name: HSoM version: 1.0.0 Cabal-Version: >= 1.8 license: BSD3 license-file: License copyright: Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Paul Hudak and Donya Quick category: Sound stability: experimental build-type: Custom author: Paul Hudak , Donya Quick , Dan Winograd-Cort maintainer: Donya Quick bug-reports: homepage: synopsis: Library for computer music education description: Supporting library for the Haskell School of Music textbook. extra-source-files: ReadMe.txt Library hs-source-dirs: . ghc-options: -O2 -funbox-strict-fields -fexcess-precision extensions: CPP exposed-modules: System.Random.Distributions, HSoM, HSoM.Performance, HSoM.MUI.MidiWidgets, HSoM.MUI, HSoM.Examples.FFT, HSoM.Examples.MoreMusic, HSoM.Examples.RandomMusic, HSoM.Examples.SoundCheck, HSoM.Examples.SelfSimilar, HSoM.Examples.SSF, HSoM.Examples.Interlude, HSoM.Examples.EuterpeaExamples, HSoM.Examples.MUIExamples1, HSoM.Examples.MUIExamples2, HSoM.Examples.IntervalTrainer, HSoM.Examples.NewResolutions, HSoM.Examples.MusicToSignal, HSoM.Examples.SpectrumAnalysis, HSoM.Examples.Additive, HSoM.Examples.AMandFM, HSoM.Examples.PhysicalModeling other-modules: build-depends: base >= 3 && < 5, arrows >= 0.4, array, deepseq, random, HCodecs >= 0.2, Euterpea >= 2.0.3, containers, markov-chain, pure-fft, UISF >= 0.4 if (impl(ghc >= 6.10)) build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, ghc-prim