module Main where import HGE2D.Types import HGE2D.Datas import HGE2D.Colors import HGE2D.Classes import HGE2D.Instances () import HGE2D.Shapes import HGE2D.Render import HGE2D.Engine {- Example showing dynamic changes by moving the rectanlge -} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --in here we are going to store all data of the game data GameState = GameState { gsSize :: (Double, Double) -- current size of the entire game in pixels , time :: Millisecond -- current time of the game , isClicked :: Bool -- whether the rectangle has been clicked , moveUp :: Bool -- whether the rectangle is moving up , pos :: RealPosition -- the position of the rectangle } --define our initial state gs3 = GameState { time = 0 , gsSize = (0, 0) , pos = (0, 0) , isClicked = False , moveUp = False } --define all functions of the engine for usage of our state es3 = EngineState { getTitle = myGetTitle , getTime = myGetTime , setTime = mySetTime , moveTime = myMoveTime , click = myClick , mUp = myMouseUp , hover = myHover , drag = myDrag , kDown = myKeyDown , kUp = myKeyUp , resize = myResize , getSize = myGetSize , toGlInstr = myToGlInstr } :: EngineState GameState where myGetTitle _ = "Welcome to Example3" --title of the games window myGetTime = time -- how to retrieve the games time mySetTime ms gs = gs { time = ms } -- how to set the games time myMoveTime ms gs = gs { pos = newPos, moveUp = newMoveUp } -- react to changes in time by moving the position where newMoveUp | snd oldPos < 1 && moveUp gs = False | snd oldPos > (snd $ gsSize gs) && (not (moveUp gs)) = True | otherwise = moveUp gs newPos | moveUp gs = ((fst oldPos), (snd oldPos - realToFrac ms / 30)) | otherwise = ((fst oldPos), (snd oldPos + realToFrac ms / 10)) oldPos = pos gs myClick _ _ gs = gs { isClicked = not $ isClicked gs } -- toggle the isClicked Bool on click myMouseUp _ _ = id --nor mouse up myHover x y gs = gs { pos = (x, y) } -- store the hover position myDrag _ _ gs = gs -- don't react to draging myKeyDown _ _ _ = id -- nor key presses myKeyUp _ _ _ = id --nor key releases myResize (w, h) gs = gs { gsSize = (realToFrac w, realToFrac h) } -- how to resize our game myGetSize = gsSize -- and get its size myToGlInstr gs = withCamera es3 gs $ RenderPreserve $ RenderMany -- render with a camera and while preserving changes [ RenderColorize color -- a colored , RenderTranslate (realToFrac $ getX $ pos gs) (realToFrac $ getY $ pos gs) -- moved to pos , rectangle 30 30 -- rectangle of 30px with and height ] where -- the color of the rectangle depends on the click state color | isClicked gs = colorWhite | otherwise = colorGreen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main = runEngine es3 gs3