{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module MOO.Builtins.Objects ( builtins ) where import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad (when, unless, liftM, void, join) import Data.Maybe import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.IntSet as IS import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import MOO.Builtins.Common import MOO.Database import MOO.Types import MOO.Task import MOO.Object import MOO.Verb import MOO.Network import MOO.Unparser import MOO.Parser import {-# SOURCE #-} MOO.Compiler import MOO.AST {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use camelCase" :: String) #-} -- | § 4.4.3 Manipulating Objects builtins :: [BuiltinSpec] builtins = [ ("create" , (bf_create , Info 1 (Just 2) [TObj, TObj] TObj)) , ("chparent" , (bf_chparent , Info 2 (Just 2) [TObj, TObj] TAny)) , ("valid" , (bf_valid , Info 1 (Just 1) [TObj] TInt)) , ("parent" , (bf_parent , Info 1 (Just 1) [TObj] TObj)) , ("children" , (bf_children , Info 1 (Just 1) [TObj] TLst)) , ("recycle" , (bf_recycle , Info 1 (Just 1) [TObj] TAny)) , ("object_bytes" , (bf_object_bytes , Info 1 (Just 1) [TObj] TInt)) , ("max_object" , (bf_max_object , Info 0 (Just 0) [] TObj)) , ("move" , (bf_move , Info 2 (Just 2) [TObj, TObj] TAny)) , ("properties" , (bf_properties , Info 1 (Just 1) [TObj] TLst)) , ("property_info" , (bf_property_info , Info 2 (Just 2) [TObj, TStr] TLst)) , ("set_property_info", (bf_set_property_info, Info 3 (Just 3) [TObj, TStr, TLst] TAny)) , ("add_property" , (bf_add_property , Info 4 (Just 4) [TObj, TStr, TAny, TLst] TAny)) , ("delete_property", (bf_delete_property, Info 2 (Just 2) [TObj, TStr] TAny)) , ("is_clear_property", (bf_is_clear_property, Info 2 (Just 2) [TObj, TStr] TInt)) , ("clear_property", (bf_clear_property, Info 2 (Just 2) [TObj, TStr] TAny)) , ("verbs" , (bf_verbs , Info 1 (Just 1) [TObj] TLst)) , ("verb_info" , (bf_verb_info , Info 2 (Just 2) [TObj, TAny] TLst)) , ("set_verb_info" , (bf_set_verb_info , Info 3 (Just 3) [TObj, TAny, TLst] TAny)) , ("verb_args" , (bf_verb_args , Info 2 (Just 2) [TObj, TAny] TLst)) , ("set_verb_args" , (bf_set_verb_args , Info 3 (Just 3) [TObj, TAny, TLst] TAny)) , ("add_verb" , (bf_add_verb , Info 3 (Just 3) [TObj, TLst, TLst] TInt)) , ("delete_verb" , (bf_delete_verb , Info 2 (Just 2) [TObj, TAny] TAny)) , ("verb_code" , (bf_verb_code , Info 2 (Just 4) [TObj, TAny, TAny, TAny] TLst)) , ("set_verb_code" , (bf_set_verb_code , Info 3 (Just 3) [TObj, TAny, TLst] TLst)) , ("disassemble" , (bf_disassemble , Info 2 (Just 2) [TObj, TAny] TLst)) , ("players" , (bf_players , Info 0 (Just 0) [] TLst)) , ("is_player" , (bf_is_player , Info 1 (Just 1) [TObj] TInt)) , ("set_player_flag", (bf_set_player_flag, Info 2 (Just 2) [TObj, TAny] TAny)) ] -- § Fundamental Operations on Objects bf_create (Obj parent : optional) = do maybeParent <- case parent of -1 -> return Nothing oid -> checkFertile oid >> return (Just oid) db <- getDatabase let newOid = maxObject db + 1 ownerOid <- case maybeOwner of Nothing -> frame permissions Just (Obj (-1)) -> checkWizard >> return newOid Just (Obj oid) -> checkPermission oid >> return oid maybeQuota <- readProperty ownerOid "ownership_quota" case maybeQuota of Just (Int quota) | quota <= 0 -> raise E_QUOTA | otherwise -> writeProperty ownerOid "ownership_quota" (Int $ quota - 1) _ -> return () properties <- case maybeParent of Nothing -> return $ objectProperties initObject Just oid -> do -- add to parent's set of children liftSTM $ modifyObject oid db $ \obj -> return $ addChild obj newOid -- properties inherited from parent Just parent <- getObject oid HM.fromList `liftM` mapM mkProperty (HM.toList $ objectProperties parent) where mkProperty (name, propTVar) = liftSTM $ do prop <- readTVar propTVar let prop' = prop { propertyValue = Nothing , propertyInherited = True , propertyOwner = if propertyPermC prop then ownerOid else propertyOwner prop } propTVar' <- newTVar prop' return (name, propTVar') let newObj = initObject { objectParent = maybeParent , objectOwner = ownerOid , objectProperties = properties } putDatabase =<< liftSTM (addObject newObj db) callFromFunc "create" 0 (newOid, "initialize") [] return (Obj newOid) where (maybeOwner : _) = maybeDefaults optional bf_chparent [Obj object, Obj new_parent] = notyet "chparent" bf_valid [Obj object] = (truthValue . isJust) `liftM` getObject object bf_parent [Obj object] = (Obj . getParent) `liftM` checkValid object bf_children [Obj object] = (objectList . getChildren) `liftM` checkValid object bf_recycle [Obj object] = notyet "recycle" bf_object_bytes [Obj object] = do checkWizard obj <- checkValid object propertyBytes <- liftM storageBytes $ liftSTM $ mapM readTVar $ HM.elems (objectProperties obj) verbBytes <- liftM storageBytes $ liftSTM $ mapM (readTVar . snd) $ objectVerbs obj return $ Int $ fromIntegral $ storageBytes obj + propertyBytes + verbBytes bf_max_object [] = (Obj . maxObject) `liftM` getDatabase -- § Object Movement bf_move [Obj what, Obj where_] = do what' <- checkValid what where' <- case where_ of -1 -> return Nothing oid -> Just `liftM` checkValid oid checkPermission (objectOwner what') when (isJust where') $ do accepted <- maybe False truthOf `liftM` callFromFunc "move" 0 (where_, "accept") [Obj what] unless accepted $ do wizard <- isWizard =<< frame permissions unless wizard $ raise E_NACC let newWhere = case where_ of -1 -> Nothing oid -> Just oid maybeWhat <- getObject what case maybeWhat of Nothing -> return () Just whatObj -> unless (objectLocation whatObj == newWhere) $ do maybeWhere <- getObject where_ when (isNothing newWhere || isJust maybeWhere) $ do checkRecurse what where_ let oldWhere = objectLocation whatObj db <- getDatabase liftSTM $ modifyObject what db $ \obj -> return obj { objectLocation = newWhere } case oldWhere of Nothing -> return () Just oldWhere' -> liftSTM $ modifyObject oldWhere' db $ \obj -> return obj { objectContents = IS.delete what (objectContents obj) } case newWhere of Nothing -> return () Just newWhere' -> liftSTM $ modifyObject newWhere' db $ \obj -> return obj { objectContents = IS.insert what (objectContents obj) } case oldWhere of Nothing -> return () Just oldWhere' -> void $ callFromFunc "move" 1 (oldWhere', "exitfunc") [Obj what] maybeWhat <- getObject what case maybeWhat of Nothing -> return () Just whatObj -> when (objectLocation whatObj == newWhere) $ void $ callFromFunc "move" 2 (where_, "enterfunc") [Obj what] return nothing where checkRecurse what loc = do when (loc == what) $ raise E_RECMOVE maybeLoc <- getObject loc case join $ objectLocation `fmap` maybeLoc of Just oid -> checkRecurse what oid Nothing -> return () -- § Operations on Properties bf_properties [Obj object] = do obj <- checkValid object unless (objectPermR obj) $ checkPermission (objectOwner obj) stringList `liftM` liftSTM (definedProperties obj) bf_property_info [Obj object, Str prop_name] = do obj <- checkValid object prop <- getProperty obj prop_name unless (propertyPermR prop) $ checkPermission (propertyOwner prop) return $ fromList [Obj $ propertyOwner prop, Str $ perms prop] where perms prop = T.pack $ concat [['r' | propertyPermR prop], ['w' | propertyPermW prop], ['c' | propertyPermC prop]] traverseDescendants :: (Object -> MOO a) -> ObjId -> MOO () traverseDescendants f oid = do Just obj <- getObject oid f obj mapM_ (traverseDescendants f) $ getChildren obj modifyDescendants :: Database -> (Object -> STM Object) -> ObjId -> MOO () modifyDescendants db f oid = do liftSTM $ modifyObject oid db f Just obj <- getObject oid mapM_ (modifyDescendants db f) $ getChildren obj {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use String" :: String) #-} checkPerms :: [Char] -> StrT -> MOO (Set Char) checkPerms valid perms = do let permSet = S.fromList (T.unpack $ T.toCaseFold perms) unless (S.null $ permSet `S.difference` S.fromList valid) $ raise E_INVARG return permSet bf_set_property_info [Obj object, Str prop_name, Lst info] = do (owner, perms, new_name) <- case V.toList info of [Obj owner, Str perms] -> return (owner, perms, Nothing) [_ , _ ] -> raise E_TYPE [Obj owner, Str perms, Str new_name] -> return (owner, perms, Just new_name) [_ , _ , _ ] -> raise E_TYPE _ -> raise E_INVARG permSet <- checkPerms "rwc" perms checkValid owner obj <- checkValid object prop <- getProperty obj prop_name unless (propertyPermW prop) $ checkPermission (propertyOwner prop) checkPermission owner let setInfo = modifyProperty obj prop_name $ \prop -> return prop { propertyOwner = owner , propertyPermR = 'r' `S.member` permSet , propertyPermW = 'w' `S.member` permSet , propertyPermC = 'c' `S.member` permSet } case new_name of Nothing -> setInfo Just newName -> do let newName' = T.toCaseFold newName oldName' = T.toCaseFold prop_name unless (objectPermW obj) $ checkPermission (objectOwner obj) when (propertyInherited prop) $ raise E_INVARG unless (newName' == oldName') $ flip traverseDescendants object $ \obj -> when (isJust $ lookupPropertyRef obj newName') $ raise E_INVARG setInfo db <- getDatabase flip (modifyDescendants db) object $ \obj -> do let Just propTVar = lookupPropertyRef obj oldName' prop <- readTVar propTVar writeTVar propTVar $ prop { propertyName = newName } return obj { objectProperties = HM.insert newName' propTVar $ HM.delete oldName' (objectProperties obj) } return nothing bf_add_property [Obj object, Str prop_name, value, Lst info] = do (owner, perms) <- case V.toList info of [Obj owner, Str perms] -> return (owner, perms) [_ , _ ] -> raise E_TYPE _ -> raise E_INVARG permSet <- checkPerms "rwc" perms checkValid owner obj <- checkValid object unless (objectPermW obj) $ checkPermission (objectOwner obj) checkPermission owner when (isBuiltinProperty name) $ raise E_INVARG flip traverseDescendants object $ \obj -> when (isJust $ lookupPropertyRef obj name) $ raise E_INVARG let definedProp = initProperty { propertyName = prop_name , propertyValue = Just value , propertyInherited = False , propertyOwner = owner , propertyPermR = 'r' `S.member` permSet , propertyPermW = 'w' `S.member` permSet , propertyPermC = 'c' `S.member` permSet } inheritedProp = definedProp { propertyInherited = True , propertyValue = Nothing } addProperty prop obj = do propTVar <- newTVar prop return obj { objectProperties = HM.insert name propTVar $ objectProperties obj } addInheritedProperty prop obj = flip addProperty obj $ if propertyPermC prop then prop { propertyOwner = objectOwner obj } else prop db <- getDatabase liftSTM $ modifyObject object db (addProperty definedProp) mapM_ (modifyDescendants db $ addInheritedProperty inheritedProp) $ getChildren obj return nothing where name = T.toCaseFold prop_name bf_delete_property [Obj object, Str prop_name] = do obj <- checkValid object unless (objectPermW obj) $ checkPermission (objectOwner obj) prop <- getProperty obj prop_name when (propertyInherited prop) $ raise E_PROPNF db <- getDatabase flip (modifyDescendants db) object $ \obj -> return obj { objectProperties = HM.delete name (objectProperties obj) } return nothing where name = T.toCaseFold prop_name bf_is_clear_property [Obj object, Str prop_name] = do obj <- checkValid object if isBuiltinProperty prop_name then return $ truthValue False else do prop <- getProperty obj prop_name unless (propertyPermR prop) $ checkPermission (propertyOwner prop) return (truthValue $ isNothing $ propertyValue prop) bf_clear_property [Obj object, Str prop_name] = do obj <- checkValid object if isBuiltinProperty prop_name then raise E_PERM else do modifyProperty obj prop_name $ \prop -> do unless (propertyPermW prop) $ checkPermission (propertyOwner prop) unless (propertyInherited prop) $ raise E_INVARG return prop { propertyValue = Nothing } return nothing -- § Operations on Verbs bf_verbs [Obj object] = do obj <- checkValid object unless (objectPermR obj) $ checkPermission (objectOwner obj) stringList `liftM` liftSTM (definedVerbs obj) bf_verb_info [Obj object, verb_desc] = do obj <- checkValid object verb <- getVerb obj verb_desc unless (verbPermR verb) $ checkPermission (verbOwner verb) return $ fromList [Obj $ verbOwner verb, Str $ perms verb, Str $ verbNames verb] where perms verb = T.pack $ concat [['r' | verbPermR verb], ['w' | verbPermW verb], ['x' | verbPermX verb], ['d' | verbPermD verb]] verbInfo :: LstT -> MOO (ObjId, Set Char, StrT) verbInfo info = do (owner, perms, names) <- case V.toList info of [Obj owner, Str perms, Str names] -> return (owner, perms, names) [_ , _ , _ ] -> raise E_TYPE _ -> raise E_INVARG permSet <- checkPerms "rwxd" perms checkValid owner when (null $ T.words names) $ raise E_INVARG return (owner, permSet, names) bf_set_verb_info [Obj object, verb_desc, Lst info] = do (owner, permSet, names) <- verbInfo info obj <- checkValid object verb <- getVerb obj verb_desc unless (verbPermW verb) $ checkPermission (verbOwner verb) checkPermission owner let newNames = T.toCaseFold names oldNames = T.toCaseFold (verbNames verb) unless (newNames == oldNames || objectPermW obj) $ checkPermission (objectOwner obj) modifyVerb (object, obj) verb_desc $ \verb -> return verb { verbNames = names , verbOwner = owner , verbPermR = 'r' `S.member` permSet , verbPermW = 'w' `S.member` permSet , verbPermX = 'x' `S.member` permSet , verbPermD = 'd' `S.member` permSet } return nothing bf_verb_args [Obj object, verb_desc] = do obj <- checkValid object verb <- getVerb obj verb_desc unless (verbPermR verb) $ checkPermission (verbOwner verb) return $ stringList [dobj verb, prep verb, iobj verb] where dobj = obj2text . verbDirectObject iobj = obj2text . verbIndirectObject prep = prep2text . verbPreposition verbArgs :: LstT -> MOO (ObjSpec, PrepSpec, ObjSpec) verbArgs args = do (dobj, prep, iobj) <- case V.toList args of [Str dobj, Str prep, Str iobj] -> return (dobj, breakSlash prep, iobj) where breakSlash = fst . T.breakOn "/" [_ , _ , _ ] -> raise E_TYPE _ -> raise E_INVARG dobj' <- maybe (raise E_INVARG) return $ text2obj (T.toCaseFold dobj) prep' <- maybe (raise E_INVARG) return $ text2prep (T.toCaseFold prep) iobj' <- maybe (raise E_INVARG) return $ text2obj (T.toCaseFold iobj) return (dobj', prep', iobj') bf_set_verb_args [Obj object, verb_desc, Lst args] = do (dobj, prep, iobj) <- verbArgs args obj <- checkValid object verb <- getVerb obj verb_desc unless (verbPermW verb) $ checkPermission (verbOwner verb) modifyVerb (object, obj) verb_desc $ \verb -> return verb { verbDirectObject = dobj , verbPreposition = prep , verbIndirectObject = iobj } return nothing bf_add_verb [Obj object, Lst info, Lst args] = do (owner, permSet, names) <- verbInfo info (dobj, prep, iobj) <- verbArgs args obj <- checkValid object unless (objectPermW obj) $ checkPermission (objectOwner obj) checkPermission owner let definedVerb = initVerb { verbNames = names , verbOwner = owner , verbPermR = 'r' `S.member` permSet , verbPermW = 'w' `S.member` permSet , verbPermX = 'x' `S.member` permSet , verbPermD = 'd' `S.member` permSet , verbDirectObject = dobj , verbPreposition = prep , verbIndirectObject = iobj } db <- getDatabase liftSTM $ modifyObject object db $ addVerb definedVerb return $ Int $ fromIntegral $ length (objectVerbs obj) + 1 bf_delete_verb [Obj object, verb_desc] = do obj <- checkValid object getVerb obj verb_desc unless (objectPermW obj) $ checkPermission (objectOwner obj) case lookupVerbRef obj verb_desc of Nothing -> raise E_VERBNF Just (index, _) -> do db <- getDatabase liftSTM $ modifyObject object db $ deleteVerb index return nothing bf_verb_code (Obj object : verb_desc : optional) = do obj <- checkValid object verb <- getVerb obj verb_desc unless (verbPermR verb) $ checkPermission (verbOwner verb) checkProgrammer let code = init $ T.splitOn "\n" $ unparse fully_paren indent (verbProgram verb) return (stringList code) where [fully_paren, indent] = booleanDefaults optional [False, True] bf_set_verb_code [Obj object, verb_desc, Lst code] = do obj <- checkValid object verb <- getVerb obj verb_desc text <- (T.concat . ($ [])) `liftM` V.foldM addLine id code unless (verbPermW verb) $ checkPermission (verbOwner verb) checkProgrammer case parse text of Left errors -> return $ fromListBy (Str . T.pack) errors Right program -> do modifyVerb (object, obj) verb_desc $ \verb -> return verb { verbProgram = program , verbCode = compile program } return $ Lst V.empty where addLine :: ([StrT] -> [StrT]) -> Value -> MOO ([StrT] -> [StrT]) addLine add (Str line) = return (add [line, "\n"] ++) addLine _ _ = raise E_INVARG bf_disassemble [Obj object, verb_desc] = do obj <- checkValid object verb <- getVerb obj verb_desc unless (verbPermR verb) $ checkPermission (verbOwner verb) let Program statements = verbProgram verb return $ fromListBy (Str . T.pack . show) statements -- § Operations on Player Objects bf_players [] = (objectList . allPlayers) `liftM` getDatabase bf_is_player [Obj object] = (truthValue . objectIsPlayer) `liftM` checkValid object bf_set_player_flag [Obj object, value] = do checkValid object checkWizard db <- getDatabase liftSTM $ modifyObject object db $ \obj -> return obj { objectIsPlayer = isPlayer } putDatabase $ setPlayer isPlayer object db unless isPlayer $ bootPlayer object return nothing where isPlayer = truthOf value