{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoPolyKinds #-}
{- | Description : quasiquoter inspired by -XNamedFieldPuns -}
module Data.HList.RecordPuns (
    -- $ex

    ) where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Data.HList.Record
import Data.HList.FakePrelude
import Data.List
import Data.HList.HList

{- $ex

>>> :set -XQuasiQuotes -XViewPatterns


>>> let y = Label :: Label "y"
>>> let x = Label :: Label "x"
>>> [pun| x y |] <- return (x .=. 3 .*. y .=. "hi" .*. emptyRecord)
>>> print (x,y)


Compare with the standard way to construct records above

>>> let x = 3; y = "hi"
>>> [pun|x y|]


Nesting is supported. The idea is that variables inside
@{ }@ are in another record. More concretely:

> [pun| ab@{ a b } y z c{d} |]

as a pattern, it will bindings from an original record @x@,
if you interpret (.) as a left-associative field lookup (as it
is in other languages):

> let ab = xab
>     a = x.ab.a
>     b = x.ab.b
>     y = x.y
>     z = x.z
>     -- c is not bound
>     d = x.c.d

as an expression, it creates a new record which needs the variables
@ab a b y z d@ in-scope. @ab@ needs to be a record, and if it has
fields called @a@ or @b@ they are overridden by the values of @a@ and @b@
which are in scope.

@( )@ parens mean the same thing as @{ }@, except the pattern match
restricts the fields in the record supplied to be exactly the ones
provided. In other words

> [pun| (x _ y{}) |] = list
> -- desugars to something like:
> Record ((Tagged x :: Tagged "x" s1) `HCons`
>         (Tagged _ :: Tagged t   s2) `HCons`
>         (Tagged _ :: Tagged "y" s3) `HCons`
>          HNil) = list

Where the @s1@ and @s2@ are allowed to fit whatever is in the HList.
Note that this also introduces the familiar wild card pattern (@_@),
and shows again how to ensure a label is present but not bind a variable
to it.

See also @examples/pun.hs@. In @{}@ patterns, @pun@ can work with
'Variant' too.


-- | requires labels to be promoted strings (kind Symbol), as provided by
-- "Data.HList.Label6" (ie. the label for foo is @Label :: Label \"foo\"@),
-- or "Data.HList.Labelable"
pun :: QuasiQuoter
pun = QuasiQuoter {
    quotePat = suppressWarning mp . parseRec,
    quoteExp = suppressWarning me . parseRec,
    quoteDec  = error "Data.HList.RecordPuns.quoteDec",
    quoteType = error "Data.HList.RecordPuns.quoteType"

-- | the warning about @implicit {} added@ doesn't
-- make sense at top level (but it does if you say
-- have  [pun| x @ y |]
suppressWarning f (V a) = f (C [V a])
suppressWarning f x = f x

-- like  \x -> (x .!. x1, x .!. x2)
extracts xs = do
    record <- newName "record"
    let val = tupE
            [ [| $(varE record) .!. $label  |]
                | x <- xs,
                let label = [| Label :: Label $(litT (strTyLit x)) |],
                x /= "_"

        -- constrain the type of the supplied record to have at least
        -- as many elements as are extracted. In other words:
        -- > f :: r (e1 ': e2 ': e3 ': e4 ': es) -> () -- is inferred
        -- > f [pun| { _ _ _ _ } |] = ()
        ensureLength = [| $(varE record) `asTypeOf` $(minLen xs) |]

    lamE [varP record] [|  $val `const` $ensureLength |]

-- | generates an @undefined :: r xs@, such that @xs :: [k]@ has
-- at least as long as the input list
minLen :: [t] -> ExpQ
minLen [] = [| error "Data.HList.RecordPuns.minLen" :: r (es :: [*]) |]
minLen (_ : xs) = [| (error "Data.HList.RecordPuns.minLen"
                        :: r es -> r (e ': es)) $(minLen xs) |]

mkPair :: String -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
mkPair x xe = [| (Label :: Label $(litT (strTyLit x))) .=. $xe |]

me :: Tree -> ExpQ
me (C as) = foldr (\(l,e) acc -> [| $(mkPair l e) .*. $acc |]) [| emptyRecord |] (mes as)
me (D _as) = error "Data.HList.RecordPuns.mp impossible"
me a = do
    reportWarning $ "Data.HList.RecordPuns.mp implicit {} added around:" ++ show a
    me (C [a])

mes :: [Tree] -> [(String, ExpQ)]
mes (V a : V "@": b : c) = (a, [| $(me b) `hLeftUnion` $(dyn a) |]) : mes c
mes (V a : C b : c)      = (a, me (C b)) : mes c
mes (V a : D b : c)      = (a, me (C b)) : mes c
mes (V a : b)            = (a, varE (mkName a)) : mes b
mes [] = []
mes inp = error $ "Data.HList.RecordPuns.mes: cannot translate remaining:" ++
                        show (map ppTree inp)

mp :: Tree -> PatQ
mp (C as) =
    let extractPats = mps as
        tupleP = tupP [ p | (binding, p) <- extractPats, binding /= "_" ]
    in viewP (extracts (map fst extractPats)) tupleP

mp (D as) = conP 'Record
  [(foldr ( \ (n,p) xs -> conP 'HCons
                [ let ty
                          | n == "_"  = [| undefined :: Tagged anyLabel t |]
                          | otherwise = [| undefined :: Tagged $(litT (strTyLit n)) t |]
                  in viewP [| \x -> x `asTypeOf` $ty |]
                      (conP 'Tagged [p]),
          (conP 'HNil [])
          (mps as))]
mp a = do
    reportWarning $ "Data.HList.RecordPuns.mp implicit {} added around:" ++ show a
    mp (C [a])

mps :: [Tree] -> [(String, PatQ)]
mps (V a : V "@" : b : c) = (a, asP (mkName a) (mp b)) :  mps c
mps (V a : C b : c) = (a, mp (C b)) : mps c
mps (V a : D b : c) = (a, mp (D b)) : mps c
mps (V "_" : b) = ("_", wildP) : mps b
mps (V a : b) = (a, varP (mkName a)) : mps b
mps [] = []
mps inp = error $ "Data.HList.RecordPuns.mps: cannot translate remaining pattern:" ++
                        show (map ppTree inp)

data Tree = C [Tree] -- ^ curly @{ }@
          | D [Tree] -- ^ @(  )@
          | V String -- ^ variable
  deriving Show

{- |

>>> parseRec "{ a b c {d e f}  } d"
C [C [V "a",V "b",V "c",C [V "d",V "e",V "f"]],V "d"]

>>> ppTree $ parseRec "{a b c {d e {} f @ g}}"
"{a b c {d e {} f @ g}}"

>>> ppTree $ parseRec "a b c {d e {} f @ g}"
"{a b c {d e {} f @ g}}"

>>> ppTree $ parseRec "(a b { (d) e } )"
"(a b {(d) e})"

parseRec :: String -> Tree
parseRec str = case parseRec' 0 0 [[]] $ lexing str of
    [x] -> x -- avoid adding another layer if possible
    x -> C (reverse x)

parseRec' :: Int -> Int -> [[Tree]] -> [String] -> [Tree]
parseRec' n m accum  ("{" : rest)  = parseRec' (n+1) m ([] : accum) rest
parseRec' n m accum  ("(" : rest)  = parseRec'  n (m+1) ([] : accum) rest
parseRec' n m (a:b:c) ("}" : rest) = parseRec' (n-1) m ((C (reverse a) : b) : c)  rest
parseRec' n m (a:b:c) (")" : rest) = parseRec' n (m-1) ((D (reverse a) : b) : c)  rest
parseRec' n m (b:c) (a   : rest)
         | a `notElem` ["{","}","(",")"] = parseRec' n m   ((V a : b) : c) rest
parseRec' 0 0 (a:_) []             = a
parseRec' _ _ accum e              = error ("Data.HList.RecordPuns.parseRec' unexpected: " ++ show e
                                            ++ "\n parsed:" ++ show (reverse accum))

ppTree :: Tree -> String
ppTree (C ts) = "{" ++ unwords (map ppTree ts) ++ "}"
ppTree (D ts) = "(" ++ unwords (map ppTree ts) ++ ")"
ppTree (V x)  = x

lexing = unfoldr (\v -> case lex v of
                    ("", "") : _ -> Nothing
                    e : _ -> Just e
                    _ -> Nothing)