module HGE2D.Instances where
import HGE2D.Geometry
import HGE2D.Types
import HGE2D.Datas
import HGE2D.Classes
instance HasBoundingBox BoundingBox where
getBB = id
instance HasBoundingBox RigidBody where
getBB = rigidBB
instance HasBoundingBox PhysicalObject where
getBB = physicalBB
instance Positioned RealPosition where
getPos = id
getX = fst
getY = snd
instance Positioned RigidBody where
getPos = getPos . rigidPos
getX = getX . rigidPos
getY = getY . rigidPos
instance Moveable RealPosition where
moveBy by pos = (newX, newY)
newX = fst pos + fst by
newY = snd pos + snd by
moveTo to _ = ((fst to), (snd to))
instance Moveable BoundingBox where
moveBy by bb = BoundingBox { bbMin = newMinPos, bbMax = newMaxPos }
newMinPos = moveBy by $ bbMin bb
newMaxPos = moveBy by $ bbMax bb
moveTo by bb = BoundingBox { bbMin = newMinPos, bbMax = newMaxPos }
newMinPos = moveTo by $ bbMin bb
newMaxPos = moveTo by $ bbMax bb
instance Moveable RigidBody where
moveBy by rb = rb { rigidPos = newPos , rigidBB = newBB }
newBB = moveBy by (rigidBB rb)
newPos = moveBy by (rigidPos rb)
moveTo to rb = rb { rigidPos = newPos, rigidBB = newBB }
newBB = moveTo to (rigidBB rb)
newPos = moveTo to $ rigidPos rb
instance Moveable PhysicalObject where
moveBy by po = po { physicalPos = newPos, physicalBB = newBB }
newBB = moveBy by (physicalBB po)
newPos = moveBy by (physicalPos po)
moveTo to po = po { physicalPos = newPos, physicalBB = newBB }
newBB = moveTo to (physicalBB po)
newPos = moveTo to (physicalPos po)
instance Acceleratable RigidBody where
accBy by rb = rb { rigidVel = newVel }
newVel = ((fst oldVel) + (fst by) , (snd oldVel) + (snd by))
oldVel = rigidVel rb
accTo to rb = rb { rigidVel = to }
instance Acceleratable PhysicalObject where
accBy by po = po { physicalVel = newVel }
newVel = ((fst oldVel) + (fst by) , (snd oldVel) + (snd by))
oldVel = physicalVel po
accTo to po = po { physicalVel = to }
instance Dynamic RigidBody where
moveInTime time rb = rb { rigidPos = newPos , rigidBB = newBB }
newBB = (rigidBB rb) { bbMin = newMinPos, bbMax = newMaxPos}
newPos = applyVelocity (rigidPos rb) (rigidVel rb) time
newMinPos = applyVelocity (bbMin $ rigidBB rb) (rigidVel rb) time
newMaxPos = applyVelocity (bbMax $ rigidBB rb) (rigidVel rb) time