module Test.HUnitPlus.Main(
) where
import Control.Exception
import Data.ByteString.Lazy(hPut)
import Data.Either
import Data.Map(Map)
import System.Console.CmdArgs hiding (Quiet)
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import Test.HUnitPlus.Base hiding (name)
import Test.HUnitPlus.Execution
import Test.HUnitPlus.Filter
import Test.HUnitPlus.Reporting hiding (Node)
import Test.HUnitPlus.Text
import Test.HUnitPlus.XML
import Text.XML.Expat.Format
import Text.XML.Expat.Tree(Node)
data ConsoleMode =
| Terminal
| Text
| Verbose
deriving (Typeable, Data, Show)
data Opts =
Opts {
xmlreport :: ![String],
filters :: ![String],
txtreport :: ![String],
consmode :: ![ConsoleMode],
testlist :: ![String]
deriving (Typeable, Show, Data)
opts :: Opts
opts =
Opts {
testlist = []
&= explicit
&= name "l"
&= name "testlist"
&= help "Read test filters from FILE"
&= typFile,
xmlreport = []
&= help "Output an XML report, with an optional filename for the report (default is \"report.xml\")"
&= opt "report.xml"
&= typFile,
txtreport = []
&= help "Output a plain text report, with an optional filename for the report (default is \"report.txt\")"
&= opt "report.txt"
&= typFile,
consmode = []
&= explicit
&= name "c"
&= name "consolemode"
&= help "Specify console output behavior. MODE is one of: \"quiet\", \"terminal\", \"text\", \"verbose\" (Default is \"terminal\")"
&= typ "MODE",
filters = []
&= args
&= typ "FILTERS"
} &= summary "HUnit-Plus Standard Test Runner"
&= program "runtests"
&= noAtExpand
&= details ["FILTERS specifies one or more test filters, which select " ++
"which tests will be run. If no filters are provided, all " ++
"tests will be selected. If multiple filters are " ++
"specified, tests that match any of the filters will be " ++
"selected. The format for a filter is " ++
"[SUITE::][PATH][@TAGS]. All components are optional.",
"SUITE specifies the suite in which selected tests are " ++
"found. If no suite is specified, then the filter will be " ++
"applied to all tests.",
"PATH is a path of the form [NAME.]*NAME. All tests whose " ++
"paths start with the path will be selected. If no path is " ++
"specified, then all tests matching the rest of the filter " ++
"will be selected",
"TAGS is a comma separated list of tags. All tests with " ++
"any of the given tags will be selected. If no tags are " ++
"specified, then all tests matching the rest of the filter " ++
"will be selected"
parseTestLists :: Opts
-> IO (Either [String] [Filter])
parseTestLists Opts { testlist = filenames, filters = cmdfilters } =
cmdresults = map (either (Left . (: [])) (Right . (: [])) .
parseFilter "command line") cmdfilters
in do
fileresults <- mapM parseFilterFile filenames
case partitionEithers (fileresults ++ cmdresults) of
([], allfilters) -> return (Right (concat allfilters))
(errs, _) -> return (Left (concat errs))
interpretException :: String
-> IOError
-> String
interpretException prefix e = prefix ++ show e
withReportHandles :: Opts
-> (Maybe Handle -> Maybe Handle -> IO a)
-> IO (Either [String] a)
withReportHandles Opts { xmlreport = [], txtreport = [] } cmd =
cmd Nothing Nothing >>= return . Right
withReportHandles Opts { xmlreport = [ xmlfile ], txtreport = [] } cmd =
runcmd xmlhandle =
res <- try (cmd (Just xmlhandle) Nothing)
case res of
Left e ->
return (Left [interpretException "Error generating report file: " e])
Right res' -> return (Right res')
in do
res <- try (withFile xmlfile WriteMode runcmd)
case res of
Left e ->
return (Left [interpretException "Error opening XML report file: " e])
Right res' -> return res'
withReportHandles Opts { xmlreport = [], txtreport = [ txtfile ] } cmd =
runcmd txthandle =
res <- try (cmd Nothing (Just txthandle))
case res of
Left e ->
return (Left [interpretException "Error generating report file: " e])
Right res' -> return (Right res')
in do
res <- try (withFile txtfile WriteMode runcmd)
case res of
Left e ->
return (Left [interpretException "Error opening text report file: " e])
Right res' -> return res'
withReportHandles Opts { xmlreport = [ xmlfile ], txtreport = [ txtfile ] } cmd =
runWithXML xmlhandle =
runcmd txthandle =
res <- try (cmd (Just xmlhandle) (Just txthandle))
case res of
Left e ->
return (Left [interpretException
"Error generating report file: " e])
Right res' -> return (Right res')
in do
res <- try (withFile txtfile WriteMode runcmd)
case res of
Left e ->
return (Left [interpretException
"Error opening text report file: " e])
Right res' -> return res'
in do
res <- try (withFile xmlfile WriteMode runWithXML)
case res of
Left e ->
return (Left [interpretException "Error opening XML report file: " e])
Right res' -> return res'
withReportHandles Opts { xmlreport = _ : _ : _, txtreport = _ : _ : _ } _ =
return (Left ["Cannot specify multiple files for XML reports",
"Cannot specify multiple files for text reports"])
withReportHandles Opts { xmlreport = _ : _ : _ } _ =
return (Left ["Cannot specify multiple files for XML reports"])
withReportHandles Opts { txtreport = _ : _ : _ } _ =
return (Left ["Cannot specify multiple files for text reports"])
createMain :: [TestSuite] -> IO ()
createMain suites =
cmdopts <- cmdArgs opts
res <- topLevel suites cmdopts
case res of
Left errs ->
mapM_ (putStr . (++ "\n")) errs
Right False -> exitFailure
Right True -> exitSuccess
topLevel :: [TestSuite] -> Opts -> IO (Either [String] Bool)
topLevel suites cmdopts @ Opts { consmode = cmodeopt } =
cmode = case cmodeopt of
[] -> Right Terminal
[ cmode' ] -> Right cmode'
_ -> Left "Cannot specify multiple terminal output options"
suitenames = map suiteName suites
in do
testlistres <- parseTestLists cmdopts
case (testlistres, cmode) of
(Left terrs, Left merrs) -> return (Left (merrs : terrs))
(Left terrs, _) -> return (Left terrs)
(_, Left merrs) -> return (Left [merrs])
(Right testlists, Right mode) ->
normfilters = suiteSelectors suitenames testlists
withReportHandles cmdopts (executeTests suites normfilters mode)
executeTests :: [TestSuite]
-> Map String Selector
-> ConsoleMode
-> Maybe Handle
-> Maybe Handle
-> IO Bool
executeTests suites testlists cmode xmlhandle txthandle =
textTerminalReporter = textReporter (putTextToHandle stdout) False
verboseTerminalReporter = textReporter (putTextToHandle stdout) True
writeXML :: Handle -> [[Node String String]] -> IO ()
writeXML outhandle [[tree]] = hPut outhandle (format tree)
writeXML _ _ =
error "Internal error in XML reporting: extra nodes on node stack"
runTests :: ConsoleMode -> Maybe Handle -> Maybe Handle -> IO Counts
runTests Quiet Nothing Nothing =
quietReporter = defaultReporter { reporterStart = return () }
in do
(out, ()) <- performTestSuites quietReporter testlists suites
return out
runTests Terminal Nothing Nothing =
(out, _) <- performTestSuites terminalReporter testlists suites
return out
runTests Text Nothing Nothing =
(out, _) <- performTestSuites textTerminalReporter testlists suites
return out
runTests Verbose Nothing Nothing =
(out, _) <- performTestSuites verboseTerminalReporter testlists suites
return out
runTests Quiet (Just xmlhandle') Nothing =
(out, tree) <- performTestSuites xmlReporter testlists suites
writeXML xmlhandle' tree
return out
runTests Terminal (Just xmlhandle') Nothing =
rep = combinedReporter xmlReporter terminalReporter
in do
(out, (tree, _)) <- performTestSuites rep testlists suites
writeXML xmlhandle' tree
return out
runTests Text (Just xmlhandle') Nothing =
rep = combinedReporter xmlReporter textTerminalReporter
in do
(out, (tree, _)) <- performTestSuites rep testlists suites
writeXML xmlhandle' tree
return out
runTests Verbose (Just xmlhandle') Nothing =
rep = combinedReporter xmlReporter verboseTerminalReporter
in do
(out, (tree, _)) <- performTestSuites rep testlists suites
writeXML xmlhandle' tree
return out
runTests Quiet Nothing (Just texthandle') =
txtrep = textReporter (putTextToHandle texthandle') True
in do
(out, _) <- performTestSuites txtrep testlists suites
return out
runTests Terminal Nothing (Just texthandle') =
txtrep = textReporter (putTextToHandle texthandle') True
rep = combinedReporter terminalReporter txtrep
in do
(out, _) <- performTestSuites rep testlists suites
return out
runTests Text Nothing (Just texthandle') =
txtrep = textReporter (putTextToHandle texthandle') True
rep = combinedReporter textTerminalReporter txtrep
in do
(out, _) <- performTestSuites rep testlists suites
return out
runTests Verbose Nothing (Just texthandle') =
txtrep = textReporter (putTextToHandle texthandle') True
rep = combinedReporter verboseTerminalReporter txtrep
in do
(out, _) <- performTestSuites rep testlists suites
return out
runTests Quiet (Just xmlhandle') (Just texthandle') =
txtrep = textReporter (putTextToHandle texthandle') True
rep = combinedReporter xmlReporter txtrep
in do
(out, (tree, _)) <- performTestSuites rep testlists suites
writeXML xmlhandle' tree
return out
runTests Terminal (Just xmlhandle') (Just texthandle') =
txtrep = textReporter (putTextToHandle texthandle') True
termrep = combinedReporter terminalReporter txtrep
rep = combinedReporter xmlReporter termrep
in do
(out, (tree, _)) <- performTestSuites rep testlists suites
writeXML xmlhandle' tree
return out
runTests Text (Just xmlhandle') (Just texthandle') =
txtrep = textReporter (putTextToHandle texthandle') True
termrep = combinedReporter textTerminalReporter txtrep
rep = combinedReporter xmlReporter termrep
in do
(out, (tree, _)) <- performTestSuites rep testlists suites
writeXML xmlhandle' tree
return out
runTests Verbose (Just xmlhandle') (Just texthandle') =
txtrep = textReporter (putTextToHandle texthandle') True
termrep = combinedReporter verboseTerminalReporter txtrep
rep = combinedReporter xmlReporter termrep
in do
(out, (tree, _)) <- performTestSuites rep testlists suites
writeXML xmlhandle' tree
return out
in do
res <- runTests cmode xmlhandle txthandle
case res of
Counts { cErrors = 0, cFailures = 0 } -> return True
_ -> return False