% GenI surface realiser % Copyright (C) 2005 Carlos Areces and Eric Kow % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. \begin{code} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} module NLP.GenI.GraphvizShowPolarity where import Data.List (intersperse) import qualified Data.Map as Map import NLP.GenI.Btypes(showSem) import NLP.GenI.General(showInterval, isEmptyIntersect) import NLP.GenI.Polarity(PolAut, PolState(PolSt), NFA(states, transitions), finalSt) import NLP.GenI.Graphviz(GraphvizShow(..), gvUnlines, gvNewline, gvNode, gvEdge) import NLP.GenI.Tags(idname) \end{code} \begin{code} instance GraphvizShow () PolAut where -- we want a directed graph (arrows) graphvizShowGraph f aut = "digraph aut {\n" ++ "rankdir=LR\n" ++ "ranksep = 0.02\n" ++ "pack=1\n" ++ "edge [ fontsize=10 ]\n" ++ "node [ fontsize=10 ]\n" ++ graphvizShowAsSubgraph f "aut" aut ++ "}" -- graphvizShowAsSubgraph _ prefix aut = let st = (concat.states) aut ids = map (\x -> prefix ++ show x) ([0..] :: [Int]) -- map which permits us to assign an id to a state stmap = Map.fromList $ zip st ids in -- gvShowFinal aut stmap -- any other state should be an ellipse ++ "node [ shape = ellipse, peripheries = 1 ]\n" -- draw the states and transitions ++ (concat $ zipWith gvShowState ids st) ++ (concat $ zipWith (gvShowTrans aut stmap) ids st ) \end{code} \begin{code} gvShowState :: String -> PolState -> String gvShowState stId st = -- note that we pass the label param explicitly to allow for null label gvNode stId "" [ ("label", showSt st) ] where showSt (PolSt pr ex po) = showPr pr ++ showEx ex ++ showPo po showPr _ = "" -- (_,pr,_) = pr ++ gvNewline showPo po = concat $ intersperse "," $ map showInterval po showEx ex = if null ex then "" else showSem ex ++ gvNewline \end{code} Specify that the final states are drawn with a double circle \begin{code} gvShowFinal :: PolAut -> Map.Map PolState String -> String gvShowFinal aut stmap = if isEmptyIntersect (concat $ states aut) fin then "" else "node [ peripheries = 2 ]; " ++ concatMap (\x -> " " ++ lookupId x) fin ++ "\n" where fin = finalSt aut lookupId x = Map.findWithDefault "error_final" x stmap \end{code} Each transition is displayed with the name of the tree. If there is more than one transition to the same state, they are displayed on a single label. \begin{code} gvShowTrans :: PolAut -> Map.Map PolState String -> String -> PolState -> String gvShowTrans aut stmap idFrom st = let -- outgoing transition labels from st trans = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty st $ transitions aut -- returns the graphviz dot command to draw a labeled transition drawTrans (stTo,x) = case Map.lookup stTo stmap of Nothing -> drawTrans' ("id_error_" ++ (sem_ stTo)) x Just idTo -> drawTrans' idTo x where sem_ (PolSt i _ _) = show i --showSem (PolSt (_,pred,_) _ _) = pred drawTrans' idTo x = gvEdge idFrom idTo (drawLabel x) [] drawLabel labels = gvUnlines labs where lablen = length labels maxlabs = 6 excess = "...and " ++ (show $ lablen - maxlabs) ++ " more" -- labstrs = map fn labels fn Nothing = "EMPTY" fn (Just x) = idname x -- labs = if lablen > maxlabs then take maxlabs labstrs ++ [ excess ] else labstrs in unlines $ map drawTrans $ Map.toList trans \end{code} %gvShowTransPred te = % let p = tpredictors te % charge fv = case () of _ | c == -1 -> "-" % | c == 1 -> "+" % | c > 0 -> "+" ++ (show c) % | otherwise -> (show c) % where c = lookupWithDefaultFM p 0 fv % showfv (f,v) = charge (f,v) ++ f % ++ (if (null v) then "" else ":" ++ v) % in map showfv $ Map.keys p