-- File created: 2009-01-30 15:01:02 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Tests.Instances (tests) where -- Monoid is re-exported from Prelude as of #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Data.Monoid (mempty, mappend) #endif import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 import Test.QuickCheck (Property, (==>)) import System.FilePath.Glob.Base (Token(Unmatchable), tryCompileWith, unPattern) import Tests.Base tests :: Test tests = testGroup "Instances" [ testProperty "monoid-law-1" prop_monoidLaw1 , testProperty "monoid-law-2" prop_monoidLaw2 , testProperty "monoid-law-3" prop_monoidLaw3 , testProperty "monoid-4" prop_monoid4 ] -- The monoid laws: associativity... prop_monoidLaw1 :: COpts -> PString -> PString -> PString -> Property prop_monoidLaw1 opt x y z = let o = unCOpts opt es = map (tryCompileWith o . unPS) [x,y,z] [a,b,c] = map fromRight es in all isRight es ==> mappend a (mappend b c) == mappend (mappend a b) c -- ... left identity ... prop_monoidLaw2 :: COpts -> PString -> Property prop_monoidLaw2 opt x = let o = unCOpts opt e = tryCompileWith o (unPS x) a = fromRight e in isRight e ==> mappend mempty a == a -- ... and right identity. prop_monoidLaw3 :: COpts -> PString -> Property prop_monoidLaw3 opt x = let o = unCOpts opt e = tryCompileWith o (unPS x) a = fromRight e in isRight e ==> mappend a mempty == a -- mappending two Patterns should be equivalent to appending the original -- strings they came from and compiling that -- -- (notice: relies on the fact that our Arbitrary instance doesn't generate -- unclosed [] or <>; we only check for **/ and Unmatchable) prop_monoid4 :: COpts -> PString -> PString -> Property prop_monoid4 opt x y = let o = unCOpts opt es = map (tryCompileWith o . unPS) [x,y] [a,b] = map fromRight es cat1 = mappend a b cat2 = tryCompileWith o (unPS x ++ unPS y) last2 = take 2 . reverse . unPS $ x head2 = take 2 . unPS $ y in (last2 /= "**" && take 1 head2 /= "/") && (take 1 last2 /= "*" && take 2 head2 /= "*/") && all isRight es && isRight cat2 && take 1 (unPattern b) /= [Unmatchable] ==> cat1 == fromRight cat2