{- |
   Module      : Data.Graph.Analysis.Reporting.Pandoc
   Description : Graphalyze Types and Classes
   Copyright   : (c) Ivan Lazar Miljenovic 2008
   License     : 2-Clause BSD
   Maintainer  : Ivan.Miljenovic@gmail.com

   This module uses /Pandoc/ to generate documents:

   Note that Pandoc is released under GPL-2 or later, however
   according to the Free Software Foundation, I am indeed allowed to
   use it:
   since the 2-Clause BSD license that I'm using is GPL-compatible:
   (search for /FreeBSD License/, which is another name for it).
module Data.Graph.Analysis.Reporting.Pandoc
    ( PandocDocument,
    ) where

-- TODO : the ability to create multiple files.

import Data.Graph.Analysis.Reporting

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Pandoc
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

{- $writers
   The actual exported writers.

pandocHtml :: PandocDocument
pandocHtml = PD { writer    = writeHtmlString
                , extension = "html"
                , header    = "" -- Header will be included

pandocLaTeX :: PandocDocument
pandocLaTeX = PD { writer    = writeLaTeX
                 , extension = "tex"
                 , header    = defaultLaTeXHeader

pandocRtf :: PandocDocument
pandocRtf = PD { writer    = writeRTF
               , extension = "rtf"
               , header    = defaultRTFHeader

pandocMarkdown :: PandocDocument
pandocMarkdown = PD { writer = writeMarkdown
                    , extension = "text"
                    , header = ""

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

{- $defs
   Pandoc definition.

data PandocDocument = PD { writer :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
                         , extension :: FilePath
                         , header :: String

instance DocumentGenerator PandocDocument where
    createDocument = createPandoc
    docExtension   = extension

-- | Define the 'WriterOptions' used.
writerOptions :: WriterOptions
writerOptions = defaultWriterOptions { writerStandalone = True
                                     , writerTableOfContents = True
                                     , writerNumberSections = True

-- | Used when traversing the document structure.
data PandocProcess = PP { secLevel :: Int
                        , filedir  :: FilePath

-- | Start with a level 1 heading.
defaultProcess :: PandocProcess
defaultProcess = PP { secLevel = 1
                    , filedir = ""

-- | Create the document.
createPandoc     :: PandocDocument -> Document -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
createPandoc p d = do created <- tryCreateDirectory dir
                      if (not created)
                         then failDoc
                         else do elems <- multiElems pp (content d)
                                 case elems of
                                   Just es -> do let es' = htmlAuthDt : es
                                                     pd = Pandoc meta es'
                                                     doc = convert pd
                                                 wr <- tryWrite doc
                                                 case wr of
                                                   (Right _) -> success
                                                   (Left _)  -> failDoc
                                   Nothing -> failDoc
      dir = rootDirectory d
      auth = author d
      dt = date d
      meta = makeMeta (title d) auth dt
      -- Html output doesn't show date and auth anywhere by default.
      htmlAuthDt = htmlInfo auth dt
      pp = defaultProcess { filedir = dir }
      opts = writerOptions { writerHeader = (header p) }
      convert = (writer p) opts
      file = dir </> (fileFront d) <.> (extension p)
      tryWrite = try . writeFile file
      success = return (Just file)
      failDoc = removeDirectoryRecursive dir >> return Nothing

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

{- $conv
   Converting individual elements to their corresponding Pandoc types.

-- | The meta information
makeMeta       :: DocInline -> String -> String -> Meta
makeMeta t a d = Meta (inlines t) [a] d

-- | Html output doesn't show the author and date; use this to print it.
htmlInfo         :: String -> String -> Block
htmlInfo auth dt = RawHtml html
      heading = "<h1>Document Information</h1>"
      html = unlines [heading,htmlize auth, htmlize dt]
      htmlize str = "<blockquote><p><em>" ++ str ++ "</em></p></blockquote>"

-- | Link conversion
loc2target             :: Location -> Target
loc2target (URL url)   = (url,"")
loc2target (File file) = (file,"")

-- | Conversion of simple inline elements.
inlines                   :: DocInline -> [Inline]
inlines (Text str)        = [Str str]
inlines BlankSpace        = [Space]
inlines (Grouping grp)    = concat . intersperse [Space] $ map inlines grp
inlines (Bold inl)        = [Strong (inlines inl)]
inlines (Emphasis inl)    = [Emph (inlines inl)]
inlines (DocLink inl loc) = [Link (inlines inl) (loc2target loc)]

{- |
   Conversion of complex elements.  The only reason it's in the IO monad is
   for GraphImage, as it requires IO to create the image.

   If any one of the conversions fail (i.e. returns 'Nothing'), the entire
   process fails.

   In future, may extend this to creating multiple files for top-level
   sections, in which case the IO monad will be required for that as
elements :: PandocProcess -> DocElement -> IO (Maybe [Block])

elements p (Section lbl elems) = do let n = secLevel p
                                        p' = p { secLevel = n + 1}
                                        sec = Header n (inlines lbl)
                                    elems' <- multiElems p' elems
                                    return (fmap (sec:) elems')

elements _ (Paragraph inls)    = return $ Just [Para (concatMap inlines inls)]

elements p (Enumeration elems) = do elems' <- multiElems' p elems
                                    let attrs = (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim)
                                        list = fmap (OrderedList attrs) elems'
                                    return (fmap return list)

elements p (Itemized elems)    = do elems' <- multiElems' p elems
                                    return (fmap (return . BulletList) elems')

elements p (Definition x def)  = do def' <- elements p def
                                    let x' = inlines x
                                        xdef = fmap (return . (,) x') def'
                                    return (fmap (return . DefinitionList) xdef)

elements _ (DocImage inl loc)  = do let img = Image (inlines inl)
                                                    (loc2target loc)
                                    return $ Just [Plain [img]]

elements p (GraphImage dg)     = do el <- createGraph (filedir p) dg
                                    case el of
                                      Nothing  -> return Nothing
                                      Just img -> elements p img

-- | Concatenate the result of multiple calls to 'elements'.
multiElems         :: PandocProcess -> [DocElement] -> IO (Maybe [Block])
multiElems p elems = do elems' <- mapM (elements p) elems
                        if (any isNothing elems')
                           then return Nothing
                           else return (Just $ concatMap fromJust elems')

-- | As for 'multiElems', but don't @concat@ the resulting 'Block's.
multiElems'         :: PandocProcess -> [DocElement] -> IO (Maybe [[Block]])
multiElems' p elems = do elems' <- mapM (elements p) elems
                         if (any isNothing elems')
                            then return Nothing
                            else return (Just $ map fromJust elems')