{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, PatternSynonyms #-} module Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Compiler where import Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Context import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Control.Monad.Exception (MonadException) import qualified Data.IntMap as Map import qualified Data.IntSet as Set import Data.IntMap ((!)) import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Graphics.GL.Core33 import Graphics.GL.Types import Foreign.Marshal.Utils import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca) import Foreign.Storable (peek) import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.Marshal.Array import Foreign.Ptr (nullPtr) import Data.Either import Control.Exception (throwIO) import Data.IORef import Data.List (zip5) import Data.Word import Data.Monoid ((<>)) type WinId = Int data Drawcall s = Drawcall { drawcallFBO :: s -> (Either WinId (IO FBOKeys, IO ()), IO ()), drawcallName :: Int, rasterizationName :: Int, vertexsSource :: String, fragmentSource :: String, usedInputs :: [Int], usedVUniforms :: [Int], usedVSamplers :: [Int], usedFUniforms :: [Int], usedFSamplers :: [Int], primStrUBufferSize :: Int -- The size of the ubuffer for uniforms in primitive stream } -- index/binding refers to what is used in the final shader. Index space is limited, usually 16 -- attribname is what was declared, but all might not be used. Attribname share namespace with uniforms and textures (in all shaders) and is unlimited(TM) type Binding = Int -- TODO: Add usedBuffers to RenderIOState, ie Map.IntMap (s -> (Binding -> IO (), Int)) and the like -- then create a function that checks that none of the input buffers are used as output, and throws if it is data RenderIOState s = RenderIOState { uniformNameToRenderIO :: Map.IntMap (s -> Binding -> IO ()), -- TODO: Return buffer name here when we start writing to buffers during rendering (transform feedback, buffer textures) samplerNameToRenderIO :: Map.IntMap (s -> Binding -> IO Int), -- IO returns texturename for validating that it isnt used as render target rasterizationNameToRenderIO :: Map.IntMap (s -> IO ()), inputArrayToRenderIOs :: Map.IntMap (s -> [([Binding], GLuint, Int) -> ((IO [VAOKey], IO ()), IO ())]) } newRenderIOState :: RenderIOState s newRenderIOState = RenderIOState Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty mapRenderIOState :: (s -> s') -> RenderIOState s' -> RenderIOState s -> RenderIOState s mapRenderIOState f (RenderIOState a b c d) (RenderIOState i j k l) = let g x = x . f in RenderIOState (Map.union i $ Map.map g a) (Map.union j $ Map.map g b) (Map.union k $ Map.map g c) (Map.union l $ Map.map g d) -- | May throw a GPipeException compile :: (Monad m, MonadIO m, MonadException m, ContextHandler ctx) => [IO (Drawcall s)] -> RenderIOState s -> ContextT ctx os m (s -> Render os ()) compile dcs s = do drawcalls <- liftIO $ sequence dcs -- IO only for SNMap (maxUnis, maxSamplers, maxVUnis, maxVSamplers, maxFUnis, maxFSamplers) <- liftNonWinContextIO $ do maxUnis <- alloca (\ptr -> glGetIntegerv GL_MAX_COMBINED_UNIFORM_BLOCKS ptr >> peek ptr) maxSamplers <- alloca (\ptr -> glGetIntegerv GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS ptr >> peek ptr) maxVUnis <- alloca (\ptr -> glGetIntegerv GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_BLOCKS ptr >> peek ptr) maxVSamplers <- alloca (\ptr -> glGetIntegerv GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS ptr >> peek ptr) maxFUnis <- alloca (\ptr -> glGetIntegerv GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_BLOCKS ptr >> peek ptr) maxFSamplers <- alloca (\ptr -> glGetIntegerv GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS ptr >> peek ptr) return (fromIntegral maxUnis, fromIntegral maxSamplers, fromIntegral maxVUnis, fromIntegral maxVSamplers, fromIntegral maxFUnis, fromIntegral maxFSamplers) let vUnisPerDc = map usedVUniforms drawcalls vSampsPerDc = map usedVSamplers drawcalls fUnisPerDc = map usedFUniforms drawcalls fSampsPerDc = map usedFSamplers drawcalls unisPerDc = zipWith orderedUnion vUnisPerDc fUnisPerDc sampsPerDc = zipWith orderedUnion vSampsPerDc fSampsPerDc limitErrors = concat [ ["Too many uniform blocks used in a single shader program\n" | any (\ xs -> length xs >= maxUnis) unisPerDc], ["Too many textures used in a single shader program\n" | any (\ xs -> length xs >= maxSamplers) sampsPerDc], ["Too many uniform blocks used in a single vertex shader\n" | any (\ xs -> length xs >= maxVUnis) vUnisPerDc], ["Too many textures used in a single vertex shader\n" | any (\ xs -> length xs >= maxVSamplers) vSampsPerDc], ["Too many uniform blocks used in a single fragment shader\n" | any (\ xs -> length xs >= maxFUnis) fUnisPerDc], ["Too many textures used in a single fragment shader\n" | any (\ xs -> length xs >= maxFSamplers) fSampsPerDc] ] allocatedUniforms = allocate maxUnis unisPerDc allocatedSamplers = allocate maxSamplers sampsPerDc compRet <- mapM comp (zip5 drawcalls unisPerDc sampsPerDc allocatedUniforms allocatedSamplers) let (errs, ret) = partitionEithers compRet (pnames, fs) = unzip ret fr x = mapM_ ($ x) fs allErrs = limitErrors ++ errs if null allErrs then do forM_ pnames (\(pNameRef,pStrUDeleter) -> do pName <- liftIO $ readIORef pNameRef addContextFinalizer pNameRef (glDeleteProgram pName >> pStrUDeleter)) return fr else do liftNonWinContextAsyncIO $ mapM_ (\(pNameRef, pStrUDeleter) -> readIORef pNameRef >>= glDeleteProgram >> pStrUDeleter) pnames liftIO $ throwIO $ GPipeException $ concat allErrs where comp (Drawcall fboSetup primN rastN vsource fsource inps _ _ _ _ pstrUSize', unis, samps, ubinds, sbinds) = do let pstrUSize = if 0 `elem` unis then pstrUSize' else 0 let uNameToRenderIOmap = uniformNameToRenderIO s pstrUBuf <- createUBuffer pstrUSize -- Create uniform buffer for primiveStream uniforms let pStrUDeleter = when (pstrUSize > 0) $ with pstrUBuf (glDeleteBuffers 1) let uNameToRenderIOmap' = addPstrUniform pstrUBuf pstrUSize uNameToRenderIOmap ePname <- liftNonWinContextIO $ do vShader <- glCreateShader GL_VERTEX_SHADER mErrV <- compileShader vShader vsource fShader <- glCreateShader GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER mErrF <- compileShader fShader fsource if isNothing mErrV && isNothing mErrV then do pName <- glCreateProgram glAttachShader pName vShader glAttachShader pName fShader mapM_ (\(name, ix) -> withCString ("in"++ show name) $ glBindAttribLocation pName ix) $ zip inps [0..] mPErr <- linkProgram pName glDetachShader pName vShader glDetachShader pName fShader glDeleteShader vShader glDeleteShader fShader case mPErr of Just errP -> do glDeleteProgram pName pStrUDeleter return $ Left $ "Linking a GPU progam failed:\n" ++ errP ++ "\nVertex source:\n" ++ vsource ++ "\nFragment source:\n" ++ fsource Nothing -> return $ Right pName else do glDeleteShader vShader glDeleteShader fShader pStrUDeleter let err = maybe "" (\e -> "A vertex shader compilation failed:\n" ++ e ++ "\nSource:\n" ++ vsource) mErrV ++ maybe "" (\e -> "A fragment shader compilation failed:\n" ++ e ++ "\nSource:\n" ++ fsource) mErrF return $ Left err case ePname of Left err -> return $ Left err Right pName -> liftNonWinContextIO $ do forM_ (zip unis ubinds) $ \(name, bind) -> do uix <- withCString ("uBlock" ++ show name) $ glGetUniformBlockIndex pName glUniformBlockBinding pName uix (fromIntegral bind) glUseProgram pName -- For setting texture uniforms forM_ (zip samps sbinds) $ \(name, bind) -> do six <- withCString ("s" ++ show name) $ glGetUniformLocation pName glUniform1i six (fromIntegral bind) pNameRef <- newIORef pName return $ Right ((pNameRef, pStrUDeleter), \x -> Render $ do -- Drawing with program -- rs <- lift $ lift get renv <- lift ask let (mfbokeyio, blendio) = fboSetup x let inwin wid m = do let (ws, doAsync) = perWindowRenderState rs ! wid let (bindUni, uniState') = makeBind (boundUniforms ws :: Map.IntMap Int) uNameToRenderIOmap' (zip unis ubinds) let (bindSamp, sampState') = makeBind (boundSamplers ws :: Map.IntMap Int) (samplerNameToRenderIO s) $ zip samps sbinds let bindRast = if rastN == boundRasterizerN ws then const $ return () else rasterizationNameToRenderIO s ! rastN wmap' = Map.insert wid (ws { boundUniforms = uniState', boundSamplers = sampState', boundRasterizerN = rastN }, doAsync) (perWindowRenderState rs) lift $ lift $ put (rs {perWindowRenderState = wmap', renderLastUsedWin = wid }) mErr <- liftIO $ asSync doAsync $ do pName' <- readIORef pNameRef -- Cant use pName, need to touch pNameRef glUseProgram pName' _ <- bindUni x (const $ return True :: () -> IO Bool) isOk <- bindSamp x (return . not . (`Set.member` renderWriteTextures rs) :: Int -> IO Bool) bindRast x blendio mErr2 <- m let mErr = if isOk then Nothing else Just "Running shader that samples from texture that currently has an image borrowed from it. Try run this shader from a separate render call where no images from the same texture are drawn to or cleared.\n" return $ mErr <> mErr2 case mErr of Just e -> throwE e Nothing -> return () wid <- case mfbokeyio of Left wid -> do -- Bind correct context inwin wid $ do glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER 0 return Nothing return wid Right (fbokeyio, fboio) -> do -- Off-screen draw call, continue with last context (cwid, cd, doAsync) <- unRender getLastRenderWin inwin cwid $ do fbokey <- fbokeyio mfbo <- getFBO cd fbokey case mfbo of Just fbo -> do fbo' <- readIORef fbo glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER fbo' return Nothing Nothing -> do fbo' <- alloca (\ptr -> glGenFramebuffers 1 ptr >> peek ptr) fbo <- newIORef fbo' void $ mkWeakIORef fbo (doAsync $ with fbo' $ glDeleteFramebuffers 1) setFBO cd fbokey fbo glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER fbo' glEnable GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB fboio let numColors = length $ fboColors fbokey withArray [GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 .. (GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + fromIntegral numColors - 1)] $ glDrawBuffers (fromIntegral numColors) getFBOerror return cwid -- Draw each Vertex Array -- forM_ (map ($ (inps, pstrUBuf, pstrUSize)) ((inputArrayToRenderIOs s ! primN) x)) $ \ ((keyio, vaoio), drawio) -> do let (ws, doAsync) = perWindowRenderState rs ! wid cd = windowContextData ws liftIO $ do key <- keyio mvao <- getVAO cd key case mvao of Just vao -> do vao' <- readIORef vao glBindVertexArray vao' Nothing -> do vao' <- alloca (\ptr -> glGenVertexArrays 1 ptr >> peek ptr) vao <- newIORef vao' void $ mkWeakIORef vao (doAsync $ with vao' $ glDeleteVertexArrays 1) setVAO cd key vao glBindVertexArray vao' vaoio drawio) compileShader name source = do withCStringLen source $ \ (ptr, len) -> with ptr $ \ pptr -> with (fromIntegral len) $ \ plen -> glShaderSource name 1 pptr plen glCompileShader name compStatus <- alloca $ \ ptr -> glGetShaderiv name GL_COMPILE_STATUS ptr >> peek ptr if compStatus /= GL_FALSE then return Nothing else do logLen <- alloca $ \ ptr -> glGetShaderiv name GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH ptr >> peek ptr let logLen' = fromIntegral logLen fmap Just $ allocaArray logLen' $ \ ptr -> do glGetShaderInfoLog name logLen nullPtr ptr peekCString ptr linkProgram name = do glLinkProgram name linkStatus <- alloca $ \ ptr -> glGetProgramiv name GL_LINK_STATUS ptr >> peek ptr if linkStatus /= GL_FALSE then return Nothing else do logLen <- alloca $ \ ptr -> glGetProgramiv name GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH ptr >> peek ptr let logLen' = fromIntegral logLen fmap Just $ allocaArray logLen' $ \ ptr -> do glGetProgramInfoLog name logLen nullPtr ptr peekCString ptr createUBuffer 0 = return undefined createUBuffer uSize = liftNonWinContextIO $ do bname <- alloca (\ptr -> glGenBuffers 1 ptr >> peek ptr) glBindBuffer GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER bname glBufferData GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER (fromIntegral uSize) nullPtr GL_STREAM_DRAW return bname addPstrUniform :: Word32 -> Int -> Map.IntMap (s -> Binding -> IO ()) -> Map.IntMap (s -> Binding -> IO ()) addPstrUniform _ 0 = id addPstrUniform bname uSize = Map.insert 0 $ \_ bind -> glBindBufferRange GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER (fromIntegral bind) bname 0 (fromIntegral uSize) makeBind :: Map.IntMap Int -> Map.IntMap (s -> Binding -> IO x) -> [(Int, Int)] -> (s -> Asserter x -> IO Bool, Map.IntMap Int) makeBind m iom ((n,b):xs) = (g, m'') where (f, m') = makeBind m iom xs (io, m'') = case Map.lookup b m' of Just x | x == n -> (\_ _ -> return True, m') -- Optimization, save gl calls to already bound buffers/samplers _ -> (\s asserter -> (iom ! n) s b >>= asserter, Map.insert b n m') g s a = do ok1 <- f s a ok2 <- io s a return $ ok1 && ok2 makeBind m _ [] = (\_ _ -> return True, m) orderedUnion :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] orderedUnion xxs@(x:xs) yys@(y:ys) | x == y = x : orderedUnion xs ys | x < y = x : orderedUnion xs yys | otherwise = y : orderedUnion xxs ys orderedUnion xs [] = xs orderedUnion [] ys = ys type Asserter x = x -> IO Bool -- Used to assert we may use textures bound as render targets allocate :: Int -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]] allocate mx = allocate' Map.empty [] where allocate' m ys ((x:xs):xss) | Just a <- Map.lookup x m = allocate' m (a:ys) (xs:xss) | ms <- Map.size m, ms < mx = allocate' (Map.insert x ms m) (ms:ys) (xs:xss) | otherwise = let (ek,ev) = findLastUsed m mx (ys ++ xs ++ concat xss) in allocate' (Map.insert x ev (Map.delete ek m)) (ev:ys) (xs:xss) allocate' m ys (_:xss) = reverse ys : allocate' m [] xss allocate' _ _ [] = [] findLastUsed m n (x:xs) | n > 1 = let (a, m') = Map.updateLookupWithKey (const $ const Nothing) x m n' = if isJust a then n-1 else n in findLastUsed m' n' xs findLastUsed m _ _ = head $ Map.toList m getFBOerror :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe String) getFBOerror = do status <- glCheckFramebufferStatus GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER return $ case status of GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE -> Nothing GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED -> Just "The combination of draw images (FBO) used in the render call is unsupported by this graphics driver\n" _ -> error "GPipe internal FBO error"