{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ForeignFunctionInterface #-} module MOO.Builtins.Values ( builtins ) where import Control.Monad (mplus, unless, liftM) import Control.Exception (bracket) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, takeMVar, putMVar) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Text.Printf (printf) import Foreign.C (CString, withCString, peekCString) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Char (intToDigit, isDigit) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as VM import Data.Digest.Pure.MD5 (MD5Digest) import qualified Data.Digest.Pure.MD5 as MD5 import MOO.Types import MOO.Task import MOO.Parser (parseNum, parseObj) import MOO.Builtins.Common import MOO.Builtins.Match {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use camelCase" :: String) #-} -- | § 4.4.2 Manipulating MOO Values builtins :: [BuiltinSpec] builtins = [ ("typeof" , (bf_typeof , Info 1 (Just 1) [TAny] TInt)) , ("tostr" , (bf_tostr , Info 0 Nothing [] TStr)) , ("toliteral" , (bf_toliteral , Info 1 (Just 1) [TAny] TStr)) , ("toint" , (bf_toint , Info 1 (Just 1) [TAny] TInt)) , ("tonum" , fromJust $ lookup "toint" builtins) , ("toobj" , (bf_toobj , Info 1 (Just 1) [TAny] TObj)) , ("tofloat" , (bf_tofloat , Info 1 (Just 1) [TAny] TFlt)) , ("equal" , (bf_equal , Info 2 (Just 2) [TAny, TAny] TInt)) , ("value_bytes" , (bf_value_bytes , Info 1 (Just 1) [TAny] TInt)) , ("value_hash" , (bf_value_hash , Info 1 (Just 1) [TAny] TStr)) , ("random" , (bf_random , Info 0 (Just 1) [TInt] TInt)) , ("min" , (bf_min , Info 1 Nothing [TNum] TNum)) , ("max" , (bf_max , Info 1 Nothing [TNum] TNum)) , ("abs" , (bf_abs , Info 1 (Just 1) [TNum] TNum)) , ("floatstr" , (bf_floatstr , Info 2 (Just 3) [TFlt, TInt, TAny] TStr)) , ("sqrt" , (bf_sqrt , Info 1 (Just 1) [TFlt] TFlt)) , ("sin" , (bf_sin , Info 1 (Just 1) [TFlt] TFlt)) , ("cos" , (bf_cos , Info 1 (Just 1) [TFlt] TFlt)) , ("tan" , (bf_tan , Info 1 (Just 1) [TFlt] TFlt)) , ("asin" , (bf_asin , Info 1 (Just 1) [TFlt] TFlt)) , ("acos" , (bf_acos , Info 1 (Just 1) [TFlt] TFlt)) , ("atan" , (bf_atan , Info 1 (Just 2) [TFlt, TFlt] TFlt)) , ("sinh" , (bf_sinh , Info 1 (Just 1) [TFlt] TFlt)) , ("cosh" , (bf_cosh , Info 1 (Just 1) [TFlt] TFlt)) , ("tanh" , (bf_tanh , Info 1 (Just 1) [TFlt] TFlt)) , ("exp" , (bf_exp , Info 1 (Just 1) [TFlt] TFlt)) , ("log" , (bf_log , Info 1 (Just 1) [TFlt] TFlt)) , ("log10" , (bf_log10 , Info 1 (Just 1) [TFlt] TFlt)) , ("ceil" , (bf_ceil , Info 1 (Just 1) [TFlt] TFlt)) , ("floor" , (bf_floor , Info 1 (Just 1) [TFlt] TFlt)) , ("trunc" , (bf_trunc , Info 1 (Just 1) [TFlt] TFlt)) , ("length" , (bf_length , Info 1 (Just 1) [TAny] TInt)) , ("strsub" , (bf_strsub , Info 3 (Just 4) [TStr, TStr, TStr, TAny] TStr)) , ("index" , (bf_index , Info 2 (Just 3) [TStr, TStr, TAny] TInt)) , ("rindex" , (bf_rindex , Info 2 (Just 3) [TStr, TStr, TAny] TInt)) , ("strcmp" , (bf_strcmp , Info 2 (Just 2) [TStr, TStr] TInt)) , ("decode_binary" , (bf_decode_binary , Info 1 (Just 2) [TStr, TAny] TLst)) , ("encode_binary" , (bf_encode_binary , Info 0 Nothing [] TStr)) , ("match" , (bf_match , Info 2 (Just 3) [TStr, TStr, TAny] TLst)) , ("rmatch" , (bf_rmatch , Info 2 (Just 3) [TStr, TStr, TAny] TLst)) , ("substitute" , (bf_substitute , Info 2 (Just 2) [TStr, TLst] TStr)) , ("crypt" , (bf_crypt , Info 1 (Just 2) [TStr, TStr] TStr)) , ("string_hash" , (bf_string_hash , Info 1 (Just 1) [TStr] TStr)) , ("binary_hash" , (bf_binary_hash , Info 1 (Just 1) [TStr] TStr)) , ("is_member" , (bf_is_member , Info 2 (Just 2) [TAny, TLst] TInt)) , ("listinsert" , (bf_listinsert , Info 2 (Just 3) [TLst, TAny, TInt] TLst)) , ("listappend" , (bf_listappend , Info 2 (Just 3) [TLst, TAny, TInt] TLst)) , ("listdelete" , (bf_listdelete , Info 2 (Just 2) [TLst, TInt] TLst)) , ("listset" , (bf_listset , Info 3 (Just 3) [TLst, TAny, TInt] TLst)) , ("setadd" , (bf_setadd , Info 2 (Just 2) [TLst, TAny] TLst)) , ("setremove" , (bf_setremove , Info 2 (Just 2) [TLst, TAny] TLst)) ] -- § General Operations Applicable to all Values bf_typeof [value] = return $ Int $ typeCode $ typeOf value bf_tostr values = return $ Str $ T.concat $ map toText values bf_toliteral [value] = return $ Str $ toLiteral value -- XXX toint(" - 34 ") does not parse as -34 bf_toint [value] = toint value where toint value = case value of Int _ -> return value Flt x | x >= 0 -> if x > fromIntegral (maxBound :: IntT) then raise E_FLOAT else return (Int $ floor x) | otherwise -> if x < fromIntegral (minBound :: IntT) then raise E_FLOAT else return (Int $ ceiling x) Obj x -> return (Int $ fromIntegral x) Str x -> maybe (return $ Int 0) toint (parseNum x) Err x -> return (Int $ fromIntegral $ fromEnum x) Lst _ -> raise E_TYPE bf_toobj [value] = toobj value where toobj value = case value of Int x -> return (Obj $ fromIntegral x) Flt x | x >= 0 -> if x > fromIntegral (maxBound :: ObjT) then raise E_FLOAT else return (Obj $ floor x) | otherwise -> if x < fromIntegral (minBound :: ObjT) then raise E_FLOAT else return (Obj $ ceiling x) Obj _ -> return value Str x -> maybe (return $ Obj 0) toobj $ parseNum x `mplus` parseObj x Err x -> return (Obj $ fromIntegral $ fromEnum x) Lst _ -> raise E_TYPE bf_tofloat [value] = tofloat value where tofloat value = case value of Int x -> return (Flt $ fromIntegral x) Flt _ -> return value Obj x -> return (Flt $ fromIntegral x) Str x -> maybe (return $ Flt 0) tofloat (parseNum x) Err x -> return (Flt $ fromIntegral $ fromEnum x) Lst _ -> raise E_TYPE bf_equal [value1, value2] = return $ truthValue (value1 `equal` value2) bf_value_bytes [value] = return $ Int $ fromIntegral $ storageBytes value bf_value_hash [value] = do literal <- bf_toliteral [value] bf_string_hash [literal] -- § Operations on Numbers bf_random optional | mod <= 0 = raise E_INVARG | otherwise = Int `liftM` random (1, mod) where [Int mod] = defaults optional [Int maxBound] bf_min (Int x:xs) = minMaxInt min x xs bf_min (Flt x:xs) = minMaxFlt min x xs bf_max (Int x:xs) = minMaxInt max x xs bf_max (Flt x:xs) = minMaxFlt max x xs minMaxInt :: (IntT -> IntT -> IntT) -> IntT -> [Value] -> MOO Value minMaxInt f = go where go x (Int y:rs) = go (f x y) rs go x [] = return $ Int x go _ _ = raise E_TYPE minMaxFlt :: (FltT -> FltT -> FltT) -> FltT -> [Value] -> MOO Value minMaxFlt f = go where go x (Flt y:rs) = go (f x y) rs go x [] = return $ Flt x go _ _ = raise E_TYPE bf_abs [Int x] = return $ Int $ abs x bf_abs [Flt x] = return $ Flt $ abs x bf_floatstr (Flt x : Int precision : optional) | precision < 0 = raise E_INVARG | otherwise = return $ Str $ T.pack $ printf format x where [scientific] = booleanDefaults optional [False] prec = min precision 19 format = printf "%%.%d%c" prec $ if scientific then 'e' else 'f' bf_sqrt [Flt x] = checkFloat $ sqrt x bf_sin [Flt x] = checkFloat $ sin x bf_cos [Flt x] = checkFloat $ cos x bf_tan [Flt x] = checkFloat $ tan x bf_asin [Flt x] = checkFloat $ asin x bf_acos [Flt x] = checkFloat $ acos x bf_atan [Flt y] = checkFloat $ atan y bf_atan [Flt y, Flt x] = checkFloat $ atan2 y x bf_sinh [Flt x] = checkFloat $ sinh x bf_cosh [Flt x] = checkFloat $ cosh x bf_tanh [Flt x] = checkFloat $ tanh x bf_exp [Flt x] = checkFloat $ exp x bf_log [Flt x] = checkFloat $ log x bf_log10 [Flt x] = checkFloat $ logBase 10 x bf_ceil [Flt x] = checkFloat $ fromIntegral (ceiling x :: Integer) bf_floor [Flt x] = checkFloat $ fromIntegral (floor x :: Integer) bf_trunc [Flt x] | x < 0 = checkFloat $ fromIntegral (ceiling x :: Integer) | otherwise = checkFloat $ fromIntegral (floor x :: Integer) -- § Operations on Strings bf_length [Str string] = return $ Int $ fromIntegral $ T.length string bf_length [Lst list] = return $ Int $ fromIntegral $ V.length list bf_length _ = raise E_TYPE bf_strsub (Str subject : Str what : Str with : optional) | T.null what = raise E_INVARG | otherwise = return $ Str $ T.concat $ subs subject where [case_matters] = booleanDefaults optional [False] caseFold str = if case_matters then str else T.toCaseFold str -- this won't work for Unicode in general subs "" = [] subs subject = case T.breakOn what' (caseFold subject) of (_, "") -> [subject] (prefix, _) -> let (s, r) = T.splitAt (T.length prefix) subject in s : with : subs (T.drop whatLen r) what' = caseFold what whatLen = T.length what bf_index (Str str1 : Str str2 : optional) | T.null str2 = return (Int 1) | otherwise = return $ Int $ case T.breakOn (caseFold str2) (caseFold str1) of (_, "") -> 0 (prefix, _) -> fromIntegral $ 1 + T.length prefix where [case_matters] = booleanDefaults optional [False] caseFold str = if case_matters then str else T.toCaseFold str -- this won't work for Unicode in general bf_rindex (Str str1 : Str str2 : optional) | T.null str2 = return (Int $ fromIntegral $ T.length str1 + 1) | otherwise = return $ Int $ case T.breakOnEnd needle haystack of ("", _) -> 0 (prefix, _) -> fromIntegral $ 1 + T.length prefix - T.length needle where [case_matters] = booleanDefaults optional [False] needle = caseFold str2 haystack = caseFold str1 caseFold str = if case_matters then str else T.toCaseFold str -- this won't work for Unicode in general bf_strcmp [Str str1, Str str2] = return $ Int $ case compare str1 str2 of LT -> -1 EQ -> 0 GT -> 1 bf_decode_binary (Str bin_string : optional) = maybe (raise E_INVARG) (return . mkResult) $ text2binary bin_string where [fully] = booleanDefaults optional [False] mkResult | fully = fromListBy (Int . fromIntegral) | otherwise = fromList . groupPrinting ("" ++) groupPrinting g (w:ws) | validStrChar c = groupPrinting (g [c] ++) ws | null group = Int (fromIntegral w) : groupPrinting g ws | otherwise = Str (T.pack group) : Int (fromIntegral w) : groupPrinting ("" ++) ws where c = toEnum (fromIntegral w) group = g "" groupPrinting g [] | null group = [] | otherwise = [Str $ T.pack group] where group = g "" bf_encode_binary = liftM (Str . T.pack) . encodeBinary encodeBinary :: [Value] -> MOO String encodeBinary (Int n : args) | n >= 0 && n <= 255 = prepend `liftM` encodeBinary args | otherwise = raise E_INVARG where c = toEnum n' n' = fromIntegral n prepend | validStrChar c && c /= '\t' = (c :) | otherwise = \r -> '~' : hex (n' `div` 16) : hex (n' `mod` 16) : r hex = intToDigit -- N.B. not uppercase encodeBinary (Str str : args) = (encodeStr (T.unpack str) ++) `liftM` encodeBinary args where encodeStr ('~' :cs) = "~7e" ++ encodeStr cs encodeStr ('\t':cs) = "~09" ++ encodeStr cs encodeStr (c :cs) = c : encodeStr cs encodeStr "" = "" encodeBinary (Lst list : args) = do listEncoding <- encodeBinary (V.toList list) (listEncoding ++) `liftM` encodeBinary args encodeBinary (_:_) = raise E_INVARG encodeBinary [] = return "" bf_match (Str subject : Str pattern : optional) = runMatch match subject pattern case_matters where [case_matters] = booleanDefaults optional [False] bf_rmatch (Str subject : Str pattern : optional) = runMatch rmatch subject pattern case_matters where [case_matters] = booleanDefaults optional [False] runMatch :: (Regexp -> Text -> IO MatchResult) -> StrT -> StrT -> Bool -> MOO Value runMatch match subject pattern case_matters = do let compiled = unsafePerformIO $ newRegexp pattern case_matters case compiled of Left (err, at) -> raiseException $ Exception (Err E_INVARG) (T.pack $ "Invalid pattern: " ++ err) (Int $ fromIntegral at) Right regexp -> do let result = unsafePerformIO $ match regexp subject case result of MatchFailed -> return (Lst V.empty) MatchAborted -> raise E_QUOTA MatchSucceeded offsets -> let (m : offs) = offsets (start, end) = convert m replacements = repls 9 offs in return $ fromList [Int start, Int end, fromList replacements, Str subject] where -- convert from 0-based open interval to 1-based closed one convert (s,e) = (1 + fromIntegral s, fromIntegral e) repls :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [Value] repls n (r:rs) = let (s,e) = convert r in fromList [Int s, Int e] : repls (n - 1) rs repls n [] | n > 0 = fromList [Int 0, Int (-1)] : repls (n - 1) [] | otherwise = [] bf_substitute [Str template, Lst subs] = case V.toList subs of [Int start', Int end', Lst replacements', Str subject'] -> do let start = fromIntegral start' end = fromIntegral end' subject = T.unpack subject' subjectLen = T.length subject' valid s e = (s == 0 && e == -1) || (s > 0 && e >= s - 1 && e <= subjectLen) substr start end = let len = end - start + 1 in take len $ drop (start - 1) subject substitution (Lst sub) = case V.toList sub of [Int start', Int end'] -> do let start = fromIntegral start' end = fromIntegral end' unless (valid start end) $ raise E_INVARG return $ substr start end _ -> raise E_INVARG substitution _ = raise E_INVARG unless (valid start end && V.length replacements' == 9) $ raise E_INVARG replacements <- (substr start end :) `liftM` mapM substitution (V.toList replacements') let walk ('%':c:cs) | isDigit c = let i = fromEnum c - fromEnum '0' in (replacements !! i ++) `liftM` walk cs | c == '%' = ("%" ++) `liftM` walk cs | otherwise = raise E_INVARG walk (c:cs) = ([c] ++) `liftM` walk cs walk [] = return [] (Str . T.pack) `liftM` walk (T.unpack template) _ -> raise E_INVARG foreign import ccall unsafe "static unistd.h crypt" c_crypt :: CString -> CString -> IO CString {-# ANN crypt ("HLint: ignore Use >=>" :: String) #-} crypt :: String -> String -> String crypt key salt = unsafePerformIO $ bracket (takeMVar cryptLock) (putMVar cryptLock) $ \_ -> withCString key $ \c_key -> withCString salt $ \c_salt -> c_crypt c_key c_salt >>= peekCString cryptLock :: MVar () cryptLock = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar () {-# NOINLINE cryptLock #-} bf_crypt (Str text : optional) | maybe True invalidSalt saltArg = generateSalt >>= go | otherwise = go $ fromStr $ fromJust saltArg where (saltArg : _) = maybeDefaults optional invalidSalt (Str salt) = salt `T.compareLength` 2 == LT generateSalt = do c1 <- randSaltChar c2 <- randSaltChar return $ T.pack [c1, c2] randSaltChar = (saltStuff !!) `liftM` random (0, length saltStuff - 1) saltStuff = ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ "./" go salt = return $ Str $ T.pack $ crypt (T.unpack text) (T.unpack salt) hash :: ByteString -> Value hash bs = Str $ T.pack $ show md5hash where md5hash = MD5.hash' bs :: MD5Digest bf_string_hash [Str text] = return $ hash $ encodeUtf8 text bf_binary_hash [Str bin_string] = hash `liftM` binaryString bin_string -- § Operations on Lists -- bf_length already defined above bf_is_member [value, Lst list] = return $ Int $ maybe 0 (fromIntegral . succ) $ V.findIndex (`equal` value) list listInsert :: LstT -> Int -> Value -> LstT listInsert list index value | index <= 0 = V.cons value list | index > listLen = V.snoc list value | otherwise = V.create $ do list' <- V.thaw list >>= flip VM.grow 1 let moveLen = listLen - index s = VM.slice index moveLen list' t = VM.slice (index + 1) moveLen list' VM.move t s VM.write list' index value return list' where listLen = V.length list listDelete :: LstT -> Int -> LstT listDelete list index | index == 0 = V.create $ VM.tail `liftM` V.thaw list | index == listLen - 1 = V.create $ VM.init `liftM` V.thaw list | otherwise = V.create $ do list' <- V.thaw list let moveLen = listLen - index - 1 s = VM.slice index moveLen list' t = VM.slice (index + 1) moveLen list' VM.move s t return $ VM.init list' where listLen = V.length list bf_listinsert (Lst list : value : optional) = return $ Lst $ listInsert list (fromIntegral index - 1) value where [Int index] = defaults optional [Int 1] bf_listappend (Lst list : value : optional) = return $ Lst $ listInsert list (fromIntegral index) value where [Int index] = defaults optional [Int $ fromIntegral $ V.length list] bf_listdelete [Lst list, Int index] | index' < 1 || index' > V.length list = raise E_RANGE | otherwise = return $ Lst $ listDelete list (index' - 1) where index' = fromIntegral index bf_listset [Lst list, value, Int index] | index' < 1 || index' > V.length list = raise E_RANGE | otherwise = return $ Lst $ listSet list index' value where index' = fromIntegral index bf_setadd [Lst list, value] = return $ Lst $ if value `V.elem` list then list else V.snoc list value bf_setremove [Lst list, value] = return $ Lst $ case V.elemIndex value list of Nothing -> list Just index -> listDelete list (fromIntegral index)