Frames-map-reduce- Frames wrapper for map-reduce-folds and some extra folds helpers.
Copyright(c) Adam Conner-Sax 2019
Safe HaskellNone



Frames-map-reduce provides helper functions for using map-reduce-folds with Frames. Please see those packages for more details.



unpackFilterRow :: (Record rs -> Bool) -> Unpack (Record rs) (Record rs) Source #

Filter records using a function on the entire record.

unpackFilterOnField :: forall t rs. (KnownField t, ElemOf rs t) => (Snd t -> Bool) -> Unpack (Record rs) (Record rs) Source #

Filter records based on a condition on only one field in the row. Will usually require a Type Application to indicate which field.

unpackGoodRows :: forall cs rs. cs rs => Unpack (Rec (Maybe :. ElField) rs) (Record cs) Source #

An unpack step which specifies a subset of columns, cs, (via a type-application) and then filters a Rec (Maybe :. Elfield) rs to only rows which have all good data in that subset.


assignKeysAndData :: forall ks cs rs. (ks rs, cs rs) => Assign (Record ks) (Record rs) (Record cs) Source #

Assign both keys and data cols. Uses type applications to specify them if they cannot be inferred. Keys usually can't. Data sometimes can.

assignKeys :: forall ks rs. ks rs => Assign (Record ks) (Record rs) (Record rs) Source #

Assign keys and leave all columns, including the keys, in the data passed to reduce.

splitOnKeys :: forall ks rs cs. (ks rs, cs ~ RDeleteAll ks rs, cs rs) => Assign (Record ks) (Record rs) (Record cs) Source #

Assign keys and leave the rest of the columns, excluding the keys, in the data passed to reduce.

splitOnData :: forall cs rs ks. (cs rs, ks ~ RDeleteAll cs rs, ks rs) => Assign (Record ks) (Record rs) (Record cs) Source #

Assign data and leave the rest of the columns, excluding the data, as the key.

Reduce and Re-Attach Key Cols

reduceAndAddKey Source #


:: forall ks cs x. RecVec (ks ++ cs) 
=> (forall h. Foldable h => h x -> Record cs)

reduction step

-> Reduce (Record ks) x (FrameRec (ks ++ cs)) 

Reduce the data to a single row and then re-attach the key.

foldAndAddKey Source #


:: RecVec (ks ++ cs) 
=> Fold x (Record cs)

reduction fold

-> Reduce (Record ks) x (FrameRec (ks ++ cs)) 

Reduce by folding the data to a single row and then re-attaching the key.

Re-Attach Key Cols

makeRecsWithKey Source #


:: (Functor g, Foldable g, RecVec (ks ++ as)) 
=> (y -> Record as)

map a result to a record

-> Reduce (Record ks) x (g y)

original reduce

-> Reduce (Record ks) x (FrameRec (ks ++ as)) 

Transform a reduce which produces a container of results, with a function from each result to a record, into a reduce which produces a FrameRec of the result records with the key re-attached.

makeRecsWithKeyM Source #


:: (Monad m, Functor g, Foldable g, RecVec (ks ++ as)) 
=> (y -> Record as)

map a result to a record

-> ReduceM m (Record ks) x (g y)

original reduce

-> ReduceM m (Record ks) x (FrameRec (ks ++ as)) 

Transform an effectful reduce which produces a container of results, with a function from each result to a record, into a reduce which produces a FrameRec of the result records with the key re-attached.


Orphan instances

(KnownField t, Hashable (Snd t), Hashable (Record rs), rs (t ': rs)) => Hashable (Record (t ': rs)) Source # 
Instance details


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Record (t ': rs) -> Int #

hash :: Record (t ': rs) -> Int #

Hashable (Record ('[] :: [(Symbol, Type)])) Source #

This is only here so we can use hash maps for the grouping step. This should properly be in Frames itself.

Instance details


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Record '[] -> Int #

hash :: Record '[] -> Int #