% GenI surface realiser % Copyright (C) 2005 Carlos Areces and Eric Kow % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. \chapter{Graphical User Interface} \begin{code} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module NLP.GenI.Gui(guiGeni) where \end{code} \ignore{ \begin{code} import Graphics.UI.WX import Graphics.UI.WXCore import qualified Control.Monad as Monad import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.IORef import Data.List (isPrefixOf, nub, delete, (\\), find) import Data.Maybe (isJust) import System.Directory import System.Exit (exitWith, ExitCode(ExitSuccess)) import qualified NLP.GenI.Builder as B import qualified NLP.GenI.BuilderGui as BG import NLP.GenI.Geni ( ProgState(..), ProgStateRef, combine, initGeni , loadEverything, loadTestSuite, loadTargetSemStr) import NLP.GenI.General (boundsCheck, geniBug, trim, fst3) import NLP.GenI.Btypes (ILexEntry(isemantics), TestCase(..), showFlist,) import NLP.GenI.Tags (idname, tpolarities, tsemantics, TagElem) import NLP.GenI.GeniShow (geniShow) import NLP.GenI.Configuration ( Params(..), Instruction, hasOpt , hasFlagP, deleteFlagP, setFlagP, getFlagP, getListFlagP , parseFlagWithParsec -- , ExtraPolaritiesFlg(..) , IgnoreSemanticsFlg(..) , LexiconFlg(..) , MacrosFlg(..) , MaxTreesFlg(..) , MorphCmdFlg(..) , MorphInfoFlg(..) , OptimisationsFlg(..) , RootFeatureFlg(..) , TestSuiteFlg(..) , TestCaseFlg(..) , TestInstructionsFlg(..) , ViewCmdFlg(..) -- , Optimisation(..) , BuilderType(..), mainBuilderTypes ) import NLP.GenI.GeniParsers import NLP.GenI.GuiHelper import NLP.GenI.Polarity import NLP.GenI.Simple.SimpleGui import NLP.GenI.CkyEarley.CkyGui \end{code} } \section{Main Gui} \begin{code} guiGeni :: ProgStateRef -> IO() guiGeni pstRef = start $ mainGui pstRef \end{code} When you first start GenI, you will see this screen: [[FIXME:screenshot wanted]] It allows you to type in an input semantics (or to modify the one that was automatically loaded up), twiddle some optimisations and run the realiser. You can also opt to run the debugger instead of the realiser; see page \pageref{sec:gui:debugger}. \begin{code} mainGui :: ProgStateRef -> IO () mainGui pstRef = do -- pst <- readIORef pstRef -- Top Window f <- frame [text := "Geni Project"] -- create statusbar field status <- statusField [] -- create the file menu fileMen <- menuPane [text := "&File"] loadMenIt <- menuItem fileMen [text := "&Open files or configure GenI"] quitMenIt <- menuQuit fileMen [text := "&Quit"] set quitMenIt [on command := close f ] -- create the tools menu toolsMen <- menuPane [text := "&Tools"] gbrowserMenIt <- menuItem toolsMen [ text := "&Inspect grammar" , help := "Displays the trees in the grammar" ] -- create the help menu helpMen <- menuPane [text := "&Help"] aboutMeIt <- menuAbout helpMen [help := "About"] -- Tie the menu to this window set f [ statusBar := [status] , menuBar := [fileMen, toolsMen, helpMen] -- put the menu event handler for an about box on the frame. , on (menu aboutMeIt) := infoDialog f "About GenI" "The GenI generator.\nhttp://wiki.loria.fr/wiki/GenI" -- event handler for the tree browser , on (menu gbrowserMenIt) := do { loadEverything pstRef; treeBrowserGui pstRef } ] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- buttons -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- let config = pa pst hasSem = hasFlagP TestSuiteFlg config ignoreSem = hasFlagP IgnoreSemanticsFlg config -- Target Semantics testSuiteChoice <- choice f [ selection := 0, enabled := hasSem ] tsTextBox <- textCtrl f [ wrap := WrapWord , clientSize := sz 400 80 , enabled := hasSem , text := if ignoreSem then "% --ignoresemantics set" else "" ] testCaseChoice <- choice f [ selection := 0 , enabled := hasSem ] -- Box and Frame for files loaded macrosFileLabel <- staticText f [ text := getListFlagP MacrosFlg config ] lexiconFileLabel <- staticText f [ text := getListFlagP LexiconFlg config ] -- Generate and Debug let genfn = doGenerate f pstRef tsTextBox pauseOnLexChk <- checkBox f [ text := "Inspect lex", tooltip := "Affects debugger only" ] debugBt <- button f [ text := "Debug" , on command := get pauseOnLexChk checked >>= genfn True ] genBt <- button f [text := "Generate", on command := genfn False False ] quitBt <- button f [ text := "Quit", on command := close f] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- optimisations -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- algoChoiceBox <- radioBox f Vertical (map show mainBuilderTypes) [ selection := case builderType config of SimpleBuilder -> 0 SimpleOnePhaseBuilder -> 1 CkyBuilder -> 2 EarleyBuilder -> 3 NullBuilder -> 0 ] set algoChoiceBox [ on select := toggleAlgo pstRef algoChoiceBox ] polChk <- optCheckBox Polarised pstRef f [ text := "Polarities" , tooltip := "Use the polarity optimisation" ] useSemConstraintsChk <- antiOptCheckBox NoConstraints pstRef f [ text := "Sem constraints" , tooltip := "Use any sem constraints the user provides" ] iafChk <- optCheckBox Iaf pstRef f [ text := "Idx acc filter" , tooltip := "Only available in CKY/Earley for now" ] semfilterChk <- optCheckBox SemFiltered pstRef f [ text := "Semantic filters" , tooltip := "(2p only) Filter away semantically incomplete structures before adjunction phase" ] rootfilterChk <- optCheckBox RootCatFiltered pstRef f [ text := "Root filters" , tooltip := "(2p only) Filter away non-root structures before adjunction phase" ] extrapolText <- staticText f [ text := maybe "" showLitePm $ getFlagP ExtraPolaritiesFlg config , tooltip := "Use the following additional polarities" ] -- commands for the checkboxes let togglePolStuff = do c <- get polChk checked set extrapolText [ enabled := c ] set polChk [on command :~ (>> togglePolStuff) ] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- layout; packing it all together -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- set any last minute handlers, run any last minute functions let onLoad = readConfig f pstRef macrosFileLabel lexiconFileLabel testSuiteChoice tsTextBox testCaseChoice set loadMenIt [ on command := do configGui pstRef onLoad ] onLoad togglePolStuff -- let labeledRow l w = row 1 [ label l, hfill (widget w) ] let gramsemBox = boxed "Files last loaded" $ hfill $ column 1 [ labeledRow "trees:" macrosFileLabel , labeledRow "lexicon:" lexiconFileLabel ] optimBox = --boxed "Optimisations " $ -- can't used boxed with wxwidgets 2.6 -- bug? column 5 [ label "Algorithm" , dynamic $ widget algoChoiceBox , label "Optimisations" , dynamic $ widget polChk , row 5 [ label " ", column 5 [ dynamic $ row 5 [ label "Extra: ", widget extrapolText ] ] ] , dynamic $ widget useSemConstraintsChk , dynamic $ widget semfilterChk , dynamic $ widget rootfilterChk , dynamic $ widget iafChk ] set f [layout := column 5 [ gramsemBox , row 5 [ fill $ -- boxed "Input Semantics" $ hfill $ column 5 [ labeledRow "test suite: " testSuiteChoice , labeledRow "test case: " testCaseChoice , fill $ widget tsTextBox ] , vfill optimBox ] -- ----------------------------- Generate and quit , row 1 [ widget quitBt , hfloatRight $ row 5 [ widget pauseOnLexChk, widget debugBt, widget genBt ]] ] , clientSize := sz 525 325 , on closing := exitWith ExitSuccess ] -- this is to make the menubar appear on OS X (in app bundles) -- don't know why we need to do this though, bug? windowHide f windowShow f windowRaise f \end{code} \subsection{Configuration} Most of the optimisations are availalable as checkboxes. Note the following point about anti-optimisations: An anti-optimisation disables a default behaviour which is assumed to be ``optimisation''. But of course we don't want to confuse the GUI user, so we confuse the programmer instead: Given an anti-optimisation DisableFoo, we have a check box UseFoo. If UseFoo is checked, we remove DisableFoo from the list; if it is unchecked, we add it to the list. This is the opposite of the default behaviour, but the result, I hope, is intuitive for the user. \begin{code} toggleAlgo :: (Selection a, Items a String) => ProgStateRef -> a -> IO () toggleAlgo pstRef box = do asel <- get box selection aitems <- get box items let selected = aitems !! asel btable = zip (map show mainBuilderTypes) mainBuilderTypes btype = case [ b | (name, b) <- btable, name == selected ] of [] -> geniBug $ "Unknown builder type " ++ selected [b] -> b _ -> geniBug $ "More than one builder has the name " ++ selected modifyIORef pstRef (\x -> x { pa = (pa x) { builderType = btype } }) optCheckBox, antiOptCheckBox :: Optimisation -> ProgStateRef -> Window a -> [Prop (CheckBox ())] -> IO (CheckBox ()) -- | Checkbox for enabling or disabling an optimisation -- You need not set the checked or on command attributes -- as this is done for you (but you can if you want, -- setting checked will override the default, and any -- command you set will be run before the toggle stuff) optCheckBox = optCheckBoxHelper id -- | Same as 'optCheckBox' but for anti-optimisations antiOptCheckBox = optCheckBoxHelper not optCheckBoxHelper :: (Bool -> Bool) -> Optimisation -> ProgStateRef -> Window a -> [Prop (CheckBox ())] -> IO (CheckBox ()) optCheckBoxHelper idOrNot o pstRef f as = do pst <- readIORef pstRef chk <- checkBox f $ [ checked := idOrNot $ hasOpt o $ pa pst ] ++ as set chk [ on command :~ (>> onCheck chk) ] return chk where onCheck chk = do isChecked <- get chk checked pst <- readIORef pstRef let config = pa pst modopt = if idOrNot isChecked then (o:) else delete o newopts = nub.modopt $ getListFlagP OptimisationsFlg config modifyIORef pstRef (\x -> x{pa = setFlagP OptimisationsFlg newopts (pa x)}) \end{code} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Loading files} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \paragraph{readConfig} is used to update the graphical interface after you run the \fnref{configGui}. It is also called when you first launch the GUI \begin{code} readConfig :: (Textual l, Textual t, Able ch, Items ch String, Selection ch, Selecting ch) => Window w -> ProgStateRef -> l -> l -> ch -> t -> ch -> IO () readConfig f pstRef macrosFileLabel lexiconFileLabel suiteChoice tsBox caseChoice = do pst <- readIORef pstRef let config = pa pst -- errHandler title err = errorDialog f title (show err) set macrosFileLabel [ text := getListFlagP MacrosFlg config ] set lexiconFileLabel [ text := getListFlagP LexiconFlg config ] -- set tsFileLabel [ text := getListFlagP TestSuiteFlg config ] -- read the test suite if there is one case getListFlagP TestInstructionsFlg config of [] -> do set suiteChoice [ enabled := False, items := [] ] set caseChoice [ enabled := False, items := [] ] is -> do -- handler for selecting a test suite let imap = Map.fromList $ zip [0..] is onTestSuiteChoice = do sel <- get suiteChoice selection case Map.lookup sel imap of Nothing -> geniBug $ "No such index in test suite selector (gui): " ++ show sel Just t -> loadTestSuiteAndRefresh f pstRef t tsBox caseChoice set suiteChoice [ enabled := True, items := map fst is , on select := onTestSuiteChoice, selection := 0 ] set caseChoice [ enabled := True ] onTestSuiteChoice -- load the first suite -- | Load the given test suite and update the GUI accordingly. -- This is used when you first start the graphical interface -- or when you run the configuration menu. loadTestSuiteAndRefresh :: (Textual a, Selecting b, Selection b, Items b String) => Window w -> ProgStateRef -> Instruction -> a -> b -> IO () loadTestSuiteAndRefresh f pstRef (suitePath,mcs) tsBox caseChoice = do modifyIORef pstRef $ \pst -> pst { pa = setFlagP TestSuiteFlg suitePath $ deleteFlagP TestCaseFlg -- shouldn't change anything $ pa pst } catch (loadTestSuite pstRef) (\e -> errorDialog f ("Error reading test suite " ++ suitePath) (show e)) pst <- readIORef pstRef let suite = tsuite pst theCase = tcase pst filterCases = case mcs of Nothing -> id Just cs -> filter (\c -> tcName c `elem` cs) suiteCases = filterCases suite suiteCaseNames = map tcName suiteCases -- we number the cases for easy identification, putting -- a star to highlight the selected test case (if available) let numfn :: Int -> String -> String numfn n t = (if t == theCase then "* " else "") ++ (show n) ++ ". " ++ t tcaseLabels = zipWith numfn [1..] suiteCaseNames -- we select the first case in cases_, if available let fstInCases _ [] = 0 fstInCases n (x:xs) = if (x == theCase) then n else fstInCases (n+1) xs caseSel = if null theCase then 0 else fstInCases 0 suiteCaseNames ---------------------------------------------------- -- handler for selecting a test case ---------------------------------------------------- let displaySemInput (TestCase { tcSem = si, tcSemString = str }) = geniShow $ toSemInputString si str let onTestCaseChoice = do csel <- get caseChoice selection if (boundsCheck csel suite) then do let s = (suiteCases !! csel) set tsBox [ text :~ (\_ -> displaySemInput s) ] else geniBug $ "Gui: test case selector bounds check error: " ++ show csel ++ " of " ++ show suite ++ "\n" ---------------------------------------------------- set caseChoice [ items := tcaseLabels , selection := caseSel , on select := onTestCaseChoice ] when (not $ null suite) onTestCaseChoice -- run this once \end{code} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Configuration} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \paragraph{configGui}\label{fn:configGui} provides a graphical interface which aims to be a complete substitute for the command line switches. In addition to the program state \fnparam{pstRef}, it takes a continuation \fnparam{loadFn} which tells what to do when the user closes the window. The only thing which are not provided in this GUI are a list of optimisations and a test case selector (which are already handled by the main interface). This GUI is a standalone window with two tabbed sections. Note: one thing you may want to note is that we do not divide the same way between basic and advanced options as with the console interface. \begin{code} configGui :: ProgStateRef -> IO () -> IO () configGui pstRef loadFn = do pst <- readIORef pstRef let config = pa pst -- f <- frame [] p <- panel f [] nb <- notebook p [] let browseTxt = "Browse" -- let fakeBoxed title lst = hstretch $ column 3 $ map hfill $ [ hrule 1 , alignRight $ label title, vspace 5 ] ++ map hfill lst let shortSize = sz 10 25 let longSize = sz 20 25 \end{code} The first tab contains only the basic options: \begin{code} pbas <- panel nb [] -- files loaded (labels) macrosFileLabel <- staticText pbas [ text := getListFlagP MacrosFlg config ] lexiconFileLabel <- staticText pbas [ text := getListFlagP LexiconFlg config ] tsFileLabel <- staticText pbas [ text := getListFlagP TestSuiteFlg config ] -- "Browse buttons" macrosBrowseBt <- button pbas [ text := browseTxt ] lexiconBrowseBt <- button pbas [ text := browseTxt ] tsBrowseBt <- button pbas [ text := browseTxt ] -- root feature rootFeatTxt <- entry pbas [ text := showFlist $ getListFlagP RootFeatureFlg config , size := longSize ] let layFiles = [ row 1 [ label "trees:" , fill $ widget macrosFileLabel , widget macrosBrowseBt ] , row 1 [ label "lexicon:" , fill $ widget lexiconFileLabel , widget lexiconBrowseBt ] , row 1 [ label "test suite:" , fill $ widget tsFileLabel , widget tsBrowseBt ] , hspace 5 , hfill $ vrule 1 , row 3 [ label "root features" , hglue , rigid $ widget rootFeatTxt ] ] -- the layout for the basic stuff let layBasic = dynamic $ container pbas $ -- boxed "Basic options" $ hfloatLeft $ dynamic $ fill $ column 4 $ map (dynamic.hfill) $ layFiles \end{code} The second tab contains more advanced options. Maybe we should split this into more tabs? \begin{code} padv <- panel nb [] -- XMG tools viewCmdTxt <- entry padv [ tooltip := "Command used for XMG tree viewing" , text := getListFlagP ViewCmdFlg config ] let layXMG = fakeBoxed "XMG tools" [ row 3 [ label "XMG view command" , marginRight $ hfill $ widget viewCmdTxt ] ] -- polarities extraPolsTxt <- entry padv [ text := maybe "" showLitePm $ getFlagP ExtraPolaritiesFlg config , size := shortSize ] let layPolarities = fakeBoxed "Polarities" [ hfill $ row 1 [ label "extra polarities", rigid $ widget extraPolsTxt ] ] -- morphology morphFileLabel <- staticText padv [ text := getListFlagP MorphInfoFlg config ] morphFileBrowseBt <- button padv [ text := browseTxt ] morphCmdTxt <- entry padv [ tooltip := "Commmand used for morphological generation" , text := getListFlagP MorphCmdFlg config ] let layMorph = fakeBoxed "Morphology" [ row 3 [ label "morph info:" , expand $ hfill $ widget morphFileLabel , widget morphFileBrowseBt ] , row 3 [ label "morph command" , (marginRight.hfill) $ widget morphCmdTxt ] ] -- ignore semantics ignoreSemChk <- checkBox padv [ text := "Ignore semantics" , tooltip := "Useful as a corpus generator" , checked := hasFlagP IgnoreSemanticsFlg config ] let maxTreesStr = maybe "" show $ getFlagP MaxTreesFlg config maxTreesText <- entry padv [ text := maxTreesStr , tooltip := "Limit number of elementary trees in a derived tree" , size := shortSize ] let layIgnoreSem = fakeBoxed "Ignore Semantics Mode" [ row 3 [ widget ignoreSemChk , hspace 5 , label "max trees", rigid $ widget maxTreesText ] ] -- put the whole darn thing together let layAdvanced = hfloatLeft $ container padv $ column 10 $ [ layXMG, layPolarities, layMorph, layIgnoreSem ] \end{code} When the user clicks on a Browse button, an open file dialogue should pop up. It gets its value from the file label on its left (passed in as an argument), and updates said label when the user has made a selection. \begin{code} -- helper functions curDir <- getCurrentDirectory let curDir2 = curDir ++ "/" trim2 pth = if curDir2 `isPrefixOf` pth2 then drop (length curDir2) pth2 else pth2 where pth2 = trim pth let onBrowse theLabel = do rawFilename <- get theLabel text let filename = trim2 rawFilename filetypes = [("Any file",["*","*.*"])] fsel <- fileOpenDialog f False True "Choose your file..." filetypes "" filename case fsel of -- if the user does not select any file there are no changes Nothing -> return () Just file -> set theLabel [ text := trim2 file ] -- end onBrowse -- activate those "Browse" buttons let setBrowse w l = set w [ on command := onBrowse l ] setBrowse macrosBrowseBt macrosFileLabel setBrowse lexiconBrowseBt lexiconFileLabel setBrowse tsBrowseBt tsFileLabel setBrowse morphFileBrowseBt morphFileLabel \end{code} Let's not forget the layout which puts the whole configGui together and the command that makes everything ``work'': \begin{code} let parsePol = parseFlagWithParsec "polarities" geniPolarities parseRF = parseFlagWithParsec "root features" geniFeats onLoad = do macrosVal <- get macrosFileLabel text lexconVal <- get lexiconFileLabel text tsVal <- get tsFileLabel text -- rootCatVal <- get rootFeatTxt text extraPolVal <- get extraPolsTxt text -- viewVal <- get viewCmdTxt text -- morphCmdVal <- get morphCmdTxt text morphInfoVal <- get morphFileLabel text -- ignoreVal <- get ignoreSemChk checked maxTreesVal <- get maxTreesText text -- let maybeSet fl fn x = if null x then deleteFlagP fl else setFlagP fl (fn x) maybeSetStr fl x = maybeSet fl id x toggleFlag fl b = if b then setFlagP fl () else deleteFlagP fl let setConfig = id . (maybeSet MaxTreesFlg read maxTreesVal) . (toggleFlag IgnoreSemanticsFlg ignoreVal) . (maybeSetStr MacrosFlg macrosVal) . (maybeSetStr LexiconFlg lexconVal) . (maybeSetStr TestSuiteFlg tsVal) . (maybeSet RootFeatureFlg parseRF rootCatVal) . (maybeSet ExtraPolaritiesFlg parsePol extraPolVal) . (maybeSetStr ViewCmdFlg viewVal) . (maybeSetStr MorphCmdFlg morphCmdVal) . (maybeSetStr MorphInfoFlg morphInfoVal) modifyIORef pstRef $ \x -> x { pa = setConfig (pa x) } loadFn -- end onLoad -- the button bar cancelBt <- button p [ text := "Cancel", on command := close f ] loadBt <- button p [ text := "Load", on command := do { onLoad; close f } ] let layButtons = hfill $ row 1 [ hfloatLeft $ widget cancelBt , hfloatRight $ widget loadBt ] -- set f [ layout := dynamic $ fill $ container p $ column 0 [ fill $ tabs nb [ tab "Basic" layBasic , tab "Advanced" layAdvanced ] , hfill $ layButtons ] ] \end{code} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Running the generator} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \paragraph{doGenerate} parses the target semantics, then calls the generator and displays the result in a results gui (below). \begin{code} doGenerate :: Textual b => Window a -> ProgStateRef -> b -> Bool -> Bool -> IO () doGenerate f pstRef sembox useDebugger pauseOnLex = do loadEverything pstRef sem <- get sembox text loadTargetSemStr pstRef sem -- pst <- readIORef pstRef let config = pa pst withBuilderGui a = case builderType config of NullBuilder -> error "No gui available for NullBuilder" SimpleBuilder -> a simpleGui_2p SimpleOnePhaseBuilder -> a simpleGui_1p CkyBuilder -> a ckyGui EarleyBuilder -> a earleyGui -- let doDebugger bg = debugGui bg pstRef pauseOnLex doResults bg = resultsGui bg pstRef do catch (withBuilderGui $ if useDebugger then doDebugger else doResults) (handler "Error during realisation") -- FIXME: it would be nice to distinguish between generation and ts -- parsing errors `catch` (handler "Error parsing the input semantics") where handler title err = errorDialog f title (show err) \end{code} \paragraph{resultsGui} displays generation result in a window. The window consists of various tabs for intermediary results in lexical selection, derived trees, derivation trees and generation statistics. \begin{code} resultsGui :: BG.BuilderGui -> ProgStateRef -> IO () resultsGui builderGui pstRef = do -- results window f <- frame [ text := "Results" , fullRepaintOnResize := False , layout := stretch $ label "Generating..." , clientSize := sz 300 300 ] p <- panel f [] nb <- notebook p [] -- realisations tab (results,stats,resTab) <- BG.resultsPnl builderGui pstRef nb -- statistics tab let sentences = (fst . unzip) results statTab <- statsGui nb sentences stats -- pack it all together set f [ layout := container p $ column 0 [ tabs nb -- we put the realisations tab last because of what -- seems to be buggy behaviour wrt to wxhaskell -- or wxWidgets 2.4 and the splitter [ tab "summary" statTab , tab "realisations" resTab ] ] , clientSize := sz 700 600 ] return () \end{code} \paragraph{debuggerGui} All GenI builders can make use of an interactive graphical debugger. We provide here a universal debugging interface, which makes use of some parameterisable bits as defined in the BuilderGui module. This window shows a seperate tab for each surface realisation task (lexical selection, filtering, building). We also rely heavily on helper code defined in \ref{sec:debugger_helpers}. \begin{code} debugGui :: BG.BuilderGui -> ProgStateRef -> Bool -> IO () debugGui builderGui pstRef pauseOnLex = do pst <- readIORef pstRef let config = pa pst btype = show $ builderType config -- f <- frame [ text := "GenI Debugger - " ++ btype ++ " edition" , fullRepaintOnResize := False , clientSize := sz 300 300 ] p <- panel f [] nb <- notebook p [] -- generation step 1 initStuff <- initGeni pstRef let (tsem,_,_) = B.inSemInput initStuff (cand,_) = unzip $ B.inCands initStuff lexonly = B.inLex initStuff -- continuation for candidate selection tab let step2 newCands = do -- generation step 2.A (run polarity stuff) let newInitStuff = initStuff { B.inCands = map (\x -> (x, -1)) newCands } (input2, _, autstuff) = B.preInit newInitStuff config -- automata tab let (auts, _, finalaut, _) = autstuff autPnl <- if hasOpt Polarised config then fst3 `fmap` polarityGui nb auts finalaut else messageGui nb "polarity filtering disabled" -- generation step 2.B (start the generator for each path) debugPnl <- BG.debuggerPnl builderGui nb config input2 btype let autTab = tab "automata" autPnl debugTab = tab (btype ++ "-session") debugPnl genTabs = if hasOpt Polarised config then [ autTab, debugTab ] else [ debugTab ] -- set f [ layout := container p $ tabs nb genTabs , clientSize := sz 700 600 ] return () -- candidate selection tab let missedSem = tsem \\ (nub $ concatMap tsemantics cand) -- we assume that for a tree to correspond to a lexical item, -- it must have the same semantics hasTree l = isJust $ find (\t -> tsemantics t == lsem) cand where lsem = isemantics l missedLex = [ l | l <- lexonly, (not.hasTree) l ] (canPnl,_,_) <- if pauseOnLex then pauseOnLexGui pst nb cand missedSem missedLex step2 else candidateGui pst nb cand missedSem missedLex -- basic tabs let basicTabs = [ tab "lexical selection" canPnl ] -- set f [ layout := container p $ tabs nb basicTabs , clientSize := sz 700 600 ] -- display all tabs if we are not told to pause on lex selection when (not pauseOnLex) (step2 cand) \end{code} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Tree browser} \label{sec:treebrowser_gui} % -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a very simple semantically-separated browser for all the trees in the grammar. Note that we can't just reuse candidateGui's code because we label and sort the trees differently. Here we ignore the arguments in tree semantics, and we display the tree polarities in its label. \begin{code} treeBrowserGui :: ProgStateRef -> IO () treeBrowserGui pstRef = do pst <- readIORef pstRef -- ALL THE TREES in the grammar... muahahaha! let semmap = combine (gr pst) (le pst) -- browser window f <- frame [ text := "Tree Browser" , fullRepaintOnResize := False ] -- the heavy GUI artillery let sem = Map.keys semmap -- lookupTr k = Map.findWithDefault [] k semmap treesfor k = Nothing : (map Just $ lookupTr k) labsfor k = ("___" ++ k ++ "___") : (map fn $ lookupTr k) where fn t = idname t ++ polfn (tpolarities t) polfn p = if Map.null p then "" else " (" ++ showLitePm p ++ ")" -- trees = concatMap treesfor sem itNlabl = zip trees (concatMap labsfor sem) (browser,_,_) <- tagViewerGui pst f "tree browser" "grambrowser" itNlabl -- the button panel let count = length trees - length sem quitBt <- button f [ text := "Close", on command := close f ] -- pack it all together set f [ layout := column 5 [ browser, row 5 [ label ("number of trees: " ++ show count) , hfloatRight $ widget quitBt ] ] , clientSize := sz 700 600 ] return () \end{code}