module Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo
( FileFormat(..)
, FileOptions(..)
, runBackend
, renderableToFile
, toFile
, defaultEnv
, fo_size
, fo_format
, cBackendToFile
) where
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.Names
import Data.Colour.SRGB
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Lens(makeLenses)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Operational
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Matrix as CM
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend as G
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Impl
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Types
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Drawing
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Geometry as G
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Renderable
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.SparkLine
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.State(EC, execEC)
data CEnv = CEnv
{ ceAlignmentFns :: AlignmentFns
, ceFontColor :: AlphaColour Double
, cePathColor :: AlphaColour Double
, ceFillColor :: AlphaColour Double
defaultEnv :: AlignmentFns
-> CEnv
defaultEnv alignFns = CEnv
{ ceAlignmentFns = alignFns
, ceFontColor = opaque black
, cePathColor = opaque black
, ceFillColor = opaque white
runBackend :: CEnv
-> ChartBackend a
-> C.Render a
runBackend env m = runBackend' env (withDefaultStyle m)
runBackend' :: CEnv -> ChartBackend a -> C.Render a
runBackend' env m = eval env (view m)
eval :: CEnv -> ProgramView ChartBackendInstr a -> C.Render a
eval env (Return v)= return v
eval env (StrokePath p :>>= f) = cStrokePath env p >>= step env f
eval env (FillPath p :>>= f) = cFillPath env p >>= step env f
eval env (GetTextSize s :>>= f) = cTextSize s >>= step env f
eval env (DrawText p s :>>= f) = cDrawText env p s >>= step env f
eval env (GetAlignments :>>= f) = return (ceAlignmentFns env) >>= step env f
eval env (WithTransform m p :>>= f) = cWithTransform env m p >>= step env f
eval env (WithFontStyle font p :>>= f) = cWithFontStyle env font p >>= step env f
eval env (WithFillStyle fs p :>>= f) = cWithFillStyle env fs p >>= step env f
eval env (WithLineStyle ls p :>>= f) = cWithLineStyle env ls p >>= step env f
eval env (WithClipRegion r p :>>= f) = cWithClipRegion env r p >>= step env f
step :: CEnv -> (v -> ChartBackend a) -> v -> C.Render a
step env f = \v -> runBackend' env (f v)
walkPath :: Path -> C.Render ()
walkPath (MoveTo p path) = C.moveTo (p_x p) (p_y p) >> walkPath path
walkPath (LineTo p path) = C.lineTo (p_x p) (p_y p) >> walkPath path
walkPath (Arc p r a1 a2 path) = C.arc (p_x p) (p_y p) r a1 a2 >> walkPath path
walkPath (ArcNeg p r a1 a2 path) = C.arcNegative (p_x p) (p_y p) r a1 a2 >> walkPath path
walkPath End = return ()
walkPath Close = C.closePath
cStrokePath :: CEnv -> Path -> C.Render ()
cStrokePath env p = preserveCState0 $ do
setSourceColor (cePathColor env)
C.newPath >> walkPath p >> C.stroke
cFillPath :: CEnv -> Path -> C.Render ()
cFillPath env p = preserveCState0 $ do
setSourceColor (ceFillColor env)
C.newPath >> walkPath p >> C.fill
cTextSize :: String -> C.Render TextSize
cTextSize text = do
te <- C.textExtents text
fe <- C.fontExtents
return $ TextSize
{ textSizeWidth = C.textExtentsWidth te
, textSizeAscent = C.fontExtentsAscent fe
, textSizeDescent = C.fontExtentsDescent fe
, textSizeYBearing = C.textExtentsYbearing te
, textSizeHeight = C.fontExtentsHeight fe
cDrawText :: CEnv -> Point -> String -> C.Render ()
cDrawText env p text = preserveCState0 $ do
setSourceColor $ (ceFontColor env)
cTranslate p
C.moveTo 0 0
C.showText text
cWithTransform :: CEnv -> Matrix -> ChartBackend a -> C.Render a
cWithTransform env m p = preserveCState0 $ do
C.transform (convertMatrix m)
runBackend' env p
cWithFontStyle :: CEnv -> FontStyle -> ChartBackend a -> C.Render a
cWithFontStyle env font p = preserveCState0 $ do
C.selectFontFace (G._font_name font)
(convertFontSlant $ G._font_slant font)
(convertFontWeight $ G._font_weight font)
C.setFontSize (G._font_size font)
runBackend' env{ceFontColor=G._font_color font} p
cWithFillStyle :: CEnv -> FillStyle -> ChartBackend a -> C.Render a
cWithFillStyle env fs p = do
runBackend' env{ceFillColor=G._fill_color fs} p
cWithLineStyle :: CEnv -> LineStyle -> ChartBackend a -> C.Render a
cWithLineStyle env ls p = preserveCState0 $ do
C.setLineWidth (G._line_width ls)
C.setLineCap (convertLineCap $ G._line_cap ls)
C.setLineJoin (convertLineJoin $ G._line_join ls)
C.setDash (G._line_dashes ls) 0
runBackend' env{cePathColor=G._line_color ls} p
cWithClipRegion :: CEnv -> Rect -> ChartBackend a -> C.Render a
cWithClipRegion env r p = preserveCState0 $ do
setClipRegion r
runBackend' env p
data FileFormat = PNG
| PS
data FileOptions = FileOptions {
_fo_size :: (Int,Int),
_fo_format :: FileFormat
instance Default FileOptions where
def = FileOptions (800,600) PNG
renderableToFile :: FileOptions -> FilePath -> Renderable a -> IO (PickFn a)
renderableToFile fo path r = cBackendToFile fo cr path
cr = render r (fromIntegral width, fromIntegral height)
(width,height) = _fo_size fo
toFile :: (Default r, ToRenderable r) => FileOptions -> FilePath -> EC r () -> IO ()
toFile fo path ec = void $ renderableToFile fo path (toRenderable (execEC ec))
cBackendToFile :: FileOptions -> ChartBackend a -> FilePath -> IO a
cBackendToFile fo cr path = do
case (_fo_format fo) of
PS -> write C.withPSSurface
PDF -> write C.withPDFSurface
SVG -> write C.withSVGSurface
PNG -> writePNG
write withSurface = do
withSurface path (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height) $ \result -> do
pf <- C.renderWith result $ do
pf <- runBackend (defaultEnv vectorAlignmentFns) cr
return pf
C.surfaceFinish result
return pf
writePNG = C.withImageSurface C.FormatARGB32 width height $ \result -> do
pf <- C.renderWith result $ runBackend (defaultEnv bitmapAlignmentFns) cr
C.surfaceWriteToPNG result path
return pf
(width,height) = _fo_size fo
convertLineJoin :: G.LineJoin -> C.LineJoin
convertLineJoin lj = case lj of
G.LineJoinMiter -> C.LineJoinMiter
G.LineJoinRound -> C.LineJoinRound
G.LineJoinBevel -> C.LineJoinBevel
convertLineCap :: G.LineCap -> C.LineCap
convertLineCap lc = case lc of
G.LineCapRound -> C.LineCapRound
G.LineCapButt -> C.LineCapButt
G.LineCapSquare -> C.LineCapSquare
convertFontSlant :: G.FontSlant -> C.FontSlant
convertFontSlant fs = case fs of
G.FontSlantItalic -> C.FontSlantItalic
G.FontSlantNormal -> C.FontSlantNormal
G.FontSlantOblique -> C.FontSlantOblique
convertFontWeight :: G.FontWeight -> C.FontWeight
convertFontWeight fw = case fw of
G.FontWeightBold -> C.FontWeightBold
G.FontWeightNormal -> C.FontWeightNormal
convertMatrix :: G.Matrix -> CM.Matrix
convertMatrix (G.Matrix a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2) = CM.Matrix a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2
setClipRegion :: Rect -> C.Render ()
setClipRegion (Rect p2 p3) = do
C.moveTo (p_x p2) (p_y p2)
C.lineTo (p_x p2) (p_y p3)
C.lineTo (p_x p3) (p_y p3)
C.lineTo (p_x p3) (p_y p2)
C.lineTo (p_x p2) (p_y p2)
colourChannel :: (Floating a, Ord a) => AlphaColour a -> Colour a
colourChannel c = darken (recip (alphaChannel c)) (c `over` black)
setSourceColor :: AlphaColour Double -> C.Render ()
setSourceColor c = let (RGB r g b) = toSRGB $ colourChannel c
in C.setSourceRGBA r g b (alphaChannel c)
preserveCState0 :: C.Render a -> C.Render a
preserveCState0 a = do
v <- a
return v
cTranslate :: Point -> C.Render ()
cTranslate p = C.translate (p_x p) (p_y p)
cLineTo :: Point -> C.Render ()
cLineTo p = C.lineTo (p_x p) (p_y p)
cMoveTo :: Point -> C.Render ()
cMoveTo p = C.moveTo (p_x p) (p_y p)
cArc :: Point -> Double -> Double -> Double -> C.Render ()
cArc p r a1 a2 = C.arc (p_x p) (p_y p) r a1 a2
cArcNegative :: Point -> Double -> Double -> Double -> C.Render ()
cArcNegative p r a1 a2 = C.arcNegative (p_x p) (p_y p) r a1 a2
$( makeLenses ''FileOptions )