// This source file is part of HGamer3D // (A project to enable 3D game development in Haskell) // For the latest info, see http://www.althainz.de/HGamer3D.html // // (c) 2011, 2012 Peter Althainz // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // ClassManualObject.h // #include "wchar.h" #ifndef _DEFINED_HG3D_ClassManualObject #define _DEFINED_HG3D_ClassManualObject #include "ClassPtr.h" #include "EnumRenderOperationOperationType.h" #include "StructVec3.h" #include "StructVec2.h" #include "StructColour.h" #include "ClassManualObjectSection.h" #include "StructSharedPtr.h" // void ogre_mno_construct(char * name_c, struct hg3dclass_struct * result_c); // void ogre_mno_destruct(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c); // void ogre_mno_clear(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c); // void ogre_mno_estimateVertexCount(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int vcount_c); // void ogre_mno_estimateIndexCount(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int icount_c); // void ogre_mno_begin(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, char * materialName_c, enum EnumRenderOperationOperationType opType_c, char * groupName_c); // void ogre_mno_setDynamic(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int dyn_c); // void ogre_mno_getDynamic(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int * result_c); // void ogre_mno_beginUpdate(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int sectionIndex_c); // void ogre_mno_position(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, struct vector3_struct * pos_c); // void ogre_mno_position2(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, float x_c, float y_c, float z_c); // void ogre_mno_normal(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, struct vector3_struct * norm_c); // void ogre_mno_normal2(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, float x_c, float y_c, float z_c); // void ogre_mno_tangent(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, struct vector3_struct * tan_c); // void ogre_mno_tangent2(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, float x_c, float y_c, float z_c); // void ogre_mno_textureCoord(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, float u_c); // void ogre_mno_textureCoord2(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, float u_c, float v_c); // void ogre_mno_textureCoord3(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, float u_c, float v_c, float w_c); // void ogre_mno_textureCoord4(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, float x_c, float y_c, float z_c, float w_c); // void ogre_mno_textureCoord5(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, struct vector2_struct * uv_c); // void ogre_mno_textureCoord6(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, struct vector3_struct * uvw_c); // void ogre_mno_colour(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, struct colourvalue_struct * col_c); // void ogre_mno_colour2(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, float r_c, float g_c, float b_c, float a_c); // void ogre_mno_index(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, unsigned int idx_c); // void ogre_mno_triangle(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, unsigned int i1_c, unsigned int i2_c, unsigned int i3_c); // void ogre_mno_quad(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, unsigned int i1_c, unsigned int i2_c, unsigned int i3_c, unsigned int i4_c); // Get the number of vertices in the section currently being defined (returns 0 if no section is in progress). void ogre_mno_getCurrentVertexCount(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int * result_c); // Get the number of indices in the section currently being defined (returns 0 if no section is in progress). void ogre_mno_getCurrentIndexCount(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int * result_c); // void ogre_mno_end(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, struct hg3dclass_struct * result_c); // void ogre_mno_setMaterialName(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int subindex_c, char * name_c, char * group_c); // void ogre_mno_convertToMesh(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, char * meshName_c, char * groupName_c, struct sharedptr_struct * result_c); // void ogre_mno_setUseIdentityProjection(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int useIdentityProjection_c); // void ogre_mno_getUseIdentityProjection(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int * result_c); // void ogre_mno_setUseIdentityView(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int useIdentityView_c); // void ogre_mno_getUseIdentityView(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int * result_c); // void ogre_mno_getSection(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, unsigned int index_c, struct hg3dclass_struct * result_c); // void ogre_mno_getNumSections(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, unsigned int * result_c); // void ogre_mno_setKeepDeclarationOrder(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int keepOrder_c); // void ogre_mno_getKeepDeclarationOrder(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int * result_c); // . void ogre_mno_getMovableType(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, char * result_c); // . void ogre_mno_getBoundingRadius(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, float * result_c); // void ogre_mno_hasEdgeList(struct hg3dclass_struct * thisclass_c, int * result_c); #endif