name: Gamgine version: 0.2 cabal-version: >=1.6 build-type: Simple license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE maintainer: synopsis: Some kind of game library or set of utilities. description: Some kind of game library or set of utilities, which are mostly/certainly only usable for my own toy projects. category: Library author: Daniel Trstenjak data-files: Ressources/Fonts/*.glf extra-source-files: c_libraries/glf/glf.h c_libraries/glf/glf.c Gamgine/Utils.cpp source-repository head type: git location: library build-depends: base >3 && <5, GLFW-b >= && <0.2, OpenGLRaw >= && <1.5, mtl >= && <2.2, time >= && <1.5, Vec >=1.0.1 && <1.1, utility-ht >=0.0.10 && <0.1, directory >= && <1.3, StateVar >= && <1.1, array >= && <0.5, bytestring >= && <0.11, unordered-containers >= && <0.3, data-lens >=2.10.4 && <2.11, pretty-show >=1.6.7 && <1.7, cpphs >=1.18.4 && <1.19, filepath >= && <1.4, parsec >=3.1.5 && <3.2, zlib >= && <0.6, ListZipper >= && <1.3, composition >= && <1.1 exposed-modules: Gamgine.Coroutine Gamgine.Bool Gamgine.Math.Matrix Gamgine.Math.Utils Gamgine.Math.BoxTree Gamgine.Math.Vect Gamgine.Math.Box Gamgine.State.RenderState Gamgine.State.StateTreeZipper Gamgine.State.MouseInfo Gamgine.State.KeyInfo Gamgine.State.State Gamgine.State.StateTree Gamgine.State.InputInfo Gamgine.Font.GLF Gamgine.Control Gamgine.Utils Gamgine.Gfx Gamgine.Engine Gamgine.Image.PNG.Internal.Filters Gamgine.Image.PNG.Internal.Parser Gamgine.Image.PNG.Internal.CRC Gamgine.Image.PNG Gamgine.System Gamgine.Zipper Gamgine.Lens.IORef Gamgine.Lens.State exposed: True buildable: True cpp-options: -DCABAL cc-options: -Wno-unused-result c-sources: c_libraries/glf/glf.c extensions: CPP includes: glf.h include-dirs: . Gamgine c_libraries/glf ghc-options: -pgmPcpphs -optP--cpp