-- File created: 2008-10-10 13:29:26 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} module System.FilePath.Glob.Base ( Token(..), Pattern(..) , CompOptions(..), MatchOptions(..) , compDefault, compPosix, matchDefault, matchPosix , decompile , compile , compileWith, tryCompileWith , tokenize -- for tests , optimize , liftP, tokToLower , isLiteral ) where import Control.Arrow (first) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT, throwE) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict (Writer, runWriter, tell) import Control.Exception (assert) import Data.Char (isDigit, isAlpha, toLower) import Data.List (find, sortBy) import Data.List.NonEmpty (toList) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) -- Monoid is re-exported from Prelude as of #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mappend, mempty, mconcat) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0) import Data.Semigroup (sconcat, stimes) #else import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup, (<>), sconcat, stimes) #endif import Data.String (IsString(fromString)) import System.FilePath ( pathSeparator, extSeparator , isExtSeparator, isPathSeparator ) import System.FilePath.Glob.Utils ( dropLeadingZeroes , isLeft, fromLeft , increasingSeq , addToRange, overlap ) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ import Text.Read (readPrec, lexP, parens, prec, Lexeme(Ident)) #endif data Token -- primitives = Literal !Char | ExtSeparator -- . optimized away to Literal | PathSeparator -- / | NonPathSeparator -- ? | CharRange !Bool [Either Char (Char,Char)] -- [] | OpenRange (Maybe String) (Maybe String) -- <> | AnyNonPathSeparator -- * | AnyDirectory -- **/ -- after optimization only | LongLiteral !Int String | Unmatchable -- [/], or [.] at the beginning or after a path separator deriving (Eq) -- Note: CharRanges aren't converted, because this is tricky in general. -- Consider for instance [@-[], which includes the range A-Z. This would need -- to become [@[a-z]: so essentially we'd need to either: -- -- 1) Have a list of ranges of uppercase Unicode. Check if our range -- overlaps with any of them and if it does, take the non-overlapping -- part and combine it with the toLower of the overlapping part. -- -- 2) Simply expand the entire range to a list and map toLower over it. -- -- In either case we'd need to re-optimize the CharRange—we can't assume that -- if the uppercase characters are consecutive, so are the lowercase. -- -- 1) might be feasible if someone bothered to get the latest data. -- -- 2) obviously isn't since you might have 'Right (minBound, maxBound)' in -- there somewhere. -- -- The current solution is to just check both the toUpper of the character and -- the toLower. tokToLower :: Token -> Token tokToLower (Literal c) = Literal (toLower c) tokToLower (LongLiteral n s) = LongLiteral n (map toLower s) tokToLower tok = tok -- |An abstract data type representing a compiled pattern. -- -- Note that the 'Eq' instance cannot tell you whether two patterns behave in -- the same way; only whether they compile to the same 'Pattern'. For instance, -- @'compile' \"x\"@ and @'compile' \"[x]\"@ may or may not compare equal, -- though a @'match'@ will behave the exact same way no matter which 'Pattern' -- is used. newtype Pattern = Pattern { unPattern :: [Token] } deriving (Eq) liftP :: ([Token] -> [Token]) -> Pattern -> Pattern liftP f (Pattern pat) = Pattern (f pat) instance Show Token where show (Literal c) | c `elem` "*?[<" = ['[',c,']'] | otherwise = assert (not $ isPathSeparator c) [c] show ExtSeparator = [ extSeparator] show PathSeparator = [pathSeparator] show NonPathSeparator = "?" show AnyNonPathSeparator = "*" show AnyDirectory = "**/" show (LongLiteral _ s) = concatMap (show . Literal) s show (OpenRange a b) = '<' : fromMaybe "" a ++ "-" ++ fromMaybe "" b ++ ">" -- We have to be careful here with ^ and ! lest [a!b] become [!ab]. So we -- just put them at the end. -- -- Also, [^x-] was sorted and should not become [^-x]. -- -- Also, for something like [/!^] or /[.^!] that got optimized to have just ^ -- and ! we need to add a dummy /. show (CharRange b r) = let f = either (:[]) (\(x,y) -> [x,'-',y]) (caret,exclamation,fs) = foldr (\c (ca,ex,ss) -> case c of Left '^' -> ("^",ex,ss) Left '!' -> (ca,"!",ss) _ -> (ca, ex,(f c ++) . ss) ) ("", "", id) r (beg,rest) = let s' = fs [] (x,y) = splitAt 1 s' in if not b && x == "-" then (y,x) else (s',"") in concat [ "[" , if b then "" else "^" , if b && null beg && not (null caret && null exclamation) then "/" else "" , beg, caret, exclamation, rest , "]" ] show Unmatchable = "[.]" instance Show Pattern where showsPrec d p = showParen (d > 10) $ showString "compile " . showsPrec (d+1) (decompile p) instance Read Pattern where #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ readPrec = parens . prec 10 $ do Ident "compile" <- lexP fmap compile readPrec #else readsPrec d = readParen (d > 10) $ \r -> do ("compile",string) <- lex r (xs,rest) <- readsPrec (d+1) string [(compile xs, rest)] #endif instance Semigroup Pattern where Pattern a <> Pattern b = optimize $ Pattern (a <> b) sconcat = optimize . Pattern . concatMap unPattern . toList stimes n (Pattern a) = optimize $ Pattern (stimes n a) instance Monoid Pattern where mempty = Pattern [] mappend = (<>) mconcat = optimize . Pattern . concatMap unPattern instance IsString Pattern where fromString = compile -- |Options which can be passed to the 'tryCompileWith' or 'compileWith' -- functions: with these you can selectively toggle certain features at compile -- time. -- -- Note that some of these options depend on each other: classes can never -- occur if ranges aren't allowed, for instance. -- We could presumably put locale information in here, too. data CompOptions = CompOptions { characterClasses :: Bool -- ^Allow character classes, @[[:...:]]@. , characterRanges :: Bool -- ^Allow character ranges, @[...]@. , numberRanges :: Bool -- ^Allow open ranges, @\<...>@. , wildcards :: Bool -- ^Allow wildcards, @*@ and @?@. , recursiveWildcards :: Bool -- ^Allow recursive wildcards, @**/@. , pathSepInRanges :: Bool -- ^Allow path separators in character ranges. -- -- If true, @a[/]b@ never matches anything (since character ranges can't -- match path separators); if false and 'errorRecovery' is enabled, -- @a[/]b@ matches itself, i.e. a file named @]b@ in the subdirectory -- @a[@. , errorRecovery :: Bool -- ^If the input is invalid, recover by turning any invalid part into -- literals. For instance, with 'characterRanges' enabled, @[abc@ is an -- error by default (unclosed character range); with 'errorRecovery', the -- @[@ is turned into a literal match, as though 'characterRanges' were -- disabled. } deriving (Show,Read,Eq) -- |The default set of compilation options: closest to the behaviour of the -- @zsh@ shell, with 'errorRecovery' enabled. -- -- All options are enabled. compDefault :: CompOptions compDefault = CompOptions { characterClasses = True , characterRanges = True , numberRanges = True , wildcards = True , recursiveWildcards = True , pathSepInRanges = True , errorRecovery = True } -- |Options for POSIX-compliance, as described in @man 7 glob@. -- -- 'numberRanges', 'recursiveWildcards', and 'pathSepInRanges' are disabled. compPosix :: CompOptions compPosix = CompOptions { characterClasses = True , characterRanges = True , numberRanges = False , wildcards = True , recursiveWildcards = False , pathSepInRanges = False , errorRecovery = True } -- |Options which can be passed to the 'matchWith' or 'globDirWith' functions: -- with these you can selectively toggle certain features at matching time. data MatchOptions = MatchOptions { matchDotsImplicitly :: Bool -- ^Allow @*@, @?@, and @**/@ to match @.@ at the beginning of paths. , ignoreCase :: Bool -- ^Case-independent matching. , ignoreDotSlash :: Bool -- ^Treat @./@ as a no-op in both paths and patterns. -- -- (Of course e.g. @../@ means something different and will not be -- ignored.) } -- |The default set of execution options: closest to the behaviour of the @zsh@ -- shell. -- -- Currently identical to 'matchPosix'. matchDefault :: MatchOptions matchDefault = matchPosix -- |Options for POSIX-compliance, as described in @man 7 glob@. -- -- 'ignoreDotSlash' is enabled, the rest are disabled. matchPosix :: MatchOptions matchPosix = MatchOptions { matchDotsImplicitly = False , ignoreCase = False , ignoreDotSlash = True } -- |Decompiles a 'Pattern' object into its textual representation: essentially -- the inverse of 'compile'. -- -- Note, however, that due to internal optimization, @decompile . compile@ is -- not the identity function. Instead, @compile . decompile@ is. -- -- Be careful with 'CompOptions': 'decompile' always produces a 'String' which -- can be passed to 'compile' to get back the same 'Pattern'. @compileWith -- options . decompile@ is /not/ the identity function unless @options@ is -- 'compDefault'. decompile :: Pattern -> String decompile = concatMap show . unPattern ------------------------------------------ -- COMPILATION ------------------------------------------ -- |Compiles a glob pattern from its textual representation into a 'Pattern' -- object. -- -- For the most part, a character matches itself. Recognized operators are as -- follows: -- -- [@?@] Matches any character except path separators. -- -- [@*@] Matches any number of characters except path separators, -- including the empty string. -- -- [@[..\]@] Matches any of the enclosed characters. Ranges of characters can -- be specified by separating the endpoints with a @\'-'@. @\'-'@ or -- @']'@ can be matched by including them as the first character(s) -- in the list. Never matches path separators: @[\/]@ matches -- nothing at all. Named character classes can also be matched: -- @[:x:]@ within @[]@ specifies the class named @x@, which matches -- certain predefined characters. See below for a full list. -- -- [@[^..\]@ or @[!..\]@] Like @[..]@, but matches any character /not/ listed. -- Note that @[^-x]@ is not the inverse of @[-x]@, but -- the range @[^-x]@. -- -- [@\@] Matches any integer in the range m to n, inclusive. The range may -- be open-ended by leaving out either number: @\"\<->\"@, for -- instance, matches any integer. -- -- [@**/@] Matches any number of characters, including path separators, -- excluding the empty string. -- -- Supported character classes: -- -- [@[:alnum:\]@] Equivalent to @\"0-9A-Za-z\"@. -- -- [@[:alpha:\]@] Equivalent to @\"A-Za-z\"@. -- -- [@[:blank:\]@] Equivalent to @\"\\t \"@. -- -- [@[:cntrl:\]@] Equivalent to @\"\\0-\\x1f\\x7f\"@. -- -- [@[:digit:\]@] Equivalent to @\"0-9\"@. -- -- [@[:graph:\]@] Equivalent to @\"!-~\"@. -- -- [@[:lower:\]@] Equivalent to @\"a-z\"@. -- -- [@[:print:\]@] Equivalent to @\" -~\"@. -- -- [@[:punct:\]@] Equivalent to @\"!-\/:-\@[-`{-~\"@. -- -- [@[:space:\]@] Equivalent to @\"\\t-\\r \"@. -- -- [@[:upper:\]@] Equivalent to @\"A-Z\"@. -- -- [@[:xdigit:\]@] Equivalent to @\"0-9A-Fa-f\"@. -- -- Note that path separators (typically @\'/\'@) have to be matched explicitly -- or using the @**/@ pattern. In addition, extension separators (typically -- @\'.\'@) have to be matched explicitly at the beginning of the pattern or -- after any path separator. -- -- If a system supports multiple path separators, any one of them will match -- any of them. For instance, on Windows, @\'/\'@ will match itself as well as -- @\'\\\'@. -- -- Error recovery will be performed: erroneous operators will not be considered -- operators, but matched as literal strings. Such operators include: -- -- * An empty @[]@ or @[^]@ or @[!]@ -- -- * A @[@ or @\<@ without a matching @]@ or @>@ -- -- * A malformed @\<>@: e.g. nonnumeric characters or no hyphen -- -- So, e.g. @[]@ will match the string @\"[]\"@. compile :: String -> Pattern compile = compileWith compDefault -- |Like 'compile', but recognizes operators according to the given -- 'CompOptions' instead of the defaults. -- -- If an error occurs and 'errorRecovery' is disabled, 'error' will be called. compileWith :: CompOptions -> String -> Pattern compileWith opts = either error id . tryCompileWith opts -- |A safe version of 'compileWith'. -- -- If an error occurs and 'errorRecovery' is disabled, the error message will -- be returned in a 'Left'. tryCompileWith :: CompOptions -> String -> Either String Pattern tryCompileWith opts = fmap optimize . tokenize opts tokenize :: CompOptions -> String -> Either String Pattern tokenize opts = fmap Pattern . sequence . go where err _ c cs | errorRecovery opts = Right (Literal c) : go cs err s _ _ = [Left s] go :: String -> [Either String Token] go [] = [] go ('?':cs) | wcs = Right NonPathSeparator : go cs go ('*':cs) | wcs = case cs of '*':p:xs | rwcs && isPathSeparator p -> Right AnyDirectory : go xs _ -> Right AnyNonPathSeparator : go cs go ('[':cs) | crs = let (range,rest) = charRange opts cs in case range of Left s -> err s '[' cs r -> r : go rest go ('<':cs) | ors = let (range, rest) = break (=='>') cs in if null rest then err "compile :: unclosed <> in pattern" '<' cs else case openRange range of Left s -> err s '<' cs r -> r : go (tail rest) go (c:cs) | isPathSeparator c = Right PathSeparator : go cs | isExtSeparator c = Right ExtSeparator : go cs | otherwise = Right (Literal c) : go cs wcs = wildcards opts rwcs = recursiveWildcards opts crs = characterRanges opts ors = numberRanges opts -- where a > b can never match anything; this is not considered an error openRange :: String -> Either String Token openRange ['-'] = Right $ OpenRange Nothing Nothing openRange ('-':s) = case span isDigit s of (b,"") -> Right $ OpenRange Nothing (openRangeNum b) _ -> Left $ "compile :: bad <>, expected number, got " ++ s openRange s = case span isDigit s of (a,"-") -> Right $ OpenRange (openRangeNum a) Nothing (a,'-':s') -> case span isDigit s' of (b,"") -> Right $ OpenRange (openRangeNum a) (openRangeNum b) _ -> Left $ "compile :: bad <>, expected number, got " ++ s' _ -> Left $ "compile :: bad <>, expected number followed by - in " ++ s openRangeNum :: String -> Maybe String openRangeNum = Just . dropLeadingZeroes type CharRange = [Either Char (Char,Char)] charRange :: CompOptions -> String -> (Either String Token, String) charRange opts zs = case zs of y:ys | y `elem` "^!" -> case ys of -- [!-#] is not the inverse of [-#], it is the range ! through -- # '-':']':xs -> (Right (CharRange False [Left '-']), xs) '-' :_ -> first (fmap (CharRange True )) (start zs) xs -> first (fmap (CharRange False)) (start xs) _ -> first (fmap (CharRange True )) (start zs) where start :: String -> (Either String CharRange, String) start (']':xs) = run $ char ']' xs start ('-':xs) = run $ char '-' xs start xs = run $ go xs run :: ExceptT String (Writer CharRange) String -> (Either String CharRange, String) run m = case runWriter.runExceptT $ m of (Left err, _) -> (Left err, []) (Right rest, cs) -> (Right cs, rest) go :: String -> ExceptT String (Writer CharRange) String go ('[':':':xs) | characterClasses opts = readClass xs go ( ']':xs) = return xs go ( c:xs) = if not (pathSepInRanges opts) && isPathSeparator c then throwE "compile :: path separator within []" else char c xs go [] = throwE "compile :: unclosed [] in pattern" char :: Char -> String -> ExceptT String (Writer CharRange) String char c ('-':x:xs) = if x == ']' then ltell [Left c, Left '-'] >> return xs else ltell [Right (c,x)] >> go xs char c xs = ltell [Left c] >> go xs readClass :: String -> ExceptT String (Writer CharRange) String readClass xs = let (name,end) = span isAlpha xs in case end of ':':']':rest -> charClass name >> go rest _ -> ltell [Left '[',Left ':'] >> go xs charClass :: String -> ExceptT String (Writer CharRange) () charClass name = -- The POSIX classes -- -- TODO: this is ASCII-only, not sure how this should be extended -- Unicode, or with a locale as input, or something else? case name of "alnum" -> ltell [digit,upper,lower] "alpha" -> ltell [upper,lower] "blank" -> ltell blanks "cntrl" -> ltell [Right ('\0','\x1f'), Left '\x7f'] "digit" -> ltell [digit] "graph" -> ltell [Right ('!','~')] "lower" -> ltell [lower] "print" -> ltell [Right (' ','~')] "punct" -> ltell punct "space" -> ltell spaces "upper" -> ltell [upper] "xdigit" -> ltell [digit, Right ('A','F'), Right ('a','f')] _ -> throwE ("compile :: unknown character class '" ++name++ "'") digit = Right ('0','9') upper = Right ('A','Z') lower = Right ('a','z') punct = map Right [('!','/'), (':','@'), ('[','`'), ('{','~')] blanks = [Left '\t', Left ' '] spaces = [Right ('\t','\r'), Left ' '] ltell = lift . tell ------------------------------------------ -- OPTIMIZATION ------------------------------------------ optimize :: Pattern -> Pattern optimize (Pattern pat) = Pattern . fin $ case pat of e : ts | e == ExtSeparator || e == Literal '.' -> checkUnmatchable (Literal '.' :) (go ts) _ -> -- Handle the case where the whole pattern starts with a -- now-literalized [.]. LongLiterals haven't been created yet so -- checking for Literal suffices. case go pat of Literal '.' : _ -> [Unmatchable] opat -> checkUnmatchable id opat where fin [] = [] -- Literals to LongLiteral -- Has to be done here: we can't backtrack in go, but some cases might -- result in consecutive Literals being generated. -- E.g. "a[b]". fin (x:y:xs) | Just x' <- isCharLiteral x, Just y' <- isCharLiteral y = let (ls,rest) = spanMaybe isCharLiteral xs in fin $ LongLiteral (length ls + 2) (foldr (\a -> (a:)) [] (x':y':ls)) : rest -- concatenate LongLiterals -- Has to be done here because LongLiterals are generated above. -- -- So one could say that we have one pass (go) which flattens everything as -- much as it can and one pass (fin) which concatenates what it can. fin (LongLiteral l1 s1 : LongLiteral l2 s2 : xs) = fin $ LongLiteral (l1+l2) (s1++s2) : xs fin (LongLiteral l s : Literal c : xs) = fin $ LongLiteral (l+1) (s++[c]) : xs fin (LongLiteral 1 s : xs) = Literal (head s) : fin xs fin (Literal c : LongLiteral l s : xs) = fin $ LongLiteral (l+1) (c:s) : xs fin (x:xs) = x : fin xs go [] = [] -- Get rid of ExtSeparators, so that they can hopefully be combined into -- LongLiterals later. -- -- /. -> fine -- . elsewhere -> fine -- /[.] -> Unmatchable -- [.] at start of pattern -> handled outside 'go' go (p@PathSeparator : ExtSeparator : xs) = p : Literal '.' : go xs go (ExtSeparator : xs) = Literal '.' : go xs go (p@PathSeparator : x@(CharRange _ _) : xs) = p : case optimizeCharRange True x of x'@(CharRange _ _) -> x' : go xs Literal '.' -> [Unmatchable] x' -> go (x':xs) go (x@(CharRange _ _) : xs) = case optimizeCharRange False x of x'@(CharRange _ _) -> x' : go xs x' -> go (x':xs) -- Put [0-9] in front of <-> to allow compressing <->[0-9]<->. Handling the -- [0-9] first in matching should also be faster in general. go (o@(OpenRange Nothing Nothing) : d : xs) | d == anyDigit = d : go (o : xs) go (x:xs) = case find ((== x) . fst) compressables of Just (_, f) -> let (compressed,ys) = span (== x) xs in if null compressed then x : go ys else f (length compressed) ++ go (x : ys) Nothing -> x : go xs checkUnmatchable f ts = if Unmatchable `elem` ts then [Unmatchable] else f ts compressables = [ (AnyNonPathSeparator, const []) , (AnyDirectory, const []) , (OpenRange Nothing Nothing, \n -> replicate n anyDigit) ] isCharLiteral (Literal x) = Just x isCharLiteral _ = Nothing anyDigit = CharRange True [Right ('0', '9')] -- | Like 'span', but let's use a -> Maybe b predicate spanMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> ([b], [a]) spanMaybe f = go where go xs@[] = ([], xs) go xs@(x : xs') = case f x of Nothing -> ([], xs) Just y -> let (ys, zs) = go xs' in (y : ys, zs) optimizeCharRange :: Bool -> Token -> Token optimizeCharRange precededBySlash (CharRange b rs) = fin . stripUnmatchable . go . sortCharRange $ rs where -- [/] is interesting, it actually matches nothing at all -- [.] can be Literalized though, just don't make it into an ExtSeparator so -- that it doesn't match a leading dot fin [Left c] | b = if isPathSeparator c then Unmatchable else Literal c fin [Right r] | b && r == (minBound,maxBound) = NonPathSeparator fin x = CharRange b x stripUnmatchable xs@(_:_:_) | b = filter (\x -> (not precededBySlash || x /= Left '.') && x /= Left '/') xs stripUnmatchable xs = xs go [] = [] go (x@(Left c) : xs) = case xs of [] -> [x] y@(Left d) : ys -- [aaaaa] -> [a] | c == d -> go$ Left c : ys | d == succ c -> let (ls,rest) = span isLeft xs -- start from y (catable,others) = increasingSeq (map fromLeft ls) range = (c, head catable) in -- three (or more) Lefts make a Right if null catable || null (tail catable) then x : y : go ys -- [abcd] -> [a-d] else go$ Right range : map Left others ++ rest | otherwise -> x : go xs Right r : ys -> case addToRange r c of -- [da-c] -> [a-d] Just r' -> go$ Right r' : ys Nothing -> x : go xs go (x@(Right r) : xs) = case xs of [] -> [x] Left c : ys -> case addToRange r c of -- [a-cd] -> [a-d] Just r' -> go$ Right r' : ys Nothing -> x : go xs Right r' : ys -> case overlap r r' of -- [a-cb-d] -> [a-d] Just o -> go$ Right o : ys Nothing -> x : go xs optimizeCharRange _ _ = error "Glob.optimizeCharRange :: internal error" sortCharRange :: [Either Char (Char,Char)] -> [Either Char (Char,Char)] sortCharRange = sortBy cmp where cmp (Left a) (Left b) = compare a b cmp (Left a) (Right (b,_)) = compare a b cmp (Right (a,_)) (Left b) = compare a b cmp (Right (a,_)) (Right (b,_)) = compare a b -- |Returns `True` iff the given `Pattern` is a literal file path, i.e. it has -- no wildcards, character ranges, etc. isLiteral :: Pattern -> Bool isLiteral = all lit . unPattern where lit (Literal _) = True lit (LongLiteral _ _) = True lit PathSeparator = True lit _ = False