# GLM A small [GridLab-D](http://gridlab-d.sourceforge.net) markup parser. Currently incomplete, but does work for simple files. Includes the executables: * glm2props - List properties found in file * glm2dot - Output a Dot file for use with GraphViz * glm2json - Convert GLM format to JSON format Library functions are also exposesd under: * GLM.Dot * GLM.Nesting * GLM.Parser2 * GLM.Tokenizer * GLM.JSON ## Library The main library interface can be found in GLM.Parser. ## glm2dot Usage: Usage: glm2dot [-h|--help] [-e|--edges] [-f|--flatten] [FILE]* --flatten creates new linked nodes for nested nodes --edge only renders nodes that are connected to others Also accepts GLM format on STDIN. ## glm2json ## glmprops Downloads: * * * * * * Example: bash-3.2$ head IEEE_4_node.glm // Exercise 4.1.1 clock { timestamp '2000-01-01 0:00:00'; timezone EST+5EDT; } module powerflow { solver_method NR; } bash-3.2$ glm2dot IEEE_4_node.glm digraph { // Missed entry ["clock"] - noname // Missed entry ["module","powerflow"] - powerflow "460bc4159" [label="overhead_line_conductor100"]; "f98a57e6e" [label="overhead_line_conductor101"]; "3ae695a1a" [label="line_spacing200"]; "125c9f13f" [label="line_configuration300"]; "6666bc20c" [label="transformer_configuration400"]; "164546f60" [label="node1"]; "89b8519c3" [label="overhead_line"]; "164546f60" -> "78882aaeb"; // node1 -> node2 "78882aaeb" [label="node2"]; "72f1da2f1" [label="transformer23"]; "78882aaeb" -> "1315e07dc"; // node2 -> node3 "1315e07dc" [label="node3"]; "ff93d9775" [label="overhead_line:34"]; "1315e07dc" -> "6bf7ab42e"; // node3 -> load4 "6bf7ab42e" [label="load4"]; } Graphical output: glm2dot -e IEEE_37node.glm | dot -Tpng -o blah.png && open blah.png ![Rendered GLM](http://i.imgur.com/OgqAYTl.png)