decl = case decl of
     (GHC.L _l (GHC.ValD (GHC.PatBind p _rhs _ty _fvs _))) -> hsNamessRdr p /= []
     _ -> False

-- | Return True if a declaration is a pattern binding which only
-- defines a variable value.
isSimplePatBind :: (GHC.DataId t) => GHC.LHsBind t-> Bool
isSimplePatBind decl = case decl of
     (GHC.L _l (GHC.PatBind p _rhs _ty _fvs _)) -> hsNamessRdr p /= []
     _ -> False

-- | Return True if a declaration is a pattern binding but not a simple one.
isComplexPatDecl::GHC.LHsDecl name -> Bool
isComplexPatDecl (GHC.L l (GHC.ValD decl)) = isComplexPatBind (GHC.L l decl)
isComplexPatDecl _ = False

-- | Return True if a LHsBin is a pattern binding but not a simple one.
isComplexPatBind::GHC.LHsBind name -> Bool
isComplexPatBind decl
  = case decl of
     (GHC.L _l (GHC.PatBind (GHC.L _ (GHC.VarPat _)) _rhs _ty _fvs _)) -> True
     _ -> False

-- | Return True if a declaration is a function\/pattern definition.
isFunOrPatBindP :: HsDeclP -> Bool
isFunOrPatBindP decl = isFunBindP decl || isPatBindP decl

-- | Return True if a declaration is a function\/pattern definition.
isFunOrPatBindR :: GHC.LHsBind t -> Bool
isFunOrPatBindR decl = isFunBindR decl || isPatBindR decl

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Returns True is a syntax phrase, say a, is part of another syntax
-- phrase, say b.
-- Expects to be at least Parser output
findEntity':: (SYB.Data a, SYB.Data b)
              => a -> b -> Maybe (SimpPos,SimpPos)
findEntity' a b = res
    -- ++AZ++ do a generic traversal, and see if it matches.
    res = SYB.somethingStaged SYB.Parser Nothing worker b

    worker :: (SYB.Data c)
           => c -> Maybe (SimpPos,SimpPos)
    worker x = if SYB.typeOf a == SYB.typeOf x
                 -- then Just (getStartEndLoc b == getStartEndLoc a)
                 then Just (getStartEndLoc x)
                 else Nothing


sameBindRdr :: NameMap -> GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName -> GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName -> Bool
sameBindRdr nm b1 b2 = (definedNamesRdr nm b1) == (definedNamesRdr nm b2)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- TODO: is this the same is isUsedInRhs?
class (SYB.Data t) => UsedByRhs t where

    -- | Return True if any of the GHC.Name's appear in the given
    -- syntax element
    usedByRhsRdr :: NameMap -> t -> [GHC.Name] -> Bool

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.HsModule GHC.RdrName) where

   -- Not a meaningful question at this level
   usedByRhsRdr _ _parsed _pns = False

-- -------------------------------------

instance (UsedByRhs a) => UsedByRhs (GHC.Located a) where
   usedByRhsRdr nm (GHC.L _ d) pns = usedByRhsRdr nm d pns

-- -------------------------------------

instance (UsedByRhs a) => UsedByRhs (Maybe a) where
  usedByRhsRdr _  Nothing  _   = False
  usedByRhsRdr nm (Just a) pns = usedByRhsRdr nm a pns

-- -------------------------------------

instance UsedByRhs [GHC.LIE GHC.RdrName] where
    usedByRhsRdr nm ds pns = or $ map (\d -> usedByRhsRdr nm d pns) ds

-- -------------------------------------

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.IE GHC.RdrName) where
   usedByRhsRdr _ _ _ = False

-- -------------------------------------

instance UsedByRhs [GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName] where
  usedByRhsRdr nm ds pns = or $ map (\d -> usedByRhsRdr nm d pns) ds

-- -------------------------------------

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.HsDecl GHC.RdrName) where
  usedByRhsRdr nm de pns =
   case de of
      GHC.TyClD d       -> f d
      GHC.InstD d       -> f d
      GHC.DerivD d      -> f d
      GHC.ValD d        -> f d
      GHC.SigD d        -> f d
      GHC.DefD d        -> f d
      GHC.ForD d        -> f d
      GHC.WarningD d    -> f d
      GHC.AnnD d        -> f d
      GHC.RuleD d       -> f d
      GHC.VectD d       -> f d
      GHC.SpliceD d     -> f d
      GHC.DocD d        -> f d
      GHC.RoleAnnotD d  -> f d
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 711
      GHC.QuasiQuoteD d -> f d
       f d' = usedByRhsRdr nm d' pns

-- -------------------------------------

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.TyClDecl GHC.RdrName) where
  usedByRhsRdr = assert False undefined

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.InstDecl GHC.RdrName) where
  usedByRhsRdr = assert False undefined

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.DerivDecl GHC.RdrName) where
  usedByRhsRdr = assert False undefined

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.ForeignDecl GHC.RdrName) where
  usedByRhsRdr = assert False undefined

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.WarnDecls GHC.RdrName) where
  usedByRhsRdr = assert False undefined

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.AnnDecl GHC.RdrName) where
  usedByRhsRdr = assert False undefined

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.RoleAnnotDecl GHC.RdrName) where
  usedByRhsRdr = assert False undefined

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
instance UsedByRhs (GHC.HsQuasiQuote GHC.RdrName) where
  usedByRhsRdr = assert False undefined

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.DefaultDecl GHC.RdrName) where
  usedByRhsRdr = assert False undefined

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.SpliceDecl GHC.RdrName) where
  usedByRhsRdr = assert False undefined

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.VectDecl GHC.RdrName) where
  usedByRhsRdr = assert False undefined

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.RuleDecls GHC.RdrName) where
  usedByRhsRdr = assert False undefined

instance UsedByRhs GHC.DocDecl where
  usedByRhsRdr = assert False undefined

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.Sig GHC.RdrName) where
  usedByRhsRdr _ _ _ = False

-- -------------------------------------

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.Match GHC.RdrName (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName)) where
  usedByRhsRdr nm (GHC.Match _ _ _ (GHC.GRHSs rhs _)) pns
    = findNamesRdr nm pns rhs

-- -------------------------------------

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.HsBind GHC.RdrName) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
  usedByRhsRdr nm  (GHC.FunBind _ _ matches _ _ _)        pns = findNamesRdr nm pns matches
  usedByRhsRdr nm  (GHC.FunBind _ matches _ _ _)          pns = findNamesRdr nm pns matches
  usedByRhsRdr nm  (GHC.PatBind _ rhs _ _ _)              pns = findNamesRdr nm pns rhs
  usedByRhsRdr nm  (GHC.PatSynBind (GHC.PSB _ _ _ rhs _)) pns = findNamesRdr nm pns rhs
  usedByRhsRdr nm  (GHC.VarBind _ rhs _)                  pns = findNamesRdr nm pns rhs
  usedByRhsRdr _nm (GHC.AbsBinds _ _ _ _ _)              _pns = False
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 710
  usedByRhsRdr _nm (GHC.AbsBindsSig _ _ _ _ _ _)         _pns = False

-- -------------------------------------

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.HsExpr GHC.RdrName) where
  usedByRhsRdr nm (GHC.HsLet _lb e) pns = findNamesRdr nm pns e
  usedByRhsRdr _ e                 _pns = error $ "undefined usedByRhsRdr:" ++ (showGhc e)

-- -------------------------------------

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.Stmt GHC.RdrName (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName)) where
  usedByRhsRdr nm (GHC.LetStmt lb) pns = findNamesRdr nm pns lb
  usedByRhsRdr _ s               _pns = error $ "undefined usedByRhsRdr:" ++ (showGhc s)


-- |Find the identifier with the given name. This looks through the
-- given syntax phrase for the first GHC.Name which matches. Because
-- it is Renamed source, the GHC.Name will include its defining
-- location. Returns Nothing if the name is not found.

getName::(SYB.Data t)=> String           -- ^ The name to find
                     -> t                -- ^ The syntax phrase
                     -> Maybe GHC.Name   -- ^ The result
getName str t
  = res
  -- ++AZ++:TODO use nameSybQuery?
        res = SYB.somethingStaged SYB.Renamer Nothing
            (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
                     `SYB.extQ` workerBind
                     `SYB.extQ` workerExpr
            ) t

        worker ((GHC.L _ n) :: (GHC.Located GHC.Name))
          | showGhcQual n == str = Just n
        worker _ = Nothing

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
        workerBind (GHC.L _ (GHC.VarPat name) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.Pat GHC.Name)))
          | showGhcQual name == str = Just name
        workerBind _ = Nothing

        workerExpr ((GHC.L _ (GHC.HsVar name)) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name)))
          | showGhcQual name == str = Just name
        workerExpr _ = Nothing

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Add identifiers to the export list of a module. If the second argument is
-- like: Just p, then do the adding only if p occurs in the export list, and the
-- new identifiers are added right after p in the export list. Otherwise the new
-- identifiers are add to the beginning of the export list. In the case that the
-- export list is emport, then if the third argument is True, then create an
-- explict export list to contain only the new identifiers, otherwise do
-- nothing.

addImportDecl ::
    -> GHC.ModuleName
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
    -> Maybe GHC.FastString -- ^qualifier
    -> Maybe GHC.StringLiteral -- ^qualifier
    -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
    -> Maybe String         -- ^alias
    -> Bool
    -> [GHC.RdrName]
    -> RefactGhc GHC.ParsedSource
-- addImportDecl (groupedDecls,imp, b, c) modName pkgQual source safe qualify alias hide idNames
addImportDecl (GHC.L l p) modName pkgQual source safe qualify alias hide idNames
  = do
       let imp = GHC.hsmodImports p
       impDecl <- mkImpDecl
       newSpan <- liftT uniqueSrcSpanT
       let newImp = GHC.L newSpan impDecl
       liftT $ addSimpleAnnT newImp (DP (1,0)) [((G GHC.AnnImport),DP (0,0))]
       return (GHC.L l p { GHC.hsmodImports = (imp++[newImp])})

     alias' = case alias of
                  Just stringName -> Just $ GHC.mkModuleName stringName
                  _               -> Nothing

     mkImpDecl = do
       newSpan1 <- liftT uniqueSrcSpanT
       newSpan2 <- liftT uniqueSrcSpanT
       newEnts <- mkNewEntList idNames
       let lNewEnts = GHC.L newSpan2 newEnts
       -- logm $ "addImportDecl.mkImpDecl:adding anns for:" ++ showGhc lNewEnts
       liftT $ addSimpleAnnT lNewEnts (DP (0,1)) [((G GHC.AnnHiding),DP (0,0)),((G GHC.AnnOpenP),DP (0,1)),((G GHC.AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))]
       let lmodname = GHC.L newSpan1 modName
       liftT $ addSimpleAnnT lmodname (DP (0,1)) [((G GHC.AnnVal),DP (0,0))]
       return $ GHC.ImportDecl
                        { GHC.ideclSourceSrc = Nothing
                        , GHC.ideclName      = lmodname
                        , GHC.ideclPkgQual   = pkgQual
                        , GHC.ideclSource    = source
                        , GHC.ideclSafe      = safe
                        , GHC.ideclQualified = qualify
                        , GHC.ideclImplicit  = False
                        , GHC.ideclAs        = alias'
                        , GHC.ideclHiding    =
                                      (if idNames == [] && hide == False then
                                            (Just (hide, lNewEnts)))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Adding a declaration to the declaration list of the given syntax
-- phrase. If the second argument is Nothing, then the declaration
-- will be added to the beginning of the declaration list, but after
-- the data type declarations is there is any.
addDecl:: (SYB.Data t,SYB.Typeable t)
        => t              -- ^The AST to be updated
        -> Maybe GHC.Name -- ^If this is Just, then the declaration
                          -- will be added right after this
                          -- identifier's definition.
        -> ([GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName],  Maybe Anns)
             -- ^ The declaration with optional signatures to be added, together
             -- with optional Annotations.
        -> RefactGhc t

addDecl parent pn (declSig, mDeclAnns) = do
  logm $ "addDecl:declSig=" ++ showGhc declSig
  case mDeclAnns of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just declAnns -> -- addRefactAnns declAnns
      liftT $ modifyAnnsT (mergeAnns declAnns)
  case pn of
    Just pn' -> appendDecl   parent pn' declSig
    Nothing  -> addLocalDecl parent     declSig
  setDeclSpacing newDeclSig n c = do
    -- First clear any previous indentation
    mapM_ (\d -> setPrecedingLinesDeclT d 1 0) newDeclSig
    setPrecedingLinesT (ghead "addDecl" newDeclSig) n c
    -- mapM_ (\d -> setPrecedingLinesT d 1 0) (gtail "addDecl" newDeclSig)

  appendDecl :: (SYB.Data t)
      => t        -- ^Original AST
      -> GHC.Name -- ^Name to add the declaration after
      -> [GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName] -- ^declaration and maybe sig
      -> RefactGhc t -- ^updated AST
  appendDecl parent1 pn' newDeclSig = do
    hasDeclsSybTransform workerHsDecls workerBind parent1
      workerHsDecls :: forall t. HasDecls t => t -> RefactGhc t
      workerHsDecls parent' = do
        -- logm $ "addDecl.appendDecl:(pn')=" ++ showGhc pn'
        liftT $ setDeclSpacing newDeclSig 2 0
        nameMap <- getRefactNameMap
        decls <- liftT $ hsDecls parent'
           (before,after) = break (definesDeclRdr nameMap pn') decls

        -- logm $ "addDecl.appendDecl:(before,after)=" ++ showGhc (before,after)
        let (decls1,decls2) = case after of
              [] -> (before,[])
              _  -> (before ++ [ghead "appendDecl14" after],
                     gtail "appendDecl15" after)
        unless (null decls1 || null decls2) $ do liftT $ balanceComments (last decls1) (head decls2)
        liftT $ replaceDecls parent' (decls1++newDeclSig++decls2)

      workerBind :: (GHC.LHsBind GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsBind GHC.RdrName))
      workerBind = assert False undefined

  addLocalDecl :: (SYB.Typeable t,SYB.Data t)
               => t -> [GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName]
               -> RefactGhc t
  addLocalDecl parent' newDeclSig = do
    logm $ "addLocalDecl entered"
    -- logDataWithAnns "addLocalDecl.parent'" parent'
    hasDeclsSybTransform workerHasDecls workerBind parent'
      workerDecls :: [GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName] -> RefactGhc [GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName]
      workerDecls decls = do
         logm $ "workerDecls entered"
         case decls of
           [] -> liftT $ setDeclSpacing newDeclSig 2 0
           ds -> do
             DP (r,c) <- liftT (getEntryDPT (head ds))
             liftT $ setDeclSpacing newDeclSig r c
             liftT $ setPrecedingLinesT (head ds) 2 0
         return (newDeclSig++decls)

      workerHasDecls :: (HasDecls t) => t -> RefactGhc t
      workerHasDecls p = do
         logm $ "workerHasDecls entered"
         decls <- liftT (hsDecls p)
         decls' <- workerDecls decls
         r <- liftT $ replaceDecls p decls'
         return r

      workerBind :: GHC.LHsBind GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsBind GHC.RdrName)
      workerBind b = do
        logm $ "workerBind entered"
        case b of
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
          GHC.L l (GHC.FunBind n i (GHC.MG [match] a ptt o) co fvs t) -> do
          GHC.L l (GHC.FunBind n (GHC.MG (GHC.L lm [match]) a ptt o) co fvs t) -> do
            match' <- workerHasDecls match
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
            return (GHC.L l (GHC.FunBind n i (GHC.MG [match'] a ptt o) co fvs t))
            return (GHC.L l (GHC.FunBind n (GHC.MG (GHC.L lm [match']) a ptt o) co fvs t))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
          GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind _ _ (GHC.MG _matches _ _ _) _ _ _) -> do
          GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind _ (GHC.MG _matches _ _ _) _ _ _) -> do
            error "addDecl:Cannot add a local decl to a FunBind with multiple matches"
          p@(GHC.L _ (GHC.PatBind _pat _rhs _ty _fvs _t)) -> do
            logm $ "workerBind.PatBind entered"
            decls <- liftT (hsDeclsPatBind p)
            decls' <- workerDecls decls
            r <- liftT $ replaceDeclsPatBind p decls'
            return r

          x -> error $ "addLocalDecl.workerBind:not processing:" ++ SYB.showData SYB.Parser 0 x

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

rdrNameFromName :: Bool -> GHC.Name -> RefactGhc GHC.RdrName
rdrNameFromName useQual newName = do
  mname <- case (GHC.nameModule_maybe newName) of
      Just (GHC.Module _ mn) -> return mn
      Nothing -> do
        GHC.Module _ mn <- getRefactModule
        return mn

  if useQual
    then return $ GHC.mkRdrQual mname (GHC.nameOccName newName)
    else return $ GHC.mkRdrUnqual     (GHC.nameOccName newName)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | add items to the hiding list of an import declaration which
-- imports the specified module.
     GHC.ModuleName       -- ^ The imported module name
  -> GHC.ParsedSource     -- ^ The current module
  -> [GHC.RdrName]        -- ^ The items to be added
  -> RefactGhc GHC.ParsedSource -- ^ The result
addHiding mn p ns = do
  logm $ "addHiding called for (module,names):" ++ showGhc (mn,ns)
  p' <- addItemsToImport' mn p (Left ns) Hide
  putRefactParsed p' emptyAnns
  return p'

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Creates a new entity list for hiding a name in an ImportDecl.
mkNewEntList :: [GHC.RdrName] -> RefactGhc [GHC.LIE GHC.RdrName]
mkNewEntList idNames = do
  case idNames of
    [] -> return []
    _ -> do
      newEntsInit <- mapM (mkNewEnt True) (init idNames)
      newEntsLast <- mkNewEnt False (last idNames)
      return (newEntsInit ++ [newEntsLast])

-- | Creates a new entity for hiding a name in an ImportDecl.
mkNewEnt :: Bool -> GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.LIE GHC.RdrName)
mkNewEnt addCommaAnn pn = do
  newSpan <- liftT uniqueSrcSpanT
  let lpn = GHC.L newSpan pn
  if addCommaAnn
    then liftT $ addSimpleAnnT lpn (DP (0,0)) [((G GHC.AnnVal),DP (0,0)),((G GHC.AnnComma),DP (0,0))]
    else liftT $ addSimpleAnnT lpn (DP (0,0)) [((G GHC.AnnVal),DP (0,0))]
  return (GHC.L newSpan (GHC.IEVar lpn))

-- | Represents the operation type we want to select on addItemsToImport'
data ImportType = Hide     -- ^ Used for addHiding
                | Import   -- ^ Used for addItemsToImport

-- | Add identifiers (given by the third argument) to the explicit entity list
--   in the declaration importing the specified module name. This function does
--   nothing if the import declaration does not have an explicit entity list.
addItemsToImport ::
     GHC.ModuleName        -- ^ The imported module name
  -> Maybe GHC.Name       -- ^ The condition identifier.
  -> Either [GHC.RdrName] [GHC.LIE GHC.RdrName] -- ^ The items to be added
  -> GHC.ParsedSource      -- ^ The current module
  -> RefactGhc GHC.ParsedSource -- ^ The result
addItemsToImport mn mc ns r = addItemsToImport' mn r ns Import

-- | Add identifiers (given by the third argument) to the explicit entity list
--   in the declaration importing the specified module name. If the ImportType
--   argument is Hide, then the items will be added to the "hiding" list. If it
--   is Import, they will be added to the explicit import entries. This function
--   does nothing if the import declaration does not have an explicit entity
--   list and ImportType is Import.
     GHC.ModuleName       -- ^ The imported module name
  -> GHC.ParsedSource     -- ^ The current module
  -- -> [GHC.RdrName]        -- ^ The items to be added
  -> Either [GHC.RdrName] [GHC.LIE GHC.RdrName] -- ^ The items to be added
--  ->Maybe GHC.Name       -- ^ The condition identifier.
  -> ImportType           -- ^ Whether to hide the names or import them. Uses special data for clarity.
  -> RefactGhc GHC.ParsedSource -- ^ The result
addItemsToImport' serverModName (GHC.L l p) pns impType = do
    let imps = GHC.hsmodImports p
    imps' <- mapM inImport imps
    return $ GHC.L l p {GHC.hsmodImports = imps'}
    isHide = case impType of
             Hide   -> True
             Import -> False

    inImport :: GHC.LImportDecl GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.LImportDecl GHC.RdrName)
    inImport imp@(GHC.L _ (GHC.ImportDecl _st (GHC.L _ modName) _qualify _source _safe isQualified _isImplicit _as h))
      | serverModName == modName  && not isQualified -- && (if isJust pn then findPN (gfromJust "addItemsToImport" pn) h else True)
       = case h of
           Nothing                          -> insertEnts imp []   True
           Just (_isHide, (GHC.L _le ents)) -> insertEnts imp ents False
    inImport x = return x

    insertEnts ::
      GHC.LImportDecl GHC.RdrName
      -> [GHC.LIE GHC.RdrName]
      -> Bool -- True means there are already existing entities
      -> RefactGhc ( GHC.LImportDecl GHC.RdrName )
    insertEnts imp ents isNew = do
        logm $ "addItemsToImport':insertEnts:(imp,ents,isNew):" ++ showGhc (imp,ents,isNew)
        if isNew && not isHide then return imp
         else do
            logm $ "addItemsToImport':insertEnts:doing stuff"
            newSpan <- liftT uniqueSrcSpanT
            -- newEnts <- mkNewEntList pns
            newEnts <- case pns of
                            Left pns'  -> mkNewEntList pns'
                            Right pns' -> return pns'
            let lNewEnts = GHC.L newSpan (ents++newEnts)
            logm $ "addImportDecl.mkImpDecl:adding anns for:" ++ showGhc lNewEnts
            if isHide
                liftT $ addSimpleAnnT lNewEnts (DP (0,1)) [((G GHC.AnnHiding),DP (0,0)),((G GHC.AnnOpenP),DP (0,1)),((G GHC.AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))]
                liftT $ addSimpleAnnT lNewEnts (DP (0,1)) [((G GHC.AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G GHC.AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))]
            when (not (null ents)) $ do liftT (addTrailingCommaT (last ents))
            return (replaceHiding imp  (Just (isHide, lNewEnts)))

    replaceHiding (GHC.L l1 (GHC.ImportDecl st mn q src safe isQ isImp as _h)) h1 =
                  (GHC.L l1 (GHC.ImportDecl st mn q src safe isQ isImp as h1))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

addParamsToSigs :: [GHC.Name] -> GHC.LSig GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.LSig GHC.RdrName)
addParamsToSigs [] ms = return ms
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
addParamsToSigs newParams (GHC.L l (GHC.TypeSig lns ltyp pns)) = do
addParamsToSigs newParams (GHC.L l (GHC.TypeSig lns (GHC.HsIB ivs (GHC.HsWC wcs mwc ltyp)))) = do
  logm $ "addParamsToSigs:newParams=" ++ showGhc newParams
  mts <- mapM getTypeForName newParams
  let ts = catMaybes mts
  logm $ "addParamsToSigs:ts=" ++ showGhc ts
  logDataWithAnns "addParamsToSigs:ts=" ts
  let newStr = ":: " ++ (intercalate " -> " $ map printSigComponent ts) ++ " -> "
  logm $ "addParamsToSigs:newStr=[" ++ newStr ++ "]"
  typ' <- liftT $ foldlM addOneType ltyp (reverse ts)
  sigOk <- isNewSignatureOk ts
  logm $ "addParamsToSigs:(sigOk,newStr)=" ++ show (sigOk,newStr)
  if sigOk
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
    then return (GHC.L l (GHC.TypeSig lns typ' pns))
    then return (GHC.L l (GHC.TypeSig lns (GHC.HsIB ivs (GHC.HsWC wcs mwc typ'))))
    else error $ "\nNew type signature may fail type checking: " ++ newStr ++ "\n"
    addOneType :: GHC.LHsType GHC.RdrName -> GHC.Type -> Transform (GHC.LHsType GHC.RdrName)
    addOneType et t = do
      hst <- typeToLHsType t
      ss1 <- uniqueSrcSpanT
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
      hst1 <- case t of
        (GHC.FunTy _ _) -> do
          ss <- uniqueSrcSpanT
          let t1 = GHC.L ss (GHC.HsParTy hst)
          setEntryDPT hst (DP (0,0))
          addSimpleAnnT t1  (DP (0,0)) [((G GHC.AnnOpenP),DP (0,1)),((G GHC.AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))]
          return t1
        _ -> return hst
      let typ = GHC.L ss1 (GHC.HsFunTy hst1 et)

      addSimpleAnnT typ (DP (0,0)) [((G GHC.AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))]
      hst1 <- case t of
         -- GHC 8: (ForAllTy (Anon arg) res used to be called FunTy arg res.)
        (GHC.ForAllTy (GHC.Anon _) _) -> do
          ss <- uniqueSrcSpanT
          let t1 = GHC.L ss (GHC.HsParTy hst)
          setEntryDPT hst (DP (0,0))
          addSimpleAnnT t1  (DP (0,0)) [((G GHC.AnnOpenP),DP (0,1)),((G GHC.AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))]
          return t1
        _ -> return hst
      let typ = GHC.L ss1 (GHC.HsFunTy hst1 et)

      -- let typ = error $ "addParamsToSigs:need to update for GHC 8:hst=" ++ SYB.showData SYB.Parser 0 hst
      -- let typ = GHC.L ss1 (GHC.HsFunTy hst et)

      addSimpleAnnT typ (DP (0,0)) [((G GHC.AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))]
      return typ

    printSigComponent :: GHC.Type -> String
    printSigComponent x = ppType x

addParamsToSigs np ls = error $ "addParamsToSigs: no match for:" ++ showGhc (np,ls)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Fail any signature having a forall in it.
-- TODO: this is unnecesarily restrictive, but needs
-- a) proper reversing of GHC.Type to GHC.LhsType
-- b) some serious reverse type inference to ensure that the
--    constraints are modified properly to merge the old signature
--    part and the new.
isNewSignatureOk :: [GHC.Type] -> RefactGhc Bool
isNewSignatureOk types = do
  logm $ "isNewSignatureOk:types=" ++ SYB.showData SYB.Parser 0 types
  -- NOTE: under some circumstances enabling Rank2Types or RankNTypes
  --       can resolve the type conflict, this can potentially be checked
  --       for.
  -- NOTE2: perhaps proceed and reload the tentative refactoring into
  --        the GHC session and accept it only if it type checks

  -- GHC 8: (ForAllTy (Anon arg) res used to be called FunTy arg res.)

    r = SYB.everythingStaged SYB.TypeChecker (++) []
          ([] `SYB.mkQ` usesForAll) types
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
    usesForAll (GHC.ForAllTy _ _) = [1::Int]
    usesForAll (GHC.ForAllTy (GHC.Named _ _) _) = [1::Int]
    usesForAll _                  = []

  return $ emptyList r

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- TODO: complete this
typeToLHsType :: GHC.Type -> Transform (GHC.LHsType GHC.RdrName)
typeToLHsType (GHC.TyVarTy v)   = do
  ss <- uniqueSrcSpanT
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
  let typ = GHC.L ss (GHC.HsTyVar (GHC.nameRdrName $ Var.varName v))
  let typ = GHC.L ss (GHC.HsTyVar (GHC.L ss (GHC.nameRdrName $ Var.varName v)))
  addSimpleAnnT typ (DP (0,0)) [((G GHC.AnnVal),DP (0,0))]
  return typ

typeToLHsType (GHC.AppTy t1 t2) = do
  t1' <- typeToLHsType t1
  t2' <- typeToLHsType t2
  ss <- uniqueSrcSpanT
  return $ GHC.L ss (GHC.HsAppTy t1' t2')

typeToLHsType t@(GHC.TyConApp _tc _ts) = tyConAppToHsType t

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
typeToLHsType (GHC.FunTy t1 t2) = do
  t1' <- typeToLHsType t1
  t2' <- typeToLHsType t2
  ss <- uniqueSrcSpanT
  let typ = GHC.L ss (GHC.HsFunTy t1' t2')
  addSimpleAnnT typ (DP (0,0)) [((G GHC.AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))]
  return typ
-- GHC 8: (ForAllTy (Anon arg) res used to be called FunTy arg res.)
typeToLHsType (GHC.ForAllTy (GHC.Anon t1) t2) = do
  t1' <- typeToLHsType t1
  t2' <- typeToLHsType t2
  ss <- uniqueSrcSpanT
  let typ = GHC.L ss (GHC.HsFunTy t1' t2')
  addSimpleAnnT typ (DP (0,0)) [((G GHC.AnnRarrow),DP (0,1))]
  return typ

typeToLHsType (GHC.ForAllTy _v t) = do
  t' <- typeToLHsType t
  ss1 <- uniqueSrcSpanT
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
  ss2 <- uniqueSrcSpanT
  return $ GHC.L ss1 (GHC.HsForAllTy GHC.Explicit Nothing (GHC.HsQTvs [] []) (GHC.L ss2 []) t')
  return $ GHC.L ss1 (GHC.HsForAllTy [] t')

typeToLHsType (GHC.LitTy (GHC.NumTyLit i)) = do
  ss <- uniqueSrcSpanT
  let typ = GHC.L ss (GHC.HsTyLit (GHC.HsNumTy (show i) i)) :: GHC.LHsType GHC.RdrName
  addSimpleAnnT typ (DP (0,0)) [((G GHC.AnnVal),DP (0,0))]
  return typ

typeToLHsType (GHC.LitTy (GHC.StrTyLit s)) = do
  ss <- uniqueSrcSpanT
  let typ = GHC.L ss (GHC.HsTyLit (GHC.HsStrTy "" s)) :: GHC.LHsType GHC.RdrName
  addSimpleAnnT typ (DP (0,0)) [((G GHC.AnnVal),DP (0,0))]
  return typ

data Type
  = TyVarTy Var	-- ^ Vanilla type or kind variable (*never* a coercion variable)

  | AppTy         -- See Note [AppTy invariant]
	Type		-- ^ Type application to something other than a 'TyCon'. Parameters:
                        --  1) Function: must /not/ be a 'TyConApp',
                        --     must be another 'AppTy', or 'TyVarTy'
	                --  2) Argument type

  | TyConApp      -- See Note [AppTy invariant]
	[KindOrType]	-- ^ Application of a 'TyCon', including newtypes /and/ synonyms.
	                -- Invariant: saturated appliations of 'FunTyCon' must
	                -- use 'FunTy' and saturated synonyms must use their own
                        -- constructors. However, /unsaturated/ 'FunTyCon's
                        -- do appear as 'TyConApp's.
	                -- Parameters:
	                -- 1) Type constructor being applied to.
                        -- 2) Type arguments. Might not have enough type arguments
                        --    here to saturate the constructor.
                        --    Even type synonyms are not necessarily saturated;
                        --    for example unsaturated type synonyms
	                --    can appear as the right hand side of a type synonym.

  | FunTy
	Type		-- ^ Special case of 'TyConApp': @TyConApp FunTyCon [t1, t2]@
			-- See Note [Equality-constrained types]

  | ForAllTy
	Var         -- Type or kind variable
	Type	        -- ^ A polymorphic type

  | LitTy TyLit     -- ^ Type literals are simillar to type constructors.


tyConAppToHsType :: GHC.Type -> Transform (GHC.LHsType GHC.RdrName)
tyConAppToHsType (GHC.TyConApp tc _ts) = r (show $ GHC.tyConName tc)
    r str = do
      ss <- uniqueSrcSpanT
      let typ = GHC.L ss (GHC.HsTyLit (GHC.HsStrTy str $ GHC.mkFastString str)) :: GHC.LHsType GHC.RdrName
      addSimpleAnnT typ (DP (0,0)) [((G GHC.AnnVal),DP (0,1))]
      return typ

-- tyConAppToHsType t@(GHC.TyConApp _tc _ts)
--    = error $ "tyConAppToHsType: unexpected:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.TypeChecker 0 t)

HsForAllTy HsExplicitFlag (LHsTyVarBndrs name) (LHsContext name) (LHsType name)
HsTyVar name
HsAppTy (LHsType name) (LHsType name)
HsFunTy (LHsType name) (LHsType name)
HsListTy (LHsType name)
HsPArrTy (LHsType name)
HsTupleTy HsTupleSort [LHsType name]
HsOpTy (LHsType name) (LHsTyOp name) (LHsType name)
HsParTy (LHsType name)
HsIParamTy HsIPName (LHsType name)
HsEqTy (LHsType name) (LHsType name)
HsKindSig (LHsType name) (LHsKind name)
HsQuasiQuoteTy (HsQuasiQuote name)
HsSpliceTy (HsSplice name) FreeVars PostTcKind
HsDocTy (LHsType name) LHsDocString
HsBangTy HsBang (LHsType name)
HsRecTy [ConDeclField name]
HsCoreTy Type
HsExplicitListTy PostTcKind [LHsType name]
HsExplicitTupleTy [PostTcKind] [LHsType name]
HsTyLit HsTyLit
HsWrapTy HsTyWrapper (HsType name)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

         [GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName] -- ^ A declaration list where the function is defined and\/or used.
      -> GHC.Name       -- ^ The function name.
      -> [GHC.RdrName]  -- ^ The parameters to be added.
      -> RefactGhc [GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName] -- ^ The result.

addParamsToDecls decls pn paramPNames = do
  logm $ "addParamsToDecls (pn,paramPNames)=" ++ (showGhc (pn,paramPNames))
  nameMap <- getRefactNameMap
  if (paramPNames /= [])
        then mapM (addParamToDecl nameMap) decls
        else return decls
   addParamToDecl :: NameMap -> GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
   addParamToDecl nameMap (GHC.L l1 (GHC.ValD (GHC.FunBind lp@(GHC.L l2 pname) i (GHC.MG matches a ptt o) co fvs t)))
   addParamToDecl nameMap (GHC.L l1 (GHC.ValD (GHC.FunBind lp@(GHC.L l2 pname) (GHC.MG (GHC.L lm matches) a ptt o) co fvs t)))
    | eqRdrNamePure nameMap lp pn
    = do
         matches' <- mapM addParamtoMatch matches
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
         return (GHC.L l1 (GHC.ValD (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L l2 pname) i (GHC.MG matches' a ptt o) co fvs t)))
         return (GHC.L l1 (GHC.ValD (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L l2 pname) (GHC.MG (GHC.L lm matches') a ptt o) co fvs t)))
       addParamtoMatch (GHC.L l (GHC.Match fn1 pats mtyp rhs))
        = do
             rhs' <- addActualParamsToRhs pn paramPNames rhs
             pats' <- liftT $ mapM addParam paramPNames
             -- logDataWithAnns "addParamToDecl.addParam:pats'" pats'
             return (GHC.L l (GHC.Match fn1 (pats'++pats) mtyp rhs'))

   -- TODO: The following will never match, as a PatBind only deals with complex patterns.
   addParamToDecl _nameMap x@(GHC.L _l1 (GHC.ValD (GHC.PatBind _pat@(GHC.L _l2 (GHC.VarPat _p)) _rhs _ty _fvs _t)))
     = return x
   addParamToDecl _ x = return x

   addParam n = do
     newSpan <- uniqueSrcSpanT
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
     let vn = (GHC.L newSpan (GHC.VarPat n))
     let vn = (GHC.L newSpan (GHC.VarPat (GHC.L newSpan n)))
     addSimpleAnnT vn (DP (0,1)) [((G GHC.AnnVal),DP (0,0))]
     return vn

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- ++AZ++: This looks like it is trying to do too many things
-- | Add identifiers to the export list of a module. If the second argument
-- is like: Just p, then do the adding only if p occurs in the export list, and
-- the new identifiers are added right after p in the export list. Otherwise the
-- new identifiers are add to the beginning of the export list. In the case that
-- the export list is empty, then if the third argument is True, then create an
-- explict export list to contain only the new identifiers, otherwise do
-- nothing.
-- TODO:AZ: re-arrange params to line up with addItemsToExport
addItemsToExport ::
                    GHC.ParsedSource                    -- ^The module AST.
                   -> Maybe GHC.Name                    -- ^The condtion identifier.
                   -> Bool                              -- ^Create an explicit list or not
                   -> Either [GHC.RdrName] [GHC.LIE GHC.RdrName]
                            -- ^The identifiers to add in either String or HsExportEntP format.
                   -> RefactGhc GHC.ParsedSource        -- ^The result.
addItemsToExport modu _  _ (Left [])  = return modu
addItemsToExport modu _  _ (Right []) = return modu
-- addItemsToExport modu@(HsModule loc modName exps imps ds) (Just pn) _ ids
addItemsToExport modu@(GHC.L l (GHC.HsModule modName exps imps ds deps hs)) (Just pn) _ ids
  =  case exps  of
       Just (GHC.L le ents) -> do
                   logm $ "addItemsToExport:pn=" ++ showGhc pn
                   nm <- getRefactNameMap
                   let (e1,e2) = break (findLRdrName nm pn) ents
                   if e2 /= []
                        then do
                           es <- case ids of
                             Left is' -> mkNewEntList is'
                             Right es' -> return es'
                           let e = (ghead "addVarItemInExport" e2)
                               lNewEnts = GHC.L le (e1++(e:es)++tail e2)
                           liftT (addTrailingCommaT e)
                           return (GHC.L l (GHC.HsModule modName (Just lNewEnts) imps ds deps hs))
                        -- then do ((toks,_),others)<-get
                        --         let e = (ghead "addVarItemInExport" e2)
                        --             es = case ids of
                        --                   (Left is' ) ->map (\x-> (EntE (Var (nameToPNT x)))) is'
                        --                   (Right es') -> es'
                        --         let (_,endPos) = getStartEndLoc toks e
                        --             (t, (_,s)) = ghead "addVarItemInExport" $ getToks (endPos,endPos) toks
                        --             newToken = mkToken t endPos (s++","++ showEntities (render.ppi) es)
                        --             toks' = replaceToks toks endPos endPos [newToken]
                        --         put ((toks',modified),others)
                        --         return (HsModule loc modName (Just (e1++(e:es)++tail e2)) imps ds)
                        else return modu
       Nothing   -> return modu

addItemsToExport (GHC.L l (GHC.HsModule _ (Just ents) _ _ _ _)) Nothing createExp ids
  = assert False undefined
    -- = do ((toks,_),others)<-get
    --      let es = case ids of
    --                 (Left is' ) ->map (\x-> (EntE (Var (nameToPNT x)))) is'
    --                 (Right es') -> es'
    --          (t, (pos,s))=fromJust $ find isOpenBracket toks  -- s is the '('
    --          newToken = if ents /=[] then  (t, (pos,(s++showEntities (render.ppi) es++",")))
    --                                  else  (t, (pos,(s++showEntities (render.ppi) es)))
    --          pos'= simpPos pos
    --          toks' = replaceToks toks pos' pos' [newToken]
    --      put ((toks',modified),others)
    --      return modu {hsModExports=Just (es++ ents)}

-- addItemsToExport mod@(HsModule _  (SN modName (SrcLoc _ c row col))  Nothing _ _)  Nothing createExp ids
addItemsToExport modu@(GHC.L l (GHC.HsModule modName Nothing _ _ _ _))  Nothing createExp ids
  = assert False undefined
  -- =case createExp of
  --      True ->do ((toks,_),others)<-get
  --                let es = case ids of
  --                              (Left is' ) ->map (\x-> (EntE (Var (nameToPNT x)))) is'
  --                              (Right es') -> es'
  --                    pos = (row,col)
  --                    newToken = mkToken Varid pos (modNameToStr modName++ "("
  --                                        ++ showEntities (render.ppi) es++")")
  --                    toks' = replaceToks toks pos pos [newToken]
  --                put  ((toks', modified), others)
  --                return modu {hsModExports=Just es}
  --      False ->return modu

-- | Add identifiers to the export list of a module. If the second argument is like: Just p, then do the adding only if p occurs
-- in the export list, and the new identifiers are added right after p in the export list. Otherwise the new identifiers are add
-- to the beginning of the export list. In the case that the export list is emport, then if the third argument is True, then create
-- an explict export list to contain only the new identifiers, otherwise do nothing.
addItemsToExport::( )
                 => HsModuleP                           -- The module AST.
                   -> Maybe PName                       -- The condtion identifier.
                   -> Bool                              -- Create an explicit list or not
                   -> Either [String] [HsExportEntP]    -- The identifiers to add in either String or HsExportEntP format.
                   -> m HsModuleP                       -- The result.

addItemsToExport::(MonadState (([PosToken],Bool), t1) m)
                 => HsModuleP                           -- The module AST.
                   -> Maybe PName                       -- The condtion identifier.
                   -> Bool                              -- Create an explicit list or not
                   -> Either [String] [HsExportEntP]    -- The identifiers to add in either String or HsExportEntP format.
                   -> m HsModuleP                       -- The result.

addItemsToExport mod _  _ (Left [])  = return mod
addItemsToExport mod _  _ (Right []) = return mod
addItemsToExport mod@(HsModule loc modName exps imps ds) (Just pn) _ ids
  =  case exps  of
       Just ents ->let (e1,e2) = break (findEntity pn) ents
                   in if e2 /=[]
                        then do ((toks,_),others)<-get
                                let e = (ghead "addVarItemInExport" e2)
                                    es = case ids of
                                          (Left is' ) ->map (\x-> (EntE (Var (nameToPNT x)))) is'
                                          (Right es') -> es'
                                let (_,endPos) = getStartEndLoc toks e
                                    (t, (_,s)) = ghead "addVarItemInExport" $ getToks (endPos,endPos) toks
                                    newToken = mkToken t endPos (s++","++ showEntities (render.ppi) es)
                                    toks' = replaceToks toks endPos endPos [newToken]
                                put ((toks',modified),others)
                                return (HsModule loc modName (Just (e1++(e:es)++tail e2)) imps ds)
                        else return mod
       Nothing   -> return mod

addItemsToExport mod@(HsModule _ _ (Just ents) _ _) Nothing createExp ids
    = do ((toks,_),others)<-get
         let es = case ids of
                    (Left is' ) ->map (\x-> (EntE (Var (nameToPNT x)))) is'
                    (Right es') -> es'
             (t, (pos,s))=fromJust $ find isOpenBracket toks  -- s is the '('
             newToken = if ents /=[] then  (t, (pos,(s++showEntities (render.ppi) es++",")))
                                     else  (t, (pos,(s++showEntities (render.ppi) es)))
             pos'= simpPos pos
             toks' = replaceToks toks pos' pos' [newToken]
         put ((toks',modified),others)
         return mod {hsModExports=Just (es++ ents)}

addItemsToExport mod@(HsModule _  (SN modName (SrcLoc _ c row col))  Nothing _ _)  Nothing createExp ids
  =case createExp of
       True ->do ((toks,_),others)<-get
                 let es = case ids of
                               (Left is' ) ->map (\x-> (EntE (Var (nameToPNT x)))) is'
                               (Right es') -> es'
                     pos = (row,col)
                     newToken = mkToken Varid pos (modNameToStr modName++ "("
                                         ++ showEntities (render.ppi) es++")")
                     toks' = replaceToks toks pos pos [newToken]
                 put  ((toks', modified), others)
                 return mod {hsModExports=Just es}
       False ->return mod
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

addActualParamsToRhs :: (SYB.Data t) =>
                        GHC.Name -> [GHC.RdrName] -> t -> RefactGhc t
addActualParamsToRhs pn paramPNames rhs = do
    logm $ "addActualParamsToRhs:entered:(pn,paramPNames)=" ++ showGhc (pn,paramPNames)
    nameMap <- getRefactNameMap
       worker :: (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName) -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
       worker oldExp@(GHC.L l2 (GHC.HsVar pname))
       worker oldExp@(GHC.L l2 (GHC.HsVar (GHC.L _ pname)))
        | eqRdrNamePure nameMap (GHC.L l2 pname) pn
          = do
              logDataWithAnns "addActualParamsToRhs:oldExp=" oldExp
              newExp' <- foldlM addParamToExp oldExp paramPNames

              edp <- liftT $ getEntryDPT oldExp
              liftT $ setEntryDPT oldExp (DP (0,0))
              l2' <- liftT $ uniqueSrcSpanT
              let newExp  = (GHC.L l2' (GHC.HsPar newExp'))
              liftT $ addSimpleAnnT newExp (DP (0,0)) [(G GHC.AnnOpenP,DP (0,0)),(G GHC.AnnCloseP,DP (0,0))]
              liftT $ setEntryDPT newExp edp
              return newExp
       worker x = return x

       addParamToExp :: (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName) -> GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName)
       addParamToExp expr param = do
         ss1 <- liftT $ uniqueSrcSpanT
         ss2 <- liftT $ uniqueSrcSpanT
         logm $ "addActualParamsToRhs.addParamsToExp:(ss1,ss2):" ++ showGhc (ss1,ss2)
         registerRdrName (GHC.L ss2 param)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
         let var   = GHC.L ss2 (GHC.HsVar param)
         let var   = GHC.L ss2 (GHC.HsVar (GHC.L ss2 param))
         liftT $ addSimpleAnnT var (DP (0,0)) [(G GHC.AnnVal,DP (0,1))]
         let expr' = GHC.L ss1 (GHC.HsApp expr var)
         liftT $ addSimpleAnnT expr' (DP (0,0)) []
         return expr'

    r <- applyTP (full_buTP (idTP  `adhocTP` worker)) rhs
    return r


The code

    sumSqu (x:xs) = (sq bar2) x + sumSquares xs

results in

            ({ LiftToToplevel/D1.hs:(13,15)-(15,16) }
             Just (Ann (DP (0,-1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
              ({ LiftToToplevel/D1.hs:13:17-43 }
               Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
                ({ LiftToToplevel/D1.hs:13:17-27 }
                 Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
                  ({ LiftToToplevel/D1.hs:13:17-25 }
                   Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnOpenP),DP (0,0)),((G AnnCloseP),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
                    ({ LiftToToplevel/D1.hs:13:18-24 }
                     Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
                      ({ LiftToToplevel/D1.hs:13:18-19 }
                       Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
                        (Unqual {OccName: sq}))) 
                      ({ LiftToToplevel/D1.hs:13:21-24 }
                       Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
                        (Unqual {OccName: bar2}))))))) 
                  ({ LiftToToplevel/D1.hs:13:27 }
                   Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
                    (Unqual {OccName: x}))))) 
                ({ LiftToToplevel/D1.hs:13:29 }
                 Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
                  (Unqual {OccName: +}))) 
                ({ LiftToToplevel/D1.hs:13:31-43 }
                 Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing)
                  ({ LiftToToplevel/D1.hs:13:31-40 }
                   Just (Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
                    (Unqual {OccName: sumSquares}))) 
                  ({ LiftToToplevel/D1.hs:13:42-43 }
                   Just (Ann (DP (0,1)) [] [] [((G AnnVal),DP (0,0))] Nothing Nothing)
                    (Unqual {OccName: xs})))))))))] 

Required end result : (sq pow) x + sumSquares xs

                (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-46}

                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-30}
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-28}
                      (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:22-27}
                        (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:22-23}
                         (HsVar {Name: LiftToToplevel.D2.sq}))
                        (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:25-27}
                         (HsVar {Name: pow}))))))
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:30}
                     (HsVar {Name: x}))))

                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:32}
                   (HsVar {Name: GHC.Num.+})) {Fixity: infixl 6}
                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:34-46}
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:34-43}
                     (HsVar {Name: LiftToToplevel.D2.sumSquares}))
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:45-46}
                     (HsVar {Name: xs}))))))))]

Alternate, no parens : sq pow x + sumSquares xs

                (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-44}

                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-28}
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-26}
                      (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-22}
                       (HsVar {Name: LiftToToplevel.D2.sq}))
                      (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:24-26}
                       (HsVar {Name: pow}))))
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:28}
                     (HsVar {Name: x}))))

                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:30}
                   (HsVar {Name: GHC.Num.+})) {Fixity: infixl 6}
                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:32-44}
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:32-41}
                     (HsVar {Name: LiftToToplevel.D2.sumSquares}))
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:43-44}
                     (HsVar {Name: xs}))))))))]

Original : sq x + sumSquares xs

                (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-40}

                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-24}
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-22}
                     (HsVar {Name: sq}))
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:24}
                     (HsVar {Name: x}))))

                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:26}
                   (HsVar {Name: GHC.Num.+})) {Fixity: infixl 6}
                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:28-40}
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:28-37}
                     (HsVar {Name: LiftToToplevel.D2.sumSquares}))
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:39-40}
                     (HsVar {Name: xs}))))))))]


-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Duplicate a function\/pattern binding declaration under a new name
-- right after the original one.
duplicateDecl ::
    [GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName] -- ^ decls to be updated, containing the original decl (and sig)
  ->GHC.Name            -- ^ The identifier whose definition is to be duplicated
  ->GHC.Name            -- ^ The new name (possibly qualified)
  ->RefactGhc [GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName]  -- ^ The result
duplicateDecl decls n newFunName
 = do
     logm $ "duplicateDecl entered:(decls,n,newFunName)=" ++ showGhc (decls,n,newFunName)
     nm <- getRefactNameMap
       declsToDup = definingDeclsRdrNames nm [n] decls True False
       funBinding = filter isFunOrPatBindP declsToDup     --get the fun binding.
       typeSig    = map wrapSig $ definingSigsRdrNames nm [n] decls
     funBinding'' <- renamePN n newFunName PreserveQualify funBinding
     typeSig'' <- renamePN n newFunName PreserveQualify typeSig
     logm $ "duplicateDecl:funBinding''=" ++ showGhc funBinding''

     funBinding3 <- mapM (\f@(GHC.L _ fb) -> do
                             newSpan <- liftT uniqueSrcSpanT
                             let fb' = GHC.L newSpan fb
                             liftT $ modifyAnnsT (copyAnn f fb')
                             return fb'
                             ) (typeSig'' ++ funBinding'')
     when (not $ null funBinding3) $ do
                             liftT $ setEntryDPT (head funBinding3) (DP (2,0))
                             liftT $ mapM_ (\d -> setEntryDPT d (DP (1,0))) (tail funBinding3)
     let (decls1,decls2) = break (definesDeclRdr nm n) decls
         (declsToDup',declsRest) = break (not . definesDeclRdr nm n) decls2
     -- logDataWithAnns "duplicateDecl:funBinding3" funBinding3
     return $ decls1 ++ declsToDup' ++ funBinding3 ++ declsRest

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |Divide a declaration list into three parts (before, parent, after)
-- according to the PNT, where 'parent' is the first decl containing
-- the PNT, 'before' are those decls before 'parent' and 'after' are
-- those decls after 'parent'.
divideDecls :: SYB.Data t =>
  [t] -> GHC.Located GHC.Name -> RefactGhc ([t], [t], [t])
divideDecls ds (GHC.L _ pnt) = do
  nm <- getRefactNameMap
  let (before,after) = break (\x -> findNameInRdr nm pnt x) ds
  return $ if (not $ emptyList after)
         then (before, [ghead "divideDecls" after], gtail "divideDecls" after)
         else (ds,[],[])

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Remove the declaration (and the type signature is the second
-- parameter is True) that defines the given identifier from the
-- declaration list.
rmDecl:: (SYB.Data t)
    => GHC.Name     -- ^ The identifier whose definition is to be removed.
    -> Bool         -- ^ True means including the type signature.
    -> t            -- ^ The AST fragment containting the declarations,
                    -- originating from the ParsedSource
    -> RefactGhc
        GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName,
        Maybe (GHC.LSig GHC.RdrName))  -- ^ The result and the removed declaration
                                       -- and the possibly removed siganture

rmDecl pn incSig t = do
  setStateStorage StorageNone
  t' <- everywhereMStaged' SYB.Parser (SYB.mkM   inModule
                                      `SYB.extM` inLet
                                      `SYB.extM` inMatch
                                      ) t -- top down
         -- applyTP (once_tdTP (failTP `adhocTP` inBinds)) t
  storage <- getStateStorage
  let decl' = case storage of
                StorageDeclRdr decl -> decl
                x                   -> error $ "rmDecl: unexpected value in StateStorage:" ++ (show x)
  setStateStorage StorageNone
  (t'',sig') <- if incSig
                  then rmTypeSig pn t'
                  else return (t', Nothing)
  return (t'',decl',sig')
    inModule (p :: GHC.ParsedSource)
      = doRmDeclList p

    inMatch x@(((GHC.L _ (GHC.Match _ _ _ (GHC.GRHSs _ _localDecls)))):: (GHC.LMatch GHC.RdrName (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName)))
      = doRmDeclList x

    inLet :: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName)
    inLet letExpr@(GHC.L _ (GHC.HsLet _localDecls expr))
      = do
         isDone <- getDone
         if isDone
           then return letExpr
           else do
             nameMap <- getRefactNameMap
             -- decls <- liftT $ hsDecls localDecls
             decls <- liftT $ hsDecls letExpr
             let (decls1,decls2) = break (definesDeclRdr nameMap pn) decls
             if not $ emptyList decls2
                then do
                  let decl = ghead "rmDecl" decls2
                  setStateStorage (StorageDeclRdr decl)
                  case length decls of
                    1 -> do -- Removing the last declaration
                     return expr
                    _ -> do
                     -- logm $ "rmDecl.inLet:length decls /= 1"
                     decls' <- doRmDecl decls1 decls2
                     letExpr' <- liftT $ replaceDecls letExpr decls'
                     return letExpr'
                else do
                  -- liftT $ replaceDecls localDecls decls
                  return letExpr
    inLet x = return x

    -- ---------------------------------

    doRmDeclList parent
      = do
         isDone <- getDone
         -- logm $ "doRmDeclList:isDone=" ++ show isDone
         -- logm $ "doRmDeclList:parent=" ++ SYB.showData SYB.Parser 0 parent
         if isDone
           then return parent
           else do
             nameMap <- getRefactNameMap
             decls <- liftT $ hsDecls parent
             let (decls1,decls2) = break (definesDeclRdr nameMap pn) decls
             if not (null decls2)
               then do
                 -- logDataWithAnns "doRmDeclList:(parent)" (parent)
                 let decl = ghead "doRmDeclList" decls2
                 setStateStorage (StorageDeclRdr decl)
                 decls'  <- doRmDecl decls1 decls2
                 parent' <- liftT $ replaceDecls parent decls'
                 -- logDataWithAnns "doRmDeclList:(parent')" (parent')
                 return parent'
               else do
                 return parent

    -- ---------------------------------

    getDone = do
      s <- getStateStorage
      case s of
        StorageNone -> return False
        _           -> return True

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- ++AZ++ TODO: I think this has been superseded by hasDeclsSybTransform
declsSybTransform :: (SYB.Typeable a)
  => (forall b. HasDecls b => b -> RefactGhc b)
  -> a -> RefactGhc a
declsSybTransform transform = mt
    mt = SYB.mkM inMatch
         `SYB.extM` inPatDecl
         `SYB.extM` inModule
         `SYB.extM` inHsLet

    inModule :: GHC.ParsedSource -> RefactGhc GHC.ParsedSource
    inModule (modu :: GHC.ParsedSource)
       = transform modu

    inMatch :: GHC.LMatch GHC.RdrName (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName) -> RefactGhc (GHC.LMatch GHC.RdrName (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName))
    inMatch x@(GHC.L _ (GHC.Match _ _ _ (GHC.GRHSs _ _localDecls)))
       = transform x

    inPatDecl ::GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName)
    inPatDecl (GHC.L _ (GHC.ValD (GHC.PatBind _ _ _ _ _)))
       -- = transform x
       = error $ "declsSybTransform:need to reimplement PatBind case"
    inPatDecl x = return x

    inHsLet :: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName)
    inHsLet x@(GHC.L _ (GHC.HsLet{}))
       = transform x
    inHsLet x = return x


-- |Utility function to remove a decl from the middle of a list, assuming the
-- list has already been split into a (possibly empty) front before the decl,
-- and a back where the head is the decl to be removed.
doRmDecl :: [GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName] -> [GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName] -> RefactGhc [GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName]
doRmDecl decls1 decls2
  = do
      let decls2'      = gtail "doRmDecl 1" decls2
          declToRemove = head decls2

      -- logDataWithAnns "doRmDecl:(decls1,decls2)" (decls1,decls2)
      unless (null decls1)  $ do liftT $ balanceComments (last decls1) declToRemove
      unless (null decls2') $ do liftT $ balanceComments declToRemove  (head decls2')

      when (not (null decls2') && null decls1) $ do liftT $ transferEntryDPT declToRemove (head decls2')
      when (not (null decls2') && not (null decls1) && not (isTypeSigDecl (last decls1)))
        $ do liftT $ transferEntryDPT declToRemove (head decls2')

      -- logDataWithAnns "doRmDecl:(decls2')" (decls2')
      return $ (decls1 ++ decls2')

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Remove multiple type signatures
rmTypeSigs :: (SYB.Data t) =>
         [GHC.Name]  -- ^ The identifiers whose type signatures are to be removed.
      -> t           -- ^ The declarations
      -> RefactGhc (t,[GHC.LSig GHC.RdrName])
                     -- ^ The result and removed signatures, if there
                     -- were any
rmTypeSigs pns t = do
  (t',demotedSigsMaybe) <- foldM (\(tee,ds) n -> do { (tee',d) <- rmTypeSig n tee; return (tee', ds++[d])}) (t,[]) pns
  return (t',catMaybes demotedSigsMaybe)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Remove the type signature that defines the given identifier's
-- type from the declaration list.
rmTypeSig :: (SYB.Data t) =>
         GHC.Name    -- ^ The identifier whose type signature is to be removed.
      -> t           -- ^ The declarations
      -> RefactGhc (t,Maybe (GHC.LSig GHC.RdrName))
                     -- ^ The result and removed signature, if there
                     -- was one

                     -- NOTE: It may have originated from a SigD, it is up
                     -- to the calling function to insert this if required
rmTypeSig pn t
  = do
     setStateStorage StorageNone
     t' <- SYB.everywhereMStaged SYB.Renamer (SYB.mkM inMatch `SYB.extM` inPatDecl `SYB.extM` inModule) t
     storage <- getStateStorage
     let sig' = case storage of
                  StorageSigRdr sig -> Just sig
                  StorageNone       -> Nothing
                  x -> error $ "rmTypeSig: unexpected value in StateStorage:" ++ (show x)
     return (t',sig')
   inModule :: GHC.ParsedSource -> RefactGhc GHC.ParsedSource
   inModule (modu :: GHC.ParsedSource)
      = doRmTypeSig modu

   -- Deals with the distrinct parts of a FunBind
   inMatch :: GHC.LMatch GHC.RdrName (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName)
           -> RefactGhc (GHC.LMatch GHC.RdrName (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName))
   inMatch x@(GHC.L _ (GHC.Match _ _ _ (GHC.GRHSs _ _localDecls)))
      = doRmTypeSig x

   inPatDecl ::GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName)
   inPatDecl x@(GHC.L _ (GHC.ValD (GHC.PatBind _ _ _ _ _))) = do
      decls <- liftT $ hsDeclsPatBindD x
      decls' <- doRmTypeSigDecls decls
      liftT $ replaceDeclsPatBindD x decls'

   inPatDecl x = return x

   -- ----------------------------------

   doRmTypeSig :: (HasDecls t) => t -> RefactGhc t
   doRmTypeSig parent = do
     decls <- liftT $ hsDecls parent
     decls' <- doRmTypeSigDecls decls
     liftT $ replaceDecls parent decls'

   doRmTypeSigDecls :: [GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName] -> RefactGhc [GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName]
   doRmTypeSigDecls decls = do
     isDone <- getDone
     if isDone
       then return decls
       else do
         -- logDataWithAnns "doRmTypeSig:decls" decls
         nameMap <- getRefactNameMap
         let (decls1,decls2)= break (definesSigDRdr nameMap pn) decls
         if not $ null decls2
            then do
              -- logDataWithAnns "doRmTypeSig:parent" parent
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
              let sig@(GHC.L sspan (GHC.SigD (GHC.TypeSig names typ p))) = ghead "rmTypeSig" decls2
              let sig@(GHC.L sspan (GHC.SigD (GHC.TypeSig names typ))) = ghead "rmTypeSig" decls2
              if length names > 1
                  then do
                      let newNames = filter (\rn -> rdrName2NamePure nameMap rn /= pn) names
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
                          newSig = GHC.L sspan (GHC.SigD (GHC.TypeSig newNames typ p))
                          newSig = GHC.L sspan (GHC.SigD (GHC.TypeSig newNames typ))

                      liftT $ removeTrailingCommaT (glast "doRmTypeSig" newNames)

                      let pnt = ghead "rmTypeSig" (filter (\rn -> rdrName2NamePure nameMap rn == pn) names)
                      liftT $ removeTrailingCommaT pnt

                      -- Construct the old signature, by keeping the
                      -- signature part but discarding the other names
                      newSpan <- liftT uniqueSrcSpanT
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
                      let oldSig = (GHC.L newSpan (GHC.TypeSig [pnt] typ p))
                      let oldSig = (GHC.L newSpan (GHC.TypeSig [pnt] typ))
                      liftT $ modifyAnnsT (copyAnn sig oldSig)
                      setStateStorage (StorageSigRdr oldSig)

                      return (decls1++[newSig]++gtail "doRmTypeSig" decls2)
                  else do
                      let [oldSig] = decl2Sig sig
                      setStateStorage (StorageSigRdr oldSig)
                      decls' <- doRmDecl decls1 decls2
                      return decls'
            else do
              return decls

   getDone = do
     s <- getStateStorage
     case s of
       StorageNone -> return False
       _           -> return True

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- TODO: Is this function needed with GHC?

-- | Remove the qualifier from the given identifiers in the given syntax phrase.
rmQualifier:: (SYB.Data t)
             =>[GHC.Name]       -- ^ The identifiers.
               ->t           -- ^ The syntax phrase.
               ->RefactGhc t -- ^ The result.
rmQualifier pns t = do
  nm <- getRefactNameMap
  SYB.everywhereM (nameSybTransform (rename nm)) t
     rename nm (ln@(GHC.L l pn)::GHC.Located GHC.RdrName)
       | elem (rdrName2NamePure nm ln) pns
       = do
              case pn of
                GHC.Qual _ n -> return (GHC.L l (GHC.Unqual n))
                _            -> return ln
     rename _ x = return  x

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Replace all occurences of a top level GHC.Name with a qualified version.
qualifyToplevelName :: GHC.Name -> RefactGhc ()
qualifyToplevelName n = do
    parsed <- getRefactParsed
    parsed' <- renamePN n n Qualify parsed
    putRefactParsed parsed' emptyAnns
    return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

data HowToQual = Qualify | NoQualify | PreserveQualify
               deriving (Show,Eq)

instance GHC.Outputable HowToQual where
  ppr x = GHC.text (show x)

-- | Rename each occurrences of the identifier in the given syntax
-- phrase with the new name.

-- TODO: the syntax phrase is required to be GHC.Located, not sure how
-- to specify this without breaking the everywhereMStaged call

renamePN::(SYB.Data t)
   => GHC.Name            -- ^ The identifier to be renamed.
   -> GHC.Name            -- ^ The new name, including possible qualifier
   -> HowToQual
                          --   the new name.
   -> t                   -- ^ The syntax phrase
   -> RefactGhc t
renamePN oldPN newName useQual t = do
  -- logm $ "renamePN: (oldPN,newName)=" ++ (showGhc (oldPN,newName))
  -- logm $ "renamePN: t=" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Parser 0 t)
  -- nm <- getRefactNameMap
  newNameQual   <- rdrNameFromName True  newName
  newNameUnqual <- rdrNameFromName False newName
  -- newNameRdr    <- rdrNameFromName useQual newName
  -- logm $ "renamePN: (newNameQual,newNameUnqual,newNameRdr)=" ++ showGhc (newNameQual,newNameUnqual,newNameRdr)

    cond :: NameMap -> GHC.Located GHC.RdrName -> Bool
    cond nm (GHC.L ln _) =
      case Map.lookup ln nm of
        Nothing -> False
        Just n -> GHC.nameUnique n == GHC.nameUnique oldPN || GHC.nameUnique n == GHC.nameUnique newName

    -- Decision process for new names
    newNameCalc :: HowToQual -> GHC.RdrName -> GHC.RdrName
    newNameCalc uq old = newNameCalc' uq (GHC.isQual_maybe old)
        newNameCalc' :: HowToQual -> (Maybe (GHC.ModuleName,GHC.OccName)) -> GHC.RdrName
        newNameCalc' Qualify         (Just (mn,_)) = GHC.Qual mn (GHC.occName newName)
        newNameCalc' PreserveQualify (Just (mn,_)) = GHC.Qual mn (GHC.occName newName)
        newNameCalc' NoQualify       (Just (_n,_)) = GHC.Unqual  (GHC.occName newName)
        newNameCalc' uq' _ =  if uq' == Qualify then newNameQual else newNameUnqual

    -- ---------------------------------

    makeNewName :: GHC.Located GHC.RdrName -> GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located GHC.RdrName)
    makeNewName old newRdr = do
      ss' <- liftT $ uniqueSrcSpanT
      let new = (GHC.L ss' newRdr)
      liftT $ modifyAnnsT (copyAnn old new)
      addToNameMap ss' newName
      return new

    -- ---------------------------------

    renameLRdr :: HowToQual -> GHC.Located GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located GHC.RdrName)
    renameLRdr useQual' old@(GHC.L _ n) = do
     nm <- getRefactNameMap
     if cond nm old
       then do
          logDataWithAnns "renamePN:rename old :" old
          -- let nn = newNameCalcBool useQual' n
          let nn = newNameCalc useQual' n
          new <- makeNewName old nn
          logDataWithAnns "renamePN:rename new :" new
          logDataWithAnns "renamePN:rename old2 :" old
          return new
       else return old

    -- ---------------------------------

    renameVar :: HowToQual -> GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
    renameVar useQual' x@(GHC.L l (GHC.HsVar n)) = do
    renameVar useQual' x@(GHC.L l (GHC.HsVar (GHC.L _ n))) = do
     nm <- getRefactNameMap
     if cond nm (GHC.L l n)
       then do
          let nn = newNameCalc useQual' n
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
          ss' <- liftT $ uniqueSrcSpanT
          let (GHC.L l' _) = (GHC.L ss' nn)
          liftT $ modifyAnnsT (copyAnn x (GHC.L ss' (GHC.HsVar nn)))
          addToNameMap ss' newName
          return (GHC.L l' (GHC.HsVar nn))
          new <- makeNewName (GHC.L l n) nn
          return (GHC.L l (GHC.HsVar new))
       else return x
    renameVar _ x = return x

    -- ---------------------------------

    renameTyVar :: HowToQual -> (GHC.Located (GHC.HsType GHC.RdrName)) -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located (GHC.HsType GHC.RdrName))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
    renameTyVar useQual' x@(GHC.L l (GHC.HsTyVar n)) = do
    renameTyVar useQual' x@(GHC.L l (GHC.HsTyVar (GHC.L _ n))) = do
     nm <- getRefactNameMap
     if cond nm (GHC.L l n)
       then do
          logm $ "renamePN:renameTyVar at :" ++ (showGhc l)
          let nn = newNameCalc useQual' n
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
          ss' <- liftT $ uniqueSrcSpanT
          let (GHC.L l' _) = (GHC.L ss' nn)
          liftT $ modifyAnnsT (copyAnn x (GHC.L ss' (GHC.HsTyVar nn)))
          addToNameMap ss' newName
          return (GHC.L l' (GHC.HsTyVar nn))
          new <- makeNewName (GHC.L l n) nn
          return (GHC.L l (GHC.HsTyVar new))
       else return x
    renameTyVar _ x = return x

    -- ---------------------------------

    renameHsTyVarBndr :: HowToQual -> GHC.LHsTyVarBndr GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsTyVarBndr GHC.RdrName)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
    renameHsTyVarBndr useQual' x@(GHC.L l (GHC.UserTyVar n)) = do
    renameHsTyVarBndr useQual' x@(GHC.L l (GHC.UserTyVar (GHC.L _ n))) = do
     nm <- getRefactNameMap
     if cond nm (GHC.L l n)
       then do
          logm $ "renamePN:renameHsTyVarBndr at :" ++ (showGhc l)
          -- let nn = newNameCalcBool useQual' n
          let nn = newNameCalc useQual' n
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
          addToNameMap l newName
          return (GHC.L l (GHC.UserTyVar nn))
          new <- makeNewName (GHC.L l n) nn
          return (GHC.L l (GHC.UserTyVar new))
       else return x
    renameHsTyVarBndr _ x = return x

    -- ---------------------------------

    renameLIE :: HowToQual -> (GHC.LIE GHC.RdrName) -> RefactGhc (GHC.LIE GHC.RdrName)
    renameLIE useQual' x@(GHC.L l (GHC.IEVar old@(GHC.L ln n))) = do
     nm <- getRefactNameMap
     if cond nm (GHC.L ln n)
       then do
          -- logm $ "renamePN:renameLIE.IEVar at :" ++ (showGhc l)
          let nn = newNameCalc useQual' n

          new <- makeNewName old nn

          return (GHC.L l (GHC.IEVar new))
       else return x

    renameLIE useQual' x@(GHC.L l (GHC.IEThingAbs old@(GHC.L _ln n))) = do
     nm <- getRefactNameMap
     if cond nm (GHC.L l n)
       then do
          -- logm $ "renamePN:renameLIE.IEThingAbs at :" ++ (showGhc l)
          let nn = newNameCalc useQual' n

          new <- makeNewName old nn

          return (GHC.L l (GHC.IEThingAbs new))
       else return x

    renameLIE useQual' x@(GHC.L l (GHC.IEThingAll old@(GHC.L ln n))) = do
     nm <- getRefactNameMap
     if cond nm (GHC.L ln n)
       then do
          -- logm $ "renamePN:renameLIE.IEThingAll at :" ++ (showGhc l)
          let nn = newNameCalc useQual' n

          new <- makeNewName old nn

          return (GHC.L l (GHC.IEThingAll new))
       else return x

    -- TODO: check inside the ns here too
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
    renameLIE useQual' (GHC.L l (GHC.IEThingWith old@(GHC.L ln n) ns))
    renameLIE useQual' (GHC.L l (GHC.IEThingWith old@(GHC.L ln n) wc ns fls))
     = do
         nm <- getRefactNameMap
         old' <- if (cond nm (GHC.L ln n))
           then do
             logm $ "renamePN:renameLIE.IEThingWith at :" ++ (showGhc l)
             -- let nn = newNameCalcBool useQual' n
             let nn = newNameCalc useQual' n
             new <- makeNewName old nn
             return new
           else return old

         ns' <- if (any (\(GHC.L lnn nn) -> cond nm (GHC.L lnn nn)) ns)
           then renameTransform useQual' ns
           else return ns
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
         return (GHC.L l (GHC.IEThingWith old' ns'))
         return (GHC.L l (GHC.IEThingWith old' wc ns' fls))

    renameLIE _ x = do
         -- logm $ "renamePN:renameLIE miss for :" ++ (showGhc x)
         return x

    -- ---------------------------------

    renameLPat :: HowToQual -> (GHC.LPat GHC.RdrName) -> RefactGhc (GHC.LPat GHC.RdrName)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
    renameLPat useQual' x@(GHC.L l (GHC.VarPat n)) = do
    renameLPat useQual' x@(GHC.L l (GHC.VarPat (GHC.L _ n))) = do
     nm <- getRefactNameMap
     if cond nm (GHC.L l n)
       then do
          logm $ "renamePNworker:renameLPat at :" ++ (showGhc l)
          let nn = newNameCalc useQual' n
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
          ss' <- liftT $ uniqueSrcSpanT
          let (GHC.L l' _) = (GHC.L ss' nn)
          liftT $ modifyAnnsT (copyAnn x (GHC.L ss' (GHC.VarPat nn)))
          addToNameMap ss' newName
          return (GHC.L l' (GHC.VarPat nn))
          new <- makeNewName (GHC.L l n) nn
          return (GHC.L l (GHC.VarPat new))
       else return x
    renameLPat _ x = return x

    -- ---------------------------------

    renameMatch :: HowToQual -> GHC.Match GHC.RdrName (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName)
                -> RefactGhc (GHC.Match GHC.RdrName (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName))
    renameMatch _useQual (GHC.Match mln pats ty grhss) = do
     logm $ "renamePN.renameMatch entered:"
     pats'  <- renameTransform _useQual pats
     ty'    <- renameTransform _useQual ty
     grhss' <- renameTransform _useQual grhss
     mln' <- case mln of
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
       Just (old@(GHC.L lmn mn),f) -> do
         nm <- getRefactNameMap
         if cond nm (GHC.L lmn mn)
           then do
             new <- makeNewName old newNameUnqual
             return (Just (new,f))
           else return mln
       Nothing -> return mln
       GHC.FunBindMatch old f -> do
         nm <- getRefactNameMap
         if cond nm old
           then do
             new <- makeNewName old newNameUnqual
             return (GHC.FunBindMatch new f)
           else return mln
       GHC.NonFunBindMatch -> return mln
     return (GHC.Match mln' pats' ty' grhss')

    -- ---------------------------------

    renameImportDecl :: HowToQual -> GHC.ImportDecl GHC.RdrName -> RefactGhc (GHC.ImportDecl GHC.RdrName)
    renameImportDecl _useQual (GHC.ImportDecl src mn mq isrc isafe iq ii ma (Just (ij,GHC.L ll ies))) = do
      ies' <- mapM (renameLIE PreserveQualify) ies
      logm $ "renamePN'.renameImportDecl:(ies,ies')=" ++ showGhc (ies,ies')
      return (GHC.ImportDecl src mn mq isrc isafe iq ii ma (Just (ij,GHC.L ll ies')))
    renameImportDecl _ x = return x

    -- ---------------------------------

    renameTypeSig :: HowToQual -> (GHC.Sig GHC.RdrName) -> RefactGhc (GHC.Sig GHC.RdrName)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
    renameTypeSig _useQual (GHC.TypeSig ns typ p)
    renameTypeSig _useQual (GHC.TypeSig ns typ)
     = do
         logm $ "renamePN:renameTypeSig"
         ns'  <- mapM (renameLRdr NoQualify) ns
         typ' <- renameTransform _useQual typ
         logm $ "renamePN:renameTypeSig done"
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
         return (GHC.TypeSig ns' typ' p)
         return (GHC.TypeSig ns' typ')
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 710
    renameTypeSig _useQual (GHC.ClassOpSig f ns typ)
     = do
         ns'  <- mapM (renameLRdr NoQualify) ns
         typ' <- renameTransform _useQual typ
         return (GHC.ClassOpSig f ns' typ')
    renameTypeSig _ x = return x

    -- ---------------------------------

    everywhereMSkip :: Monad m => SYB.GenericM m -> SYB.GenericM m
    everywhereMSkip f x
      | (const False `SYB.extQ` typeSig)    x = f x  -- no recursion for typeSig
      | (const False `SYB.extQ` match)      x = f x  -- no recursion for FunBind
      | (const False `SYB.extQ` importDecl) x = f x  -- no recursion for ImportDecl
      | otherwise = do x' <- f x
                       SYB.gmapM (everywhereMSkip f) x'
        typeSig    = const True :: GHC.Sig GHC.RdrName -> Bool
        match      = const True :: GHC.Match GHC.RdrName (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName) -> Bool
        importDecl = const True :: GHC.ImportDecl GHC.RdrName -> Bool

    renameTransform useQual' t' =
            (everywhereMSkip ( -- top-down, skipping Located Names for Sig/Match
                   SYB.mkM   (renameVar         useQual')
                  `SYB.extM` (renameLRdr        useQual')
                  `SYB.extM` (renameTyVar       useQual')
                  `SYB.extM` (renameHsTyVarBndr useQual')
                  `SYB.extM` (renameLIE         useQual')
                  `SYB.extM` (renameLPat        useQual')
                  `SYB.extM` (renameTypeSig     useQual')
                  `SYB.extM` (renameImportDecl  useQual')
                  `SYB.extM` (renameMatch       useQual')
                   ) t')
  t' <- renameTransform useQual t
  return t'

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Check whether the specified identifier is declared in the given syntax phrase t,
-- if so, rename the identifier by creating a new name automatically.
autoRenameLocalVar:: (SYB.Data t)
                     => GHC.Name    -- ^ The identifier.
                     -> t           -- ^ The syntax phrase.
                     -> RefactGhc t -- ^ The result.
autoRenameLocalVar pn t = do
  logm $ "autoRenameLocalVar: (pn)=" ++ (showGhc (pn))
  -- = everywhereMStaged SYB.Renamer (SYB.mkM renameInMatch)
  nm <- getRefactNameMap
  decls <- liftT $ hsDeclsGeneric t
  if isDeclaredInRdr nm pn decls
         then do t' <- worker t
                 return t'
         else do return t

         worker :: (SYB.Data t) => t -> RefactGhc t
         worker tt
                   =do (f,d) <- hsFDNamesFromInsideRdr tt
                       ds <- hsVisibleNamesRdr pn tt
                       let newNameStr = mkNewName (nameToString pn) (nub (f `union` d `union` ds)) 1
                       newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing newNameStr
                       renamePN pn newName PreserveQualify tt

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

isMainModule :: GHC.Module -> Bool
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
isMainModule modu = GHC.modulePackageKey modu == GHC.mainPackageKey
isMainModule modu = GHC.moduleUnitId modu == GHC.mainUnitId

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return the identifier's defining location.
-- defineLoc::PNT->SrcLoc
defineLoc :: GHC.Located GHC.Name -> GHC.SrcLoc
defineLoc (GHC.L _ name) = GHC.nameSrcLoc name

-- | Return the identifier's source location.
-- useLoc::PNT->SrcLoc
useLoc:: (GHC.Located GHC.Name) -> GHC.SrcLoc
-- useLoc (GHC.L l _) = getGhcLoc l
useLoc (GHC.L l _) = GHC.srcSpanStart l

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return the type checked `GHC.Id` corresponding to the given
-- `GHC.Name`

-- TODO: there has to be a simpler way, using the appropriate GHC internals
findIdForName :: GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (Maybe GHC.Id)
findIdForName n = do
  tm <- getTypecheckedModule
  let t = GHC.tm_typechecked_source tm
  let r = SYB.somethingStaged SYB.Parser Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker) t
      worker (i::GHC.Id)
         | (GHC.nameUnique n) ==  (GHC.varUnique i) = Just i
      worker _ = Nothing
  return r

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

getTypeForName :: GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (Maybe GHC.Type)
getTypeForName n = do
  mId <-  findIdForName n
  case mId of
    Nothing -> return Nothing
    Just i -> return $ Just (GHC.varType i)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Given the syntax phrase, find the largest-leftmost expression
-- contained in the region specified by the start and end position, if
-- found.
locToExp:: (SYB.Data t,SYB.Typeable n) =>
                   SimpPos    -- ^ The start position.
                -> SimpPos    -- ^ The end position.
                -> t          -- ^ The syntax phrase.
                -> Maybe (GHC.LHsExpr n) -- ^ The result.
locToExp beginPos endPos t = res
     res = SYB.somethingStaged SYB.Parser Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` expr) t

     expr :: GHC.LHsExpr n -> Maybe (GHC.LHsExpr n)
     expr e
        |inScope e = Just e
     expr _ = Nothing

     inScope :: GHC.Located e -> Bool
     inScope (GHC.L l _) =
         (startLoc,endLoc) = case l of
           (GHC.RealSrcSpan ss) ->
             ((GHC.srcSpanStartLine ss,GHC.srcSpanStartCol ss),
              (GHC.srcSpanEndLine ss,GHC.srcSpanEndCol ss))
           (GHC.UnhelpfulSpan _) -> ((0,0),(0,0))
        (startLoc>=beginPos) && (startLoc<= endPos) && (endLoc>= beginPos) && (endLoc<=endPos)


-- | If an expression consists of only one identifier then return this
-- identifier in the GHC.Name format, otherwise return the default Name
expToNameRdr :: NameMap -> GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName -> Maybe GHC.Name
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
expToNameRdr nm (GHC.L l (GHC.HsVar pnt)) = Just (rdrName2NamePure nm (GHC.L l pnt))
expToNameRdr nm (GHC.L _ (GHC.HsVar pnt)) = Just (rdrName2NamePure nm pnt)
expToNameRdr nm (GHC.L _ (GHC.HsPar e))   = expToNameRdr nm e
expToNameRdr _ _ = Nothing

nameToString :: GHC.Name -> String
-- nameToString name = showGhc name
nameToString name = showGhcQual name

-- | If a pattern consists of only one identifier then return this
-- identifier, otherwise return Nothing
patToNameRdr :: NameMap -> GHC.LPat GHC.RdrName -> Maybe GHC.Name
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
patToNameRdr nm (GHC.L l (GHC.VarPat n)) = Just (rdrName2NamePure nm (GHC.L l n))
patToNameRdr nm (GHC.L _ (GHC.VarPat n)) = Just (rdrName2NamePure nm n)
patToNameRdr _ _ = Nothing

-- | Compose a pattern from a pName.
{-# DEPRECATED pNtoPat "Can't use Renamed in GHC 8" #-}
pNtoPat :: name -> GHC.Pat name
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
pNtoPat pname = GHC.VarPat pname
pNtoPat pname = GHC.VarPat (GHC.noLoc pname)

-- EOF