{-# LANGUAGE Arrows, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Euterpea.IO.Audio.Basics ( outA, integral, countDown, countUp, upsample, pchToHz, apToHz ) where import Euterpea.Music.Note.Music import Euterpea.IO.Audio.Types import Control.Arrow import Control.Arrow.Operations import Control.Arrow.ArrowP outA :: (Arrow a) => a b b outA = arr id integral :: forall a p. (ArrowCircuit a, Clock p) => ArrowP a p Double Double integral = let dt = 1 / rate (undefined :: p) in proc x -> do rec let i' = i + x * dt i <- delay 0 -< i' outA -< i countDown :: ArrowCircuit a => Int -> a () Int countDown x = proc _ -> do rec i <- delay x -< i - 1 outA -< i countUp :: ArrowCircuit a => a () Int countUp = proc _ -> do rec i <- delay 0 -< i + 1 outA -< i upsample :: forall a b c p1 p2. (ArrowChoice a, ArrowCircuit a, Clock p1, Clock p2, AudioSample c) => ArrowP a p1 b c -> ArrowP a p2 b c upsample f = g where g = proc x -> do rec cc <- delay 0 -< if cc >= r-1 then 0 else cc+1 y <- if cc == 0 then ArrowP (strip f) -< x else delay zero -< y outA -< y r = if outRate < inRate then error "Cannot upsample a signal of higher rate to lower rate" else outRate / inRate inRate = rate (undefined :: p1) outRate = rate (undefined :: p2) -- Some useful auxiliary functions. -- | Converting an AbsPitch to hertz (cycles per second): apToHz :: Floating a => AbsPitch -> a apToHz ap = 440 * 2 ** (fromIntegral (ap - absPitch (A,5)) / 12) -- | Converting from a Pitch value to Hz: pchToHz :: Floating a => Pitch -> a pchToHz = apToHz . absPitch