{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-} module Gleam ( play , playMultiple , module Picture , module InputEvent , module Color , module Settings ) where import qualified Graphics.UI.Threepenny as UI import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core import Control.Monad import Data.IORef import Control.Monad.Trans ( liftIO ) import Picture import Animate import InputEvent import Handler import Utility import Color import Settings config = defaultConfig { jsStatic = Just "./images" } -- | Run a simulation in a window. You decide how the model is represented, how to convert the model to a picture and how to update the model. This function does the rest. The simulation can be seen on `` play :: GleamConfig -- ^ Canvas size. -> model -- ^ Initial model for the simulation. -> (model -> Picture) -- ^ Function to generate a picture from a model. -> (model -> model) -- ^ Function to update the state of the simulation. -> (InputEvent -> model -> model) -- ^ Function to handle input events. -> IO () play gleamconfig initialModel draw update handler = startGUI config $ setup gleamconfig initialModel draw update handler -- | Run multiple simulations in a window. You decide how each model is represented, how to convert each model to a picture and how to update the model. This function does the rest. The simulations can be seen on `` playMultiple :: [Simulation] -> IO () playMultiple simulations = startGUI config $ setupMultiple simulations setup :: GleamConfig -- ^ Canvas size. -> model -- ^ Initial model for the simulation. -> (model -> Picture) -- ^ Function to generate a picture from a model. -> (model -> model) -- ^ Function to update the state of the simulation. -> (InputEvent -> model -> model) -- ^ Function to handle input events. -> Window -> UI () setup gleamconfig initialModel draw update handler window = do return window # set title "ThreePennyGloss" canvas <- UI.canvas # set UI.width (width gleamconfig) # set UI.height (height gleamconfig) # set UI.style [("background", "#bbb")] canvas # setAttribute "tabindex" "1" getBody window #+ [element canvas] currentState <- liftIO $ newIORef initialModel currentMousePos <- liftIO $ newIORef (0.0, 0.0) handleEvents gleamconfig currentState currentMousePos (handler) canvas animate currentState (update) (draw) canvas return () setupMultiple :: [Simulation] -> Window -> UI () setupMultiple simulations window = do return window # set title "ThreePennyGloss" simulate simulations window return () simulate :: [Simulation] -> Window -> UI () simulate ([]) _ = do return () simulate ((Simulation simConfig simInitialModel simDraw simUpdate simHandler simTitle) : simulations) window = do return () canvas <- UI.canvas # set UI.width (width simConfig) # set UI.height (height simConfig) # set UI.style [("background", "#bbb")] canvas # setAttribute "tabindex" "1" text <- UI.p # set UI.text simTitle playButton <- UI.button # set UI.class_ "play" restartButton <- UI.button # set UI.class_ "restart" buttonDiv <- UI.div # set UI.children [playButton, restartButton] # set UI.class_ "buttons" getBody window #+ [element text, element buttonDiv, element canvas] currentState <- liftIO $ newIORef simInitialModel currentMousePos <- liftIO $ newIORef (0.0, 0.0) currentPause <- liftIO $ newIORef False on UI.click playButton $ \_ -> do pause <- liftIO $ readIORef currentPause liftIO $ writeIORef currentPause (not pause) on UI.click restartButton $ \_ -> do liftIO $ writeIORef currentState simInitialModel handleEventsMultiple simConfig currentState currentMousePos currentPause (simHandler) canvas animateMultiple currentState currentPause (simUpdate) (simDraw) canvas simulate simulations window