-- | -- Module : Main -- Description : Command Line Interface to analyse CREST results. -- Copyright : Phillip Seeber, 2021 -- License : AGPL-3 -- Maintainer : phillip.seeber@uni-jena.de -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : POSIX, Windows module Main (main) where import ConClusion.Chemistry.Topology hiding (xyz) import qualified ConClusion.Numeric.Statistics as Statistics import Data.Aeson import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (D) import Data.Foldable import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet import Data.Massiv.Array as Massiv hiding (B, D) import qualified Data.Massiv.Array as Massiv import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict) import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB import Data.Version (showVersion) import Formatting hiding (char, (%)) import qualified Formatting as F import Optics hiding (view) import Paths_ConClusion (version) import RIO hiding (Lens', Vector, lens, view, (^.)) import qualified RIO.Text as Text import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) main :: IO () main = do app <- cmdArgs conClusionCmd >>= cmdToEnv runRIO app $ do logInfo $ "ConClusion, version " <> (displayShow . showVersion $ version) <> "\n" -- Processing. (featureMat, _trj) <- processTrajectory pcaMat <- dimReduction featureMat _clusters <- clusterFeatures pcaMat logInfo "Done. Good Luck with the results!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Processing Logic -- | Read the trajectory and calculate the specified features. {-# SCC processTrajectory #-} processTrajectory :: (HasXYZ env, HasDim env, HasLogFunc env) => RIO env (Matrix DL Double, Trajectory) processTrajectory = do -- Obtain environment file <- view xyzL dims <- view dimL let outputFile = "features.dat" -- Logging {- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} logInfo $ "+-----------------------+\n\ \| Trajectory Processing |\n\ \+-----------------------+\n\n\ \ Trajectory File : " <> displayShow file <> "\n\ \ Feature Matrix File : " <> displayShow outputFile <> "\n\ \ Features :\n" <> displayFeatures dims {- ORMOLU_ENABLE -} -- Processing. raw <- readFileUtf8 file trj <- handleFailure $ parse' trajectory raw features <- handleFailure $ getFeatures dims trj -- Output. toGnuPlot Nothing (Just . Massiv.fromList Seq $ dims) (compute features) >>= writeFileUtf8 outputFile logInfo "\n\n\n" return (features, trj) -- | Possibly perform a PCA. {-# SCC dimReduction #-} dimReduction :: (HasPrincipalComponentAnalysis env, HasLogFunc env) => Matrix DL Double -> RIO env (Matrix U Double) dimReduction mat = do doPCA <- view pcaL case doPCA of Nothing -> return . compute $ featureMat Just PrincipalComponentAnalysis {keep} -> do let outputFile = "pca.dat" -- Logging. {- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} logInfo "+------------------------------+\n\ \| Principal Component Analysis |\n\ \+------------------------------+\n" {- ORMOLU_ENABLE -} -- Processing pcaData <- Statistics.pca keep featureMat let behaviourPercent = Statistics.remaining pcaData -- Logging. {- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} logInfo $ " Dimensions : " <> display keep <> "\n\ \ Eigenvalues : " <> (displayEigenvalues . Statistics.allEigenValues $ pcaData) <> "\n\ \ Mean Squared Error : " <> (displayMSE . Statistics.mse $ pcaData) <> "\n\ \ Behaviour Captured : " <> displayPercent behaviourPercent <> "\n\ \ PCA Matrix File : " <> displayShow outputFile {- ORMOLU_ENABLE -} -- Output toGnuPlot Nothing Nothing (Statistics.y pcaData) >>= writeFileUtf8 outputFile logInfo "\n\n\n" return . Statistics.y $ pcaData where featureMat = compute @U mat -- | Cluster analysis of the (dimensionalty reduced) feature matrix. {-# SCC clusterFeatures #-} clusterFeatures :: (HasClustering env, HasLogFunc env) => Matrix U Double -> RIO env Statistics.Clusters clusterFeatures mat = do doClustering <- view clusteringL case doClustering of Nothing -> let Sz (_ :. n) = size mat in return $ makeArray @Massiv.B @Ix1 @IntSet Par (Sz n) $ \i -> IntSet.singleton i Just cl -> do let outputFile = "cluster.dat" -- Logging {- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} logInfo "+------------+\n\ \| Clustering |\n\ \+------------+\n" {- ORMOLU_ENABLE -} clusters <- case cl of DBScan {distance, measure, minSize} -> clusterDB distance measure minSize HCA {distance, measure, joinstrat, forcemin} -> clusterHCA distance measure joinstrat forcemin {- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} logInfo $ " Number of Clusters : " <> (display . Massiv.elemsCount $ clusters) <> "\n\ \ Cluster Data File : " <> displayShow outputFile <> "\n\ \ Cluster : " <> displayClusters clusters {- ORMOLU_ENABLE -} -- Output toGnuPlot (Just clusters) Nothing mat >>= writeFileUtf8 outputFile return clusters where -- Make the distance function for clustering. distFn m = case m of Lr i -> Statistics.lpNorm i Manhattan -> Statistics.manhattan Euclidean -> Statistics.euclidean Mahalanobis -> Statistics.mahalanobis -- Cluster data with DBScan algorithm. clusterDB d m s = do clusters <- Statistics.dbscan (distFn m) s d mat {- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} logInfo $ " Algorithm : DBScan\n\ \ Distance Measure : " <> displayShow m <> "\n\ \ Search Distance ε : " <> display d <> "\n\ \ Minimal Cluster Size : " <> display s {- ORMOLU_ENABLE -} return clusters -- Cluster data with Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. clusterHCA d m j fm = do dendrogram <- Statistics.hca (distFn m) j mat let allClusters = Statistics.cutDendroAt dendrogram d dendroFile = "dendrogram.json" clusters = case fm of Nothing -> allClusters Just minSize -> compute . sfilter (\c -> IntSet.size c >= minSize) $ allClusters -- Write dendrogram file to disk. liftIO $ encodeFile dendroFile dendrogram {- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} logInfo $ " Algorithm : Hierarchical Cluster Analysis\n\ \ Distance Measure : " <> displayShow m <> "\n\ \ Search Distance : " <> display d <> "\n\ \ Cluster Join Strategy : " <> displayShow j <> "\n" <> (case fm of Nothing -> mempty Just minSize -> " Minimal Cluster Size : " <> display minSize <> "\n") <> " Dendrogram File : " <> displayShow dendroFile {- ORMOLU_ENABLE -} return clusters ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Command line interfaces -- | Command line arguments for ConClusion. data ConClusionCmd = ConClusionCmd { -- | Filepath to the CREST xyz trajectory file. xyz :: FilePath, -- | Dimensions to process. dim :: String, -- | If PCA should be used to reduce dimensionalty of the problem. If so, the number of -- dimensions to keep. pca :: Maybe Int, -- | Cluster algorithm to be used for clustering, if any. cluster :: Maybe String, -- | Distance measure of points. measure :: String, -- | Cluster joining strategy for hierarchical clustering. joinstrat :: String, -- | Search distance in case of DBScan or distance for the Dendogram cut in case of hierarchical -- clustering. distance :: Double, -- | Mininmal size of a cluster in case of DBScan. minsize :: Int, -- | If to force a minimum size of clusters in HCA. forcemin :: Bool, -- | Do verbose logging. verbose :: Bool } deriving (Show, Data, Typeable) conClusionCmd :: ConClusionCmd conClusionCmd = ConClusionCmd { xyz = "crest_conformers.xyz" &= typFile &= help "Path to CREST trajectory.", dim = "e" &= help "Expression of dimensions to analyse:\n\ \ - \"e\" Energy\n\ \ - \"b m n\" Bond length between the atoms with\n\ \ indices m and n\n\ \ - \"a m n o\" Angle between the atoms with indices\n\ \ m, n and o\n\ \ - \"d m n o p\" Sinus of the dihedral between the atoms\n\ \ m, n, o and p\n\ \Multiple features may be combined by giving a comma separated list of them.\n\ \Default: e", pca = Nothing &= typ "INT" &= help "Perform a principal component analysis on the features.\ \Optionally give the number of dimensions you want to keep.\n\ \Default: 2" &= opt (2 :: Int), cluster = Nothing &= help "Cluster algorithm to cluster conformeres.\n\ \ - \"dbscan\" DBScan algorithm. Depends on \n\ \ \"measure\", \"distance\" and \"minsize\"\n\ \ - \"hca\" Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. Depends on\n\ \ \"measure\", \"joinstrat\" and \"distance\"\n\ \Default: dbscan" &= opt ("dbscan" :: String), measure = "mahalanobis" &= help "Distance measure for distance between conformeres.\n\ \ - \"lrX\" General L_r norm, where X is a value\n\ \ between 3 and 9\n\ \ - \"manhattan\" Manhattan distances\n\ \ - \"euclidean\" Euclidean distances\n\ \ - \"mahalanobis\" Mahalanobis distances\n\ \Default: mahalanobis", joinstrat = "ward" &= help "Strategy for inter-cluster distance in hierarchical clustering.\n\ \ - \"single\" Single-Linkage (minimal distance of\n\ \ points between clusters)\n\ \ - \"complete\" Complete-Linkage (maximal distance of\n\ \ points between clusters)\n\ \ - \"median\" Median distance linkage between\n\ \ all points between clusters)\n\ \ - \"upgma\" Average-Group-Linkage (average distance\n\ \ of all points of joined clusters)\n\ \ - \"wpgma\" Average-Linkage (average distance\n\ \ of all points between clusters)\n\ \ - \"centroid\" Distance of cluster centroids\n\ \ - \"ward\" Ward distance of minimal residues\n\ \Default: ward", distance = 0.1 &= typ "FLOAT" &= help "Search distance in DBScan or Dendogram cut distance in hierarchical clustering.\n\ \Default: 0.1", minsize = 5 &= typ "INT" &= help "Minimal size of a cluster in DBScan.\n\ \Default: 5", forcemin = False &= help "Force a minimal cluster size in hierarchical clustering.\n\ \Default: False", verbose = False &= help "Verbose logging." } &= summary "Analysis of conformere ensembles.\n\ \Processes an annotated XYZ trajectory (as generated by CREST, for example), where the energy\ \is provided in the comment line. The analysis is a three-step procedure:\n\ \ 1. Calculate selected features from the ensemble, that are meant to\n\ \ characterise the conformeres.\n\ \ Relevant settings: \"--dim\"\n\ \ 2. (Optional) Perform a PCA analysis on the feature matrix to reduce the\n\ \ number of dimensions.\n\ \ Relevant settings: \"--pca\"\n\ \ 3. (Optional) Cluster the feature matrix into groups of conformeres. If a PCA\n\ \ has been performed, use the feature matrix with reduced dimensionalty.\n\ \ Relevant settins: \"--cluster\", \"--measure\", \"joinstrat\", \"--distance\",\n\ \ \"--minsize\"" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Runtime Environment. -- Reader classes class HasXYZ a where xyzL :: Lens' a FilePath class HasDim a where dimL :: Lens' a [Feature] class HasPrincipalComponentAnalysis a where pcaL :: Lens' a (Maybe PrincipalComponentAnalysis) class HasClustering a where clusteringL :: Lens' a (Maybe Clustering) -- | Full runtime environment of ConClusion with all settings combined. data App = App { -- | Filepath to the CREST xyz trajectory file. xyz :: FilePath, -- | Features that are to be analysed. dim :: [Feature], -- | Settings for principal component analysis. pca :: Maybe PrincipalComponentAnalysis, -- | Settings for Clustering. clustering :: Maybe Clustering, -- | RIO's 'logFunc'. logFunc :: LogFunc } -- Lenses instance (k ~ A_Lens, a ~ FilePath, b ~ a) => LabelOptic "xyz" k App App a b where labelOptic = lens (xyz :: App -> FilePath) $ \s b -> (s {xyz = b} :: App) instance (k ~ A_Lens, a ~ [Feature], b ~ a) => LabelOptic "dim" k App App a b where labelOptic = lens (dim :: App -> [Feature]) $ \s b -> (s {dim = b} :: App) instance (k ~ A_Lens, a ~ Maybe PrincipalComponentAnalysis, b ~ a) => LabelOptic "pca" k App App a b where labelOptic = lens (pca :: App -> Maybe PrincipalComponentAnalysis) $ \s b -> (s {pca = b} :: App) instance (k ~ A_Lens, a ~ Maybe Clustering, b ~ a) => LabelOptic "clustering" k App App a b where labelOptic = lens clustering $ \s b -> s {clustering = b} instance (k ~ A_Lens, a ~ LogFunc, b ~ a) => LabelOptic "logFunc" k App App a b where labelOptic = lens logFunc $ \s b -> s {logFunc = b} -- Reader Classes instance HasXYZ App where xyzL = castOptic #xyz instance HasDim App where dimL = castOptic #dim instance HasPrincipalComponentAnalysis App where pcaL = castOptic #pca instance HasClustering App where clusteringL = castOptic #clustering instance HasLogFunc App where logFuncL = toLensVL #logFunc -- | Settings for principal component analysis. newtype PrincipalComponentAnalysis = PrincipalComponentAnalysis { -- | Number of dimensions to keep from PCA. keep :: Int } -- Lenses instance (k ~ A_Lens, a ~ Int, b ~ a) => LabelOptic "keep" k PrincipalComponentAnalysis PrincipalComponentAnalysis a b where labelOptic = lens keep $ \s b -> s {keep = b} -- | Settings for clustering. data Clustering = -- | DBScan. DBScan { -- | Search distance around a point. distance :: Double, -- | Distance measure in clustering. measure :: Measure, -- | Minimal size of a cluster. minSize :: Int } | -- | Hierarchical clustering. HCA { -- | Cut distance in the dendogram to select the number of clusters. distance :: Double, -- | Distance measure in clustering. measure :: Measure, -- | Join strategy for clusters. joinstrat :: Statistics.JoinStrat Double, -- | A minimum cluster size might be forced in post processing for HCA. forcemin :: Maybe Int } -- | Distance measure between clusters. data Measure = Lr Int | Manhattan | Euclidean | Mahalanobis deriving (Show) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utilities -- | Conversion of command line arguments into runtime environment. cmdToEnv :: ConClusionCmd -> IO App cmdToEnv ConClusionCmd {xyz, dim, pca, cluster, measure, joinstrat, distance, minsize, forcemin, verbose} = do -- Dimensionalty/Feature construction. dimApp <- case parseOnly dimParser (Text.pack dim) of Left err -> throwM $ ArgumentException "dim" err "a comma separated list of dimension specifications" Right res -> return res -- PCA construction. pcaSettings <- case pca of Nothing -> return Nothing Just x -> if x >= 1 then return . Just $ PrincipalComponentAnalysis {keep = x} else throwM $ ArgumentException "pca" (show x) "a positive integer smaller than the number of clusters." -- Clustering construction. clDistance <- if distance <= 0 then throwM $ ArgumentException "distance" (show distance) "a positive number" else return distance clMeasure <- case measure of "lr3" -> return $ Lr 3 "lr4" -> return $ Lr 4 "lr5" -> return $ Lr 5 "lr6" -> return $ Lr 6 "lr7" -> return $ Lr 7 "lr8" -> return $ Lr 8 "lr9" -> return $ Lr 9 "manhattan" -> return Manhattan "euclidean" -> return Euclidean "mahalanobis" -> return Mahalanobis _ -> throwM $ ArgumentException "measure" measure "one of \"manhattan | euclidean | mahalanobis | lrX\" with X = [ 3 .. 9]" clMinsize <- if minsize <= 0 then throwM $ ArgumentException "minsize" (show minsize) ">= 1" else return minsize clJoinstrat <- case joinstrat of "single" -> return Statistics.SingleLinkage "complete" -> return Statistics.CompleteLinkage "median" -> return Statistics.Median "upgma" -> return Statistics.UPGMA "wpgma" -> return Statistics.WPGMA "centroid" -> return Statistics.Centroid "ward" -> return Statistics.Ward _ -> throwM $ ArgumentException "joinstrat" joinstrat "one of \"single | complete | upgma | wpgma | centroid | ward\"" clustering <- case cluster of Just "dbscan" -> return . Just $ DBScan { distance = clDistance, measure = clMeasure, minSize = clMinsize } Just "hca" -> return . Just $ HCA { distance = clDistance, measure = clMeasure, joinstrat = clJoinstrat, forcemin = if forcemin then Just clMinsize else Nothing } Nothing -> return Nothing Just c -> throwM $ ArgumentException "cluster" c "one of \"dbscan | hca\"" -- Log function setup. logOptions <- id . setLogUseTime False . setLogUseColor True . setLogVerboseFormat False . setLogUseLoc False <$> logOptionsHandle stdout verbose (lf, _ :: IO ()) <- newLogFunc logOptions return App { xyz = xyz, dim = dimApp, pca = pcaSettings, clustering = clustering, logFunc = lf } -- | Parser for dimensionalty expressions. dimParser :: Parser [Feature] dimParser = many1 $ do skipMany (char ' ') fType <- eParser <|> bParser <|> aParser <|> dParser skipMany (char ' ') _ <- option ',' (char ',') return fType where eParser = char 'e' *> return Energy bParser = do _ <- char 'b' skipMany (char ' ') a <- decimal skipMany (char ' ') b <- decimal return . Bond $ B a b aParser = do _ <- char 'a' skipMany (char ' ') a <- decimal skipMany (char ' ') b <- decimal skipMany (char ' ') c <- decimal return . Angle $ A a b c dParser = do _ <- char 'd' skipMany (char ' ') a <- decimal skipMany (char ' ') b <- decimal skipMany (char ' ') c <- decimal skipMany (char ' ') d <- decimal return . Dihedral $ D a b c d -- | Substitution for RIO's @view@ for optics. view :: (Is k A_Getter, MonadReader s f) => Optic' k is s b -> f b view l = (^. l) <$> ask -- | Parsers lifted to 'MonadThrow'. parse' :: MonadThrow m => Parser x -> Text -> m x parse' p t = case parseOnly p t of Left err -> throwM $ ParseException err Right res -> return res -- | Logging a problem as an error and then rethrow the underlying exception. handleFailure :: (Exception e, HasLogFunc env) => Either e r -> RIO env r handleFailure (Right r) = return r handleFailure (Left e) = do logError . displayShow $ e throwM e -- | Display features for a trajectory in a nice way. displayFeatures :: Foldable f => f Feature -> Utf8Builder displayFeatures features = foldl ( \acc f -> acc <> ( case f of Energy -> " - E" Bond (B a b) -> " - B " <> display a <> " " <> display b Angle (A a b c) -> " - A " <> display a <> " " <> display b <> " " <> display c Dihedral (D a b c d) -> " - D " <> display a <> " " <> display b <> " " <> display c <> " " <> display d ) <> "\n" ) mempty features -- | Display a percent value. displayPercent :: Double -> Utf8Builder displayPercent v = display $ sformat (fixed 1 F.% " %") v -- | Display a mean squared error. displayMSE :: Double -> Utf8Builder displayMSE v = display $ sformat (fixed 2) v -- | Display eigenvalues displayEigenvalues :: Vector U Double -> Utf8Builder displayEigenvalues vec = display . Massiv.fold . Massiv.map fmtD $ vec where fmtD d = format (right 6 ' ' F.%. fixed 2) d -- | Display best cluster members. displayBestMember :: Vector U Int -> Utf8Builder displayBestMember vec = display . toLazyText . Massiv.fold . Massiv.map (\i -> bformat (" - " F.% int F.% "\n") i) $ vec -- | Converts a matrix to a Gnuplot matrix. Prints a header line as a comment with the features, if -- available. Adds the assigned cluster number in the first column if available. {-# SCC toGnuPlot #-} toGnuPlot :: ( MonadThrow m ) => Maybe Statistics.Clusters -> Maybe (Vector Massiv.B Feature) -> Matrix U Double -> m Text toGnuPlot clusters features mat = do -- Build the lines representing the points. If cluster information is available, the first column -- is the cluster, that this point is assigned to. valueLines <- case clusters of Nothing -> return . Massiv.fold . Massiv.map (writeLine . Left) . innerSlices $ mat Just cl -> do let points = innerSlices mat :: Vector Massiv.D (Vector M Double) labeledCl = compute . Massiv.imap (,) $ cl :: Vector Massiv.B (Int, IntSet) -- Anotate all points with their assignment to a cluster number. If a point is from DBScan, it -- is not necessarily assigned to a cluster. annoPoints <- Massiv.iforM @Massiv.B points $ \pointIx vec -> do let filteredCl = Massiv.dropWhile (\(_, clPoints) -> not $ pointIx `IntSet.member` clPoints) labeledCl let assignedCl = filteredCl !? 0 :: Maybe (Int, IntSet) clNumber = fst <$> assignedCl :: Maybe Int return (clNumber, vec) -- return annoClusters return . Massiv.fold . Massiv.map (writeLine . Right) $ annoPoints featureLine <- case features of Nothing -> return mempty Just f -> do let Sz nFeatureLabels = actualFeatureSize f featureLine = writeFeatures f if nFeatures == nFeatureLabels then return featureLine else throwM $ SizeMismatchException (Sz nFeatureLabels) (Sz nFeatures) return . toStrict . TB.toLazyText $ featureLine <> valueLines where Sz (nFeatures :. _) = size mat -- The column width in the Gnuplot file. cw = 14 -- Formatter for doubles. dForm a = bformat (left cw ' ' F.%. fixed 4) a -- Formatter for Integers. iForm = fitLeft 3 F.%. left 3 ' ' F.%. int -- Formatter for Features fForm f = case f of Energy -> bformat (left cw ' ' F.%. builder) "E" Bond (B a b) -> bformat (left cw ' ' F.%. (builder F.% iForm F.% "," F.% iForm)) "B" a b Angle (A a b c) -> bformat (left cw ' ' F.%. (builder F.% iForm F.% "," F.% iForm F.% "," F.% iForm)) "A" a b c Dihedral (D a b c d) -> bformat (left cw ' ' F.%. (builder F.% iForm F.% "," F.% iForm F.% "," F.% iForm F.% "," F.% iForm)) "A sin" a b c d <> bformat (left cw ' ' F.%. (builder F.% iForm F.% "," F.% iForm F.% "," F.% iForm F.% "," F.% iForm)) "A cos" a b c d -- Print a vector of numeric values. doubleVecB :: Source r Ix1 Double => Vector r Double -> TB.Builder doubleVecB v = Massiv.fold . Massiv.map dForm $ v -- Writer for a value line. writeLine :: (Source r Ix1 Double) => Either (Vector r Double) (Maybe Int, Vector r Double) -> TB.Builder writeLine (Left vec) = doubleVecB vec <> "\n" writeLine (Right (cl, vec)) = bformat iForm (fromMaybe (-1) cl) <> doubleVecB vec <> "\n" -- Writer for the Feature line. writeFeatures :: Vector Massiv.B Feature -> TB.Builder writeFeatures vec = "#" <> (Massiv.fold . Massiv.map fForm $ vec) <> "\n" -- Actual feature size. actualFeatureSize vec = unsafePerformIO $ Massiv.foldlP ( \acc f -> case f of Dihedral _ -> 2 + acc _ -> 1 + acc ) 0 (+) 0 vec -- | Pretty printer for clusters. displayClusters :: Statistics.Clusters -> Utf8Builder displayClusters clusters = display . toLazyText . Massiv.fold . Massiv.map printCl $ clusters where -- Print clusters as list of indices. iForm = fitLeft 5 F.%. left 5 ' ' F.%. int -- Printer of a single cluster. printCl :: IntSet -> TB.Builder printCl cl = fst $ IntSet.foldl ( \(bAcc, counter) i -> let this = bformat iForm i <> if counter `mod` (16 :: Int) == 0 then "\n " else mempty in (bAcc <> this, counter + 1) ) ("\n\n - ", 1) cl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exceptions -- | Exception thrown on unexcpected command line arguments. data ArgumentException = ArgumentException { argName :: String, is :: String, should :: String } instance Show ArgumentException where show ArgumentException {argName, is, should} = "ArgumentException: Field \"" <> argName <> "\" got \"" <> is <> "\" but must be " <> should <> "." instance Exception ArgumentException -- | Exceptions thrown on failed parsing. newtype ParseException = ParseException String instance Show ParseException where show (ParseException err) = "ParseException: \"" <> err <> "\"" instance Exception ParseException