{- |
   The HList library

   (C) 2004, Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Laemmel, Keean Schupke

   Type-indexed co-products. The public interface is exposed
   in <Data-HList-CommonMain.html#t:TIC CommonMain#TIC>

   (There are other ways: see ConsUnion.hs, for example)

module Data.HList.TIC where

import Data.HList.TIP
import Data.HList.FakePrelude
import Data.HList.HListPrelude

import Data.HList.Record
import Data.HList.Variant
import Data.HList.HList

import Data.HList.HArray

import Data.Array (Ix)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup)

import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import LensDefs

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | A datatype for type-indexed co-products. A 'TIC' is just a 'Variant',
-- where the elements of the type-level list @\"l\"@ are in the form
-- @Tagged x x@.

newtype TIC (l :: [*]) = TIC (Variant l)

deriving instance Eq (Variant l) => Eq (TIC l)
deriving instance Ord (Variant l) => Ord (TIC l)
deriving instance Ix (Variant l) => Ix (TIC l)
deriving instance Bounded (Variant l) => Bounded (TIC l)
deriving instance Enum (Variant l) => Enum (TIC l)
deriving instance Monoid (Variant l) => Monoid (TIC l)
deriving instance Semigroup (Variant l) => Semigroup (TIC l)

instance HMapAux Variant f xs ys => HMapAux TIC f xs ys where
    hMapAux f (TIC a) = TIC (hMapAux f a)

-- | @Iso (TIC s) (TIC t) (Variant s) (Variant t)@
-- 'typeIndexed' may be more appropriate
ticVariant x = isoNewtype (\(TIC a) -> a) TIC x

-- | @Iso' (TIC s) (Variant s)@
ticVariant' x = isSimple ticVariant x

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

{- | Conversion between type indexed collections ('TIC' and 'TIP')
and the corresponding collection that has other label types ('Variant'
and 'Record' respectively)

See 'typeIndexed''

class TypeIndexed r tr | r -> tr, tr -> r where
    -- | @Iso (r s) (r t) (tr a) (tr b)@
    typeIndexed :: forall p f s t a b.
       (TypeIndexedCxt s t a b, Profunctor p, Functor f) =>
      p (tr (TagR a)) (f (tr (TagR b))) -> p (r s) (f (r t))

type TypeIndexedCxt s t a b =
 (HMapCxt HList TaggedFn b t,
  RecordValues s, RecordValues t,
  a ~ RecordValuesR s,
  b ~ RecordValuesR t,
  SameLabels s t,
  SameLength s t,
  SameLength b a,
  {- to use castVariant instead of unsafeCastVariant
  RecordValuesR (TagR a) ~ a,
  RecordValuesR (TagR b) ~ b,
  SameLength (TagR a) s,
  SameLength (TagR b) t,
  Coercible (TagR b) t,
  Coercible (TagR a) s,
  HAllTaggedLV s,
  HRLabelSet t,
  TagUntag a,
  TagUntag b)

instance TypeIndexed Record TIP where
    typeIndexed = sameLength . unlabeled . fromTipHList
      where fromTipHList = iso (TIP . hTagSelf) (\(TIP a) -> hUntagSelf a)

instance TypeIndexed Variant TIC where
    typeIndexed = isoNewtype unsafeCastVariant unsafeCastVariant
                . isoNewtype TIC (\(TIC a) -> a)

{- |

@'Iso'' ('Variant' s) ('TIC' a)@

@'Iso'' ('Record' s) ('TIP' a)@

where @s@ has a type like @'[Tagged \"x\" Int]@, and
@a@ has a type like @'[Tagged Int Int]@.
typeIndexed' x = isSimple typeIndexed x

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Public constructor (or, open union's injection function)

mkTIC' :: forall i l proxy.
         ( HTypeIndexed l
         , MkVariant i i l
      => i
      -> proxy l -- ^ the ordering of types in the @l :: [*]@ matters.
                 -- This argument is intended to fix the ordering
                 -- it can be a Record, Variant, TIP, Proxy
      -> TIC l

mkTIC' i p = TIC (mkVariant (Label :: Label i) i p)

-- | make a TIC that contains one element
mkTIC1 :: forall i. MkVariant i i '[Tagged i i] => i -> TIC '[Tagged i i]
mkTIC1 i = TIC (mkVariant1 (Label :: Label i) i)

-- | make a TIC for use in contexts where the result type is fixed
mkTIC i = mkTIC' i Proxy

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Public destructor (or, open union's projection function)
instance HasField o (Variant l) (Maybe o) =>
      HasField o (TIC l) (Maybe o) where
    hLookupByLabel l (TIC i) = hLookupByLabel l i

instance (HasField o (TIC l) mo, mo ~ Maybe o) => HOccurs mo (TIC l) where
    hOccurs = hLookupByLabel (Label :: Label o)

-- | similar to 'HPrism'
class TICPrism s t a b | s a b -> t, t a b -> s where
  ticPrism :: (SameLength s t, Choice p, Applicative f)
      => (a `p` f b) -> (TIC s `p` f (TIC t))

instance (
    MkVariant b b t,
    HasField a (Variant s) (Maybe a),
    SameLength s t,

    HFindLabel b t n,
    HFindLabel a s n,

    HUpdateAtHNatR n (Tagged b b) s ~ t,
    HUpdateAtHNatR n (Tagged a a) t ~ s

    ) => TICPrism s t a b where
  ticPrism = ticVariant . prism (\b -> mkVariant (Label :: Label b) b Proxy)
      (\s -> case hLookupByLabel (Label :: Label a) s of
          Just a -> Right a
          Nothing -> Left (unsafeCastVariant s :: Variant t))

-- | @Prism' (TIC s) a@
ticPrism' :: forall s t a b. (HPrism a s t a b, a~b, s~t)
  => (forall f p. (Applicative f, Choice p) => (a `p` f b) -> (TIC s `p` f (TIC t)))
ticPrism' = ticVariant . hPrism (Label :: Label a)

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | TICs are not opaque

instance ShowVariant l => Show (TIC l)
  showsPrec _ (TIC v) = ("TIC{"++) . showVariant v . ('}':)

instance (ReadVariant l, HAllTaggedEq l, HRLabelSet l) => Read (TIC l)
   readsPrec _ = readP_to_S $ do
     _ <- string "TIC{"
     r <- readVariant
     _ <- string "}"
     return (TIC r)

{- |
> Nothing .*. x = x
> Just a .*. y = mkTIC a
instance (me ~ Maybe e, HOccursNot (Tagged e e) l)
       => HExtend me (TIC l) where
    type HExtendR me (TIC l) = TIC (Tagged (UnMaybe me) (UnMaybe me) ': l)
    Just e .*. _ = TIC (unsafeMkVariant 0 e)
    Nothing .*. TIC x = TIC (extendVariant x)