module Data.Edison.Concrete.FingerTree (
empty, singleton, lcons, rcons, append,
fromList, toList, null, size, lview, rview,
split, takeUntil, dropUntil, splitTree,
reverse, mapTree, foldFT, reduce1, reduce1',
strict, strictWith, structuralInvariant
) where
import Prelude hiding (null, reverse)
import Data.Monoid
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Edison.Prelude
import Control.Monad (liftM2, liftM3, liftM4)
infixr 5 `lcons`
infixl 5 `rcons0`
data Digit a
= One a
| Two a a
| Three a a a
| Four a a a a
deriving Show
foldDigit :: (b -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Digit a -> b
foldDigit _ f (One a) = f a
foldDigit mapp f (Two a b) = f a `mapp` f b
foldDigit mapp f (Three a b c) = f a `mapp` f b `mapp` f c
foldDigit mapp f (Four a b c d) = f a `mapp` f b `mapp` f c `mapp` f d
reduceDigit :: (b -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Digit a -> b
reduceDigit _ f (One a) = f a
reduceDigit mapp f (Two a b) = f a `mapp` f b
reduceDigit mapp f (Three a b c) = f a `mapp` f b `mapp` f c
reduceDigit mapp f (Four a b c d) = (f a `mapp` f b) `mapp` (f c `mapp` f d)
digitToList :: Digit a -> [a] -> [a]
digitToList (One a) xs = a : xs
digitToList (Two a b) xs = a : b : xs
digitToList (Three a b c) xs = a : b : c : xs
digitToList (Four a b c d) xs = a : b : c : d : xs
sizeDigit :: (a -> Int) -> Digit a -> Int
sizeDigit f (One x) = f x
sizeDigit f (Two x y) = f x + f y
sizeDigit f (Three x y z) = f x + f y + f z
sizeDigit f (Four x y z w) = f x + f y + f z + f w
instance (Measured v a) => Measured v (Digit a) where
measure = foldDigit mappend measure
data Node v a = Node2 !v a a | Node3 !v a a a
deriving Show
sizeNode :: (a -> Int) -> Node v a -> Int
sizeNode f (Node2 _ x y) = f x + f y
sizeNode f (Node3 _ x y z) = f x + f y + f z
foldNode :: (b -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Node v a -> b
foldNode mapp f (Node2 _ a b) = f a `mapp` f b
foldNode mapp f (Node3 _ a b c) = f a `mapp` f b `mapp` f c
nodeToList :: Node v a -> [a] -> [a]
nodeToList (Node2 _ a b) xs = a : b : xs
nodeToList (Node3 _ a b c) xs = a : b : c : xs
node2 :: (Measured v a) => a -> a -> Node v a
node2 a b = Node2 (measure a `mappend` measure b) a b
node3 :: (Measured v a) => a -> a -> a -> Node v a
node3 a b c = Node3 (measure a `mappend` measure b `mappend` measure c) a b c
instance (Monoid v) => Measured v (Node v a) where
measure (Node2 v _ _) = v
measure (Node3 v _ _ _) = v
nodeToDigit :: Node v a -> Digit a
nodeToDigit (Node2 _ a b) = Two a b
nodeToDigit (Node3 _ a b c) = Three a b c
data FingerTree v a
= Empty
| Single a
| Deep !v !(Digit a) (FingerTree v (Node v a)) !(Digit a)
deep :: (Measured v a) =>
Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> FingerTree v a
deep pr m sf = Deep ((measure pr `mappendVal` m) `mappend` measure sf) pr m sf
structuralInvariant :: (Eq v, Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> Bool
structuralInvariant Empty = True
structuralInvariant (Single _) = True
structuralInvariant (Deep v pr m sf) =
v == foldDigit mappend measure pr `mappend`
foldFT mempty mappend (foldNode mappend measure) m `mappend`
foldDigit mappend measure sf
instance (Measured v a) => Measured v (FingerTree v a) where
measure Empty = mempty
measure (Single x) = measure x
measure (Deep v _ _ _) = v
sizeFT :: (a -> Int) -> FingerTree v a -> Int
sizeFT _ Empty = 0
sizeFT f (Single x) = f x
sizeFT f (Deep _ d1 m d2) = sizeDigit f d1 + sizeFT (sizeNode f) m + sizeDigit f d2
size :: FingerTree v a -> Int
size = sizeFT (const 1)
foldFT :: b -> (b -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> FingerTree v a -> b
foldFT mz _ _ Empty = mz
foldFT _ _ f (Single x) = f x
foldFT mz mapp f (Deep _ pr m sf) =
foldDigit mapp f pr `mapp` foldFT mz mapp (foldNode mapp f) m `mapp` foldDigit mapp f sf
ftToList :: FingerTree v a -> [a] -> [a]
ftToList Empty xs = xs
ftToList (Single a) xs = a : xs
ftToList (Deep _ d1 ft d2) xs = digitToList d1 (foldr nodeToList [] . ftToList ft $ []) ++ (digitToList d2 xs)
toList :: FingerTree v a -> [a]
toList ft = ftToList ft []
reduce1_aux :: (b -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> b
reduce1_aux mapp f pr Empty sf =
(reduceDigit mapp f pr) `mapp`
(reduceDigit mapp f sf)
reduce1_aux mapp f pr (Single x) sf =
(reduceDigit mapp f pr) `mapp`
(foldNode mapp f x) `mapp`
(reduceDigit mapp f sf)
reduce1_aux mapp f pr (Deep _ pr' m sf') sf =
(reduceDigit mapp f pr) `mapp`
(reduce1_aux mapp
(foldNode mapp f)
pr' m sf') `mapp`
(reduceDigit mapp f sf)
reduce1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> FingerTree v a -> a
reduce1 _ Empty = error "FingerTree.reduce1: empty tree"
reduce1 _ (Single x) = x
reduce1 mapp (Deep _ pr m sf) = reduce1_aux mapp id pr m sf
reduce1' :: (a -> a -> a) -> FingerTree v a -> a
reduce1' _ Empty = error "FingerTree.reduce1': empty tree"
reduce1' _ (Single x) = x
reduce1' mapp (Deep _ pr m sf) = reduce1_aux mapp' id pr m sf
where mapp' x y = x `seq` y `seq` mapp x y
strict :: FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
strict xs = foldFT () seq (const ()) xs `seq` xs
strictWith :: (a -> b) -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
strictWith f xs = foldFT () seq (\x -> f x `seq` ()) xs `seq` xs
instance (Measured v a, Eq a) => Eq (FingerTree v a) where
xs == ys = toList xs == toList ys
instance (Measured v a, Ord a) => Ord (FingerTree v a) where
compare xs ys = compare (toList xs) (toList ys)
instance (Measured v a, Show a) => Show (FingerTree v a) where
showsPrec p xs = showParen (p > 10) $
showString "fromList " . shows (toList xs)
mapTree :: (Measured v2 a2) =>
(a1 -> a2) -> FingerTree v1 a1 -> FingerTree v2 a2
mapTree _ Empty = Empty
mapTree f (Single x) = Single (f x)
mapTree f (Deep _ pr m sf) =
deep (mapDigit f pr) (mapTree (mapNode f) m) (mapDigit f sf)
mapNode :: (Measured v2 a2) =>
(a1 -> a2) -> Node v1 a1 -> Node v2 a2
mapNode f (Node2 _ a b) = node2 (f a) (f b)
mapNode f (Node3 _ a b c) = node3 (f a) (f b) (f c)
mapDigit :: (a -> b) -> Digit a -> Digit b
mapDigit f (One a) = One (f a)
mapDigit f (Two a b) = Two (f a) (f b)
mapDigit f (Three a b c) = Three (f a) (f b) (f c)
mapDigit f (Four a b c d) = Four (f a) (f b) (f c) (f d)
empty :: Measured v a => FingerTree v a
empty = Empty
singleton :: Measured v a => a -> FingerTree v a
singleton = Single
fromList :: (Measured v a) => [a] -> FingerTree v a
fromList = foldr lcons Empty
lcons :: (Measured v a) => a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
a `lcons` Empty = Single a
a `lcons` Single b = deep (One a) Empty (One b)
a `lcons` Deep _ (Four b c d e) m sf = m `seq`
deep (Two a b) (node3 c d e `lcons` m) sf
a `lcons` Deep _ pr m sf = deep (consDigit a pr) m sf
consDigit :: a -> Digit a -> Digit a
consDigit a (One b) = Two a b
consDigit a (Two b c) = Three a b c
consDigit a (Three b c d) = Four a b c d
consDigit _ _ = error "FingerTree.consDigit: bug!"
rcons :: (Measured v a) => a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
rcons = flip rcons0
rcons0 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> a -> FingerTree v a
Empty `rcons0` a = Single a
Single a `rcons0` b = deep (One a) Empty (One b)
Deep _ pr m (Four a b c d) `rcons0` e = m `seq`
deep pr (m `rcons0` node3 a b c) (Two d e)
Deep _ pr m sf `rcons0` x = deep pr m (snocDigit sf x)
snocDigit :: Digit a -> a -> Digit a
snocDigit (One a) b = Two a b
snocDigit (Two a b) c = Three a b c
snocDigit (Three a b c) d = Four a b c d
snocDigit _ _ = error "FingerTree.snocDigit: bug!"
null :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> Bool
null Empty = True
null _ = False
lview :: (Measured v a, Monad m) => FingerTree v a -> m (a,FingerTree v a)
lview Empty = fail "FingerTree.lview: empty tree"
lview (Single x) = return (x, Empty)
lview (Deep _ (One x) m sf) = return . (,) x $
case lview m of
Nothing -> digitToTree sf
Just (a,m') -> deep (nodeToDigit a) m' sf
lview (Deep _ pr m sf) = return (lheadDigit pr, deep (ltailDigit pr) m sf)
lheadDigit :: Digit a -> a
lheadDigit (One a) = a
lheadDigit (Two a _) = a
lheadDigit (Three a _ _) = a
lheadDigit (Four a _ _ _) = a
ltailDigit :: Digit a -> Digit a
ltailDigit (Two _ b) = One b
ltailDigit (Three _ b c) = Two b c
ltailDigit (Four _ b c d) = Three b c d
ltailDigit _ = error "FingerTree.ltailDigit: bug!"
rview :: (Measured v a, Monad m) => FingerTree v a -> m (a, FingerTree v a)
rview Empty = fail "FingerTree.rview: empty tree"
rview (Single x) = return (x, Empty)
rview (Deep _ pr m (One x)) = return . (,) x $
case rview m of
Nothing -> digitToTree pr
Just (a,m') -> deep pr m' (nodeToDigit a)
rview (Deep _ pr m sf) = return (rheadDigit sf, deep pr m (rtailDigit sf))
rheadDigit :: Digit a -> a
rheadDigit (One a) = a
rheadDigit (Two _ b) = b
rheadDigit (Three _ _ c) = c
rheadDigit (Four _ _ _ d) = d
rtailDigit :: Digit a -> Digit a
rtailDigit (Two a _) = One a
rtailDigit (Three a b _) = Two a b
rtailDigit (Four a b c _) = Three a b c
rtailDigit _ = error "FingerTree.rtailDigit: bug!"
digitToTree :: (Measured v a) => Digit a -> FingerTree v a
digitToTree (One a) = Single a
digitToTree (Two a b) = deep (One a) Empty (One b)
digitToTree (Three a b c) = deep (Two a b) Empty (One c)
digitToTree (Four a b c d) = deep (Two a b) Empty (Two c d)
append :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
append = appendTree0
appendTree0 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
appendTree0 Empty xs =
appendTree0 xs Empty =
appendTree0 (Single x) xs =
x `lcons` xs
appendTree0 xs (Single x) =
xs `rcons0` x
appendTree0 (Deep _ pr1 m1 sf1) (Deep _ pr2 m2 sf2) =
deep pr1 (addDigits0 m1 sf1 pr2 m2) sf2
addDigits0 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> FingerTree v (Node v a)
addDigits0 m1 (One a) (One b) m2 =
appendTree1 m1 (node2 a b) m2
addDigits0 m1 (One a) (Two b c) m2 =
appendTree1 m1 (node3 a b c) m2
addDigits0 m1 (One a) (Three b c d) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b) (node2 c d) m2
addDigits0 m1 (One a) (Four b c d e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Two a b) (One c) m2 =
appendTree1 m1 (node3 a b c) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Two a b) (Two c d) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b) (node2 c d) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Two a b) (Three c d e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Two a b) (Four c d e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Three a b c) (One d) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b) (node2 c d) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Three a b c) (Two d e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Three a b c) (Three d e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Three a b c) (Four d e f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Four a b c d) (One e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Four a b c d) (Two e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Four a b c d) (Three e f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Four a b c d) (Four e f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
appendTree1 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
appendTree1 Empty a xs =
a `lcons` xs
appendTree1 xs a Empty =
xs `rcons0` a
appendTree1 (Single x) a xs =
x `lcons` (a `lcons` xs)
appendTree1 xs a (Single x) =
xs `rcons0` a `rcons0` x
appendTree1 (Deep _ pr1 m1 sf1) a (Deep _ pr2 m2 sf2) =
deep pr1 (addDigits1 m1 sf1 a pr2 m2) sf2
addDigits1 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> a -> Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> FingerTree v (Node v a)
addDigits1 m1 (One a) b (One c) m2 =
appendTree1 m1 (node3 a b c) m2
addDigits1 m1 (One a) b (Two c d) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b) (node2 c d) m2
addDigits1 m1 (One a) b (Three c d e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits1 m1 (One a) b (Four c d e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Two a b) c (One d) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b) (node2 c d) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Two a b) c (Two d e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Two a b) c (Three d e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Two a b) c (Four d e f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Three a b c) d (One e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Three a b c) d (Two e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Three a b c) d (Three e f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Three a b c) d (Four e f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Four a b c d) e (One f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Four a b c d) e (Two f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Four a b c d) e (Three f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Four a b c d) e (Four f g h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
appendTree2 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> a -> a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
appendTree2 Empty a b xs =
a `lcons` (b `lcons` xs)
appendTree2 xs a b Empty =
xs `rcons0` a `rcons0` b
appendTree2 (Single x) a b xs =
x `lcons` (a `lcons` (b `lcons` xs))
appendTree2 xs a b (Single x) =
xs `rcons0` a `rcons0` b `rcons0` x
appendTree2 (Deep _ pr1 m1 sf1) a b (Deep _ pr2 m2 sf2) =
deep pr1 (addDigits2 m1 sf1 a b pr2 m2) sf2
addDigits2 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> a -> a -> Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> FingerTree v (Node v a)
addDigits2 m1 (One a) b c (One d) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b) (node2 c d) m2
addDigits2 m1 (One a) b c (Two d e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits2 m1 (One a) b c (Three d e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits2 m1 (One a) b c (Four d e f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Two a b) c d (One e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Two a b) c d (Two e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Two a b) c d (Three e f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Two a b) c d (Four e f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Three a b c) d e (One f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Three a b c) d e (Two f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Three a b c) d e (Three f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Three a b c) d e (Four f g h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Four a b c d) e f (One g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Four a b c d) e f (Two g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Four a b c d) e f (Three g h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits2 m1 (Four a b c d) e f (Four g h i j) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) (node2 i j) m2
appendTree3 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> a -> a -> a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
appendTree3 Empty a b c xs =
a `lcons` (b `lcons` (c `lcons` xs))
appendTree3 xs a b c Empty =
xs `rcons0` a `rcons0` b `rcons0` c
appendTree3 (Single x) a b c xs =
x `lcons` (a `lcons` (b `lcons` (c `lcons` xs)))
appendTree3 xs a b c (Single x) =
xs `rcons0` a `rcons0` b `rcons0` c `rcons0` x
appendTree3 (Deep _ pr1 m1 sf1) a b c (Deep _ pr2 m2 sf2) =
deep pr1 (addDigits3 m1 sf1 a b c pr2 m2) sf2
addDigits3 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> a -> a -> a -> Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> FingerTree v (Node v a)
addDigits3 m1 (One a) b c d (One e) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) m2
addDigits3 m1 (One a) b c d (Two e f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits3 m1 (One a) b c d (Three e f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits3 m1 (One a) b c d (Four e f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Two a b) c d e (One f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Two a b) c d e (Two f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Two a b) c d e (Three f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Two a b) c d e (Four f g h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Three a b c) d e f (One g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Three a b c) d e f (Two g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Three a b c) d e f (Three g h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Three a b c) d e f (Four g h i j) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) (node2 i j) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Four a b c d) e f g (One h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Four a b c d) e f g (Two h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Four a b c d) e f g (Three h i j) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) (node2 i j) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Four a b c d) e f g (Four h i j k) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) (node2 j k) m2
appendTree4 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
appendTree4 Empty a b c d xs =
a `lcons` b `lcons` c `lcons` d `lcons` xs
appendTree4 xs a b c d Empty =
xs `rcons0` a `rcons0` b `rcons0` c `rcons0` d
appendTree4 (Single x) a b c d xs =
x `lcons` a `lcons` b `lcons` c `lcons` d `lcons` xs
appendTree4 xs a b c d (Single x) =
xs `rcons0` a `rcons0` b `rcons0` c `rcons0` d `rcons0` x
appendTree4 (Deep _ pr1 m1 sf1) a b c d (Deep _ pr2 m2 sf2) =
deep pr1 (addDigits4 m1 sf1 a b c d pr2 m2) sf2
addDigits4 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> FingerTree v (Node v a)
addDigits4 m1 (One a) b c d e (One f) m2 =
appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) m2
addDigits4 m1 (One a) b c d e (Two f g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits4 m1 (One a) b c d e (Three f g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits4 m1 (One a) b c d e (Four f g h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Two a b) c d e f (One g) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Two a b) c d e f (Two g h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Two a b) c d e f (Three g h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Two a b) c d e f (Four g h i j) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) (node2 i j) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Three a b c) d e f g (One h) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Three a b c) d e f g (Two h i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Three a b c) d e f g (Three h i j) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) (node2 i j) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Three a b c) d e f g (Four h i j k) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) (node2 j k) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Four a b c d) e f g h (One i) m2 =
appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Four a b c d) e f g h (Two i j) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) (node2 i j) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Four a b c d) e f g h (Three i j k) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) (node2 j k) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Four a b c d) e f g h (Four i j k l) m2 =
appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) (node3 j k l) m2
split :: (Measured v a) =>
(v -> Bool) -> FingerTree v a -> (FingerTree v a, FingerTree v a)
split _p Empty = (Empty, Empty)
split p xs
| p (measure xs) = (l, x `lcons` r)
| otherwise = (xs, Empty)
where Split l x r = splitTree p mempty xs
takeUntil :: (Measured v a) => (v -> Bool) -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
takeUntil p = fst . split p
dropUntil :: (Measured v a) => (v -> Bool) -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
dropUntil p = snd . split p
data Split t a = Split t a t
splitTree :: (Measured v a) =>
(v -> Bool) -> v -> FingerTree v a -> Split (FingerTree v a) a
splitTree _ _ Empty = error "FingerTree.splitTree: bug!"
splitTree _p _i (Single x) = Split Empty x Empty
splitTree p i (Deep _ pr m sf)
| p vpr = let Split l x r = splitDigit p i pr
in Split (maybe Empty digitToTree l) x (deepL r m sf)
| p vm = let Split ml xs mr = splitTree p vpr m
Split l x r = splitNode p (vpr `mappendVal` ml) xs
in Split (deepR pr ml l) x (deepL r mr sf)
| otherwise = let Split l x r = splitDigit p vm sf
in Split (deepR pr m l) x (maybe Empty digitToTree r)
where vpr = i `mappend` measure pr
vm = vpr `mappendVal` m
mappendVal :: (Measured v a) => v -> FingerTree v a -> v
mappendVal v Empty = v
mappendVal v t = v `mappend` measure t
deepL :: (Measured v a) =>
Maybe (Digit a) -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> FingerTree v a
deepL Nothing m sf = case lview m of
Nothing -> digitToTree sf
Just (a,m') -> deep (nodeToDigit a) m' sf
deepL (Just pr) m sf = deep pr m sf
deepR :: (Measured v a) =>
Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Maybe (Digit a) -> FingerTree v a
deepR pr m Nothing = case rview m of
Nothing -> digitToTree pr
Just (a,m') -> deep pr m' (nodeToDigit a)
deepR pr m (Just sf) = deep pr m sf
splitNode :: (Measured v a) => (v -> Bool) -> v -> Node v a ->
Split (Maybe (Digit a)) a
splitNode p i (Node2 _ a b)
| p va = Split Nothing a (Just (One b))
| otherwise = Split (Just (One a)) b Nothing
where va = i `mappend` measure a
splitNode p i (Node3 _ a b c)
| p va = Split Nothing a (Just (Two b c))
| p vab = Split (Just (One a)) b (Just (One c))
| otherwise = Split (Just (Two a b)) c Nothing
where va = i `mappend` measure a
vab = va `mappend` measure b
splitDigit :: (Measured v a) => (v -> Bool) -> v -> Digit a ->
Split (Maybe (Digit a)) a
splitDigit _ i (One a) = i `seq` Split Nothing a Nothing
splitDigit p i (Two a b)
| p va = Split Nothing a (Just (One b))
| otherwise = Split (Just (One a)) b Nothing
where va = i `mappend` measure a
splitDigit p i (Three a b c)
| p va = Split Nothing a (Just (Two b c))
| p vab = Split (Just (One a)) b (Just (One c))
| otherwise = Split (Just (Two a b)) c Nothing
where va = i `mappend` measure a
vab = va `mappend` measure b
splitDigit p i (Four a b c d)
| p va = Split Nothing a (Just (Three b c d))
| p vab = Split (Just (One a)) b (Just (Two c d))
| p vabc = Split (Just (Two a b)) c (Just (One d))
| otherwise = Split (Just (Three a b c)) d Nothing
where va = i `mappend` measure a
vab = va `mappend` measure b
vabc = vab `mappend` measure c
reverse :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
reverse = reverseTree id
reverseTree :: (Measured v2 a2) => (a1 -> a2) -> FingerTree v1 a1 -> FingerTree v2 a2
reverseTree _ Empty = Empty
reverseTree f (Single x) = Single (f x)
reverseTree f (Deep _ pr m sf) =
deep (reverseDigit f sf) (reverseTree (reverseNode f) m) (reverseDigit f pr)
reverseNode :: (Measured v2 a2) => (a1 -> a2) -> Node v1 a1 -> Node v2 a2
reverseNode f (Node2 _ a b) = node2 (f b) (f a)
reverseNode f (Node3 _ a b c) = node3 (f c) (f b) (f a)
reverseDigit :: (a -> b) -> Digit a -> Digit b
reverseDigit f (One a) = One (f a)
reverseDigit f (Two a b) = Two (f b) (f a)
reverseDigit f (Three a b c) = Three (f c) (f b) (f a)
reverseDigit f (Four a b c d) = Four (f d) (f c) (f b) (f a)
two :: Monad m => m a -> m (a, a)
two m = liftM2 (,) m m
three :: Monad m => m a -> m (a, a, a)
three m = liftM3 (,,) m m m
four :: Monad m => m a -> m (a, a, a, a)
four m = liftM4 (,,,) m m m m
instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Digit a) where
arbitrary = oneof
[ arbitrary >>= \x -> return (One x)
, two arbitrary >>= \(x,y) -> return (Two x y)
, three arbitrary >>= \(x,y,z) -> return (Three x y z)
, four arbitrary >>= \(x,y,z,w) -> return (Four x y z w)
instance (CoArbitrary a) => CoArbitrary (Digit a) where
coarbitrary p = case p of
One x -> variant 0 . coarbitrary x
Two x y -> variant 1 . coarbitrary x . coarbitrary y
Three x y z -> variant 2 . coarbitrary x . coarbitrary y
. coarbitrary z
Four x y z w -> variant 3 . coarbitrary x . coarbitrary y
. coarbitrary z . coarbitrary w
instance (Measured v a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Node v a) where
arbitrary = oneof
[ two arbitrary >>= \(x,y) -> return (node2 x y)
, three arbitrary >>= \(x,y,z) -> return (node3 x y z)
instance (Measured v a, CoArbitrary a) => CoArbitrary (Node v a) where
coarbitrary p = case p of
Node2 _ x y -> variant 0 . coarbitrary x . coarbitrary y
Node3 _ x y z -> variant 1 . coarbitrary x . coarbitrary y . coarbitrary z
instance (Measured v a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (FingerTree v a) where
arbitrary = oneof
[ return Empty
, arbitrary >>= return . Single
, do
pf <- arbitrary
m <- arbitrary
sf <- arbitrary
return (deep pf m sf)
instance (Measured v a, CoArbitrary a) => CoArbitrary (FingerTree v a) where
coarbitrary p = case p of
Empty -> variant 0
Single x -> variant 1 . coarbitrary x
Deep _ sf m pf -> variant 2 . coarbitrary sf . coarbitrary m . coarbitrary pf