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[2,2,0,2]`) (EarlierVersion `mkVersion [2,7]`)) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName])], condTreeData = Library {exposedModules = [], libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {asmOptions = [], asmSources = [], autogenIncludes = [], autogenModules = [], buildToolDepends = [], buildTools = [], buildable = True, cSources = [], ccOptions = [], cmmOptions = [], cmmSources = [], cppOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], cxxOptions = [], cxxSources = [], defaultExtensions = [], defaultLanguage = Nothing, extraBundledLibs = [], extraDynLibFlavours = [], extraFrameworkDirs = [], extraGHCiLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], extraLibFlavours = [], extraLibs = [], frameworks = [], hsSourceDirs = [], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], jsSources = [], ldOptions = [], mixins = [], oldExtensions = [], options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], otherExtensions = [], otherLanguages = [], otherModules = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], staticOptions = 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[], cmmOptions = [], cmmSources = [], cppOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], cxxOptions = [], cxxSources = [], defaultExtensions = [], defaultLanguage = Nothing, extraBundledLibs = [], extraDynLibFlavours = [], extraFrameworkDirs = [], extraGHCiLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], extraLibFlavours = [], extraLibs = ["crypto", "ssl"], frameworks = [], hsSourceDirs = [], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], jsSources = [], ldOptions = [], mixins = [], oldExtensions = [], options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], otherExtensions = [], otherLanguages = [], otherModules = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], targetBuildDepends = [], virtualModules = []}, libExposed = True, libName = LMainLibName, libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic, reexportedModules = [], signatures = []}}}], condTreeConstraints = [], condTreeData = Library {exposedModules = [], libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {asmOptions = [], asmSources = [], autogenIncludes = [], autogenModules = [], buildToolDepends = [], buildTools = [], buildable = True, cSources = [], ccOptions = [], cmmOptions = [], cmmSources = [], cppOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], cxxOptions = [], cxxSources = [], defaultExtensions = [], defaultLanguage = Nothing, extraBundledLibs = [], extraDynLibFlavours = [], extraFrameworkDirs = [], extraGHCiLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], extraLibFlavours = [], extraLibs = ["pq"], frameworks = [], hsSourceDirs = [], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], jsSources = [], ldOptions = [], mixins = [], oldExtensions = [], options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], otherExtensions = [], otherLanguages = [], otherModules = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], targetBuildDepends = [], virtualModules = []}, libExposed = True, libName = LMainLibName, libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic, reexportedModules = [], signatures = []}}, condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {condTreeComponents = [], condTreeConstraints = [], condTreeData = Library {exposedModules = [], libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {asmOptions = [], asmSources = [], autogenIncludes = [], autogenModules = [], buildToolDepends = [], buildTools = [], buildable = True, cSources = [], ccOptions = [], cmmOptions = [], cmmSources = [], cppOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], cxxOptions = [], cxxSources = [], defaultExtensions = [], defaultLanguage = Nothing, extraBundledLibs = [], extraDynLibFlavours = [], extraFrameworkDirs = [], extraGHCiLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], extraLibFlavours = [], extraLibs = ["libpq"], frameworks = [], hsSourceDirs = [], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], jsSources = [], ldOptions = [], mixins = [], oldExtensions = [], options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], otherExtensions = [], otherLanguages = [], otherModules = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], profOptions = 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oldExtensions = [], options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], otherExtensions = [], otherLanguages = [], otherModules = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], targetBuildDepends = [], virtualModules = []}, libExposed = True, libName = LMainLibName, libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic, reexportedModules = [], signatures = []}}, condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {condTreeComponents = [], condTreeConstraints = [], condTreeData = Library {exposedModules = [], libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {asmOptions = [], asmSources = [], autogenIncludes = [], autogenModules = [], buildToolDepends = [], buildTools = [], buildable = True, cSources = [], ccOptions = [], cmmOptions = [], cmmSources = [], cppOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], cxxOptions = [], cxxSources = [], defaultExtensions = [], defaultLanguage = Nothing, extraBundledLibs = [], extraDynLibFlavours = [], extraFrameworkDirs = [], extraGHCiLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], extraLibFlavours = [], extraLibs = [], frameworks = [], hsSourceDirs = [], includeDirs = [], includes = [], installIncludes = [], jsSources = [], ldOptions = [], mixins = [], oldExtensions = [], options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], otherExtensions = [], otherLanguages = [], otherModules = [], pkgconfigDepends = [`PkgconfigDependency (PkgconfigName "libpq") (PcOrLaterVersion (PkgconfigVersion "9.3h"))`], profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], targetBuildDepends = [], virtualModules = []}, libExposed = True, libName = LMainLibName, libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic, reexportedModules = [], signatures = []}}}], condTreeConstraints = [Dependency `PackageName "base"` (IntersectVersionRanges (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [4,3]`) (EarlierVersion `mkVersion [4,13]`)) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "bytestring"` (IntersectVersionRanges (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [0,9,1,0]`) (EarlierVersion `mkVersion [0,11]`)) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName])], condTreeData = Library {exposedModules = [`ModuleName ["Database","PostgreSQL","LibPQ"]`, `ModuleName ["Database","PostgreSQL","LibPQ","Internal"]`], libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {asmOptions = [], asmSources = [], autogenIncludes = [], autogenModules = [], buildToolDepends = [`ExeDependency (PackageName "hsc2hs") (UnqualComponentName "hsc2hs") AnyVersion`], buildTools = [], buildable = True, cSources = ["cbits/noticehandlers.c"], ccOptions = [], cmmOptions = [], cmmSources = [], cppOptions = [], customFieldsBI = [], cxxOptions = [], cxxSources = [], defaultExtensions = [], defaultLanguage = Nothing, extraBundledLibs = [], extraDynLibFlavours = [], extraFrameworkDirs = [], extraGHCiLibs = [], extraLibDirs = [], extraLibFlavours = [], extraLibs = [], frameworks = [], hsSourceDirs = ["src"], includeDirs = ["cbits"], includes = [], installIncludes = [], jsSources = [], ldOptions = [], mixins = [], oldExtensions = [], options = PerCompilerFlavor ["-Wall"] [], otherExtensions = [], otherLanguages = [], otherModules = [], pkgconfigDepends = [], profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [], targetBuildDepends = [Dependency `PackageName "base"` (IntersectVersionRanges (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [4,3]`) (EarlierVersion `mkVersion [4,13]`)) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "bytestring"` (IntersectVersionRanges (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [0,9,1,0]`) (EarlierVersion `mkVersion [0,11]`)) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName])], virtualModules = []}, libExposed = True, libName = LMainLibName, libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic, reexportedModules = [], signatures = []}}, condSubLibraries = [], condTestSuites = [], genPackageFlags = [MkFlag {flagDefault = False, flagDescription = "", flagManual = True, flagName = `FlagName "use-pkg-config"`}], packageDescription = PackageDescription {author = "Grant Monroe, Leon P Smith, Joey Adams", benchmarks = [], bugReports = "", buildTypeRaw = Just Custom, category = "Database", copyright = concat ["(c) 2010 Grant Monroe\n", "(c) 2011 Leon P Smith"], customFieldsPD = [], dataDir = ".", dataFiles = [], description = concat ["This is a binding to libpq: the C application\n", "programmer's interface to PostgreSQL. libpq is a\n", "set of library functions that allow client\n", "programs to pass queries to the PostgreSQL\n", "backend server and to receive the results of\n", "these queries."], executables = [], extraDocFiles = [], extraSrcFiles = ["cbits/noticehandlers.h", ""], extraTmpFiles = [], foreignLibs = [], homepage = "", library = Nothing, licenseFiles = ["LICENSE"], licenseRaw = Left (License (ELicense (ELicenseId BSD_3_Clause) Nothing)), maintainer = "Oleg Grenrus ", package = PackageIdentifier {pkgName = `PackageName "postgresql-libpq"`, pkgVersion = `mkVersion [0,9,4,2]`}, pkgUrl = "", setupBuildInfo = Just SetupBuildInfo {defaultSetupDepends = False, setupDepends = [Dependency `PackageName "base"` (IntersectVersionRanges (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [4,3]`) (EarlierVersion `mkVersion [5]`)) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName]), Dependency `PackageName "Cabal"` (IntersectVersionRanges (OrLaterVersion `mkVersion [1,10]`) (EarlierVersion `mkVersion [2,5]`)) (Set.fromList [LMainLibName])]}, sourceRepos = [], specVersionRaw = Left `mkVersion [3,0]`, stability = "", subLibraries = [], synopsis = "low-level binding to libpq", testSuites = [], testedWith = [_×_ GHC (ThisVersion `mkVersion [7,0,4]`), _×_ GHC (ThisVersion `mkVersion [7,2,2]`), _×_ GHC (ThisVersion `mkVersion [7,4,2]`), _×_ GHC (ThisVersion `mkVersion [7,6,3]`), _×_ GHC (ThisVersion `mkVersion [7,8,4]`), _×_ GHC (ThisVersion `mkVersion [7,10,3]`), _×_ GHC (ThisVersion `mkVersion [8,0,2]`), _×_ GHC (ThisVersion `mkVersion [8,2,2]`), _×_ GHC (ThisVersion `mkVersion [8,4,3]`), _×_ GHC (ThisVersion `mkVersion [8,6,1]`)]}}