{-#LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables,ExistentialQuantification,GADTs,RankNTypes,DeriveFunctor#-}

-- | Monadic combinators for Earley Parsing
module EarleyM (
  -- * Grammars, Non-terminals, Productions
  Gram, alts, fail, many, skipWhile,
  Lang, getToken, 
  NT, createNamedNT, referenceNT, declare, produce, fix,

  -- * Parsing
  Parsing(..), SyntaxError(..), parseAmb, 
  Ambiguity(..), ParseError(..), parse, 

  Eff(..), Pos
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (exp,fail,lex)
import Control.Monad(liftM, ap)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map(Map)
import qualified Data.HMap as HMap
import Data.HMap(HKey,HMap)
import qualified EarleyM.Pipe as Pipe
import EarleyM.Pipe(Pipe)

-- | Type of grammars. RHS of a production rules. Synthesizing values of type 'a'. Monadic construction allows context-sensitive grammars.
data Gram a where
  Ret :: a -> Gram a
  Alts :: [Gram a] -> Gram a
  GetNT :: (NT b) -> (b -> Gram a) -> Gram a

instance Functor Gram where fmap = liftM
instance Applicative Gram where pure = return; (<*>) = ap

instance Monad Gram where
  return = Ret
  (>>=) = bind

bind :: Gram a -> (a -> Gram b) -> Gram b
bind gram f = case gram of
  Ret a -> f a
  Alts gs -> Alts (do g <- gs; return (g >>= f))
  GetNT nt k -> GetNT nt (\a -> k a >>= f)

-- | Grammar constructed from a list of alteratives. Alternations may be nested; we are not restricted to just having alternate productions for a given non-terminal.
alts :: [Gram a] -> Gram a
alts = Alts

-- | Grammar constructed from no alteratives. @fail == alts []@
fail :: Gram a
fail = Alts []

-- | Grammar for kleene '*'. Constructs an infinite RHS. Use in preference to right-recursion via a non-terminal, which has quadratic inefficiency.
many :: Gram a -> Gram [a] 
many g = many_g
  where many_g = alts [return [], do x <- g; xs <- many_g; return (x : xs)]

-- | Kleene '*' which ignores the synthesized value.
--  @ skipWhile p == do _ <- many p; return () @
skipWhile :: Gram () -> Gram ()
skipWhile p = do _ <- many p; return ()

-- | Type of non-terminals. LHS of a production rules. Carrying values of type 'a'.
data NT a = forall x. NT String (HKey x (StateValue a)) -- TODO: add 2nd key into rules

withNT :: String -> (NT a -> b) -> b
withNT name k = HMap.withKey $ \key -> k (NT name key)

withKeyOfNT :: NT a -> (forall x. HKey x (StateValue a) -> b) -> b
withKeyOfNT (NT _ key) k = k key

instance Show (NT a) where
  show (NT name _) = name

data Rule = forall a. Rule (NT a) (Gram a)

isRuleKeyedBy :: NT a -> Rule -> Bool
isRuleKeyedBy nt1 (Rule nt2 _) =
  withKeyOfNT nt1 $ \key1 ->
  withKeyOfNT nt2 $ \key2 ->
  HMap.unique key1 == HMap.unique key2

-- | Type for language definition over terminals (tokens) of type 't'. A collection of production rules together with an entry point. Constructed monadically.
data Lang t a = Lang { runLang :: NT t -> (a, [Rule]) }

instance Functor (Lang t) where fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (Lang t) where pure = return; (<*>) = ap

instance Monad (Lang t) where
  return a = Lang$ \_ -> (a, [])
  (>>=) m f = Lang$ \tok ->
    let (a,rules1) = runLang m tok in
    let (b,rules2) = runLang (f a) tok in
    (b, rules1 ++ rules2)

-- | Access to the grammar for tokens within a language definition.
getToken :: Lang t (Gram t)
getToken = Lang$ \tok -> (referenceNT tok, [])

-- | Create a fresh non-terminal within a language definition. The name is only used for debugging and reporting ambiguity. This is a low level primitive. Simpler to use 'declare'.
createNamedNT :: Show a => String -> Lang t (NT a)
createNamedNT name = withNT name $ \nt -> Lang$ \_ -> (nt, [])

-- | Reference a non-terminal on the RHS of a production. This is a low level primitive. Simpler to use 'declare'.
referenceNT :: NT a -> Gram a
referenceNT nt = GetNT nt Ret

-- | Convenience combination of 'createNamedNT' and 'referenceNT', returning a pair of values for a fresh non-terminal, for use on the LHS/RHS.
declare :: Show a => String -> Lang t (NT a, Gram a)
declare name = do
  nt <- createNamedNT name
  return (nt, referenceNT nt)

-- | Define a language production, linking the LHS and RHS of the rule.
produce :: NT a -> Gram a -> Lang t ()
produce nt gram = Lang$ \_ -> ((), [Rule nt gram])

-- | Combination of declare/produce to allow reference to a grammar within its own defintion. Use this for language with left-recursion.
fix :: Show a => String -> (Gram a -> Lang t (Gram a)) -> Lang t (Gram a)
fix name f = do
  (nt,gram) <- declare name
  fixed <- f gram
  () <- produce nt fixed
  return gram

-- | Type to represent the effort taken during parsing. Used by some unit-tests.
newtype Eff = Eff Int deriving Show

incEff :: Eff -> Eff
incEff (Eff x) = Eff (x+1)

-- | Type of positions. Used in parse error reports. Indicates the index of the input token list reached before the error was encountered.
type Pos = Int

type From a = (NT a, Pos)
type Upto a = (a, Pos)

-- An Earley item: A located/dotted Rule. i.e. Rule + 2 positions
data Item = forall a. Item Pos (NT a) Pos (Gram a)

type Chan a = Pipe (Upto a) (Item)
data State = State { chans :: HMap, effortState :: Eff }
type StateValue a = Map Pos (Chan a)

incEffortState :: State -> State
incEffortState s = s { effortState = incEff (effortState s) }

existsChan :: State -> From a -> Bool
existsChan s (nt,pos) =
  withKeyOfNT nt $ \key ->
  case HMap.lookup key (chans s) of
   Nothing -> False
   Just m -> Map.member pos m

lookChan :: State -> From a -> Maybe (Chan a)
lookChan s (nt,pos) =
  withKeyOfNT nt $ \key ->
  case HMap.lookup key (chans s) of
   Nothing -> Nothing
   Just m -> Map.lookup pos m

insertChan :: State -> From a -> Chan a -> State
insertChan s (nt,pos) chan =
  withKeyOfNT nt $ \key ->
  let m = HMap.findWithDefault Map.empty key (chans s) in
  let m' = Map.insert pos chan m in
  s { chans = HMap.insert key m' (chans s) }

fullParseAt :: NT a -> Pos -> State -> Bool
fullParseAt start pos s = not (null results)
    results = do
      (a,p) <- elems
      if p == pos then [a] else []
    elems =
      case lookChan s (start,0) of
       Just chan -> Pipe.elems chan
       Nothing -> error "startChan missing"

-- | Result of running a parsing function: 'parse' or 'parseAmb'. Combines the outcome with the effort taken.
data Parsing a = Parsing { effort :: Eff, outcome :: a } deriving Functor

-- | Type describing a syntax-error encountered during parsing. In all cases the final position reached before the error is reported. This position is automatically determined by the Early parsing algorithm.
data SyntaxError
  = UnexpectedTokenAt Pos
  | UnexpectedEOF Pos
  | ExpectedEOF Pos
  deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Type describing a parse ambiguity for a specific non-terminal (name), across a position range. This may be reported as an error by the 'parse' entry point.
data Ambiguity = Ambiguity String Pos Pos deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Union of 'SyntaxError' and 'Ambiguity', for reporting errors from 'parse'.
data ParseError
  = SyntaxError SyntaxError
  | AmbiguityError Ambiguity
  deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Entry-point to run a parse. Rejects ambiguity. Parse a list of tokens using a Lang/Gram definition. Returns the single parse or a parse-error.
parse :: (Show a, Show t) => Lang t (Gram a) -> [t] -> Parsing (Either ParseError a)
parse lang input =
  fmap f (ggparse rejectAmb lang input)
   f (Left e) = Left e
   f (Right []) = error "gparse, [] results not possible"
   f (Right [x]) = Right x
   f (Right (_:_)) = Left (AmbiguityError (Ambiguity "start" 0 (length input)))

-- | Entry-point to run a parse. Allows ambiguity. Parses a list of tokens using a Lang/Gram definition. Returns all parses or a syntax-error.
parseAmb :: (Show a, Show t) => Lang t (Gram a) -> [t] -> Parsing (Either SyntaxError [a])
parseAmb lang input =
  fmap f (ggparse allowAmb lang input)
   f (Left (SyntaxError e)) = Left e
   f (Left (AmbiguityError _)) = error "gparseAmb, AmbiguityError not possible"
   f (Right xs) = Right xs

data Config = Config { allowAmbiguity :: Bool }

allowAmb :: Config
allowAmb = Config { allowAmbiguity = True }

rejectAmb :: Config
rejectAmb = Config { allowAmbiguity = False }

type Outcome a = Either ParseError [a]

ggparse :: (Show a, Show t) => Config -> Lang t (Gram a) -> [t] -> Parsing (Outcome a)
ggparse config lang input =
    parsing =
      withNT "<token>" $ \tokenNT ->
      let (gram,rules) = runLang lang tokenNT in
      go tokenNT config gram rules input  

go :: NT t -> Config -> Gram a -> [Rule] -> [t] -> Parsing (Outcome a)
go tokenNT config gram rules input =
  withNT "<start>" $ \startNT ->
  let initState = State { chans = HMap.empty, effortState = Eff 0 } in
  let state0 = insertChan initState (startNT,0) Pipe.empty in
  let startItem = Item 0 startNT 0 gram in
  let (state1,optAmb) = execItemsWithRules config rules [startItem] state0 in
  case optAmb of
  Just ambiguity ->
    Parsing (effortState state1) (Left (AmbiguityError ambiguity))

  Nothing ->
    let (s,outcome) = loop startNT tokenNT config rules 0 state1 input in
    Parsing (effortState s) outcome

loop :: NT a -> NT t -> Config -> [Rule] -> Pos -> State -> [t] -> (State,Outcome a)
loop startNT tokenNT config rules pos s xs = case xs of
  [] ->
    case lookChan s (startNT,0) of
     Nothing -> error "startChan missing"
     Just chan -> do
       let results = do (a,p) <- Pipe.elems chan; if p == pos then [a] else []
       case results of
        [] ->
          let stillLooking = existsChan s (tokenNT,pos) in
          if stillLooking
          then (s, Left (SyntaxError (UnexpectedEOF (pos+1))))
          else (s, Left (SyntaxError (UnexpectedTokenAt pos)))
        xs ->
          (s, Right xs)
  x:xs ->
    let from = (tokenNT,pos) in
    case lookChan s from of
    Nothing ->
      if fullParseAt startNT pos s
      then (s, Left (SyntaxError (ExpectedEOF (pos+1))))
      else (s, Left (SyntaxError (UnexpectedTokenAt pos)))
    Just chan ->
      let upto = (x,pos+1) in
      let (chan',items) = Pipe.write upto chan in
      let s2 = insertChan s from chan' in
      let (s3,optAmb) = execItemsWithRules config rules items s2 in
      case optAmb of
       Just ambiguity -> (s, Left (AmbiguityError ambiguity))
       Nothing -> loop startNT tokenNT config rules (pos+1) s3 xs

execItemsWithRules :: Config -> [Rule] -> [Item] -> State -> (State, Maybe Ambiguity)
execItemsWithRules config rules items state = execItems items state

    findRules :: NT a -> [Rule]
    findRules nt = do
      rule <- rules
      if isRuleKeyedBy nt rule then return rule else []

    execItems :: [Item] -> State -> (State, Maybe Ambiguity)
    execItems [] s = (s, Nothing)
    execItems (Item p1 nt p2 gram : items) s = case gram of
      Alts gs -> do
        let items1 = do g <- gs; return (Item p1 nt p2 g)
        execItems (items1 ++ items) s

      Ret a -> do
        let from = (nt,p1)
        let upto = (a,p2)
        case produceState s from upto of
         Left ambiguity -> (s, Just ambiguity)
         Right (s1,items1) ->
           execItems (items1 ++ items) (incEffortState s1)

      GetNT ntB kB -> do
        let from = (ntB,p2)
        let reader (b,p3) = Item p1 nt p3 (kB b)
        let (s1,items1) = awaitState s from reader
        execItems  (items1 ++ items) (incEffortState s1)

    produceState :: State -> From a -> Upto a -> Either Ambiguity (State, [Item])
    produceState s from upto =
      case lookChan s from of
       Nothing -> error ("produceState, missing channel for: " ++ show from)
       Just chan ->
         if allowAmbiguity config
           case Pipe.write upto chan of
           (chan',items) ->         
             Right (insertChan s from chan', items)
           case writeChanNoAmb upto chan of
           Nothing -> do
             let (nt,p1) = from
             let (_,p2) = upto
             Left (Ambiguity (show nt) p1 p2)
           Just (chan',items) ->         
             Right (insertChan s from chan', items)

    writeChanNoAmb :: Upto a -> Chan a -> Maybe (Chan a, [Item])
    writeChanNoAmb upto chan = do
      let (_,pos) = upto
      let amb = or$ do (_,p) <- Pipe.elems chan; return (p == pos)
      if amb then Nothing else Just (Pipe.write upto chan)

    awaitState :: State -> From a -> (Upto a -> Item) -> (State, [Item])
    awaitState s from reader =
      case lookChan s from of
       Nothing -> do
         let chan = Pipe.firstRead reader
         let items = predict from
         (insertChan s from chan, items)               
       Just chan -> do
         let (chan',items) = Pipe.read reader chan
         (insertChan s from chan', items)

    predict :: From a -> [Item]
    predict (nt,pos) = do
      rule <- findRules nt
      return (itemOfRule pos rule)

    itemOfRule :: Pos -> Rule -> Item
    itemOfRule pos (Rule nt gram) = Item pos nt pos gram