module EarleyM (
Gram, alts, fail, many, skipWhile,
Lang, getToken,
NT, createNamedNT, referenceNT, declare, produce, fix,
Parsing(..), SyntaxError(..), parseAmb,
Ambiguity(..), ParseError(..), parse,
Eff(..), Pos
) where
import Prelude hiding (exp,fail,lex)
import Control.Monad(liftM, ap)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map(Map)
import qualified Data.HMap as HMap
import Data.HMap(HKey,HMap)
import qualified EarleyM.Pipe as Pipe
import EarleyM.Pipe(Pipe)
data Gram a where
Ret :: a -> Gram a
Alts :: [Gram a] -> Gram a
GetNT :: (NT b) -> (b -> Gram a) -> Gram a
instance Functor Gram where fmap = liftM
instance Applicative Gram where pure = return; (<*>) = ap
instance Monad Gram where
return = Ret
(>>=) = bind
bind :: Gram a -> (a -> Gram b) -> Gram b
bind gram f = case gram of
Ret a -> f a
Alts gs -> Alts (do g <- gs; return (g >>= f))
GetNT nt k -> GetNT nt (\a -> k a >>= f)
alts :: [Gram a] -> Gram a
alts = Alts
fail :: Gram a
fail = Alts []
many :: Gram a -> Gram [a]
many g = many_g
where many_g = alts [return [], do x <- g; xs <- many_g; return (x : xs)]
skipWhile :: Gram () -> Gram ()
skipWhile p = do _ <- many p; return ()
data NT a = forall x. NT String (HKey x (StateValue a))
withNT :: String -> (NT a -> b) -> b
withNT name k = HMap.withKey $ \key -> k (NT name key)
withKeyOfNT :: NT a -> (forall x. HKey x (StateValue a) -> b) -> b
withKeyOfNT (NT _ key) k = k key
instance Show (NT a) where
show (NT name _) = name
data Rule = forall a. Rule (NT a) (Gram a)
isRuleKeyedBy :: NT a -> Rule -> Bool
isRuleKeyedBy nt1 (Rule nt2 _) =
withKeyOfNT nt1 $ \key1 ->
withKeyOfNT nt2 $ \key2 ->
HMap.unique key1 == HMap.unique key2
data Lang t a = Lang { runLang :: NT t -> (a, [Rule]) }
instance Functor (Lang t) where fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (Lang t) where pure = return; (<*>) = ap
instance Monad (Lang t) where
return a = Lang$ \_ -> (a, [])
(>>=) m f = Lang$ \tok ->
let (a,rules1) = runLang m tok in
let (b,rules2) = runLang (f a) tok in
(b, rules1 ++ rules2)
getToken :: Lang t (Gram t)
getToken = Lang$ \tok -> (referenceNT tok, [])
createNamedNT :: Show a => String -> Lang t (NT a)
createNamedNT name = withNT name $ \nt -> Lang$ \_ -> (nt, [])
referenceNT :: NT a -> Gram a
referenceNT nt = GetNT nt Ret
declare :: Show a => String -> Lang t (NT a, Gram a)
declare name = do
nt <- createNamedNT name
return (nt, referenceNT nt)
produce :: NT a -> Gram a -> Lang t ()
produce nt gram = Lang$ \_ -> ((), [Rule nt gram])
fix :: Show a => String -> (Gram a -> Lang t (Gram a)) -> Lang t (Gram a)
fix name f = do
(nt,gram) <- declare name
fixed <- f gram
() <- produce nt fixed
return gram
newtype Eff = Eff Int deriving Show
incEff :: Eff -> Eff
incEff (Eff x) = Eff (x+1)
type Pos = Int
type From a = (NT a, Pos)
type Upto a = (a, Pos)
data Item = forall a. Item Pos (NT a) Pos (Gram a)
type Chan a = Pipe (Upto a) (Item)
data State = State { chans :: HMap, effortState :: Eff }
type StateValue a = Map Pos (Chan a)
incEffortState :: State -> State
incEffortState s = s { effortState = incEff (effortState s) }
existsChan :: State -> From a -> Bool
existsChan s (nt,pos) =
withKeyOfNT nt $ \key ->
case HMap.lookup key (chans s) of
Nothing -> False
Just m -> Map.member pos m
lookChan :: State -> From a -> Maybe (Chan a)
lookChan s (nt,pos) =
withKeyOfNT nt $ \key ->
case HMap.lookup key (chans s) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just m -> Map.lookup pos m
insertChan :: State -> From a -> Chan a -> State
insertChan s (nt,pos) chan =
withKeyOfNT nt $ \key ->
let m = HMap.findWithDefault Map.empty key (chans s) in
let m' = Map.insert pos chan m in
s { chans = HMap.insert key m' (chans s) }
fullParseAt :: NT a -> Pos -> State -> Bool
fullParseAt start pos s = not (null results)
results = do
(a,p) <- elems
if p == pos then [a] else []
elems =
case lookChan s (start,0) of
Just chan -> Pipe.elems chan
Nothing -> error "startChan missing"
data Parsing a = Parsing { effort :: Eff, outcome :: a } deriving Functor
data SyntaxError
= UnexpectedTokenAt Pos
| UnexpectedEOF Pos
| ExpectedEOF Pos
deriving (Show,Eq)
data Ambiguity = Ambiguity String Pos Pos deriving (Show,Eq)
data ParseError
= SyntaxError SyntaxError
| AmbiguityError Ambiguity
deriving (Show,Eq)
parse :: (Show a, Show t) => Lang t (Gram a) -> [t] -> Parsing (Either ParseError a)
parse lang input =
fmap f (ggparse rejectAmb lang input)
f (Left e) = Left e
f (Right []) = error "gparse, [] results not possible"
f (Right [x]) = Right x
f (Right (_:_)) = Left (AmbiguityError (Ambiguity "start" 0 (length input)))
parseAmb :: (Show a, Show t) => Lang t (Gram a) -> [t] -> Parsing (Either SyntaxError [a])
parseAmb lang input =
fmap f (ggparse allowAmb lang input)
f (Left (SyntaxError e)) = Left e
f (Left (AmbiguityError _)) = error "gparseAmb, AmbiguityError not possible"
f (Right xs) = Right xs
data Config = Config { allowAmbiguity :: Bool }
allowAmb :: Config
allowAmb = Config { allowAmbiguity = True }
rejectAmb :: Config
rejectAmb = Config { allowAmbiguity = False }
type Outcome a = Either ParseError [a]
ggparse :: (Show a, Show t) => Config -> Lang t (Gram a) -> [t] -> Parsing (Outcome a)
ggparse config lang input =
parsing =
withNT "<token>" $ \tokenNT ->
let (gram,rules) = runLang lang tokenNT in
go tokenNT config gram rules input
go :: NT t -> Config -> Gram a -> [Rule] -> [t] -> Parsing (Outcome a)
go tokenNT config gram rules input =
withNT "<start>" $ \startNT ->
let initState = State { chans = HMap.empty, effortState = Eff 0 } in
let state0 = insertChan initState (startNT,0) Pipe.empty in
let startItem = Item 0 startNT 0 gram in
let (state1,optAmb) = execItemsWithRules config rules [startItem] state0 in
case optAmb of
Just ambiguity ->
Parsing (effortState state1) (Left (AmbiguityError ambiguity))
Nothing ->
let (s,outcome) = loop startNT tokenNT config rules 0 state1 input in
Parsing (effortState s) outcome
loop :: NT a -> NT t -> Config -> [Rule] -> Pos -> State -> [t] -> (State,Outcome a)
loop startNT tokenNT config rules pos s xs = case xs of
[] ->
case lookChan s (startNT,0) of
Nothing -> error "startChan missing"
Just chan -> do
let results = do (a,p) <- Pipe.elems chan; if p == pos then [a] else []
case results of
[] ->
let stillLooking = existsChan s (tokenNT,pos) in
if stillLooking
then (s, Left (SyntaxError (UnexpectedEOF (pos+1))))
else (s, Left (SyntaxError (UnexpectedTokenAt pos)))
xs ->
(s, Right xs)
x:xs ->
let from = (tokenNT,pos) in
case lookChan s from of
Nothing ->
if fullParseAt startNT pos s
then (s, Left (SyntaxError (ExpectedEOF (pos+1))))
else (s, Left (SyntaxError (UnexpectedTokenAt pos)))
Just chan ->
let upto = (x,pos+1) in
let (chan',items) = Pipe.write upto chan in
let s2 = insertChan s from chan' in
let (s3,optAmb) = execItemsWithRules config rules items s2 in
case optAmb of
Just ambiguity -> (s, Left (AmbiguityError ambiguity))
Nothing -> loop startNT tokenNT config rules (pos+1) s3 xs
execItemsWithRules :: Config -> [Rule] -> [Item] -> State -> (State, Maybe Ambiguity)
execItemsWithRules config rules items state = execItems items state
findRules :: NT a -> [Rule]
findRules nt = do
rule <- rules
if isRuleKeyedBy nt rule then return rule else []
execItems :: [Item] -> State -> (State, Maybe Ambiguity)
execItems [] s = (s, Nothing)
execItems (Item p1 nt p2 gram : items) s = case gram of
Alts gs -> do
let items1 = do g <- gs; return (Item p1 nt p2 g)
execItems (items1 ++ items) s
Ret a -> do
let from = (nt,p1)
let upto = (a,p2)
case produceState s from upto of
Left ambiguity -> (s, Just ambiguity)
Right (s1,items1) ->
execItems (items1 ++ items) (incEffortState s1)
GetNT ntB kB -> do
let from = (ntB,p2)
let reader (b,p3) = Item p1 nt p3 (kB b)
let (s1,items1) = awaitState s from reader
execItems (items1 ++ items) (incEffortState s1)
produceState :: State -> From a -> Upto a -> Either Ambiguity (State, [Item])
produceState s from upto =
case lookChan s from of
Nothing -> error ("produceState, missing channel for: " ++ show from)
Just chan ->
if allowAmbiguity config
case Pipe.write upto chan of
(chan',items) ->
Right (insertChan s from chan', items)
case writeChanNoAmb upto chan of
Nothing -> do
let (nt,p1) = from
let (_,p2) = upto
Left (Ambiguity (show nt) p1 p2)
Just (chan',items) ->
Right (insertChan s from chan', items)
writeChanNoAmb :: Upto a -> Chan a -> Maybe (Chan a, [Item])
writeChanNoAmb upto chan = do
let (_,pos) = upto
let amb = or$ do (_,p) <- Pipe.elems chan; return (p == pos)
if amb then Nothing else Just (Pipe.write upto chan)
awaitState :: State -> From a -> (Upto a -> Item) -> (State, [Item])
awaitState s from reader =
case lookChan s from of
Nothing -> do
let chan = Pipe.firstRead reader
let items = predict from
(insertChan s from chan, items)
Just chan -> do
let (chan',items) = reader chan
(insertChan s from chan', items)
predict :: From a -> [Item]
predict (nt,pos) = do
rule <- findRules nt
return (itemOfRule pos rule)
itemOfRule :: Pos -> Rule -> Item
itemOfRule pos (Rule nt gram) = Item pos nt pos gram