{- | Finance.Quote.Yahoo Finance.Quote.Yahoo is a module to obtain quote information from finance.yahoo.com, which delivers a csv file with data for various fields, which are documented at http:\/\/www.gummy-stuff.org\/Yahoo-data.htm. The homepage for this module is http:\/\/www.b7j0c.org\/content\/haskell-yquote.html The license for this module is at http:\/\/www.b7j0c.org\/content\/license.txt Since this uses Data.Time.Format, ghc-6.6.1 or greater is required. Error reporting is somewhat of a mixed model in this module. Where strict errors of data construction occur, these will be noted as fatal error() signals, so the error can be noted and fixed. An example of this would be putting the start and end data in the wrong order for the retrieval of historical quotes or the creation of a malformed URI. On the other hand, I continue to propogate Nothing() for networking issues as there may be external issues creating these errors for which one may want program execution to continue. My personal tendency is to fail early when possible and practical. Exported functions: getQuote, which takes a list of quote symbols (in the finance sense of \"symbol\" - YHOO,GOOG etc), a list of fields, and returns a Data.Map, where the keys are pairs (symbol,field) and values are the returned Strings. Upon any problem, Nothing is returned. I have not cast the data into stronger types than String since Yahoo is inconsistent about what is returned in the csv. Fields often contain punctuation, symbols, as well as numbers. So really, they are Strings. getHistoricalQuote, which takes a quote symbol, and two Data.Time.Calendar Day types, one for the starting date to receive quote data, and one for the end date. Yahoo does not let you choose the fields to see in historical quotes, data is limited to price and volume information. quoteRec - useful for debugging the quote URI to see if Yahoo is denying the service. Here is small complete program illustrating the use of this module @ module Main where import Finance\.Quote\.Yahoo import Data\.Time\.Calendar import Data\.Map quoteSymbolList = [\"YHOO\",\"^DJI\"] :: [QuoteSymbol] quoteFieldsList = [\"s\",\"l1\",\"c\"] :: [QuoteField] main = do q <- getQuote quoteSymbolList quoteFieldsList case q of Nothing -> error \"no map\" Just m -> case (Data.Map.lookup (\"YHOO\",\"l1\") m) of Nothing -> print \"no match\" Just a -> print a let startDate = Data.Time.Calendar.fromGregorian 2007 07 01 let endDate = Data.Time.Calendar.fromGregorian 2007 07 03 h <- getHistoricalQuote (head quoteSymbolList) startDate endDate Daily case h of Nothing -> error \"no historical\" Just l -> sequence $ Prelude.map print l return () @ -} module Finance.Quote.Yahoo (getQuote,getHistoricalQuote,defaultQuoteFields, baseQuoteURI,baseHistoricalURI,quoteReq, QuoteField,QuoteSymbol,QuoteValue,Quote, QuoteCurrency,QuoteFrequency(..), HistoricalQuote(..)) where import qualified Network.Curl as C (curlGetString) import qualified Network.Curl.Code as CC import qualified Network.URI as U (parseURI,escapeURIString, isUnescapedInURI) import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as T (Day(..),fromGregorian) import qualified Data.Time.Format as F (formatTime) import qualified System.Locale as L (defaultTimeLocale) import qualified Data.Map as M (fromList,Map(..)) import Data.List (intersperse) {- License info: The license is a simple BSD3-style license available here: http://www.b7j0c.org/content/license.txt -} type QuoteField = String type QuoteSymbol = String type QuoteValue = String type QuoteCSV = String type Quote = [(QuoteField,QuoteValue)] -- | fetchCSV is a convenience function broken out to isolate HTTP use. fetchCSV :: QuoteSymbol -> IO (Maybe String) fetchCSV s = case U.parseURI s of Nothing -> error("uri malformed:" ++ s) Just uri -> do tryCSV <- C.curlGetString s [] case (fst tryCSV) of CC.CurlOK -> return (Just $ snd tryCSV) _ -> return (Nothing) -- | This is the base uri to get csv quotes. Exported. baseQuoteURI = "http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv" :: String -- | If you just want the name, latest price and change, use this. Exported. defaultQuoteFields = ["n","l1","c"] :: [QuoteField] -- | quoteReq will build a String representation of a Yahoo Finance CSV -- request URI. quoteReq :: [QuoteSymbol] -> [QuoteField] -> String quoteReq symbols fields = U.escapeURIString U.isUnescapedInURI $ baseQuoteURI ++ "?s=" ++ (join "+" symbols) ++ "&f=" ++ (concat fields) -- | parseQuote will take a list of symbols, a list of fields, and the -- csv data and return a Data.Map, as described below (see getQuote). -- If there is a mismatch in the number of fields being zipped to -- produce the map, an error is triggered. parseQuote :: [QuoteSymbol] -> [QuoteField] -> QuoteCSV -> Maybe (M.Map (QuoteSymbol, QuoteField) QuoteValue) parseQuote symbols fields csv = let l = concat $ map (split ',') $ lines $ filter (\c -> notElem c "\r\"") csv p = [(x,y) | x <- symbols, y <- fields] in case (length p == length l) of True -> Just (M.fromList $ zip p l) False -> error("mismatch in fields and returned data") -- | getQuote will take a list of symbols, a list of fields, and will -- return a Data.Map, where the key type is -- (symbol,field) -- and the value type is whatever quote value string is returned. -- An example map entry: -- -- key: \(\"YHOO\",\"c\"\), value: \"24.00\" -- -- Which gives you the closing price (c) for the symbol YHOO. -- -- NOTE! -- This function does NOT alter the casing of the quote symbols passed -- in the first parameter. These symbols are used as the first element -- of the Map key tuple without altering them. Be careful! This function -- is exported. getQuote :: [QuoteSymbol] -> [QuoteField] -> IO (Maybe (M.Map (QuoteSymbol, QuoteField) QuoteValue)) getQuote symbols fields = do let req = quoteReq symbols fields trycsv <- fetchCSV req case trycsv of Nothing -> error("no csv returned for " ++ req) Just csv -> return $ parseQuote symbols fields csv -- | This is the base uri to get csv historical quote data. Exported. baseHistoricalURI = "http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv" -- | Float is not an fully appropriate currency type, beware. Exported. type QuoteCurrency = Float -- | HistoricalQuote reflects the row form of a yahoo historical quote: -- Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close (taken from the csv itself). -- Exported. data HistoricalQuote = HistoricalQuote { symbol :: QuoteSymbol, date :: T.Day, open :: QuoteCurrency, high :: QuoteCurrency, low :: QuoteCurrency, close :: QuoteCurrency, adjclose :: QuoteCurrency, volume :: Int } deriving Show -- | QuoteFrequency - frequency for historical quotes. Exported. data QuoteFrequency = Daily | Weekly | Monthly | Dividend -- | historicalQuoteReq will build a String representation of a -- Yahoo Finance CSV historical quote request URI. historicalQuoteReq :: QuoteSymbol -> T.Day -> T.Day -> QuoteFrequency -> String historicalQuoteReq symbol start end freq = let (startDay,startMonth,startYear) = dateArgs start (endDay,endMonth,endYear) = dateArgs end freqChar = freqArg freq in U.escapeURIString U.isUnescapedInURI $ baseHistoricalURI ++ "?s=" ++ symbol ++ "&a=" ++ startMonth ++ "&b=" ++ startDay ++ "&c=" ++ startYear ++ "&d=" ++ endMonth ++ "&e=" ++ endDay ++ "&f=" ++ endYear ++ "&g=" ++ [freqChar] where -- Return the string args for the URI. -- Note when parsing months - for some odd reason Yahoo has decided -- that month numbers should be zero-based...06 = July, etc. dateArgs :: T.Day -> (String,String,String) dateArgs t = (day,month,year) where dtl = L.defaultTimeLocale day = F.formatTime dtl "%d" t month = show $ (read (F.formatTime dtl "%m" t) :: Int) - 1 year = F.formatTime dtl "%Y" t -- Return the char Yahoo uses to denote various frequencies freqArg :: QuoteFrequency -> Char freqArg f = case f of Daily -> 'd' Weekly -> 'w' Monthly -> 'm' Dividend -> 'v' -- | parseHistorical takes the raw csv from Yahoo Finance and returns -- a list of HistoricalQuote entries. parseHistorical :: QuoteSymbol -> QuoteCSV -> Maybe [HistoricalQuote] parseHistorical symbol' csv = let l = reverse $ map (split ',') $ (tail . lines) $ filter (\c -> notElem c "\r") csv in Just $ map (makeHistoricalQuote) l where -- Create a HistoricalQuote entry from a line from the csv. makeHistoricalQuote :: [String] -> HistoricalQuote makeHistoricalQuote l = case (length l == 7) of False -> error("malformed line:" ++ (show l)) True -> let date' = makeDay (l!!0) open' = read (l!!1) :: QuoteCurrency high' = read (l!!2) :: QuoteCurrency low' = read (l!!3) :: QuoteCurrency close' = read (l!!4) :: QuoteCurrency adjclose' = read (l!!6) :: QuoteCurrency volume' = read (l!!5) :: Int in HistoricalQuote { symbol = symbol', date = date', open = open', high = high', low = low', close = close', adjclose = adjclose', volume = volume' } where -- Create a Day type from the str date from the csv. makeDay :: String -> T.Day makeDay s = let a = split '-' s in case (length a == 3) of False -> error("date field " ++ s ++ " malformed") True -> let y = read (a!!0) :: Integer m = read (a!!1) :: Int d = read (a!!2) :: Int in T.fromGregorian y m d -- | getHistoricalQuote takes a stock symbol, start and end date ranges, -- a quote frequency setting, and obtains the HistoricalQuote lines -- for this given date range and quote frequency. -- Supported frequencies are "Daily", "Weekly", -- "Monthly" or "Dividend". Hopefully these are self-explanatory. -- Nothing is returned on any error, but note if you ask for the quotes -- based on Dividend frequency for a stock that pays no dividends, you -- will not see Nothing, but just an empty result. -- Check finance.yahoo.com to see how -- far they offer quote history for a symbol you are interested in. -- Note! Yahoo takes some liberties with dates due to weekends and -- holidays and market closures. Exported. -- -- Here is what a sample result looks like for one day in the history: -- -- HistoricalQuote \{symbol \= \"YHOO\", -- date \= 2007-07-02\, -- open \= 27.19\, -- high \= 27.27\, -- low \= 26.76\, -- close \= 26.86\, -- adjclose \= 26.86\, -- volume \= 21011000\} -- getHistoricalQuote :: QuoteSymbol -> T.Day -> T.Day -> QuoteFrequency -> IO (Maybe [HistoricalQuote]) getHistoricalQuote symbol start end freq = case end > start of False -> error("start date must be earlier than end date") True -> do trycsv <- fetchCSV (historicalQuoteReq symbol start end freq) case trycsv of Nothing -> return Nothing Just csv -> return $ parseHistorical symbol csv -- split and join are copies of those from MissingH split :: Char -> String -> [String] split delim s = if null rest then [token] else token : split delim (tail rest) where (token,rest) = span (/=delim) s join :: String -> [String] -> String join sep = concat . intersperse sep