
Description : A collection of Websocket functions to ease converting a URI
              and a Deadpan app into an IO result.

A collection of Websocket functions to ease converting a URI and a Deadpan app
into an IO result.

Intended for internal use.


{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports    #-}

module Web.DDP.Deadpan.Websockets where

-- External imports
import           Safe                   (readDef)
import           Network.Socket         (withSocketsDo)
import           Data.Text              (Text())

import qualified               Network.WebSockets as WS
import qualified "network-uri" Network.URI        as U

-- $setup
-- >>> import Control.Applicative
-- >>> import Test.QuickCheck

-- TODO: Use better types for these...
type URL    = String
type Domain = String
type Port   = Int
type Path   = String
type Error  = String
type Params = (Domain, Port, Path)

(?>>>) :: Maybe x -> Error -> Either Error x
Just x  ?>>> _ = Right x
Nothing ?>>> e = Left  e

getURI :: String -> Either Error Params
getURI uri = do parsed    <- U.parseURI uri        ?>>> ("Couldn't parse URI [" ++ uri ++ "]")
                autho     <- U.uriAuthority parsed ?>>> ("Couldn't find authority in URI [" ++ show parsed ++ "]")
                let port   = readDef 80 $ drop 1 $ U.uriPort autho
                    domain = U.uriRegName autho
                    path   = U.uriPath parsed
                return (domain, port, path)

-- | prop> prop_getURI_full
prop_getURI_full, prop_getURI_missingPort :: Bool
prop_getURI_full        = getURI "http://localhost:1234/testing" == Right ("localhost", 1234, "/testing")
prop_getURI_missingPort = getURI "http://localhost/testing"      == Right ("localhost", 80,   "/testing")

execURI :: WS.ClientApp a -> (String, Int, String) -> IO a
execURI app (domain, port, path) = withSocketsDo $ WS.runClient domain port path (setupApp app)

setupApp :: WS.ClientApp a -> WS.ClientApp a
setupApp app conn = do
    res <- app conn
    WS.sendClose conn ("Bye!" :: Text) -- TODO: Do we need this?
    return res