-- |Datatypes and functions useful for all SoundFile datatypes.
module Sound.Base (
        -- * Basic Audio data types
        -- ** SoundFile types and classes
        SndFileInfo ( .. ),
        SndFileType ( .. ),
        SoundFile ( SoundFile ),
        SndFileCls (getSfInfo, getSfType, fromSndFileCls, getAudioData, getAudioLength),
        -- * Error handling
        AudioError (..),
        -- * Functions
        -- ** SoundFile functions
        -- ** AudioSig functions
        ) where

import Data.List (transpose)
import Control.Parallel.Strategies (rnf, (>|))
import qualified Control.Parallel.Strategies as Strat
import qualified Control.Monad.Error as Err

-- |The samplerate value, in samples per second.
type SampleRate = Integer

-- |The bit depth, or word length, of audio data.
type BitDepth = Integer

-- |A single sample of audio data.  Represented normalized to [-1,1]
type SoundData = Double

-- |One frame of audio data, i.e. the sample value for each channel in the data.
type SoundFrame = [SoundData]

-- |A position in a data stream, or a length, in frame values.
type FrameCount = Integer

-- |An audio data stream.  This has both the raw audio data (as a list of 'SoundFrame'),
-- and the total length, in frames.
data AudioSig = AudioSig {
        -- | The audio data.
        audioData :: [SoundFrame],
        -- | length of the audio data.
        lengthInFrames :: FrameCount
        } deriving (Eq, Show)
-- The total length needs to be passed as well so
-- it can be written without forcing all the elements in the list.  This is a bit of a 
-- hack, but I want to see how workable it is.  I've also tried it as a monad, which was less successful.
-- however, perhaps it should be a tuple.  The audioData won't be forced because it's a list, I think...

makeAudioSignal :: FrameCount -> [SoundFrame] -> AudioSig
makeAudioSignal fc frames = AudioSig frames fc

appendASig :: AudioSig -> AudioSig -> AudioSig
appendASig a b = AudioSig (concat [audioData a, audioData b]) $ (lengthInFrames a) + (lengthInFrames b)

concatASig :: [AudioSig] -> AudioSig
concatASig a = AudioSig (concat . map audioData $ a) (sum . map lengthInFrames $ a)

{-|Monad to support error handling.
type AudioMonad m = Err.ErrorT AudioError m

data AudioError = NoFormatError -- ^ Audio format information not found in file
        | UnknownFileTypeError -- ^ File is not in a recognized file format
        | InvalidBitDepthError BitDepth [BitDepth] -- ^ Specified bit depth is not supported
        | OtherError String -- ^ unspecified error.

instance Err.Error AudioError where
        noMsg    = OtherError "An Audio Error!"
        strMsg s = OtherError s

instance Show AudioError where
        show (NoFormatError) = "No format information found."
        show UnknownFileTypeError = "The file does not appear to be a recognized audio file."
        show (InvalidBitDepthError r vs) = "Requested bit depth " ++ show r ++ " is invalid.  Valid bit depths are " ++ show vs
        show (OtherError s) = s

{-|The basic class datatypes that represent soundfiles should support.
class SndFileCls a where
        -- | get a 'SndFileInfo' with data for the current SoundFile
	getSfInfo :: (Monad m) => a -> AudioMonad m SndFileInfo
        -- | get the type of the underlying instance
	getSfType :: a -> SndFileType --WavePCM, AIFF, etc
        -- | Get the AudioSig from the SndFileCls instance.
        getAudioData :: (Monad m) => a -> AudioMonad m AudioSig
        -- | convert a SndFileCls instance to the SoundFile type.
        fromSndFileCls :: (Monad m) => a -> AudioMonad m SoundFile
        fromSndFileCls sf = do
                sfi <- getSfInfo sf
                ad <- getAudioData sf
                return $ SoundFile sfi ad
        -- | Get the length of audio data, in frames.
        getAudioLength :: (Monad m) => a -> AudioMonad m FrameCount
        getAudioLength a= do
                ad <- getAudioData a
                return $ lengthInFrames ad

-- | Basic information about the audio data: number of channels, samplerate, and bit depth.
data SndFileInfo = SndFileInfo {numChannels :: Int, sr :: SampleRate,
                        bitDepth :: BitDepth} deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Strat.NFData SndFileInfo where
        rnf (SndFileInfo chn sr' bd) = rnf chn >| rnf sr' >| rnf bd

{-|The type of the 'SndFileCls'
    Internal is a special type used for the 'SndFile' class.
data SndFileType =
        | WavePCM
        | OtherSoundFile String
        | Internal deriving (Eq, Show) --more to be added as I have time.  AIFF not impl.

-- |A generic datatype for SoundFile data.
data SoundFile = SoundFile { sfFileInfo :: SndFileInfo,
                             sfFileData :: AudioSig }
instance SndFileCls SoundFile where
	getSfInfo = return . sfFileInfo
	getAudioData = return . sfFileData
	getSfType _ = Internal
instance Eq SoundFile where
        a == b = sfFileInfo a == sfFileInfo b
instance Show SoundFile where
        show = show . sfFileInfo

-- |Convert an interleaved ['SoundData'] (e.g., [l1, r1, l2, r2,...]) to ['SoundFrame']
makeFrames :: Int -> [SoundData] -> [SoundFrame]
makeFrames _ [] = []
makeFrames 1 xs = map (:[]) xs
makeFrames numChans xs = frames : makeFrames numChans rest
                         where (frames, rest) = splitAt numChans xs

-- |Interleave a [['SoundData']] to ['SoundFrame'], e.g. [[l1,l2,l3], [r1,r2,r3]] -> [[l1,r1], [l2,r2], [l3, r3]]
interleave :: [[SoundData]] -> [SoundFrame]
interleave = transpose