name: GLURaw version: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE maintainer: Sven Panne , Jason Dagit bug-reports: homepage: category: Graphics synopsis: A raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system description: GLURaw is a raw Haskell binding for the GLU 1.3 OpenGL utility library. It is basically a 1:1 mapping of GLU's C API, intended as a basis for a nicer interface. . OpenGL is the industry's most widely used and supported 2D and 3D graphics application programming interface (API), incorporating a broad set of rendering, texture mapping, special effects, and other powerful visualization functions. For more information about OpenGL and its various extensions, please see and . build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.6 extra-source-files: include/HsGLURaw.h flag UseNativeWindowsLibraries description: When compiling under Windows, use the native libraries instead of e.g. the ones coming with Cygwin. library exposed-modules: Graphics.Rendering.GLU.Raw Graphics.Rendering.GLU.Raw.Callbacks, Graphics.Rendering.GLU.Raw.Functions, Graphics.Rendering.GLU.Raw.Tokens, Graphics.Rendering.GLU.Raw.Types other-modules: Graphics.Rendering.GLU.Raw.APIEntry, Graphics.Rendering.GLU.Raw.TypesInternal c-sources: cbits/HsGLURaw.c hs-Source-Dirs: src include-dirs: include build-depends: base >= 3 && < 5, OpenGLRaw >= ghc-options: -Wall -O2 if os(windows) && flag(UseNativeWindowsLibraries) if arch(i386) cpp-options: "-DCALLCONV=stdcall" else cpp-options: "-DCALLCONV=ccall" cc-options: "-DUSE_GETPROCADDRESS" extra-libraries: glu32 else cpp-options: "-DCALLCONV=ccall" cc-options: "-DUSE_DLSYM" if os(darwin) frameworks: OpenGL else if os(ios) frameworks: OpenGLES else extra-libraries: GLU source-repository head type: git location: