module Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.Floating(
) where
import Data.List(minimumBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Default.Class
import Numeric (showEFloat, showFFloat)
import Control.Lens
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Geometry
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Utils
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.Types
instance PlotValue Double where
toValue = id
fromValue= id
autoAxis = autoScaledAxis def
instance PlotValue Float where
toValue = realToFrac
fromValue= realToFrac
autoAxis = autoScaledAxis def
newtype Percent = Percent {unPercent :: Double}
deriving (Eq,Ord,Num,Real,Fractional,RealFrac,Floating,RealFloat)
instance Show Percent where
show (Percent d) = showD (d*100) ++ "%"
instance PlotValue Percent where
toValue = unPercent
fromValue= Percent
autoAxis = autoScaledAxis def
newtype LogValue = LogValue Double
deriving (Eq, Ord, Num, Real, Fractional, RealFrac, Floating, RealFloat)
instance Show LogValue where
show (LogValue x) = show x
instance PlotValue LogValue where
toValue (LogValue x) = log x
fromValue d = LogValue (exp d)
autoAxis = autoScaledLogAxis def
showDs :: forall d . (RealFloat d) => [d] -> [String]
showDs xs = case showWithoutOffset xs of
| anyEqualNeighbor s0 others -> map addShownOffset $ showWithoutOffset (map (\x -> x offset) xs)
s -> s
anyEqualNeighbor z0 (z1:others)
| z0 == z1 = True
| otherwise = anyEqualNeighbor z1 others
anyEqualNeighbor _ [] = False
offset :: d
offset = minimum xs
shownOffset = case showWithoutOffset [offset] of
[r] -> r
rs -> error $ "showDs: shownOffset expected 1 element, got " ++ show (length rs)
addShownOffset :: String -> String
addShownOffset ('-':x) = shownOffset ++ " - " ++ x
addShownOffset x = shownOffset ++ " + " ++ x
showWithoutOffset :: RealFloat d => [d] -> [String]
showWithoutOffset xs
| useScientificNotation = map (\x -> showEFloat' (Just 1) x) xs
| otherwise = map showD xs
useScientificNotation = maxAbs >= 1e6 || maxAbs <= 1e-6
maxAbs = maximum (map abs xs)
showEFloat' :: forall d . RealFloat d => Maybe Int -> d -> String
showEFloat' mdigits x = reverse $ cleanup0 (reverse shown0)
shown0 = showEFloat mdigits x ""
cleanup0 :: String -> String
cleanup0 (e@'e':ys) = e:cleanup1 ys
cleanup0 (y:ys) = y : cleanup0 ys
cleanup0 [] = reverse shown0
cleanup1 :: String -> String
cleanup1 ('0':ys@('0':_)) = cleanup1 ys
cleanup1 y = y
showD :: (RealFloat d) => d -> String
showD x = case reverse $ showFFloat Nothing x "" of
'0':'.':r -> reverse r
r -> reverse r
data LinearAxisParams a = LinearAxisParams {
_la_labelf :: [a] -> [String],
_la_nLabels :: Int,
_la_nTicks :: Int
instance (Show a, RealFloat a) => Default (LinearAxisParams a) where
def = LinearAxisParams
{ _la_labelf = showDs
, _la_nLabels = 5
, _la_nTicks = 50
scaledAxis :: RealFloat a => LinearAxisParams a -> (a,a) -> AxisFn a
scaledAxis lap rs@(minV,maxV) ps0 = makeAxis' realToFrac realToFrac
(_la_labelf lap) (labelvs,tickvs,gridvs)
ps = filter isValidNumber ps0
range [] = (0,1)
range _ | minV == maxV = if minV==0 then (1,1) else
let d = abs (minV * 0.01) in (minVd,maxV+d)
| otherwise = rs
labelvs = map fromRational $ steps (fromIntegral (_la_nLabels lap)) r
tickvs = map fromRational $ steps (fromIntegral (_la_nTicks lap))
(minimum labelvs,maximum labelvs)
gridvs = labelvs
r = range ps
autoScaledAxis :: RealFloat a => LinearAxisParams a -> AxisFn a
autoScaledAxis lap ps0 = scaledAxis lap rs ps
ps = filter isValidNumber ps0
rs = (minimum ps,maximum ps)
steps :: RealFloat a => a -> (a,a) -> [Rational]
steps nSteps rs@(minV,maxV) = map ((s*) . fromIntegral) [min' .. max']
s = chooseStep nSteps rs
min' :: Integer
min' = floor $ realToFrac minV / s
max' = ceiling $ realToFrac maxV / s
chooseStep :: RealFloat a => a -> (a,a) -> Rational
chooseStep nsteps (x1,x2) = minimumBy (comparing proximity) stepVals
delta = x2 x1
mult | delta == 0 = 1
| otherwise = 10 ^^ ((floor $ log10 $ delta / nsteps)::Integer)
stepVals = map (mult*) [0.1,0.2,0.25,0.5,1.0,2.0,2.5,5.0,10,20,25,50]
proximity x = abs $ delta / realToFrac x nsteps
autoSteps :: Int -> [Double] -> [Double]
autoSteps nSteps vs = map fromRational $ steps (fromIntegral nSteps) r
range [] = (0,1)
range _ | minV == maxV = (minV0.5,minV+0.5)
| otherwise = rs
rs@(minV,maxV) = (minimum ps,maximum ps)
ps = filter isValidNumber vs
r = range ps
instance (Show a, RealFloat a) => Default (LogAxisParams a) where
def = LogAxisParams
{ _loga_labelf = showDs
autoScaledLogAxis :: RealFloat a => LogAxisParams a -> AxisFn a
autoScaledLogAxis lap ps0 =
makeAxis' (realToFrac . log) (realToFrac . exp)
(_loga_labelf lap) (wrap rlabelvs, wrap rtickvs, wrap rgridvs)
ps = filter (\x -> isValidNumber x && 0 < x) ps0
(minV,maxV) = (minimum ps,maximum ps)
wrap = map fromRational
range [] = (3,30)
range _ | minV == maxV = (realToFrac $ minV/3, realToFrac $ maxV*3)
| otherwise = (realToFrac $ minV, realToFrac $ maxV)
(rlabelvs, rtickvs, rgridvs) = logTicks (range ps)
data LogAxisParams a = LogAxisParams {
_loga_labelf :: [a] -> [String]
logTicks :: Range -> ([Rational],[Rational],[Rational])
logTicks (low,high) = (major,minor,major)
pf :: RealFrac a => a -> (Integer, a)
pf = properFraction
frac :: (RealFrac a) => a -> (Integer, a)
frac x | 0 <= b = (a,b)
| otherwise = (a1,b+1)
(a,b) = properFraction x
ratio = high/low
lower a l = let (i,r) = frac (log10 a) in
maximum (1:filter (\x -> log10 (fromRational x) <= r) l)*10^^i
upper a l = let (i,r) = pf (log10 a) in
minimum (10:filter (\x -> r <= log10 (fromRational x)) l)*10^^i
powers :: (Double,Double) -> [Rational] -> [Rational]
powers (x,y) l = [ a*10^^p | p <- [(floor (log10 x))..(ceiling (log10 y))] :: [Integer]
, a <- l ]
midselection r l = filter (inRange r l) (powers r l)
inRange (a,b) l x = (lower a l <= x) && (x <= upper b l)
logRange = (log10 low, log10 high)
roundPow x = 10^^(round x :: Integer)
major | 17.5 < log10 ratio = map roundPow $
steps (min 5 (log10 ratio)) logRange
| 12 < log10 ratio = map roundPow $
steps (log10 ratio / 5) logRange
| 6 < log10 ratio = map roundPow $
steps (log10 ratio / 2) logRange
| 3 < log10 ratio = midselection (low,high) [1,10]
| 20 < ratio = midselection (low,high) [1,5,10]
| 6 < ratio = midselection (low,high) [1,2,4,6,8,10]
| 3 < ratio = midselection (low,high) [1..10]
| otherwise = steps 5 (low,high)
(l',h') = (minimum major, maximum major)
(dl',dh') = (fromRational l', fromRational h')
ratio' :: Double
ratio' = fromRational (h'/l')
filterX = filter (\x -> l'<=x && x <=h') . powers (dl',dh')
minor | 50 < log10 ratio' = map roundPow $
steps 50 (log10 dl', log10 dh')
| 6 < log10 ratio' = filterX [1,10]
| 3 < log10 ratio' = filterX [1,5,10]
| 6 < ratio' = filterX [1..10]
| 3 < ratio' = filterX [1,1.2..10]
| otherwise = steps 50 (dl', dh')
log10 :: (Floating a) => a -> a
log10 = logBase 10
$( makeLenses ''LinearAxisParams )
$( makeLenses ''LogAxisParams )