module Main where import Data.Version (showVersion) import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.FilePath import BioInf.GeneCluEDO import Paths_Gene_CluEDO (version) data Options = Options { infile :: FilePath , outprefix :: Maybe String , temperature :: Double , fillweight :: FillWeight , fillstyle :: FillStyle } deriving (Show,Data,Typeable) oOptions = Options { infile = def &= args , outprefix = Nothing &= help "prefix for the output files, calculated from input if not given" , temperature = 0.01 &= help "lower temperatures favor the more optimal paths, defaults to 0.01" , fillweight = FWlog &= help "size of boxes: fwlog (log-scaled), fwlinear (linear scaled), fwfull (always full)" , fillstyle = FSfull &= help "shading of boxes: fsopacitylog (log-scaled), fsopacitylinear (linear scaled), fsfull (always fully opaque)" } allOptions = oOptions &= program "GeneCluEDO" &= summary ("GeneCluEDO " ++ showVersion version ++ " (c) Christian Höner zu Siederdissen 2017,") &= verbosity main :: IO () main = do Options{..} <- cmdArgs allOptions let filePrefix = maybe (takeBaseName infile) id outprefix runGeneCluEDO fillweight fillstyle temperature infile filePrefix