module Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Plot.Bars(
) where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Data.List(nub,sort)
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Geometry hiding (x0, y0)
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Drawing
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Plot.Types
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis
import Data.Colour (opaque)
import Data.Colour.Names (black)
import Data.Default.Class
class PlotValue a => BarsPlotValue a where
barsReference :: a
barsAdd :: a -> a -> a
instance BarsPlotValue Double where
barsReference = 0
barsAdd = (+)
instance BarsPlotValue Int where
barsReference = 0
barsAdd = (+)
data PlotBarsStyle
= BarsStacked
| BarsClustered
deriving (Show)
data PlotBarsSpacing
= BarsFixWidth Double
| BarsFixGap Double Double
deriving (Show)
data PlotBarsAlignment = BarsLeft
| BarsCentered
| BarsRight
deriving (Show)
data PlotBars x y = PlotBars {
_plot_bars_style :: PlotBarsStyle,
_plot_bars_item_styles :: [ (FillStyle,Maybe LineStyle) ],
_plot_bars_titles :: [String],
_plot_bars_spacing :: PlotBarsSpacing,
_plot_bars_alignment :: PlotBarsAlignment,
_plot_bars_reference :: y,
_plot_bars_singleton_width :: Double,
_plot_bars_values :: [ (x,[y]) ]
instance BarsPlotValue y => Default (PlotBars x y) where
def = PlotBars
{ _plot_bars_style = BarsClustered
, _plot_bars_item_styles = cycle istyles
, _plot_bars_titles = []
, _plot_bars_spacing = BarsFixGap 10 2
, _plot_bars_alignment = BarsCentered
, _plot_bars_values = []
, _plot_bars_singleton_width = 20
, _plot_bars_reference = barsReference
istyles = map mkstyle defaultColorSeq
mkstyle c = (solidFillStyle c, Just (solidLine 1.0 $ opaque black))
plotBars :: (BarsPlotValue y) => PlotBars x y -> Plot x y
plotBars p = Plot {
_plot_render = renderPlotBars p,
_plot_legend = zip (_plot_bars_titles p)
(map renderPlotLegendBars
(_plot_bars_item_styles p)),
_plot_all_points = allBarPoints p
renderPlotBars :: (BarsPlotValue y) => PlotBars x y -> PointMapFn x y -> BackendProgram ()
renderPlotBars p pmap = case _plot_bars_style p of
BarsClustered -> forM_ vals clusteredBars
BarsStacked -> forM_ vals stackedBars
clusteredBars (x,ys) = do
forM_ (zip3 [0,1..] ys styles) $ \(i, y, (fstyle,_)) ->
withFillStyle fstyle $
alignFillPath (barPath (offset i) x yref0 y)
>>= fillPath
forM_ (zip3 [0,1..] ys styles) $ \(i, y, (_,mlstyle)) ->
whenJust mlstyle $ \lstyle ->
withLineStyle lstyle $
alignStrokePath (barPath (offset i) x yref0 y)
>>= strokePath
offset = case _plot_bars_alignment p of
BarsLeft -> \i -> fromIntegral i * width
BarsRight -> \i -> fromIntegral (inys) * width
BarsCentered -> \i -> fromIntegral (2*inys) * width/2
stackedBars (x,ys) = do
let y2s = zip (yref0:stack ys) (stack ys)
let ofs = case _plot_bars_alignment p of
BarsLeft -> 0
BarsRight -> width
BarsCentered -> (width/2)
forM_ (zip y2s styles) $ \((y0,y1), (fstyle,_)) ->
withFillStyle fstyle $
alignFillPath (barPath ofs x y0 y1)
>>= fillPath
forM_ (zip y2s styles) $ \((y0,y1), (_,mlstyle)) ->
whenJust mlstyle $ \lstyle ->
withLineStyle lstyle $
alignStrokePath (barPath ofs x y0 y1)
>>= strokePath
barPath xos x y0 y1 = do
let (Point x' y') = pmap' (x,y1)
let (Point _ y0') = pmap' (x,y0)
rectPath (Rect (Point (x'+xos) y0') (Point (x'+xos+width) y'))
yref0 = _plot_bars_reference p
vals = _plot_bars_values p
width = case _plot_bars_spacing p of
BarsFixGap gap minw -> let w = max (minXInterval gap) minw in
case _plot_bars_style p of
BarsClustered -> w / fromIntegral nys
BarsStacked -> w
BarsFixWidth width' -> width'
styles = _plot_bars_item_styles p
minXInterval = let diffs = zipWith () (tail mxs) mxs
in if null diffs
then _plot_bars_singleton_width p
else minimum diffs
xs = fst (allBarPoints p)
mxs = nub $ sort $ map mapX xs
nys = maximum [ length ys | (_,ys) <- vals ]
pmap' = mapXY pmap
mapX x = p_x (pmap' (x,barsReference))
whenJust :: (Monad m) => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
whenJust (Just a) f = f a
whenJust _ _ = return ()
allBarPoints :: (BarsPlotValue y) => PlotBars x y -> ([x],[y])
allBarPoints p = case _plot_bars_style p of
BarsClustered -> ( [x| (x,_) <- pts], y0:concat [ys| (_,ys) <- pts] )
BarsStacked -> ( [x| (x,_) <- pts], y0:concat [stack ys | (_,ys) <- pts] )
pts = _plot_bars_values p
y0 = _plot_bars_reference p
stack :: (BarsPlotValue y) => [y] -> [y]
stack = scanl1 barsAdd
renderPlotLegendBars :: (FillStyle,Maybe LineStyle) -> Rect -> BackendProgram ()
renderPlotLegendBars (fstyle,_) r =
withFillStyle fstyle $
fillPath (rectPath r)
$( makeLenses ''PlotBars )