module Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Layout
( Layout(..)
, LayoutLR(..)
, LayoutAxis(..)
, LayoutPick(..)
, StackedLayouts(..)
, StackedLayout(..)
, MAxisFn
, layoutToRenderable
, layoutLRToRenderable
, setLayoutForeground
, updateAllAxesStyles
, setLayoutLRForeground
, updateAllAxesStylesLR
, defaultLayoutAxis
, laxis_title_style
, laxis_title
, laxis_style
, laxis_generate
, laxis_override
, laxis_reverse
, layout_background
, layout_plot_background
, layout_title
, layout_title_style
, layout_x_axis
, layout_top_axis_visibility
, layout_bottom_axis_visibility
, layout_y_axis
, layout_left_axis_visibility
, layout_right_axis_visibility
, layout_margin
, layout_plots
, layout_legend
, layout_grid_last
, layoutlr_background
, layoutlr_plot_background
, layoutlr_title
, layoutlr_title_style
, layoutlr_x_axis
, layoutlr_top_axis_visibility
, layoutlr_bottom_axis_visibility
, layoutlr_left_axis
, layoutlr_right_axis
, layoutlr_left_axis_visibility
, layoutlr_right_axis_visibility
, layoutlr_plots
, layoutlr_legend
, layoutlr_margin
, layoutlr_grid_last
, defaultStackedLayouts
, slayouts_layouts
, slayouts_compress_legend
, renderStackedLayouts
) where
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Geometry
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Drawing
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Utils
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Plot
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Legend
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Renderable
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Grid
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader (local)
import Control.Lens
import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.Names (white)
import Data.Default.Class
type MAxisFn t = [t] -> Maybe (AxisData t)
data LayoutAxis x = LayoutAxis
{ _laxis_title_style :: FontStyle
, _laxis_title :: String
, _laxis_style :: AxisStyle
, _laxis_generate :: AxisFn x
, _laxis_override :: AxisData x -> AxisData x
, _laxis_reverse :: Bool
data LayoutPick x y1 y2 = LayoutPick_Legend String
| LayoutPick_Title String
| LayoutPick_XTopAxisTitle String
| LayoutPick_XBottomAxisTitle String
| LayoutPick_YLeftAxisTitle String
| LayoutPick_YRightAxisTitle String
| LayoutPick_PlotArea x y1 y2
| LayoutPick_XTopAxis x
| LayoutPick_XBottomAxis x
| LayoutPick_YLeftAxis y1
| LayoutPick_YRightAxis y2
deriving (Show)
type LegendItem = (String,Rect -> ChartBackend ())
data Layout x y = Layout
{ _layout_background :: FillStyle
, _layout_plot_background :: Maybe FillStyle
, _layout_title :: String
, _layout_title_style :: FontStyle
, _layout_x_axis :: LayoutAxis x
, _layout_top_axis_visibility :: AxisVisibility
, _layout_bottom_axis_visibility :: AxisVisibility
, _layout_y_axis :: LayoutAxis y
, _layout_left_axis_visibility :: AxisVisibility
, _layout_right_axis_visibility :: AxisVisibility
, _layout_plots :: [Plot x y]
, _layout_legend :: Maybe LegendStyle
, _layout_margin :: Double
, _layout_grid_last :: Bool
instance (Ord x, Ord y) => ToRenderable (Layout x y) where
toRenderable = setPickFn nullPickFn . layoutToRenderable
layoutToRenderable :: forall x y . (Ord x, Ord y) => Layout x y -> Renderable (LayoutPick x y y)
layoutToRenderable l = fillBackground (_layout_background l)
$ gridToRenderable (layoutToGrid l)
layoutToGrid l = aboveN
[ tval $ titleToRenderable (_layout_margin l) (_layout_title_style l) (_layout_title l)
, weights (1,1) $ tval $ gridToRenderable $
addMarginsToGrid (lm,lm,lm,lm) (layoutPlotAreaToGrid l)
, tval $ renderLegend l (getLegendItems l)
lm = _layout_margin l
getLayoutXVals :: Layout x y -> [x]
getLayoutXVals l = concatMap (fst . _plot_all_points) (_layout_plots l)
getLegendItems :: Layout x y -> [LegendItem]
getLegendItems l = concat [ _plot_legend p | p <- _layout_plots l ]
renderLegend :: Layout x y -> [LegendItem] -> Renderable (LayoutPick x y y)
renderLegend l legItems = gridToRenderable g
g = besideN [ tval $ mkLegend (_layout_legend l) (_layout_margin l) legItems
, weights (1,1) $ tval $ emptyRenderable ]
layoutPlotAreaToGrid :: forall x y. (Ord x, Ord y) =>
Layout x y -> Grid (Renderable (LayoutPick x y y))
layoutPlotAreaToGrid l = buildGrid LayoutGridElements{
lge_plots = mfill (_layout_plot_background l) $ plotsToRenderable l,
lge_taxis = (tAxis,_laxis_title $ _layout_x_axis l, _laxis_title_style $ _layout_x_axis l),
lge_baxis = (bAxis,_laxis_title $ _layout_x_axis l, _laxis_title_style $ _layout_x_axis l),
lge_laxis = (lAxis,_laxis_title $ _layout_y_axis l, _laxis_title_style $ _layout_y_axis l),
lge_raxis = (rAxis,"", def),
lge_margin = _layout_margin l
xvals = [ x | p <- (_layout_plots l), x <- fst $ _plot_all_points p]
yvals = [ y | p <- (_layout_plots l), y <- snd $ _plot_all_points p]
bAxis = mkAxis E_Bottom (overrideAxisVisibility l _layout_x_axis _layout_bottom_axis_visibility) xvals
tAxis = mkAxis E_Top (overrideAxisVisibility l _layout_x_axis _layout_top_axis_visibility ) xvals
lAxis = mkAxis E_Left (overrideAxisVisibility l _layout_y_axis _layout_left_axis_visibility ) yvals
rAxis = mkAxis E_Right (overrideAxisVisibility l _layout_y_axis _layout_right_axis_visibility ) yvals
axes = (bAxis,lAxis,tAxis,rAxis)
plotsToRenderable l = Renderable {
minsize = return (0,0),
render = renderPlots l
renderPlots :: Layout x y -> RectSize -> ChartBackend (PickFn (LayoutPick x y y))
renderPlots l sz@(w,h) = do
when (not (_layout_grid_last l)) (renderGrids sz axes)
withClipRegion (Rect (Point 0 0) (Point w h)) $ do
mapM_ rPlot (_layout_plots l)
when (_layout_grid_last l) (renderGrids sz axes)
return pickfn
rPlot p = renderSinglePlot sz bAxis lAxis p
xr = (0, w)
yr = (h, 0)
pickfn :: PickFn (LayoutPick x y y)
pickfn (Point x y) = do
xat <- mxat
yat <- myat
return (LayoutPick_PlotArea (mapx xat x) (mapy yat y) (mapy yat y))
mxat = case (bAxis,tAxis) of
(Just at,_) -> Just at
(_,Just at) -> Just at
(Nothing,Nothing) -> Nothing
myat = case (lAxis,rAxis) of
(Just at,_) -> Just at
(_,Just at) -> Just at
(Nothing,Nothing) -> Nothing
mapx (AxisT _ _ rev ad) x = _axis_tropweiv ad (optPairReverse rev xr) x
mapy (AxisT _ _ rev ad) y = _axis_tropweiv ad (optPairReverse rev yr) y
instance (PlotValue x, PlotValue y) => Default (Layout x y) where
def = Layout
{ _layout_background = solidFillStyle $ opaque white
, _layout_plot_background = Nothing
, _layout_title = ""
, _layout_title_style = def { _font_size = 15
, _font_weight = FontWeightBold }
, _layout_x_axis = def
, _layout_top_axis_visibility = def { _axis_show_line = False
, _axis_show_ticks = False
, _axis_show_labels = False }
, _layout_bottom_axis_visibility = def
, _layout_y_axis = def
, _layout_left_axis_visibility = def
, _layout_right_axis_visibility = def { _axis_show_line = False
, _axis_show_ticks = False
, _axis_show_labels = False }
, _layout_margin = 10
, _layout_plots = []
, _layout_legend = Just def
, _layout_grid_last = False
data LayoutLR x y1 y2 = LayoutLR
{ _layoutlr_background :: FillStyle
, _layoutlr_plot_background :: Maybe FillStyle
, _layoutlr_title :: String
, _layoutlr_title_style :: FontStyle
, _layoutlr_x_axis :: LayoutAxis x
, _layoutlr_top_axis_visibility :: AxisVisibility
, _layoutlr_bottom_axis_visibility :: AxisVisibility
, _layoutlr_left_axis :: LayoutAxis y1
, _layoutlr_left_axis_visibility :: AxisVisibility
, _layoutlr_right_axis :: LayoutAxis y2
, _layoutlr_right_axis_visibility :: AxisVisibility
, _layoutlr_plots :: [Either (Plot x y1) (Plot x y2)]
, _layoutlr_legend :: Maybe LegendStyle
, _layoutlr_margin :: Double
, _layoutlr_grid_last :: Bool
instance (Ord x, Ord yl, Ord yr) => ToRenderable (LayoutLR x yl yr) where
toRenderable = setPickFn nullPickFn . layoutLRToRenderable
layoutLRToRenderable :: forall x yl yr . (Ord x, Ord yl, Ord yr)
=> LayoutLR x yl yr -> Renderable (LayoutPick x yl yr)
layoutLRToRenderable l = fillBackground (_layoutlr_background l)
$ gridToRenderable (layoutLRToGrid l)
layoutLRToGrid l = aboveN
[ tval $ titleToRenderable (_layoutlr_margin l) (_layoutlr_title_style l) (_layoutlr_title l)
, weights (1,1) $ tval $ gridToRenderable $
addMarginsToGrid (lm,lm,lm,lm) (layoutLRPlotAreaToGrid l)
, tval $ renderLegendLR l (getLegendItemsLR l)
lm = _layoutlr_margin l
getLayoutLRXVals :: LayoutLR x yl yr -> [x]
getLayoutLRXVals l = concatMap deEither $ _layoutlr_plots l
deEither :: Either (Plot x yl) (Plot x yr) -> [x]
deEither (Left x) = fst $ _plot_all_points x
deEither (Right x) = fst $ _plot_all_points x
getLegendItemsLR :: LayoutLR x yl yr -> ([LegendItem],[LegendItem])
getLegendItemsLR l = (
concat [ _plot_legend p | (Left p ) <- (_layoutlr_plots l) ],
concat [ _plot_legend p | (Right p) <- (_layoutlr_plots l) ]
renderLegendLR :: LayoutLR x yl yr -> ([LegendItem],[LegendItem]) -> Renderable (LayoutPick x yl yr)
renderLegendLR l (lefts,rights) = gridToRenderable g
g = besideN [ tval $ mkLegend (_layoutlr_legend l) (_layoutlr_margin l) lefts
, weights (1,1) $ tval $ emptyRenderable
, tval $ mkLegend (_layoutlr_legend l) (_layoutlr_margin l) rights ]
lm = _layoutlr_margin l
layoutLRPlotAreaToGrid :: forall x yl yr. (Ord x, Ord yl, Ord yr)
=> LayoutLR x yl yr
-> Grid (Renderable (LayoutPick x yl yr))
layoutLRPlotAreaToGrid l = buildGrid LayoutGridElements{
lge_plots = mfill (_layoutlr_plot_background l) $ plotsToRenderable l,
lge_taxis = (tAxis,_laxis_title $ _layoutlr_x_axis l, _laxis_title_style $ _layoutlr_x_axis l),
lge_baxis = (bAxis,_laxis_title $ _layoutlr_x_axis l, _laxis_title_style $ _layoutlr_x_axis l),
lge_laxis = (lAxis,_laxis_title $ _layoutlr_left_axis l, _laxis_title_style $ _layoutlr_left_axis l),
lge_raxis = (rAxis,_laxis_title $ _layoutlr_right_axis l, _laxis_title_style $ _layoutlr_right_axis l),
lge_margin = _layoutlr_margin l
xvals = [ x | (Left p) <- _layoutlr_plots l, x <- fst $ _plot_all_points p]
++ [ x | (Right p) <- _layoutlr_plots l, x <- fst $ _plot_all_points p]
yvalsL = [ y | (Left p) <- _layoutlr_plots l, y <- snd $ _plot_all_points p]
yvalsR = [ y | (Right p) <- _layoutlr_plots l, y <- snd $ _plot_all_points p]
bAxis = mkAxis E_Bottom (overrideAxisVisibility l _layoutlr_x_axis _layoutlr_bottom_axis_visibility) xvals
tAxis = mkAxis E_Top (overrideAxisVisibility l _layoutlr_x_axis _layoutlr_top_axis_visibility ) xvals
lAxis = mkAxis E_Left (overrideAxisVisibility l _layoutlr_left_axis _layoutlr_left_axis_visibility ) yvalsL
rAxis = mkAxis E_Right (overrideAxisVisibility l _layoutlr_right_axis _layoutlr_right_axis_visibility) yvalsR
axes = (bAxis,lAxis,tAxis,rAxis)
plotsToRenderable l = Renderable {
minsize = return (0,0),
render = renderPlots l
renderPlots :: LayoutLR x yl yr -> RectSize -> ChartBackend (PickFn (LayoutPick x yl yr))
renderPlots l sz@(w,h) = do
when (not (_layoutlr_grid_last l)) (renderGrids sz axes)
withClipRegion (Rect (Point 0 0) (Point w h)) $ do
mapM_ rPlot (_layoutlr_plots l)
when (_layoutlr_grid_last l) (renderGrids sz axes)
return pickfn
rPlot (Left p) = renderSinglePlot sz bAxis lAxis p
rPlot (Right p) = renderSinglePlot sz bAxis rAxis p
xr = (0, w)
yr = (h, 0)
pickfn (Point x y) = do
xat <- mxat
(yatL,yatR) <- myats
return (LayoutPick_PlotArea (mapx xat x) (mapy yatL y) (mapy yatR y))
mxat = case (bAxis,tAxis) of
(Just at,_) -> Just at
(_,Just at) -> Just at
(Nothing,Nothing) -> Nothing
myats = case (lAxis,rAxis) of
(Just at1,Just at2) -> Just (at1,at2)
(_,_) -> Nothing
mapx (AxisT _ _ rev ad) x = _axis_tropweiv ad (optPairReverse rev xr) x
mapy (AxisT _ _ rev ad) y = _axis_tropweiv ad (optPairReverse rev yr) y
data StackedLayout x = forall y . (Ord y) => StackedLayout (Layout x y)
| forall yl yr . (Ord yl, Ord yr) => StackedLayoutLR (LayoutLR x yl yr)
data StackedLayouts x = StackedLayouts
{ _slayouts_layouts :: [StackedLayout x]
, _slayouts_compress_legend :: Bool
defaultStackedLayouts :: StackedLayouts x
defaultStackedLayouts = def
instance Default (StackedLayouts x) where
def = StackedLayouts [] True
renderStackedLayouts :: forall x. (Ord x) => StackedLayouts x -> Renderable ()
renderStackedLayouts (StackedLayouts{_slayouts_layouts=[]}) = emptyRenderable
renderStackedLayouts slp@(StackedLayouts{_slayouts_layouts=sls@(sl1:_)}) = gridToRenderable g
g = fullOverlayUnder (fillBackground bg emptyRenderable)
$ foldr (above.mkGrid) nullt (zip sls [0,1..])
mkGrid :: (StackedLayout x, Int) -> Grid (Renderable ())
mkGrid (sl, i)
= titleR
(addMarginsToGrid (lm,lm,lm,lm) $ mkPlotArea usedAxis)
(if showLegend then legendR else emptyRenderable)
titleR = case sl of
StackedLayout l -> noPickFn $ titleToRenderable (_layout_margin l) (_layout_title_style l) (_layout_title l)
StackedLayoutLR l -> noPickFn $ titleToRenderable (_layoutlr_margin l) (_layoutlr_title_style l) (_layoutlr_title l)
legendR = case sl of
StackedLayout l -> noPickFn $ renderLegend l $ fst legenditems
StackedLayoutLR l -> noPickFn $ renderLegendLR l legenditems
legenditems = case (_slayouts_compress_legend slp,isBottomPlot) of
(False,_) -> case sl of
StackedLayout l -> (getLegendItems l, [])
StackedLayoutLR l -> getLegendItemsLR l
(True,True) -> allLegendItems
(True,False) -> ([],[])
mkPlotArea :: LayoutAxis x -> Grid (Renderable ())
mkPlotArea axis = case sl of
StackedLayout l -> fmap noPickFn
$ layoutPlotAreaToGrid
$ l { _layout_x_axis = axis }
StackedLayoutLR l -> fmap noPickFn
$ layoutLRPlotAreaToGrid
$ l { _layoutlr_x_axis = axis }
showLegend = not (null (fst legenditems)) || not (null (snd legenditems))
isBottomPlot = i == length sls 1
lm = case sl of
StackedLayout l -> _layout_margin l
StackedLayoutLR l -> _layoutlr_margin l
xAxis :: LayoutAxis x
xAxis = case sl of
StackedLayout l -> _layout_x_axis l
StackedLayoutLR l -> _layoutlr_x_axis l
usedAxis :: LayoutAxis x
usedAxis = xAxis
{ _laxis_generate = const (_laxis_generate xAxis all_xvals) }
bg = case sl1 of
StackedLayout l -> _layout_background l
StackedLayoutLR l -> _layoutlr_background l
getXVals :: StackedLayout x -> [x]
getXVals (StackedLayout l) = getLayoutXVals l
getXVals (StackedLayoutLR l) = getLayoutLRXVals l
all_xvals = concatMap getXVals sls
allLegendItems = (concatMap (fst.legendItems) sls, concatMap (snd.legendItems) sls)
legendItems :: StackedLayout x -> ([LegendItem], [LegendItem])
legendItems (StackedLayout l) = (getLegendItems l, [])
lebendItems (StackedLayoutLR l) = getLegendItemsLR l
noPickFn :: Renderable a -> Renderable ()
noPickFn = mapPickFn (const ())
addMarginsToGrid :: (Double,Double,Double,Double) -> Grid (Renderable a)
-> Grid (Renderable a)
addMarginsToGrid (t,b,l,r) g = aboveN [
besideN [er, ts, er],
besideN [ls, g, rs],
besideN [er, bs, er]
er = empty
ts = tval $ spacer (0,t)
ls = tval $ spacer (l,0)
bs = tval $ spacer (0,b)
rs = tval $ spacer (r,0)
titleToRenderable :: Double -> FontStyle -> String -> Renderable (LayoutPick x yl yr)
titleToRenderable lm fs "" = emptyRenderable
titleToRenderable lm fs s = addMargins (lm/2,0,0,0) (mapPickFn LayoutPick_Title title)
title = label fs HTA_Centre VTA_Centre s
mkLegend :: Maybe LegendStyle -> Double -> [LegendItem] -> Renderable (LayoutPick x yl yr)
mkLegend ls lm vals = case ls of
Nothing -> emptyRenderable
Just ls -> case filter ((/="").fst) vals of
[] -> emptyRenderable ;
lvs -> addMargins (0,lm,lm,lm) $
mapPickFn LayoutPick_Legend $ legendToRenderable (Legend ls lvs)
data LayoutGridElements x yl yr = LayoutGridElements {
lge_plots :: Renderable (LayoutPick x yl yr),
lge_taxis :: (Maybe (AxisT x),String,FontStyle),
lge_baxis :: (Maybe (AxisT x),String,FontStyle),
lge_laxis :: (Maybe (AxisT yl),String,FontStyle),
lge_raxis :: (Maybe (AxisT yr),String,FontStyle),
lge_margin :: Double
buildGrid :: (Ord x, Ord yl, Ord yr) => LayoutGridElements x yl yr -> Grid (Renderable (LayoutPick x yl yr))
buildGrid lge = layer2 `overlay` layer1
layer1 = aboveN
[ besideN [er, er, er, er ]
, besideN [er, er, er, weights (1,1) plots ]
layer2 = aboveN
[ besideN [er, er, tl, taxis, tr, er, er ]
, besideN [ltitle, lam, laxis, er, raxis, ram, rtitle ]
, besideN [er, er, bl, baxis, br, er, er ]
, besideN [er, er, er, btitle, er, er, er ]
er = tval $ emptyRenderable
plots = tval $ lge_plots lge
(tdata,tlbl,tstyle) = lge_taxis lge
(bdata,blbl,bstyle) = lge_baxis lge
(ldata,llbl,lstyle) = lge_laxis lge
(rdata,rlbl,rstyle) = lge_raxis lge
(ttitle,_) = mktitle HTA_Centre VTA_Bottom 0 tlbl tstyle LayoutPick_XTopAxisTitle
(btitle,_) = mktitle HTA_Centre VTA_Top 0 blbl bstyle LayoutPick_XBottomAxisTitle
(ltitle,lam) = mktitle HTA_Right VTA_Centre 270 llbl lstyle LayoutPick_YLeftAxisTitle
(rtitle,ram) = mktitle HTA_Left VTA_Centre 270 rlbl rstyle LayoutPick_YRightAxisTitle
baxis = tval $ maybe emptyRenderable
(mapPickFn LayoutPick_XBottomAxis . axisToRenderable) bdata
taxis = tval $ maybe emptyRenderable
(mapPickFn LayoutPick_XTopAxis . axisToRenderable) tdata
laxis = tval $ maybe emptyRenderable
(mapPickFn LayoutPick_YLeftAxis . axisToRenderable) ldata
raxis = tval $ maybe emptyRenderable
(mapPickFn LayoutPick_YRightAxis . axisToRenderable) rdata
tl = tval $ axesSpacer fst tdata fst ldata
bl = tval $ axesSpacer fst bdata snd ldata
tr = tval $ axesSpacer snd tdata fst rdata
br = tval $ axesSpacer snd bdata snd rdata
mktitle :: HTextAnchor -> VTextAnchor
-> Double
-> String -> FontStyle
-> (String -> LayoutPick x yl yr)
-> ( Grid (Renderable (LayoutPick x yl yr))
, Grid (Renderable (LayoutPick x yl yr)) )
mktitle ha va rot lbl style pf = if lbl == "" then (er,er) else (label,gap)
label = tval $ mapPickFn pf $ rlabel style ha va rot lbl
gap = tval $ spacer (lge_margin lge,0)
renderGrids :: RectSize -> (Maybe (AxisT x), Maybe (AxisT yl), Maybe (AxisT x), Maybe (AxisT yr)) -> ChartBackend ()
renderGrids sz (bAxis, lAxis, tAxis, rAxis) = do
maybeM () (renderAxisGrid sz) tAxis
maybeM () (renderAxisGrid sz) bAxis
maybeM () (renderAxisGrid sz) lAxis
maybeM () (renderAxisGrid sz) rAxis
optPairReverse :: Bool -> (a,a) -> (a,a)
optPairReverse rev (a,b) = if rev then (b,a) else (a,b)
renderSinglePlot :: RectSize -> Maybe (AxisT x) -> Maybe (AxisT y) -> Plot x y -> ChartBackend ()
renderSinglePlot (w, h) (Just (AxisT _ xs xrev xaxis)) (Just (AxisT _ ys yrev yaxis)) p =
let xr = optPairReverse xrev (0, w)
yr = optPairReverse yrev (h, 0)
yrange = if yrev then (0, h) else (h, 0)
pmfn (x,y) = Point (mapv xr (_axis_viewport xaxis xr) x)
(mapv yr (_axis_viewport yaxis yr) y)
mapv (min,max) _ LMin = min
mapv (min,max) _ LMax = max
mapv _ f (LValue v) = f v
in _plot_render p pmfn
renderSinglePlot _ _ _ _ = return ()
axesSpacer :: (Ord x, Ord y)
=> ((Double, Double) -> Double) -> Maybe (AxisT x)
-> ((Double, Double) -> Double) -> Maybe (AxisT y)
-> Renderable a
axesSpacer f1 a1 f2 a2 = embedRenderable $ do
oh1 <- maybeM (0,0) axisOverhang a1
oh2 <- maybeM (0,0) axisOverhang a2
return (spacer (f1 oh1, f2 oh2))
mkAxis :: RectEdge -> LayoutAxis z -> [z] -> Maybe (AxisT z)
mkAxis edge laxis vals = case axisVisible of
False -> Nothing
True -> Just $ AxisT edge style rev adata
style = _laxis_style laxis
rev = _laxis_reverse laxis
adata = (_laxis_override laxis) (_laxis_generate laxis vals)
vis = _axis_visibility adata
axisVisible = _axis_show_labels vis || _axis_show_line vis || _axis_show_ticks vis
overrideAxisVisibility :: layout
-> (layout -> LayoutAxis z)
-> (layout -> AxisVisibility)
-> LayoutAxis z
overrideAxisVisibility ly selAxis selVis =
let vis = selVis ly
in (selAxis ly) { _laxis_override = (\ad -> ad { _axis_visibility = selVis ly })
. _laxis_override (selAxis ly)
mfill :: Maybe FillStyle -> Renderable a -> Renderable a
mfill Nothing = id
mfill (Just fs) = fillBackground fs
instance (PlotValue x, PlotValue y1, PlotValue y2) => Default (LayoutLR x y1 y2) where
def = LayoutLR
{ _layoutlr_background = solidFillStyle $ opaque white
, _layoutlr_plot_background = Nothing
, _layoutlr_title = ""
, _layoutlr_title_style = def { _font_size = 15
, _font_weight = FontWeightBold }
, _layoutlr_x_axis = def
, _layoutlr_top_axis_visibility = def { _axis_show_line = False
, _axis_show_ticks = False
, _axis_show_labels = False }
, _layoutlr_bottom_axis_visibility = def
, _layoutlr_left_axis = def
, _layoutlr_left_axis_visibility = def
, _layoutlr_right_axis = def
, _layoutlr_right_axis_visibility = def
, _layoutlr_plots = []
, _layoutlr_legend = Just def
, _layoutlr_margin = 10
, _layoutlr_grid_last = False
defaultLayoutAxis :: PlotValue t => LayoutAxis t
defaultLayoutAxis = def
instance PlotValue t => Default (LayoutAxis t) where
def = LayoutAxis
{ _laxis_title_style = def { _font_size=10 }
, _laxis_title = ""
, _laxis_style = def
, _laxis_generate = autoAxis
, _laxis_override = id
, _laxis_reverse = False
$( makeLenses ''Layout )
$( makeLenses ''LayoutLR )
$( makeLenses ''LayoutAxis )
$( makeLenses ''StackedLayouts )
updateAllAxesStyles :: (AxisStyle -> AxisStyle) -> Layout x y -> Layout x y
updateAllAxesStyles uf = (layout_x_axis . laxis_style %~ uf) .
(layout_y_axis . laxis_style %~ uf)
updateAllAxesStylesLR :: (AxisStyle -> AxisStyle) -> LayoutLR x yl yr -> LayoutLR x yl yr
updateAllAxesStylesLR uf = (layoutlr_x_axis . laxis_style %~ uf)
. (layoutlr_left_axis . laxis_style %~ uf)
. (layoutlr_right_axis . laxis_style %~ uf)
setLayoutForeground :: AlphaColour Double -> Layout x y -> Layout x y
setLayoutForeground fg =
updateAllAxesStyles ( (axis_line_style . line_color .~ fg)
. (axis_label_style . font_color .~ fg))
. (layout_title_style . font_color .~ fg)
. (layout_legend %~ fmap (legend_label_style .> font_color .~ fg))
setLayoutLRForeground :: AlphaColour Double -> LayoutLR x yl yr -> LayoutLR x yl yr
setLayoutLRForeground fg = updateAllAxesStylesLR
( (axis_line_style . line_color .~ fg)
. (axis_label_style . font_color .~ fg))
. (layoutlr_title_style . font_color .~ fg)
. (layoutlr_legend %~ fmap (legend_label_style .> font_color .~ fg))