module CompileToJS (showErr, jsModule) where import Ast import Control.Arrow (first) import Control.Monad (liftM,(<=<),join,ap) import Data.Char (isAlpha,isDigit) import Data.List (intercalate,sortBy,inits,foldl') import Data.Map (toList) import Data.Either (partitionEithers) import qualified Text.Pandoc as Pan import Initialize import Rename (derename) import Cases import Guid import Parse.Library (isOp) import Rename (deprime) showErr :: String -> String showErr err = mainEquals $ "Elm.Graphics.text(Elm.Text.monospace(" ++ msg ++ "))" where msg = show . concatMap (++"
") . lines $ err indent = concatMap f where f '\n' = "\n " f c = [c] parens s = "(" ++ s ++ ")" braces s = "{" ++ s ++ "}" jsList ss = "["++ intercalate "," ss ++"]" jsFunc args body = "function(" ++ args ++ "){" ++ indent body ++ "}" assign x e = "\nvar " ++ x ++ "=" ++ e ++ ";" ret e = "\nreturn "++ e ++";" iff a b c = a ++ "?" ++ b ++ ":" ++ c quoted s = "'" ++ concatMap f s ++ "'" where f '\n' = "\\n" f '\'' = "\\'" f '\t' = "\\t" f '\"' = "\\\"" f '\\' = "\\\\" f c = [c] mainEquals s = globalAssign "Elm.main" (jsFunc "" (ret s)) globalAssign m s = "\n" ++ m ++ "=" ++ s ++ ";" tryBlock escapees names e = concat [ "\ntry{\n" ++ e ++ "\n} catch (e) {" , "\nElm.main=function() {" , "\nvar msg = ('

Your browser may not be supported. " ++ "Are you using a modern browser?

' +" ++ " '
Runtime Error in " ++ intercalate "." names ++ " module:
' + e + '" ++ msg ++ "
');" , "\ndocument.body.innerHTML = Elm.Text.monospace(msg);" , "throw e;" , "};}" ] where msg | escapees /= [] = concat [ "

The problem may stem from an improper usage of:
" , intercalate ", " $ map (concatMap escape) escapees ] | otherwise = "" escape '\'' = "\\'" escape '"' = "\\\"" escape c = [c] jsModule (escapees, Module names exports imports stmts) = tryBlock escapees (tail modNames) $ concat [ concatMap (\n -> globalAssign n $ n ++ " || {}") . map (intercalate ".") . drop 2 . inits $ take (length modNames - 1) modNames , "\nif (" ++ modName ++ ") throw \"Module name collision, '" ++ intercalate "." (tail modNames) ++ "' is already defined.\"; " , globalAssign modName $ jsFunc "" (defs ++ includes ++ body ++ export) ++ "()" , mainEquals $ modName ++ ".main" ] where modNames = if null names then ["Elm", "Main"] else "Elm" : names modName = intercalate "." modNames includes = concatMap jsImport $ map (first ("Elm."++)) imports body = stmtsToJS stmts export = getExports exports stmts exps = if null exports then ["main"] else exports defs = concat [ assign "$op" "{}" , "\nfor(Elm['i'] in Elm){eval('var '+Elm['i']+'=Elm[Elm.i];');}" ] getExports names stmts = ret . braces $ intercalate ",\n" (op : map fnPair fns) where exNames n = either derename id n `elem` names exports | null names = concatMap get stmts | otherwise = filter exNames (concatMap get stmts) (fns,ops) = partitionEithers exports opPair op = "'" ++ op ++ "' : $op['" ++ op ++ "']" fnPair fn = let fn' = derename fn in fn' ++ ":" ++ fn op = ("$op : "++) . braces . intercalate ", " $ map opPair ops get' (FnDef x _ _) = Left x get' (OpDef op _ _ _) = Right op get s = case s of Definition d -> [ get' d ] Datatype _ _ tcs -> map (Left . fst) tcs ImportEvent _ _ x _ -> [ Left x ] ExportEvent _ _ _ -> [] jsImport (modul, how) = concat [ "\ntry{\n if (!(" ++ modul ++ " instanceof Object)) throw 'module not found';\n} catch(e) {\n throw (\"Module '" , drop 1 (dropWhile (/='.') modul) , "' is missing. Compile with --make flag or load missing " , "module in a separate JavaScript file.\");\n}" ] ++ jsImport' (modul, how) jsImport' (modul, As name) = assign name modul jsImport' (modul, Importing vs) = concatMap def vs where def [] = [] def (o:p) | isOp o = let v = "$op['" ++ o:p ++ "']" in "\n" ++ v ++ " = " ++ modul ++ "." ++ v ++ ";" | otherwise = let v = deprime (o:p) in assign v $ modul ++ "." ++ v jsImport' (modul, Hiding vs) = concat [ assign "hiddenVars" . ("{"++) . (++"}") . intercalate "," $ map (\v -> v ++ ":true") (map deprime vs) , "\nfor (Elm['i'] in " ++ modul ++ ") " , braces . indent . concat $ [ "\nif (hiddenVars[Elm['i']]) continue;" , "\neval('var ' + Elm['i'] + ' = " , modul, "[Elm.i];');" ] ] stmtsToJS :: [Statement] -> String stmtsToJS stmts = run (concat `liftM` mapM toJS (sortBy cmpStmt stmts)) where cmpStmt s1 s2 = compare (valueOf s1) (valueOf s2) valueOf s = case s of Datatype _ _ _ -> 1 ImportEvent _ _ _ _ -> 2 Definition (FnDef f [] _) -> if derename f == "main" then 5 else 4 Definition _ -> 3 ExportEvent _ _ _ -> 6 class ToJS a where toJS :: a -> GuidCounter String instance ToJS Def where toJS (FnDef x [] e) = assign x `liftM` toJS e toJS (FnDef f (a:as) e) = do body <- toJS (foldr Lambda e as) return $ concat ["\nfunction ",f,parens a, braces . indent $ ret body] toJS (OpDef op a1 a2 e) = do body <- toJS (foldr Lambda e [a1,a2]) return $ concat [ "\n$op['", op, "'] = ", body, ";" ] instance ToJS Statement where toJS (Definition d) = toJS d toJS (Datatype _ _ tcs) = concat `liftM` mapM (toJS . toDef) tcs where toDef (name,args) = Definition . FnDef name vars $ Data (derename name) (map Var vars) where vars = map (('a':) . show) [1..length args] toJS (ImportEvent js base elm _) = do v <- toJS base return $ concat [ "\nvar " ++ elm ++ "=Elm.Signal.constant(" ++ v ++ ");" , "\nValue.addListener(document, '" ++ js , "', function(e) { Dispatcher.notify(" ++ elm , ".id, e.value); });" ] toJS (ExportEvent js elm _) = return $ concat [ "\nlift(function(v) { " , "var e = document.createEvent('Event');" , "e.initEvent('", js, "', true, true);" , "e.value = v;" , "document.dispatchEvent(e); return v; })(", elm, ");" ] instance ToJS Expr where toJS expr = case expr of IntNum n -> return $ show n FloatNum n -> return $ show n Var x -> return $ x Chr c -> return $ quoted [c] Str s -> return $ "Value.str" ++ parens (quoted s) Boolean b -> return $ if b then "true" else "false" Range lo hi -> jsRange `liftM` toJS lo `ap` toJS hi Access e lbl -> (\s -> s ++ "." ++ lbl) `liftM` toJS e Binop op e1 e2 -> binop op `liftM` toJS e1 `ap` toJS e2 If eb et ef -> parens `liftM` (iff `liftM` toJS eb `ap` toJS et `ap` toJS ef) Guard ps -> guardToJS ps Lambda v e -> liftM (jsFunc v . ret) (toJS e) App (Var "toText") (Str s) -> return $ "toText" ++ parens (quoted s) App (Var "link") (Str s) -> return $ "link(" ++ quoted s ++ ")" App (Var "plainText") (Str s) -> return $ "plainText(" ++ quoted s ++ ")" App e1 e2 -> (++) `liftM` (toJS e1) `ap` (parens `liftM` toJS e2) Let defs e -> jsLet defs e Case e cases -> caseToJS e cases Data name es -> (\ss -> jsList $ quoted name : ss) `liftM` mapM toJS es Markdown doc -> return $ "text('" ++ pad ++ md ++ pad ++ "')" where md = formatMarkdown $ Pan.writeHtmlString Pan.defaultWriterOptions doc pad = "
" formatMarkdown = concatMap f where f '\'' = "\\'" f '\n' = "\\n" f '"' = "\"" f c = [c] guardToJS ps = format `liftM` mapM f ps where format cs = foldr (\c e -> parens $ c ++ " : " ++ e) err cs err = "(function(){throw \"Non-exhaustive guard expression\";}())" f (b,e) = do b' <- toJS b e' <- toJS e return (b' ++ " ? " ++ e') jsLet defs e' = do body <- (++) `liftM` jsDefs defs `ap` (ret `liftM` toJS e') return $ jsFunc "" body ++ "()" jsDefs defs = concat `liftM` mapM toJS (sortBy f defs) where f a b = compare (valueOf a) (valueOf b) valueOf (FnDef _ args _) = min 1 (length args) valueOf (OpDef _ _ _ _) = 1 caseToJS e ps = do match <- caseToMatch ps e' <- toJS e (match',stmt) <- case (match,e) of (Match name _ _, Var x) -> return (matchSubst [(name,x)] match, "") (Match name _ _, _ ) -> return (match, assign name e') _ -> liftM (\n -> (match, e')) guid matches <- matchToJS match' return $ concat [ "function(){", stmt, matches, "}()" ] matchToJS (Match name clauses def) = do cases <- concat `liftM` mapM (clauseToJS name) clauses finally <- matchToJS def return $ concat [ "\nswitch(", name, "[0]){", indent cases, "\n}", finally ] matchToJS Fail = return "\nthrow \"Non-exhaustive pattern match in case\";" matchToJS Break = return "break;" matchToJS (Other e) = ret `liftM` toJS e matchToJS (Seq ms) = concat `liftM` mapM matchToJS ms clauseToJS var (Clause name vars e) = do let vars' = map (\n -> var ++ "[" ++ show n ++ "]") [ 1 .. length vars ] s <- matchToJS $ matchSubst (zip vars vars') e return $ concat [ "\ncase ", quoted name, ":", s ] jsNil = "[\"Nil\"]" jsCons e1 e2 = jsList [ quoted "Cons", e1, e2 ] jsRange e1 e2 = (++"()") . jsFunc "" $ assign "lo" e1 ++ assign "hi" e2 ++ assign "lst" jsNil ++ "if(lo<=hi){do{lst=" ++ (jsCons "hi" "lst") ++ "}while(hi-->lo)}" ++ ret "lst" binop (o:p) e1 e2 | isAlpha o || '_' == o = (o:p) ++ parens e1 ++ parens e2 | otherwise = let ops = ["+","-","*","/","&&","||"] in case o:p of ":" -> jsCons e1 e2 "++" -> append e1 e2 "$" -> e1 ++ parens e2 "." -> jsFunc "x" . ret $ e1 ++ parens (e2 ++ parens "x") "^" -> "Math.pow(" ++ e1 ++ "," ++ e2 ++ ")" "==" -> "eq(" ++ e1 ++ "," ++ e2 ++ ")" "/=" -> "not(eq(" ++ e1 ++ "," ++ e2 ++ "))" "<" -> "(compare(" ++ e1 ++ ")(" ++ e2 ++ ")[0] === 'LT')" ">" -> "(compare(" ++ e1 ++ ")(" ++ e2 ++ ")[0] === 'GT')" "<=" -> "function() { var ord = compare(" ++ e1 ++ ")(" ++ e2 ++ ")[0]; return ord==='LT' || ord==='EQ'; }()" ">=" -> "function() { var ord = compare(" ++ e1 ++ ")(" ++ e2 ++ ")[0]; return ord==='GT' || ord==='EQ'; }()" _ | elem (o:p) ops -> parens (e1 ++ (o:p) ++ e2) | otherwise -> concat [ "$op['", o:p, "']" , parens e1, parens e2 ] append e1 e2 = "Value.append" ++ parens (e1 ++ "," ++ e2)