{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Graphics.GPipe.Internal.FrameBuffer where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad (when, void) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as StrictState import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy import Data.List (intercalate) import Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Compiler import Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Context import Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Expr import Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Format import Graphics.GPipe.Internal.FragmentStream import Graphics.GPipe.Internal.PrimitiveStream import Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Shader import Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Texture import Data.Word (Word) import Foreign.Marshal.Utils import Graphics.GL.Core33 import Graphics.GL.Types import Data.IORef import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import Foreign.Storable (peek) import Foreign.Marshal.Array (withArray) import Foreign.Ptr (nullPtr) import Linear.V4 import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Data.IntMap ((!)) -- | A monad in which individual color images can be drawn. newtype DrawColors os s a = DrawColors (StateT Int (Writer [Int -> (ExprM (), GlobDeclM (), s -> (IO FBOKey, IO (), IO ()))]) a) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad) runDrawColors :: DrawColors os s a -> (ExprM (), GlobDeclM (), s -> (IO [FBOKey], IO (), IO ())) runDrawColors (DrawColors m) = foldl sf (return (), return (), const (return [], return (), return ())) $ zip [0..] $ execWriter (runStateT m 0) where sf (ms, mg, mio) (n, f) = let (sh, g, io) = f n in (ms >> sh, mg >> g, sf' mio io ) sf' mio io s = let (a,b,c) = mio s (x,y,z) = io s in (do ns <- a n <- x return $ ns ++ [n] , b >> y, c >> z) -- | Draw color values into a color renderable texture image. drawColor :: forall c s os. ColorRenderable c => (s -> (Image (Format c), ColorMask c, UseBlending)) -> FragColor c -> DrawColors os s () drawColor sf c = DrawColors $ do n <- get put $ n+1 lift $ tell [\ix -> make3 (setColor cf ix c) $ \s -> let (i, mask, o) = sf s n' = fromIntegral n useblend = if o then glEnablei GL_BLEND n' else glDisablei GL_BLEND n' in (getImageFBOKey i, getImageBinding i (GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + n'), do useblend setGlColorMask cf n' mask) ] where cf = undefined :: c -- | Draw all fragments in a 'FragmentStream' using the provided function that passes each fragment value into a 'DrawColors' monad. The first argument is a function -- that retrieves a 'Blending' setting from the shader environment, which will be used for all 'drawColor' actions in the 'DrawColors' monad where 'UseBlending' is 'True'. -- (OpenGl 3.3 unfortunately doesn't support having different blending settings for different color targets.) draw :: forall a os f s. (s -> Blending) -> FragmentStream a -> (a -> DrawColors os s ()) -> Shader os s () -- | Like 'draw', but performs a depth test on each fragment first. The 'DrawColors' monad is then only run for fragments where the depth test passes. drawDepth :: forall a os f s d. DepthRenderable d => (s -> (Blending, Image (Format d), DepthOption)) -> FragmentStream (a, FragDepth) -> (a -> DrawColors os s ()) -> Shader os s () -- | Like 'draw', but performs a stencil test on each fragment first. The 'DrawColors' monad is then only run for fragments where the stencil test passes. drawStencil :: forall a os f s st. StencilRenderable st => (s -> (Blending, Image (Format st), StencilOptions)) -> FragmentStream a -> (a -> DrawColors os s ()) -> Shader os s () -- | Like 'draw', but performs a stencil test and a depth test (in that order) on each fragment first. The 'DrawColors' monad is then only run for fragments where the stencil and depth test passes. drawDepthStencil :: forall a os f s d st. (DepthRenderable d, StencilRenderable st) => (s -> (Blending, Image (Format d), Image (Format st), DepthStencilOption)) -> FragmentStream (a, FragDepth) -> (a -> DrawColors os s ()) -> Shader os s () makeFBOKeys :: IO [FBOKey] -> IO (Maybe FBOKey) -> IO (Maybe FBOKey) -> IO FBOKeys makeFBOKeys c d s = do c' <- c d' <- d s' <- s return $ FBOKeys c' d' s' draw sf fs m = Shader $ tellDrawcalls fs $ \c -> let (sh,g,ioc) = runDrawColors (m c) in (sh, g, f ioc) where f ioc s = let (fbokeyio, fboio, io) = ioc s b = sf s in (Right (makeFBOKeys fbokeyio (return Nothing) (return Nothing), fboio) , io >> glDisable GL_DEPTH_TEST >> glDisable GL_STENCIL_TEST >> setGlBlend b) drawDepth sf fs m = Shader $ tellDrawcalls fs $ \(c,d) -> let (sh,g,ioc) = runDrawColors (m c) in (sh >> setDepth d, g, f ioc) where f ioc s = let (fbokeyio, fboio, io) = ioc s (b, di, o) = sf s in (Right (makeFBOKeys fbokeyio (Just <$> getImageFBOKey di) (return Nothing) , fboio >> getImageBinding di GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT) , io >> glDisable GL_STENCIL_TEST >> setGlBlend b >> setGlDepthOptions o) drawStencil sf fs m = Shader $ tellDrawcalls fs $ \c -> let (sh,g,ioc) = runDrawColors (m c) in (sh, g, f ioc ) where f ioc s = let (fbokeyio, fboio, io) = ioc s (b, si, o) = sf s in (Right (makeFBOKeys fbokeyio (return Nothing) (Just <$> getImageFBOKey si) , fboio >> getImageBinding si GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) , io >> glDisable GL_DEPTH_TEST >> setGlBlend b >> setGlStencilOptions o OpZero OpZero) drawDepthStencil sf fs m = Shader $ tellDrawcalls fs $ \(c,d) -> let (sh,g,ioc) = runDrawColors (m c) in (sh >> setDepth d, g, f ioc ) where f ioc s = let (fbokeyio, fboio, io) = ioc s (b, di, si, o) = sf s in (Right (makeFBOKeys fbokeyio (Just <$> getImageFBOKey di) (Just <$> getImageFBOKey si) , fboio >> getCombinedBinding di si) , io >> setGlBlend b >> setGlDepthStencilOptions o) getCombinedBinding di si | imageEquals di si = getImageBinding di GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT | otherwise = getImageBinding di GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT >> getImageBinding si GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT -- | Draw color values from a 'FragmentStream' into the window. drawWindowColor :: forall os s c ds. ContextColorFormat c => (s -> (Window os c ds, ContextColorOption c)) -> FragmentStream (FragColor c) -> Shader os s () -- | Perform a depth test for each fragment from a 'FragmentStream' in the window. This doesn't draw any color values and only affects the depth buffer. drawWindowDepth :: forall os s c ds. DepthRenderable ds => (s -> (Window os c ds, DepthOption)) -> FragmentStream FragDepth -> Shader os s () -- | Perform a depth test for each fragment from a 'FragmentStream' and write a color value from each fragment that passes the test into the window. drawWindowColorDepth :: forall os s c ds. (ContextColorFormat c, DepthRenderable ds) => (s -> (Window os c ds, ContextColorOption c, DepthOption)) -> FragmentStream (FragColor c, FragDepth) -> Shader os s () -- | Perform a stencil test for each fragment from a 'FragmentStream' in the window. This doesn't draw any color values and only affects the stencil buffer. drawWindowStencil :: forall os s c ds. StencilRenderable ds => (s -> (Window os c ds, StencilOptions)) -> FragmentStream () -> Shader os s () -- | Perform a stencil test for each fragment from a 'FragmentStream' and write a color value from each fragment that passes the test into the window. drawWindowColorStencil :: forall os s c ds. (ContextColorFormat c, StencilRenderable ds) => (s -> (Window os c ds, ContextColorOption c, StencilOptions)) -> FragmentStream (FragColor c) -> Shader os s () -- | Perform a stencil test and depth test (in that order) for each fragment from a 'FragmentStream' in the window. This doesnt draw any color values and only affects the depth and stencil buffer. drawWindowDepthStencil :: forall os s c ds. (DepthRenderable ds, StencilRenderable ds) => (s -> (Window os c ds, DepthStencilOption)) -> FragmentStream FragDepth -> Shader os s () -- | Perform a stencil test and depth test (in that order) for each fragment from a 'FragmentStream' and write a color value from each fragment that passes the tests into the window. drawWindowColorDepthStencil :: forall os s c ds. (ContextColorFormat c, DepthRenderable ds, StencilRenderable ds) => (s -> (Window os c ds, ContextColorOption c, DepthStencilOption)) -> FragmentStream (FragColor c, FragDepth) -> Shader os s () drawWindowColor sf fs = Shader $ tellDrawcalls fs $ \ a -> make3 (setColor cf 0 a) io where io s = let (w, op) = sf s in (Left (getWinName w), glDisable GL_DEPTH_TEST >> glDisable GL_STENCIL_TEST >> setGlContextColorOptions cf op) cf = undefined :: c drawWindowDepth sf fs = Shader $ tellDrawcalls fs $ \ a-> (setDepth a, return(), io) where io s = let (w, op) = sf s in (Left (getWinName w), glDisable GL_STENCIL_TEST >> setGlDepthOptions op) drawWindowColorDepth sf fs = Shader $ tellDrawcalls fs $ \(c,d) -> let (s, g) = setColor cf 0 c in (s >> setDepth d, g, io) where io s = let (w, cop, dop) = sf s in (Left (getWinName w), glDisable GL_STENCIL_TEST >> setGlContextColorOptions cf cop >> setGlDepthOptions dop) cf = undefined :: c drawWindowStencil sf fs = Shader $ tellDrawcalls fs $ const (return (), return (), io) where io s = let (w, op) = sf s in (Left (getWinName w), glDisable GL_DEPTH_TEST >> setGlStencilOptions op OpZero OpZero) drawWindowColorStencil sf fs = Shader $ tellDrawcalls fs $ \ a -> make3 (setColor cf 0 a) io where io s = let (w, cop, dop) = sf s in (Left (getWinName w), glDisable GL_DEPTH_TEST >> setGlContextColorOptions cf cop >> setGlStencilOptions dop OpZero OpZero) cf = undefined :: c drawWindowDepthStencil sf fs = Shader $ tellDrawcalls fs $ \ a-> (setDepth a, return(), io) where io s = let (w, op) = sf s in (Left (getWinName w), setGlDepthStencilOptions op) drawWindowColorDepthStencil sf fs = Shader $ tellDrawcalls fs $ \ (c,d) -> let (s, g) = setColor cf 0 c in (s >> setDepth d, g, io) where io s = let (w, cop, dop) = sf s in (Left (getWinName w), setGlContextColorOptions cf cop >> setGlDepthStencilOptions dop) cf = undefined :: c tellDrawcalls :: FragmentStream a -> (a -> (ExprM (), GlobDeclM (), s -> (Either WinId (IO FBOKeys, IO ()), IO ()))) -> ShaderM s () tellDrawcalls (FragmentStream xs) f = do let g (x, fd) = tellDrawcall $ makeDrawcall (f x) fd mapM_ g xs makeDrawcall :: (ExprM (), GlobDeclM (), s -> (Either WinId (IO FBOKeys, IO ()), IO ())) -> FragmentStreamData -> IO (Drawcall s) makeDrawcall (sh, shd, wOrIo) (FragmentStreamData rastN shaderpos (PrimitiveStreamData primN ubuff) keep) = do (fsource, funis, fsamps, _, prevDecls, prevS) <- runExprM shd (discard keep >> sh) (vsource, vunis, vsamps, vinps, _, _) <- runExprM prevDecls (prevS >> shaderpos) return $ Drawcall wOrIo primN rastN vsource fsource vinps vunis vsamps funis fsamps ubuff setColor :: forall c. ColorSampleable c => c -> Int -> FragColor c -> (ExprM (), GlobDeclM ()) setColor ct n c = let name = "out" ++ show n typeS = typeStr ct in (do xs <- mapM unS (fromColor ct c :: [S F (ColorElement c)]) tellAssignment' name (typeS ++ "(" ++ intercalate "," xs ++ ")") , do tellGlobal "layout(location = " tellGlobal $ show n tellGlobal ") out " tellGlobal typeS tellGlobal " " tellGlobalLn name) setDepth :: FFloat -> ExprM () setDepth (S d) = do d' <- d when (d' /= "gl_FragDepth") $ tellAssignment' "gl_FragDepth" d' make3 :: (t, t1) -> t2 -> (t, t1, t2) make3 (a,b) c = (a,b,c) type FragColor c = Color c (S F (ColorElement c)) type FragDepth = FFloat setGlColorMask :: ColorSampleable f => f -> GLuint -> Color f Bool -> IO () setGlColorMask c i mask = glColorMaski i x y z w where [x,y,z,w] = map fromBool $ take 4 $ fromColor c mask ++ [False, False, False] setGlContextColorOptions :: ColorSampleable f => f -> ContextColorOption f -> IO () setGlContextColorOptions c (ContextColorOption blend mask) = do setGlColorMask c 0 mask setGlBlend blend case blend of NoBlending -> glDisable GL_BLEND LogicOp _ -> glDisable GL_BLEND _ -> glEnable GL_BLEND setGlBlend :: Blending -> IO () setGlBlend NoBlending = return () setGlBlend (BlendRgbAlpha (e, ea) (BlendingFactors sf df, BlendingFactors sfa dfa) (V4 r g b a)) = do glBlendEquationSeparate (getGlBlendEquation e) (getGlBlendEquation ea) glBlendFuncSeparate (getGlBlendFunc sf) (getGlBlendFunc df) (getGlBlendFunc sfa) (getGlBlendFunc dfa) when (usesConstantColor sf || usesConstantColor df || usesConstantColor sfa || usesConstantColor dfa) $ glBlendColor (realToFrac r) (realToFrac g) (realToFrac b) (realToFrac a) setGlBlend (LogicOp op) = glEnable GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP >> glLogicOp (getGlLogicOp op) setGlDepthOptions :: DepthOption -> IO () setGlDepthOptions (DepthOption df dm) = do glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST glDepthFunc (getGlCompFunc df) glDepthMask $ fromBool dm setGlStencilOptions :: FrontBack StencilOption -> StencilOp -> StencilOp -> IO () setGlStencilOptions (FrontBack (StencilOption ft fr ff fp frm fwm) (StencilOption bt br bf bp brm bwm)) fdf bdf = do glEnable GL_STENCIL_TEST glStencilFuncSeparate GL_FRONT (getGlCompFunc ft) (fromIntegral fr) (fromIntegral frm) glStencilOpSeparate GL_FRONT (getGlStencilOp ff) (getGlStencilOp fdf) (getGlStencilOp fp) glStencilMaskSeparate GL_FRONT (fromIntegral fwm) glStencilFuncSeparate GL_BACK (getGlCompFunc bt) (fromIntegral br) (fromIntegral brm) glStencilOpSeparate GL_BACK (getGlStencilOp bf) (getGlStencilOp bdf) (getGlStencilOp bp) glStencilMaskSeparate GL_BACK (fromIntegral bwm) setGlDepthStencilOptions :: DepthStencilOption -> IO () setGlDepthStencilOptions (DepthStencilOption sop dop (FrontBack fdf bdf)) = do setGlDepthOptions dop setGlStencilOptions sop fdf bdf data ContextColorOption f = ContextColorOption Blending (ColorMask f) data DepthOption = DepthOption DepthFunction DepthMask type StencilOptions = FrontBack StencilOption data StencilOption = StencilOption { stencilTest :: ComparisonFunction, stencilReference :: Int, opWhenStencilFail :: StencilOp, opWhenStencilPass :: StencilOp, stencilReadBitMask :: Word, stencilWriteBitMask :: Word } data DepthStencilOption = DepthStencilOption { dsStencilOptions :: StencilOptions, dsDepthOption :: DepthOption , opWhenStencilPassButDepthFail :: FrontBack StencilOp } data FrontBack a = FrontBack { front :: a, back :: a } -- | 'True' for each color component that should be written to the target. type ColorMask f = Color f Bool -- | 'True' if the depth component should be written to the target. type DepthMask = Bool -- | The function used to compare the fragment's depth and the depth buffers depth with. E.g. 'Less' means "where fragment's depth is less than the buffers current depth". type DepthFunction = ComparisonFunction -- | Indicates whether this color draw should use the 'Blending' setting given to the draw action. If this is 'False', the fragment's color value will simply replace the -- target value. type UseBlending = Bool -- | Denotes how each fragment's color value should be blended with the target value. data Blending = -- | The fragment's color will simply replace the target value. NoBlending -- | The fragment's color will be blended using an equation and a set of factors for the RGB components, and a separate equation and set of factors for the Alpha component (if present), and a 'ConstantColor' that may be referenced from the 'BlendingFactors'. The 'ConstantColor' may be 'undefined' if none of the 'BlendingFactors' needs it. -- This kind of blending will only be made on colors with a 'Float' representation (e.g. 'RGB8' or 'RGB32F', but not 'RGB8I'), integer colors will simply replace the target value. | BlendRgbAlpha (BlendEquation, BlendEquation) (BlendingFactors, BlendingFactors) ConstantColor -- | A logical operation that will be done on the bits of the fragment color and the target color. This kind of blending is only done on colors that has a -- integral /internal/ representation (e.g. 'RGB8' or 'RGB8I', but not 'RGB32F'; note the difference with @BlendRgbAlpha@ restriction). For targets with an internal floating point representation, the fragment value will simply replace the target value. | LogicOp LogicOp type ConstantColor = V4 Float -- | A set of blending factors used for the source (fragment) and the destination (target). data BlendingFactors = BlendingFactors { blendFactorSrc :: BlendingFactor, blendFactorDst :: BlendingFactor } -- | The equation used to combine the source (fragment) and the destination (target) after they have been multiplied with their respective 'BlendingFactor's. data BlendEquation = FuncAdd | FuncSubtract | FuncReverseSubtract | Min | Max -- | A factor that the source (fragment) or the destination (target) will be multiplied with before combined with the other in the 'BlendEquation'. data BlendingFactor = Zero | One | SrcColor | OneMinusSrcColor | DstColor | OneMinusDstColor | SrcAlpha | OneMinusSrcAlpha | DstAlpha | OneMinusDstAlpha | ConstantColor | OneMinusConstantColor | ConstantAlpha | OneMinusConstantAlpha | SrcAlphaSaturate usesConstantColor ConstantColor = True usesConstantColor OneMinusConstantColor = True usesConstantColor ConstantAlpha = True usesConstantColor OneMinusConstantAlpha = True usesConstantColor _ = False -- | A bitwise logical operation that will be used to combine colors that has an integral internal representation. data LogicOp = Clear | And | AndReverse | Copy | AndInverted | Noop | Xor | Or | Nor | Equiv | Invert | OrReverse | CopyInverted | OrInverted | Nand | Set -- | Denotes the operation that will be performed on the target's stencil value data StencilOp = OpZero | OpKeep | OpReplace | OpIncr | OpIncrWrap | OpDecr | OpDecrWrap | OpInvert ----------- -- | Fill a color image with a constant color value clearImageColor :: forall c os. ColorRenderable c => Image (Format c) -> Color c (ColorElement c) -> Render os () clearImageColor i c = do (cwid, cd, doAsync) <- getLastRenderWin key <- Render $ lift $ lift $ lift $ getImageFBOKey i let fbokey = FBOKeys [key] Nothing Nothing mfbo <- Render $ lift $ lift $ lift $ getFBO cd fbokey case mfbo of Just fbo -> Render $ liftIO $ doAsync $ do fbo' <- readIORef fbo glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER fbo' Nothing -> Render $ maybeThrow $ liftIO $ asSync doAsync $ do fbo' <- alloca (\ptr -> glGenFramebuffers 1 ptr >> peek ptr) fbo <- newIORef fbo' void $ mkWeakIORef fbo (doAsync $ with fbo' $ glDeleteFramebuffers 1) setFBO cd fbokey fbo glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER fbo' glEnable GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB getImageBinding i GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 withArray [GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0] $ glDrawBuffers 1 getFBOerror Render $ liftIO $ doAsync $ do glDisable GL_SCISSOR_TEST glColorMask glTrue glTrue glTrue glTrue clearColor (undefined :: c) c glEnable GL_SCISSOR_TEST -- | Fill a depth image with a constant depth value (in the range [0,1]) clearImageDepth :: DepthRenderable d => Image (Format d) -> Float -> Render os () clearImageDepth i d = do (cwid, cd, doAsync) <- getLastRenderWin key <- Render $ lift $ lift $ lift $ getImageFBOKey i let fbokey = FBOKeys [] (Just key) Nothing mfbo <- Render $ lift $ lift $ lift $ getFBO cd fbokey case mfbo of Just fbo -> Render $ liftIO $ doAsync $ do fbo' <- readIORef fbo glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER fbo' Nothing -> Render $ maybeThrow $ liftIO $ asSync doAsync $ do fbo' <- alloca (\ptr -> glGenFramebuffers 1 ptr >> peek ptr) fbo <- newIORef fbo' void $ mkWeakIORef fbo (doAsync $ with fbo' $ glDeleteFramebuffers 1) setFBO cd fbokey fbo glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER fbo' glEnable GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB getImageBinding i GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT glDrawBuffers 0 nullPtr getFBOerror Render $ liftIO $ doAsync $ do glDisable GL_SCISSOR_TEST glDepthMask glTrue with (realToFrac d) $ glClearBufferfv GL_DEPTH 0 glEnable GL_SCISSOR_TEST -- | Fill a depth image with a constant stencil value clearImageStencil :: StencilRenderable s => Image (Format s) -> Int -> Render os () clearImageStencil i s = do (cwid, cd, doAsync) <- getLastRenderWin key <- Render $ lift $ lift $ lift $ getImageFBOKey i let fbokey = FBOKeys [] Nothing (Just key) mfbo <- Render $ lift $ lift $ lift $ getFBO cd fbokey case mfbo of Just fbo -> Render $ liftIO $ doAsync $ do fbo' <- readIORef fbo glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER fbo' Nothing -> Render $ maybeThrow $ liftIO $ asSync doAsync $ do fbo' <- alloca (\ptr -> glGenFramebuffers 1 ptr >> peek ptr) fbo <- newIORef fbo' void $ mkWeakIORef fbo (doAsync $ with fbo' $ glDeleteFramebuffers 1) setFBO cd fbokey fbo glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER fbo' glEnable GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB getImageBinding i GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT glDrawBuffers 0 nullPtr getFBOerror Render $ liftIO $ doAsync $ do glDisable GL_SCISSOR_TEST glStencilMask maxBound with (fromIntegral s) $ glClearBufferiv GL_STENCIL 0 glEnable GL_SCISSOR_TEST -- | Fill a combined depth stencil image with a constant depth value (in the range [0,1]) and a constant stencil value clearImageDepthStencil :: Image (Format DepthStencil) -> Float -> Int -> Render os () clearImageDepthStencil i d s = do (cwid, cd, doAsync) <- getLastRenderWin key <- Render $ lift $ lift $ lift $ getImageFBOKey i let fbokey = FBOKeys [] Nothing (Just key) mfbo <- Render $ lift $ lift $ lift $ getFBO cd fbokey case mfbo of Just fbo -> Render $ liftIO $ doAsync $ do fbo' <- readIORef fbo glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER fbo' Nothing -> Render $ maybeThrow $ liftIO $ asSync doAsync $ do fbo' <- alloca (\ptr -> glGenFramebuffers 1 ptr >> peek ptr) fbo <- newIORef fbo' void $ mkWeakIORef fbo (doAsync $ with fbo' $ glDeleteFramebuffers 1) setFBO cd fbokey fbo glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER fbo' glEnable GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB getImageBinding i GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT glDrawBuffers 0 nullPtr getFBOerror Render $ liftIO $ doAsync $ do glDisable GL_SCISSOR_TEST glDepthMask glTrue glStencilMask maxBound glClearBufferfi GL_DEPTH_STENCIL 0 (realToFrac d) (fromIntegral s) glEnable GL_SCISSOR_TEST inWin w m = Render $ do rs <- lift $ lift StrictState.get let (_, doAsync) = perWindowRenderState rs ! getWinName w liftIO $ doAsync m -- | Fill the window's back buffer with a constant color value clearWindowColor :: forall os c ds. ContextColorFormat c => Window os c ds -> Color c Float -> Render os () clearWindowColor w c = inWin w $ do glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER 0 glDisable GL_SCISSOR_TEST glColorMask glTrue glTrue glTrue glTrue withArray (map realToFrac (fromColor (undefined :: c) c ++ replicate 3 0 :: [Float])) $ glClearBufferfv GL_COLOR 0 glEnable GL_SCISSOR_TEST -- | Fill the window's back depth buffer with a constant depth value (in the range [0,1]) clearWindowDepth :: DepthRenderable ds => Window os c ds -> Float -> Render os () clearWindowDepth w d = inWin w $ do glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER 0 glDisable GL_SCISSOR_TEST glDepthMask glTrue with (realToFrac d) $ glClearBufferfv GL_DEPTH 0 glEnable GL_SCISSOR_TEST -- | Fill the window's back stencil buffer with a constant stencil value clearWindowStencil :: StencilRenderable ds => Window os c ds -> Int -> Render os () clearWindowStencil w s = inWin w $ do glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER 0 glDisable GL_SCISSOR_TEST glStencilMask maxBound with (fromIntegral s) $ glClearBufferiv GL_STENCIL 0 glEnable GL_SCISSOR_TEST -- | Fill the window's back depth and stencil buffers with a constant depth value (in the range [0,1]) and a constant stencil value clearWindowDepthStencil :: Window os c DepthStencil -> Float -> Int -> Render os () clearWindowDepthStencil w d s = inWin w $ do glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER 0 glDisable GL_SCISSOR_TEST glDepthMask glTrue glStencilMask maxBound glClearBufferfi GL_DEPTH_STENCIL 0 (realToFrac d) (fromIntegral s) glEnable GL_SCISSOR_TEST maybeThrow :: Monad m => ExceptT e m (Maybe e) -> ExceptT e m () maybeThrow m = do mErr <- m case mErr of Just err -> throwE err Nothing -> return () --------------- glTrue :: Num n => n glTrue = fromBool True getGlBlendEquation :: BlendEquation -> GLenum getGlBlendEquation FuncAdd = GL_FUNC_ADD getGlBlendEquation FuncSubtract = GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT getGlBlendEquation FuncReverseSubtract = GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT getGlBlendEquation Min = GL_MIN getGlBlendEquation Max = GL_MAX getGlBlendFunc :: BlendingFactor -> GLenum getGlBlendFunc Zero = GL_ZERO getGlBlendFunc One = GL_ONE getGlBlendFunc SrcColor = GL_SRC_COLOR getGlBlendFunc OneMinusSrcColor = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR getGlBlendFunc DstColor = GL_DST_COLOR getGlBlendFunc OneMinusDstColor = GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR getGlBlendFunc SrcAlpha = GL_SRC_ALPHA getGlBlendFunc OneMinusSrcAlpha = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA getGlBlendFunc DstAlpha = GL_DST_ALPHA getGlBlendFunc OneMinusDstAlpha = GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA getGlBlendFunc ConstantColor = GL_CONSTANT_COLOR getGlBlendFunc OneMinusConstantColor = GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR getGlBlendFunc ConstantAlpha = GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA getGlBlendFunc OneMinusConstantAlpha = GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA getGlBlendFunc SrcAlphaSaturate = GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE getGlLogicOp :: LogicOp -> GLenum getGlLogicOp Clear = GL_CLEAR getGlLogicOp And = GL_AND getGlLogicOp AndReverse = GL_AND_REVERSE getGlLogicOp Copy = GL_COPY getGlLogicOp AndInverted = GL_AND_INVERTED getGlLogicOp Noop = GL_NOOP getGlLogicOp Xor = GL_XOR getGlLogicOp Or = GL_OR getGlLogicOp Nor = GL_NOR getGlLogicOp Equiv = GL_EQUIV getGlLogicOp Invert = GL_INVERT getGlLogicOp OrReverse = GL_OR_REVERSE getGlLogicOp CopyInverted = GL_COPY_INVERTED getGlLogicOp OrInverted = GL_OR_INVERTED getGlLogicOp Nand = GL_NAND getGlLogicOp Set = GL_SET getGlStencilOp :: StencilOp -> GLenum getGlStencilOp OpZero = GL_ZERO getGlStencilOp OpKeep = GL_KEEP getGlStencilOp OpReplace = GL_REPLACE getGlStencilOp OpIncr = GL_INCR getGlStencilOp OpIncrWrap = GL_INCR_WRAP getGlStencilOp OpDecr = GL_DECR getGlStencilOp OpDecrWrap = GL_DECR_WRAP getGlStencilOp OpInvert = GL_INVERT --------------------