-- | -- Module : Cartesian.Internal.Core -- Description : Defines basic functionality that is shared between Plane and Space -- Copyright : (c) Jonatan H Sundqvist, 2015 -- License : MIT -- Maintainer : Jonatan H Sundqvist -- Stability : experimental|stable -- Portability : POSIX (not sure) -- -- Created October 31 2015 -- TODO | - -- - -- SPEC | - -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GHC Pragmas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- API -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Cartesian.Internal.Core (module Cartesian.Internal.Core, module Cartesian.Internal.Types) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- We'll need these -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.List (sort) import Control.Lens ((%~)) import Cartesian.Internal.Types import Cartesian.Internal.Lenses -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Finds the overlap between two ranges (lower bound, upper bound). overlap :: (Ord n) => (n, n) -> (n, n) -> Maybe (n, n) overlap (a, b) (c, d) | min (a, b) (c, d) /= (a', b') = Just (b', c') | otherwise = Nothing where [a', b', c', d'] = sort [a, b, c, d] -- Vectors --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Applies a function to each component in a vector dotmap :: Vector v => (a -> b) -> v a -> v b dotmap f v = vzip (const . f) v v -- | Performs component-wise operations dotwise :: Vector v => (a -> b -> c) -> v a -> v b -> v c dotwise = vzip -- Hmmm. Dotwise isn't really a fold is it? -- | Dot product of two vectors dot :: (Vector v, Floating f) => v f -> v f -> f dot a b = vfold (+) 0 $ dotwise (*) a b -- dot (Vector x y z) (Vector x' y' z') = (x * x') + (y * y') + (z * z') -- TODO: Refactor with Num instance (?) -- | Euclidean distance between two points euclidean :: (Vector v, Floating f) => v f -> v f -> f euclidean a b = sqrt $ dot a b -- | magnitude :: (Vector v, Floating f) => v f -> f magnitude v = euclidean v v mag :: (Vector v, Floating f) => v f -> f mag = magnitude -- | Angle (in radians) between the positive X-axis and the vector -- argument :: (Floating a, Eq a) => Vector a -> a -- argument (Vector 0 0 0) = 0 -- argument (Vector x y z) = atan $ y/x -- arg :: (Floating a, Eq a) => Vector a -> a -- arg = argument -- | Vector -> (magnitude, argument) -- polar :: (Floating a, Eq a) => Vector a -> (a, a) -- polar v@(Vector x y) = (magnitude v, argument v) -- | Intersect -- TODO: Math notes, MathJax or LaTex -- TODO: Intersect for curves (functions) and single points (?) -- TODO: Polymorphic, typeclass (lines, shapes, ranges, etc.) (?) -- intersect :: Num a => Line a -> Line a -> Maybe (Vector a) -- intersect _ _ = error "Not implemented" -- Nothing -- -- -- -- | -- intersects :: Num a => Line a -> Line a -> Bool -- intersects a b = case intersect a b of -- Just _ -> True -- Nothing -> False -- -- -- -- | Yields the overlap of two closed intervals (n ∈ R) -- -- TODO: Normalise intervals (eg. (12, 5) -> (5, 12)) -- overlap :: Real a => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> Maybe (a, a) -- overlap a b -- | leftmost /= (α, β) = Just $ (β, γ) -- -- | otherwise = Nothing -- -- where [α, β, γ, _] = sort [fst a, snd a, fst b, snd b] -- That's right. -- leftmost = minimumBy (comparing fst) [a, b] -- -- -- -- -- | -- -- TODO: Intersect Rectangles -- -- -- -- -- | Coefficients for the linear function of a Line (slope, intercept). The Z-component is ignored. -- -- Fails for vertical and horizontal lines. -- -- -- -- TODO: Use Maybe (?) -- -- -- coefficients :: (Fractional a, Eq a) => Line a -> Maybe (a, a) -- coefficients (Line (Vector ax ay _) (Vector bx by _)) -- | ax == bx = Nothing -- | ay == ay = Nothing -- | otherwise = let slope = (by - ay)/(bx - ax) in Just (slope, ay - slope*ax)