name: HGL version: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Alastair Reid maintainer: Christoph Lueth , Alan Hawkins category: Graphics synopsis: A simple graphics library based on X11 or Win32 description: A simple graphics library, designed to give the programmer access to most interesting parts of the Win32 Graphics Device Interface and X11 library without exposing the programmer to the pain and anguish usually associated with using these interfaces. . The library also includes a module Graphics.SOE providing the interface used in "The Haskell School of Expression", by Paul Hudak, cf . build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.2.1 flag split-base library if flag(split-base) build-depends: base >= && < 5, array, stm else build-depends: base < 2 exposed-modules: Graphics.HGL.Core, Graphics.HGL.Draw, Graphics.HGL.Units, Graphics.HGL.Key, Graphics.HGL.Run, Graphics.HGL.Draw.Brush, Graphics.HGL.Draw.Font, Graphics.HGL.Draw.Monad, Graphics.HGL.Draw.Pen, Graphics.HGL.Draw.Picture, Graphics.HGL.Draw.Region, Graphics.HGL.Draw.Text, Graphics.HGL.Utils, Graphics.HGL.Window, Graphics.HGL, Graphics.SOE other-modules: Graphics.HGL.Internals.Event, Graphics.HGL.Internals.Events, Graphics.HGL.Internals.Draw, Graphics.HGL.Internals.Types, Graphics.HGL.Internals.Flag, Graphics.HGL.Internals.Utilities if os(windows) build-depends: Win32 cpp-options: -DX_DISPLAY_MISSING other-modules: Graphics.HGL.Win32.Bitmap, Graphics.HGL.Win32.Draw, Graphics.HGL.Win32.Types, Graphics.HGL.Win32.WND else build-depends: X11 other-modules: Graphics.HGL.X11.Display, Graphics.HGL.X11.DC, Graphics.HGL.X11.Timer, Graphics.HGL.X11.Types, Graphics.HGL.X11.Window extensions: CPP