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Unlike a  ModuleShape6, there may be multiple modules in scope at the same ; this is only an error if we attempt to use those modules to fill a requirement. A  can influence the  ModuleShape via a reexport.CabalDescription of where a module participating in mixin linking came from.CabalAn 4, annotated with where it came from in a Cabal file.  Safe-Inferred7<?5+CabalThe default module shape, with no provisions and no requirements.-CabalA - describes the provisions and requirements of a library. We can extract a - from an .-./0+,-./0+,  Safe-Inferred7<?iKLMNJIHKLMNJIHh Safe-Inferred7GCabal.Cancel an asynchronous action by throwing the AsyncCancelled' exception to it, and waiting for the ' thread to quit. Has no effect if the  has already completed. cancel a = throwTo (asyncThreadId a) AsyncCancelled <* waitCatch a Note that ) will not terminate until the thread the , refers to has terminated. This means that  will block for as long said thread blocks when receiving an asynchronous exception.For example, it could block if:It's executing a foreign call, and thus cannot receive the asynchronous exception;It's executing some cleanup handler after having received the exception, and the handler is blocking.CabalCancel an asynchronous actionThis is a variant of , but it is not interruptible.CabalWait for an asynchronous action to complete, and return its value. If the asynchronous action threw an exception, then the exception is re-thrown by . wait = atomically . waitSTMCabalWait for an asynchronous action to complete, and return either Left e# if the action raised an exception e, or Right a if it returned a value a. %waitCatch = atomically . waitCatchSTMCabalSpawn an asynchronous action in a separate thread, and pass its Async handle to the supplied function. When the function returns or throws an exception,  is called on the Async. withAsync action inner = mask $ \restore -> do a <- async (restore action) restore (inner a) `finally` uninterruptibleCancel aThis is a useful variant of async that ensures an Async( is never left running unintentionally.Note: a reference to the child thread is kept alive until the call to  returns, so nesting many  calls requires linear memory.CabalThe exception thrown by  to terminate a thread.CabalAsync, but based on , as we don't depend on stm.Cabal Returns the " of the thread running the given .  Safe-InferredG   Safe-InferredH$     Safe-InferredHQ  icabal-devel@haskell.org Windows-only Safe-InferredHj Safe-InferredHRk Safe-InferredJCabal:Copies a file to a new destination. Often you should use  instead.CabalLike , but does not touch the target if source and destination are already byte-identical. This is recommended as it is useful for time-stamp based recompilation avoidance.CabalChecks if two files are byte-identical. Returns False if either of the files do not exist or if files are of different size.TSl Safe-InferredJ  Safe-InferredQUCabalEnable process jobs to ensure accurate determination of process completion in the presence of exec(3) on Windows.9Unfortunately the process job support is badly broken in process releases prior to 1.6.9, so we disable it in these versions, despite the fact that this means we may see sporadic build failures without jobs.On Windows 7 or before the jobs are disabled due to the fact that processes on these systems can only have one job. This prevents spawned process from assigning jobs to its own children. Suppose process A spawns process B. The B process has a job assigned (call it J1) and when it tries to spawn a new process C the C automatically inherits the job. But at it also tries to assign a new job J2 to C since it doesn@t have access J1. This fails on Windows 7 or before.VCabalmn= with process jobs enabled when appropriate, and defaulting  delegate_ctlc to .VUVU Safe-InferredSWCabal$The arg file / response file parser.This is not a well-documented capability, and is a bit eccentric (try cabal @foo @bar to see what that does), but is crucial for allowing complex arguments to cabal and cabal-install when using command prompts with strongly-limited argument length.WWoBSD3cabal-dev@haskell.org experimentalportable Safe-InferredSl Safe-InferredUXCabalThis function is for when you *really* want to add a call stack to raised IO, but you don't have a 'p so you can't use q. If you have a  Verbosity$, please use that function instead.YCabalGive the *parent* of the person who invoked this; so it's most suitable for being called from a utility function. You probably want to call this using ; otherwise it's not very useful. We didn't implement this for base-4.8.1 because we cannot rely on freezing to have taken place.[XZY[XZYr Safe-InferredVCabalsetEnv name value, sets the specified environment variable to value.Throws st if either name or value1 is the empty string or contains an equals sign.u(c) Sven Panne 2002-2005/BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)libraries@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred'^ CabalProcess the command-line, and return the list of values that matched (and those that didn't). The arguments are:The order requirements (see )The option descriptions (see ):The actual command line arguments (presumably got from vw). returns a triple consisting of the option arguments, a list of non-options, and a list of error messages.CabalThis is almost the same as , but returns a quadruple consisting of the option arguments, a list of non-options, a list of unrecognized options, and a list of error messages.CabalReturn a string describing the usage of a command, derived from the header (first argument) and the options described by the second argument.CabalDescribes whether an option takes an argument or not, and if so how the argument is parsed to a value of type a.=Compared to System.Console.GetOpt, we allow for parse errors.Cabalno argument expectedCabaloptional argumentCabaloption requires argumentCabal-What to do with options following non-optionsCabal*freely intersperse options and non-optionsCabal+no option processing after first non-optionCabalPretty printing of long options. * With required arguments can be given as: 3--with-compiler=PATH (but not --with-compiler PATH) This is dislayed as: --with-compiler=PATH= * With optional but default arguments can be given as: )--jobs or --jobs=NUM (but not --jobs NUM) This is dislayed as:  --jobs[=NUM]CabalPretty printing of short options. * With required arguments can be given as: #-w PATH or -wPATH (but not -w=PATH) This is dislayed as: -w PATH or -wPATH= * With optional but default arguments can be given as: &-j or -jNUM (but not -j=NUM or -j NUM) This is dislayed as: -j[NUM] xBen Gamari 2015-2019cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred`Cabal*A simple parser supporting quoted strings.Please be aware that this will only split strings when seeing whitespace outside of quotation marks, i.e, "foo"bar baz"qux quux" will be converted to ["foobar bazqux", "quux"].4This behavior can be useful when parsing text like ,"ghc-options: -Wl,"some option with spaces"", for instance.yFrancesco Ariis 2022BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred1i\Cabal+Filter Package Check by CheckExplanationID.]Cabal*Filter Package Check by Check explanation string.^Cabal5Would Hackage refuse a package because of this error?`CabalPretty printing .CabalWhich stanza does a refer to?aCabalExplanations of 's errors/warnings.CabalIdentifier for the speficic a. This ensures `--ignore` can output a warning on unrecognised values. L N.B.: should be kept in sync with a.Cabal-Results of some kind of failed package check.There are a range of severities, from merely dubious to totally insane. All of them come with a human readable explanation. In future we may augment them with more machine readable explanations, for example to help an IDE suggest automatic corrections.CabalThis package description is no good. There's no way it's going to build sensibly. This should give an error at configure time.CabalA problem that is likely to affect building the package, or an issue that we'd like every package author to be aware of, even if the package is never distributed.CabalAn issue that is OK in the author's environment but is almost certain to be a portability problem for other environments. We can quite legitimately refuse to publicly distribute packages with these problems.CabalAn issue that might not be a problem for the package author but might be annoying or detrimental when the package is distributed to users. We should encourage distributed packages to be free from these issues, but occasionally there are justifiable reasons so we cannot ban them entirely.CabalLike PackageDistSuspicious but will only display warnings rather than causing abnormal exit when you run 'cabal check'.Cabal:Which language are we referring to in our warning message?CabalBroken  instance (not bijective with Read), alas external packages depend on it.CabalPretty printing .CabalPretty printing a.CabalPretty printing .\CabalOriginal checks.Cabal IDs to omit.]CabalOriginal checks.CabalIDs to omit, in String format.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~`_^\]Jose Iborra 2008BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-InferredkCabal"Parser with simple error reporting Safe-InferredtCCabalDesugar a "build-tools" entry into a proper executable dependency if possible.*An entry can be so desugared in two cases: The name in build-tools matches a locally defined executable. The executable dependency produced is on that exe in the current package.The name in build-tools matches a hard-coded set of known tools. For now, the executable dependency produced is one an executable in a package of the same, but the hard-coding could just as well be per-key.The first cases matches first.CabalSame as , but requires atomic informations (package name, executable names) instead of a whole .CabalGet internal "build-tool-depends", along with internal "build-tools"This is a tiny function, but used in a number of places. The same restrictions that apply to  also apply to this function.CabalGet everything from "build-tool-depends", along with entries from "build-tools" that we know how to desugar.This should almost always be used instead of just accessing the  field directly.CabalDoes the given executable dependency map to this current package?8This is a tiny function, but used in a number of places.'This function is only sound to call on s from the given package description. This is because it just filters the package names of each dependency, and does not check whether version bounds in fact exclude the current package, or the referenced components in fact exist in the current package.This is OK because when a package is loaded, it is checked (in z{) that dependencies matching internal components do indeed have version bounds accepting the current package, and any depended-on component in the current package actually exists. In fact this check is performed by gathering the internal tool dependencies of each component of the package according to this module, and ensuring those properties on each so-gathered dependency.version bounds and components of the package are unchecked. This is because we sanitize exe deps so that the matching name implies these other conditions. Safe-InferredtCabalReturns the object/interface extension prefix for the given build way (e.g. "dyn_" for )2011, Dan Knappcabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferredx<CabalTakes a dialect of C and whether code is intended to be passed through the preprocessor, and returns a filename extension for containing that code.CabalA list of all file extensions which are recognized as possibly containing some dialect of C code. Note that this list is only for source files, not for header files.CabalInfers from a filename's extension the dialect of C which it contains, and whether it is intended to be passed through the preprocessor.CabalRepresents a dialect of C. The Monoid instance expresses backward compatibility, in the sense that 'mappend a b' is the least inclusive dialect which both a and b! can be correctly interpreted as.8Isaac Jones 2003-2004 Duncan Coutts 2007BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred9:;<} CabalReturns  only if every   value is Flag True, else .CabalPushes a function through a & value, and returns a default if the  value is .Cabal Converts a  value to a list.Cabal Converts a  value to a  value.CabalExtracts a value from a , and throws an exception on .CabalExtracts a value from a #, and returns the default value on .Cabal Converts a  value to a  value.CabalMerge the elements of a list  with another list .CabalWraps a value in .Cabal#Types that represent boolean flags.Cabal1All flags are monoids, they come in two flavours:  list flags eg !--ghc-option=foo --ghc-option=bar&gives us all the values ["foo", "bar"] singular value flags, eg: --enable-foo --disable-foogives us Just False So, this  type is for the latter singular kind of flag. Its monoid instance gives us the behaviour where it starts out as ' and later flags override earlier ones.Isomorphic to  a.#Isaac Jones, Simon Marlow 2003-2004=BSD3 portions Copyright (c) 2007, Galois Inc.cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred9<} Cabal!A filepath specified by globbing.Cabal  dirGlob/ globCabal**/ glob, where ** denotes recursively traversing all directories and matching filenames on  glob.CabalTrailing dir; a glob ending in /.Cabal A file glob.CabalA piece of a globbing patternCabalA literal string dirABCCabalA union of patterns, e.g. dir {a,*.txt,c}...Cabal A wildcard *Cabal6A single directory or file component of a globbed path   Safe-Inferred<CabalMonitor a single directory for changes, based on its modification time. The monitored directory is considered to have changed if it no longer exists or if its modification time has changed.CabalMonitor a single directory for existence. The monitored directory is considered to have changed only if it no longer exists.CabalMonitor a single file for changes, based on its modification time. The monitored file is considered to have changed if it no longer exists or if its modification time has changed.CabalMonitor a single file for existence only. The monitored file is considered to have changed if it no longer exists.CabalMonitor a set of files (or directories) identified by a file glob. The monitored glob is considered to have changed if the set of files matching the glob changes (i.e. creations or deletions), or for files if the modification time and content hash of any matching file has changed.CabalMonitor a set of files (or directories) identified by a file glob for existence only. The monitored glob is considered to have changed if the set of files matching the glob changes (i.e. creations or deletions).CabalMonitor a single file for changes, based on its modification time and content hash. The monitored file is considered to have changed if it no longer exists or if its modification time and content hash have changed.Cabal Similar to ?, but also instructs us to monitor the hash of the found file.CabalMonitor a single file or directory for changes, based on its modification time. The monitored file is considered to have changed if it no longer exists or if its modification time has changed.CabalCreates a list of files to monitor when you search for a file which unsuccessfully looked in notFoundAtPaths before finding it at  foundAtPath.CabalMonitor a single non-existent directory for changes. The monitored directory is considered to have changed if it exists.CabalMonitor a single non-existent file for changes. The monitored file is considered to have changed if it exists.Cabale.g. "/", "c:" or result of  takeDriveCabalA description of a file (or set of files) to monitor for changes.Where file paths are relative they are relative to a common directory (e.g. project root), not necessarily the process current directory.CabalA file path specified by globbing, relative to some root directory.Cabalwhat the glob is relative toCabalthe glob## Safe-Inferred7<UCabal%The optional ABI tag for the compilerCabalThe compiler's ABI identifier,CabalThe CPU architecture name, eg i386 or x86_64Cabal#The name of the benchmark being runCabalThe $bindir path variableCabal"The compiler name and version, eg  ghc-6.6.1CabalThe $datadir path variableCabalThe  $datasubdir path variableCabalThe $docdir path variableCabalThe  $dynlibdir path variableCabal+The executable name; used in shell wrappersCabalThe $htmldir path variableCabalThe $libname path variableCabalThe $libdir path variableCabalThe  $libsubdir path variableCabalThe operating system name, eg windows or linuxCabalThe $pkgid package Id path variable, eg foo-1.0CabalThe $pkg package name path variableCabalThe $version package version path variableCabalThe $prefix path variableCabal$The name of the test suite being runCabal,The result of the test suite being run, eg pass, fail, or error.Isaac Jones 2003-2004BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred79<\ CabalConvert from abstract install directories to actual absolute ones by substituting for all the variables in the abstract paths, to get real absolute path.Cabal7Convert back to a path, any remaining vars are includedCabal=The initial environment has all the static stuff but no pathsCabalCheck which of the paths are relative to the installation $prefix.If any of the paths are not relative, ie they are absolute paths, then it prevents us from making a relocatable package (also known as a "prefix independent" package).Cabal5Substitute the install dir templates into each other.To prevent cyclic substitutions, only some variables are allowed in particular dir templates. If out of scope vars are present, they are not substituted for. Checking for any remaining unsubstituted vars can be done as a subsequent operation.-The reason it is done this way is so that in  we can replace  with the  and get resulting s that still have the  in them. Doing this makes it each to check which paths are relative to the $prefix.Cabal Convert a  to a  including any template vars.CabalThe location prefix for the copy command.Cabalwhen using the ${pkgroot} as prefix. The CopyToDb will adjust the paths to be relative to the provided package database when copying / installing.Cabal)The installation directories in terms of s that contain variables.The defaults for most of the directories are relative to each other, in particular they are all relative to a single prefix. This makes it convenient for the user to override the default installation directory by only having to specify --prefix=... rather than overriding each individually. This is done by allowing $-style variables in the dirs. These are expanded by textual substitution (see ).A few of these installation directories are split into two components, the dir and subdir. The full installation path is formed by combining the two together with /. The reason for this is compatibility with other Unix build systems which also support --libdir and  --datadir/. We would like users to be able to configure --libdir=/usr/lib64 for example but because by default we want to support installing multiple versions of packages and building the same package for multiple compilers we append the libsubdir to get: /usr/lib64/$libname/$compiler.An additional complication is the need to support relocatable packages on systems which support such things, like Windows.Cabal9The directories where we will install files for packages.We have several different directories for different types of files since many systems have conventions whereby different types of files in a package are installed in different directories. This is particularly the case on Unix style systems.Cabalforeign librariesCabalAn abstract path, possibly containing variables that need to be substituted for to get a real .cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred CabalExtract the version number from the output of 'strip --version'.Invoking "strip --version" gives very inconsistent results. We ignore everything in parentheses (see #2497), look for the first word that starts with a number, and try parsing out the first two components of it. Non-GNU strip' doesn't appear to have a version flag.Thomas Tuegel 2010BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-InferredCabalCreate a named group of tests, which are assumed to be safe to run in parallel.CabalA human-readable description of the option to guide the user setting it.CabalIf true, then children of this group may be run in parallel. Note that this setting is not inherited by children. In particular, consider a group F with "concurrently = False" that has some children, including a group T with "concurrently = True". The children of group T may be run concurrently with each other, as long as none are run at the same time as any of the direct children of group F.Cabal1A name for the test, unique within a test suite.Cabal5Descriptions of the options recognized by this test.CabalPerform the test.CabalTry to set the named option to the given value. Returns an error message if the option is not supported or the value could not be correctly parsed; otherwise, a 5 with the option set to the given value is returned.Cabal0Users can select groups of tests by their tags.++ Safe-Inferred9aCabalAn  is a , , etc. which is annotated with some other useful information that is useful for printing to users, etc.Invariant: if ann_id x == ann_id y, then ann_pid x == ann_pid y and ann_cname x == ann_cname y| Safe-Inferred}Cabal Convert an  into a *, which was brought into scope under the 0 (important for a package qualified reference.)CabalA promised component.!These components are promised to  configure but are not yet built.In other words this is  which doesn't yet exist.CabalStripped down version of LinkedComponent0 for things we don't need to know how to build.Cabal!The actual name of the component.Cabal7The actual name of the package. This may DISAGREE with pc_pkgid9 for internal dependencies: e.g., an internal component lib may be munged to  z-pkg-z-lib+, but we still want to use it when we see lib in  build-depends Safe-InferredqCabalThis should always return $ or  CSubLibNameCabalDid this come from an entry in mixins", or was implicitly generated by  build-depends? Safe-Inferred7<k Cabal?The first five fields are common across all algebraic variants.CabalCompatibility "package key" that we pass to older versions of GHC.CabalCompatibility "package name" that we register this component as.Cabal The computed  of this component.CabalA list of exposed modules (either defined in this component, or reexported from another component.)CabalThe set of packages that are brought into scope during compilation, including a  which may used to hide or rename modules. This is what gets translated into  -package-id. arguments. This is a modernized version of ', which is kept around for BC purposes.Cabal"How the component was instantiatedCabal7The internal dependencies which induce a graph on the 0 of this package. This does NOT coincide with  because it ALSO records 'build-tool' dependencies on executables. Maybe one day  cabal-install& will also handle these correctly too!Cabal:Is this an indefinite component (i.e. has unfilled holes)?CabalConvenience field, specifying whether or not this is the "public library" that has the same name as the package.CabalIt would be very convenient to store the literal Library here, but if we do that, it will get serialized (via the Binary) instance twice. So instead we just provide the ComponentName, which can be used to find the Component in the PackageDescription. NB: eventually, this will NOT uniquely identify the ComponentLocalBuildInfo.CabalResolved internal and external package dependencies for this component. The  BuildInfo specifies a set of build dependencies that must be satisfied in terms of version ranges. This field fixes those dependencies to the specific versions available on this machine for this compiler.Cabal The computed = which uniquely identifies this component. Might be hashed. Safe-Inferred7< Safe-Inferred7<CabalA  represents a library depended on and explicitly specified by the user/client with  --dependencyIt enables Cabal to know which  to associate with a libraryCabalA  represents a promised library depended on and explicitly specified by the user/client with --promised-dependencyIt enables Cabal to know which  to associate with a library   Safe-InferredCabalUsed by  cabal new-run and cabal new-buildCabal with .CabalUsed by cabal new-repl,  cabal new-run and cabal new-buildCabalUsed as a placeholder in $Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent  Safe-InferredCabal>Determine if the parallelism strategy enables parallel builds.CabalUsed by Cabal to indicate that we want to use this specific semaphore (created by cabal-install)CabalUsed by cabal-install to say we want to create a semaphore with N slots.CabalHow to control parallelism, e.g. a fixed number of jobs or by using a system semaphore.CabalCompile in parallel with the given number of jobs (`-jN` or `-j`).CabalNo parallelism (neither `-jN` nor `--semaphore`, but could be `-j1`).Cabal=`--semaphore`: use a system semaphore to control parallelism.! Safe-Inferred<CabalThe  contains all the information necessary to build a specific target (e.g., componentmodule4file) in a package. In principle, one can get the  from a  and LocalBuildInfo, but it is much more convenient to have the component in hand." Safe-Inferred)* Cabal Wrapper for  and This is the dual operation ot ., and consequently the handle is closed with hClose.Note: this performs lazy-IO.Cabal Test whether  is emptyCabal$Applies a function polymorphic over  to an  value.CabalRepresents either textual or binary data passed via I/O functions which support binary/text modeCabal2Raw binary which gets read/written in binary mode.Cabal2How Text gets encoded is usually locale-dependent.Cabal1Phantom-typed GADT representation of the mode of , containing no other data.CabalCabal Wrapper for Note$: This operation uses lazy I/O. Use  to force all data to be read and consequently the internal file handle to be closed.  # Safe-Inferred"CabalA shorthand for building up s >>> JsonObject [ "a" .= JsonNumber 42, "b" .= JsonBool True ] JsonObject [("a",JsonNumber 42),("b",JsonBool True)]Cabal Convert a  into a  ByteString  $ Safe-Inferred^CabalMonadic variant of  mapAccumL.% Safe-Inferred9 CabalFail the computation.Cabal Consume a  calculation. Much like  for lists but with two base cases, one for a final result and one for failure.Eg to convert into a simple  result use: $foldProgress (flip const) Left RightCabalEmit a step and then continue.CabalA type to represent the unfolding of an expensive long running calculation that may fail (or maybe not expensive, but complicated!) We may get intermediate steps before the final result which may be used to indicate progress and/or logging messages.TODO: Apply Codensity to avoid left-associativity problem. See  4http://comonad.com/reader/2011/free-monads-for-less/ and http://blog.ezyang.com/2012/01/problem-set-the-codensity-transformation/} Safe-InferredA Cabal5Test if two points are in the same equivalence class.Cabal6Return the canonical element of an equivalence class .Cabal2Create a fresh equivalence class with one element.CabalUnify two equivalence classes, so that they share a canonical element. Keeps the descriptor of point2.CabalA variable which can be unified; alternately, this can be thought of as an equivalence class with a distinguished representative.Cabal"The internal data structure for a , which either records the representative element of an equivalence class, or a link to the . that actually stores the representative type.CabalRead the current value of .Cabal)Flatten any chains of links, returning a 8 which points directly to the canonical representation.CabalMutable write to a & Safe-Inferred7<ƄCabal  'Ian Lynagh 2007BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred7< CabalNot only are we verbose ourselves (perhaps even noisier than when being 3), but we tell everything we run to be verbose too.CabalNumeric verbosity level 0..3: 0 is , 3 is .Cabal0Test if we should output call sites when we log.Cabal1Test if we should output call stacks when we log.Cabal!Test if we should output markets.Cabal.Test if we should output warnings when we log.Cabal3Test if line-wrapping is disabled for log messages.CabalTest if we had called  on the verbosity.CabalTest if we should output to stderr when we log.Cabal0Test if we should output timestamps when we log.Cabal#Decrease verbosity level, but stay  if we are.CabalCombinator for transforming verbosity level while retaining the original hidden state.*For instance, the following property holdsisVerboseNoWrap (modifyVerbosity (max verbose) v) == isVerboseNoWrap vNote: you can use modifyVerbosity (const v1) v0 to overwrite v1's flags with v0 's flags.Cabal#Increase verbosity level, but stay  if we are.Cabal&Print stuff we want to see by default.CabalIn  mode, we should not print anything unless an error occurs.Cabal&Be more verbose about what's going on.Cabal/Turn on verbose call-site printing when we log.Cabal0Turn on verbose call-stack printing when we log.CabalTurn on -----BEGIN CABAL OUTPUT----- markers for output from Cabal (as opposed to GHC, or system dependent).CabalTurn off all flags.CabalSwitch logging to stdout.Cabal%Turn off timestamps for log messages.Cabal#Turn off warnings for log messages.Cabal'Disable line-wrapping for log messages.CabalSwitch logging to stderr.Cabal$Turn on timestamps for log messages.CabalTurn off marking; useful for suppressing nondeterministic output.CabalParser verbosity-explicitEitherParsec parsecVerbosity "normal"Right (Verbosity {vLevel = Normal, vFlags = fromList [], vQuiet = False})6explicitEitherParsec parsecVerbosity "normal+nowrap "Right (Verbosity {vLevel = Normal, vFlags = fromList [VNoWrap], vQuiet = False})explicitEitherParsec parsecVerbosity "normal+nowrap +markoutput"Right (Verbosity {vLevel = Normal, vFlags = fromList [VNoWrap,VMarkOutput], vQuiet = False})explicitEitherParsec parsecVerbosity "normal +nowrap +markoutput"Right (Verbosity {vLevel = Normal, vFlags = fromList [VNoWrap,VMarkOutput], vQuiet = False})?explicitEitherParsec parsecVerbosity "normal+nowrap+markoutput"Right (Verbosity {vLevel = Normal, vFlags = fromList [VNoWrap,VMarkOutput], vQuiet = False})explicitEitherParsec parsecVerbosity "deafening+nowrap+stdout+stderr+callsite+callstack"Right (Verbosity {vLevel = Deafening, vFlags = fromList [VCallStack,VCallSite,VNoWrap,VStderr], vQuiet = False})Note:& this parser will eat trailing spaces.Cabal+Helper function for flag testing functions.Cabal,Helper function for flag enabling functions.Cabal-Helper function for flag disabling functions.CabalMark the verbosity as quiet.  ( Safe-Inferred ')*/0136<>>Cabal#Internal function: run the monadic * computations in order to obtain all the  s with their s.Cabal!A rule with dynamic dependencies./Prefer using this smart constructor instead of  whenever possible.Cabal6Get a (relative or absolute) un-interpreted path to a .CabalConstruct a command./Prefer using this smart constructor instead of  whenever possible.CabalAn empty collection of rules.CabalProject out the (optional) dependency computation command, so that it can be serialised without serialising anything else.CabalProject out the command for running the rule, passing in the result of the dependency computation if there was one.Cabal3Construct a collection of rules with a given label.3A label for the rules can be constructed using the static keyword, using the StaticPointers# extension. NB: separate calls to  should have different labels.Example usage: myRules :: Rules env myRules = rules (static ()) $ \ env -> do { .. } -- use the monadic API hereCabalRun a .CabalObtain the (optional) + action that computes dynamic dependencies.Cabal Obtain the  action that executes a rule.Cabal A rule with static dependencies./Prefer using this smart constructor instead of  whenever possible.CabalA command consists of a statically-known action together with a (possibly dynamic) argument to that action.For example, the action can consist of running an executable (such as happy or c2hs), while the argument consists of the variable component of the command, e.g. the specific file to run happy on.Cabal=Internal datatype used for commands, both for the Hooks API () and for the build system.Cabal6The (possibly dynamic) argument to pass to the action.Cabal)The (statically-known) action to execute.CabalStatic evidence that the argument can be serialised and deserialised.CabalA dependency of a rule.Cabal?A direct dependency on a file at a particular location on disk.This should not be used for files that are generated by other rules; use  instead.Cabal*A dependency on an output of another rule.Cabal/The result of a dynamic dependency computation.CabalA wrapper used to pass evidence of a constraint as an explicit value.CabalA dynamic dependency command.CabalA (fully resolved) location of a dependency or result of a rule, consisting of a base directory and of a file path relative to that base directory path.)In practice, this will be something like  dir (moduleNameSymbolicPath mod  . "hs") , where:for a file dependency, dir( is one of the Cabal search directories,for an output, dir is a directory such as autogenComponentModulesDir or componentBuildDir.CabalBase directory.CabalFile path relative to base directory (including file extension).CabalBoth the rule command and the (optional) dynamic dependency command.CabalCommands to execute a rule:6for a rule with static dependencies, a single command,for a rule with dynamic dependencies, a command for computing dynamic dependencies, and a command for executing the rule.Cabal*A rule with statically-known dependencies.CabalA dynamic dependency computation. The resulting dependencies will be injected into the build graph, and the result of the computation will be passed on to the command that executes the rule.CabalThe command to execute the rule. It will receive the result of the dynamic dependency computation.Cabal>A rule with dynamic dependencies, which consists of two parts:a dynamic dependency computation, that returns additional edges to be added to the build graph together with an additional piece of data,the command to execute the rule itself, which receives the additional piece of data returned by the dependency computation.CabalA  for the triple (depsArg,depsRes,arg).CabalA  for arg.Cabal The command to execute the rule.CabalA rule consists of:%an action to run to execute the rule,-a description of the rule inputs and outputs.Use  or  to construct a rule, overriding specific fields, rather than directly using the  constructor.CabalPlease use the  or  smart constructors instead of this constructor, in order to avoid relying on internal implementation details.CabalResults of this rule.CabalTo run this rule, which s should we execute?Cabal!Static dependencies of this rule.Cabal/Only the (optional) dynamic dependency command.CabalThe rule command together with the result of the (optional) dynamic dependency computation.CabalA unique identifier for a .Cabal)A reference to an output of another rule.Cabal%which particular output of that rule?Cabal)which rule's outputs are we referring to?CabalA collection of s.Use the 1 smart constructor instead of directly using the  constructor.Rules are registered using  registerRule,2Monitored files or directories are declared using addRuleMonitors; a change in these will trigger the recomputation of all rules.The env type parameter represents an extra argument, which usually consists of information known to Cabal such as LocalBuildInfo and ComponentLocalBuildInfo.Cabal'The environment within the monadic API.CabalMonad for constructing rules.Cabal8Monad transformer for defining rules. Usually wraps the  monad, allowing IO actions to be performed using liftIO.Cabal-s are defined with rich types by the package.The build system only has a limited view of these; most data consists of opaque  ByteStrings.The 9 data-type describes which side of this divide we are on.Cabal.Build-system space (manipulation of raw data).CabalUser space (with rich types).Cabal>A static pointer (in user scope) or its key (in system scope).CabalA placeholder for a command that has been omitted, e.g. when we don't care about serialising/deserialising one particular command in a datatype.CabalSerialise and deserialise a raw ByteString, leaving it untouched.CabalSerialise/deserialise, always including the length of the payload.CabalWarning: this  instance is not commutative.Cabal Trimmed down % instance, mostly for error messages.Cabal#A token constructor used to define = instances on types that involve existential quantification.Cabal2Internal function to create a collection of rules. API users should go through the  function instead.CabalInternal function: create a  from a .Cabal)unique label for this collection of rulesCabalthe computation of rulesCabalrule namespaceCabalthe computation of rules) Safe-Inferred)*6? CabalAN error involving the Rules in the  SetupHooks0 module of a package with the Hooks build-type.CabalWhen executing fine-grained rules compiled into the external hooks executable, we failed to find dependencies of a rule.Cabal?There are cycles in the dependency graph of fine-grained rules.Cabal A duplicate ( in the construction of pre-build rules.CabalAn invalid reference to a rule output, e.g. an out-of-range index.CabalWhen executing fine-grained rules compiled into the external hooks executable, a rule failed to generate the outputs it claimed it would.CabalAn error involving the  SetupHooks, module of a package with Hooks build-type.CabalCannot apply a diff to a component in a per-component configure hook.CabalAn error with pre-build rules.Cabalmissing dependenciesCabalruleCabal dependencyCabaloutputs of dependencyCabalthe invalid indexCabalmissing outputs*)Isaac Jones 2006, Duncan Coutts 2007-2009cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred7<Cabal&The full path of a configured program.CabalMake a simple . 2simpleConfiguredProgram "foo" (FoundOnSystem path)Cabal/Suppress any extra arguments added by the user.CabalRepresents a program which has been configured and is thus ready to be run.(These are usually made by configuring a =, but if you have to construct one directly then start with  and override any extra fields.CabalDefault command-line args for this program. These flags will appear first on the command line, so they can be overridden by subsequent flags.CabalJust the name againCabalLocation of the program. eg. /usr/bin/ghc-6.4CabalIn addition to the  where the program was found, these are additional locations that were looked at. The combination of ths found location and these not-found locations can be used to monitor to detect when the re-configuring the program might give a different result (e.g. found in a different location).CabalOverride command-line args for this program. These flags will appear last on the command line, so they override all earlier flags.CabalOverride environment variables for this program. These env vars will extend/override the prevailing environment of the current to form the environment for the new process.CabalA key-value map listing various properties of the program, useful for feature detection. Populated during the configuration step, key names depend on the specific program.Cabal,The version of this program, if it is known.Cabal-Represents a program which can be configured.9Note: rather than constructing this directly, start with  simpleProgram and override any extra fields.CabalA function to search for the program if its location was not specified by the user. Usually this will just be a call to findProgramOnSearchPath.It is supplied with the prevailing search path which will typically just be used as-is, but can be extended or ignored as needed.For the purpose of change monitoring, in addition to the location where the program was found, it returns all the other places that were tried.CabalTry to find the version of the program. For many programs this is not possible or is not necessary so it's OK to return Nothing.Cabal'The simple name of the program, eg. ghcCabalA function that filters any arguments that don't impact the output from a commandline. Used to limit the volatility of dependency hashes when using new-build.CabalA function to do any additional configuration after we have located the program (and perhaps identified its version). For example it could add args, or environment vars.CabalWhere a program was found. Also tells us whether it's specified by user or not. This includes not just the path, but the program as well.Cabal$The program was found automatically.CabalThe user gave the path to this program, eg. --ghc-path=/usr/bin/ghc-6.6CabalA search path to use when locating executables. This is analogous to the unix $PATH or win32 %PATH% but with the ability to use the system default method for finding executables (findExecutable) which on unix is simply looking on the $PATH* but on win32 is a bit more complicated).The default to use is [ProgSearchPathDefault] but you can add extra dirs either before, after or instead of the default, e.g. here we add an extra dir to search after the usual ones. 8['ProgramSearchPathDefault', 'ProgramSearchPathDir' dir]We also use this path to set the environment when running child processes.The  ProgramDb is created with a ProgramSearchPath to which we prependProgramSearchPath to add the ones that come from cli flags and from configurations. Then each of the programs that are configured in the db inherits the same path as part of configureProgram.CabalThe system defaultCabalA specific dir++(c) 2003-2005, Isaac Jones, Malcolm WallaceBSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred1<iCabal>A command to run a given preprocessor on a single source file.The input and output file paths are passed in as arguments, as it is the build system and not the package author which chooses the location of source files.CabalThe interface to a preprocessor, which may be implemented using an external program, but need not be. The arguments are the name of the input file, the name of the output file and a verbosity level. Here is a simple example that merely prepends a comment to the given source file: ppTestHandler :: PreProcessor ppTestHandler = PreProcessor { platformIndependent = True, runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity -> do info verbosity (inFile++" has been preprocessed to "++outFile) stuff <- readFile inFile writeFile outFile ("-- preprocessed as a test\n\n" ++ stuff) return ExitSuccessWe split the input and output file names into a base directory and the rest of the file name. The input base dir is the path in the list of search dirs that this file was found in. The output base dir is the build dir where all the generated source files are put.The reason for splitting it up this way is that some pre-processors don't simply generate one output .hs file from one input file but have dependencies on other generated files (notably c2hs, where building one .hs file may require reading other .chi files, and then compiling the .hs file may require reading a generated .h file). In these cases the generated files need to embed relative path names to each other (eg the generated .hs file mentions the .h file in the FFI imports). This path must be relative to the base directory where the generated files are located, it cannot be relative to the top level of the build tree because the compilers do not look for .h files relative to there, ie we do not use "-I .", instead we use "-I dist/build" (or whatever dist dir has been set by the user)Most pre-processors do not care of course, so mkSimplePreProcessor and runSimplePreProcessor functions handle the simple case.CabalThis function can reorder all modules, not just those that the require the preprocessor in question. As such, this function should be well-behaved and not reorder modules it doesn't have dominion over!CabalA suffix (or file extension).Mostly used to decide which preprocessor to use, e.g. files with suffix "y" are usually processed by the "happy" build tool.Cabal2Location of the source file relative to a base dirCabal0Output file name, relative to an output base dir  , Safe-InferredCabalNoLibraryFound has been downgraded to a warning, and is therefore no longer emitted.    -...cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred< CabalNo unliteration. Cabal  takes a filename (for error reports), and transforms the given string, to eliminate the literate comments from the program text.  ~ Safe-Inferred!!Cabal)Add a fixed message to the error context.CabalAdd a message to the error context. It may make monadic queries.Cabal Convert a - into a ", so we can do unification on it.Cabal Convert a  to a Cabal Convert a  to a Cabal Convert a  to a .CabalConversion of  ModuleSubst to CabalConversion of  to  ModuleSubstCabal An empty .Cabal(Get the current unification environment.CabalLift a computation from  monad to  monad. Internal use only.Cabal+Run a computation in the unification monad.CabalThe mutable counterpart of .CabalThe mutable counterpart of a  ModuleSubst (not defined here).CabalA mutable version of # which can be imperatively unified.CabalContents of a mutable  reference.CabalThe unification environment.CabalThe error reporting contextCabal0The package index for expanding unit identifiersCabalAccumulated errorsCabalThe set of requirements in scope. When a provision is brought into scope, we unify with the requirement at the same module name to fill it. This mapping grows monotonically.CabalComponent id of the unit we're linking. We use this to detect if we fill a requirement with a local module, which in principle should be OK but is not currently supported by GHC.Cabal%A supply of unique integers to label  cells. This is used to determine loops in unit identifiers (which can happen with mutual recursion.)Cabal'How verbose the error message should beCabalThe unification monad, this monad encapsulates imperative unification.CabalA mutable version of # which can be imperatively unified.CabalContents of a mutable  reference.CabalThe mutable counterpart of Cabal!An integer for uniquely labeling  nodes. We need these labels in order to efficiently serialize s into s (we use the label to check if any parent is the node in question, and if so insert a deBruijn index instead.) These labels must be unique across all s/$s which participate in unification!CabalA convenient alias for mutable references in the unification monad.CabalReturns  if there is no a mutually recursive unit. | Otherwise returns a list of signatures instantiated by given .CabalImperatively read a .CabalImperatively write a .) Safe-Inferred#{CabalGiven to scopes of provisions and requirements, link them together.CabalLink a list of possibly provided modules to a single requirement. This applies a side-condition that all of the provided modules at the same name are *actually* the same module.CabalImperatively unify two modules. Safe-Inferred# Safe-Inferred<# Safe-Inferred<$0  Safe-Inferred<$k Safe-Inferred$#Isaac Jones, Simon Marlow 2003-2004=BSD3 portions Copyright (c) 2007, Galois Inc.cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred)*13<e0 CabalGiven a block of IO code that may raise an exception, annotate it with the metadata from the current scope. Use this as close to external code that raises IO exceptions as possible, since this function unconditionally wraps the error message with a trace (so it is NOT idempotent.) CabalPerform an IO action, catching any IO exceptions and printing an error if one occurs. Cabal?Recursively copy the contents of one directory to another path. CabalGiven a relative path to a file, copy it to the given directory, preserving the relative path and creating the parent directories if needed. CabalGiven a relative path to a file, copy it to the given directory, preserving the relative path and creating the parent directories if needed. CabalCopies a file without copying file permissions. The target file is created with default permissions. Any existing target file is replaced.3At higher verbosity levels it logs an info message. CabalCopies a bunch of files to a target directory, preserving the directory structure in the target location. The target directories are created if they do not exist.The files are identified by a pair of base directory and a path relative to that base. It is only the relative part that is preserved in the destination. For example: copyFiles normal "dist/src" [("", "src/Foo.hs"), ("dist/build/", "src/Bar.hs")]This would copy "src/Foo.hs" to "dist/src/src/Foo.hs" and copy "dist/build/src/Bar.hs" to "dist/src/src/Bar.hs".This operation is not atomic. Any IO failure during the copy (including any missing source files) leaves the target in an unknown state so it is best to use it with a freshly created directory so that it can be simply deleted if anything goes wrong. CabalSame as createDirectoryIfMissing% but logs at higher verbosity levels. Cabal'Detailed internal debugging information6We display these messages when the verbosity level is  Cabal A variant of   that doesn't perform the automatic line wrapping. Produces better output in some cases. CabalPackage description file (pkgname.cabal$) in the current working directory. CabalLike ., but also checks that the file is executable. Cabal"Drop the extension if it's one of   , or return the path unchanged. Cabal7Append a call-site and/or call-stack based on Verbosity Cabal/Add all necessary metadata to a logging message CabalList of possible executable file extensions on the current build platform. CabalLike  -, but also checks that the first file exists. Cabal CabalFind a file by looking in a search path. The file path must match exactly. CabalFind a file by looking in a search path with one of a list of possible file extensions. CabalLike   but returns which element of the search path the file was found in, and the file path relative to that base directory. CabalFind a file by looking in a search path. The file path must match exactly. CabalFind a file by looking in a search path with one of a list of possible file extensions. The file base name should be given and it will be tried with each of the extensions in each element of the search path. CabalLike   but returns which element of the search path the file was found in, and the file path relative to that base directory. CabalFind auxiliary package information in the given directory. Looks for  .buildinfo files. Cabal5Find the file corresponding to a Haskell module name.This is similar to   but specialised to a module name. The function fails if the file corresponding to the module is missing. Cabal5Find the file corresponding to a Haskell module name.This is similar to   but specialised to a module name. The function fails if the file corresponding to the module is missing. CabalFinds the files corresponding to a list of Haskell module names.As   but for a list of module names. CabalFinds the files corresponding to a list of Haskell module names.As findModuleFile but for a list of module names. CabalFind a package description file in the given directory. Looks for .cabal files. CabalLook for a program and try to find it's version number. It can accept either an absolute path or the name of a program binary, in which case we will look for the program on the path. CabalfromJust for dealing with 'Maybe Handle' values as obtained via m. Creating a pipe using  CreatePipe guarantees a $ value for the corresponding handle. Cabal9List all the files in a directory and all subdirectories.The order places files in sub-directories after all the files in their parent directories. The list is generated lazily so is not well defined if the source directory structure changes before the list is used. Cabal!Run an IO computation, returning e- if it raises a "file does not exist" error. Cabal#Ignore SIGPIPE in a subcomputation. Cabal,More detail on the operation of some action.6We display these messages when the verbosity level is  CabalThis installs all the files in a directory to a target location, preserving the directory layout. All the files are assumed to be ordinary rather than executable files. CabalInstall an executable file. This is like a file copy but the permissions are set appropriately for an installed file. On Unix it is "-rwxr-xr-x" while on Windows it uses the default permissions for the target directory. Cabal This is like   but uses  . CabalInstall a file that may or not be executable, preserving permissions. Cabal This is like   but uses  . CabalInstall an ordinary file. This is like a file copy but the permissions are set appropriately for an installed file. On Unix it is "-rw-r--r--" while on Windows it uses the default permissions for the target directory. Cabal This is like   but uses  . Cabal,Is this directory in the system search path? CabalHelper to use with one of the  rawSystem? variants, and exit unless the command completes successfully. CabalCompare the modification times of two files to see if the first is newer than the second. The first file must exist but the second need not. The expected use case is when the second file is generated using the first. In this use case, if the result is True then the second file is out of date. CabalUseful status messages.We display these at the  verbosity level.This is for the ordinary helpful status messages that users see. Just enough information to know that things are working but not floods of detail. CabalPretty-print a  status message at : verbosity level. Use this if you need fancy formatting. CabalDisplay a message at ( verbosity level, but without wrapping. CabalExecute the given command with the given arguments, exiting with the same exit code if the command fails. CabalExecute the given command with the given arguments, returning the command's exit code. CabalExecute the given command with the given arguments and environment, exiting with the same exit code if the command fails. CabalLike  ", but setting a working directory. CabalExecute the given command with the given arguments, returning the command's exit code.Optional arguments allow setting working directory, environment and input and output handles. CabalExecute the given command with the given arguments, returning the command's exit code. action is executed while the command is running, and would typically be used to communicate with the process through pipes.Optional arguments allow setting working directory, environment and input and output handles. CabalExecute the given command with the given arguments, returning the command's exit code.!Create the process argument with V* to ensure consistent options with other  rawSystem functions in this module. CabalExecute the given command with the given arguments, returning the command's exit code. action is executed while the command is running, and would typically be used to communicate with the process through pipes.!Create the process argument with V* to ensure consistent options with other  rawSystem functions in this module. CabalExecute the given command with the given arguments, returning the command's output, errors and exit code.Optional arguments allow setting working directory, environment and command input.Provides control over the binary/text mode of the input and output. CabalExecute the given command with the given arguments, returning the command's output. Exits if the command exits with error.9Provides control over the binary/text mode of the output. CabalWrite a file but only if it would have new content. If we would be writing the same as the existing content then leave the file as is so that we do not update the file's modification time.NB: Before Cabal-3.0 the file content was assumed to be ASCII-representable. Since Cabal-3.0 the file is assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. CabalSame as   but for  ByteStrings. CabalDisplay a "setup status message". Prefer using setupMessage' if possible. CabalLike   , but calls die in case of error. CabalNon fatal conditions that may be indicative of an error or problem.We display these at the  verbosity level. CabalLike  , but prepend Error: @ instead of  Waring: @ before the the message. Useful when you want to highlight the condition is an error but do not want to quit the program yet. CabalWrap output with a marker if  +markoutput verbosity flag is set.NB: Why is markoutput done with start/end markers, and not prefixes? Markers are more convenient to add (if we want to add prefixes, we have to  and then ; here's it's just some concatenates). Note that even in the prefix case, we can't guarantee that the markers are unambiguous, because some of Cabal's output comes straight from external programs, where we don't have the ability to interpose on the output.This is used by  Cabal%Create and use a temporary directory.Creates a new temporary directory inside the given directory, making use of the template. The temp directory is deleted after use. For example: >withTempDirectory verbosity "src" "sdist." $ \tmpDir -> do ...The tmpDir: will be a new subdirectory of the given directory, e.g.  src/sdist.342. Cabal%Create and use a temporary directory.Creates a new temporary directory inside the given directory, making use of the template. The temp directory is deleted after use. For example: >withTempDirectory verbosity "src" "sdist." $ \tmpDir -> do ...The tmpDir: will be a new subdirectory of the given directory, e.g.  src/sdist.342. Cabal A version of   that additionally takes a   argument. Cabal A version of   that additionally takes a   argument. Cabal3Use a temporary filename that doesn't already exist Cabal4Use a temporary filename that doesn't already exist. Cabal A version of   that additionally takes a   argument. CabalLike the Unix xargs program. Useful for when we've got very long command lines that might overflow an OS limit on command line length and so you need to invoke a command multiple times to get all the args in.Use it with either of the rawSystem variants above. For example: xargs (32*1024) (rawSystemExit verbosity) prog fixedArgs bigArgs CabalAdvanced options for   and  . CabalKeep temporary files?CabalWhen should we emit the call stack? We always emit for internal errors, emit the trace for errors when we are in verbose mode, and otherwise only emit it if explicitly asked for using the  +callstack# verbosity flag. (At the moment,  is not used.CabalAppend a trailing newline to a string if it does not already have a trailing newline.Cabal/When should we output the marker? Things like die always get marked, but a 5 will only be output if we're not a quiet verbosity.CabalPrefixing a message to indicate that it is a fatal error, if the  is not already present.Cabal4A prefix indicating that a message is a fatal error.Cabal,Annotate an error string with timestamp and .Cabal/Add all necessary metadata to a logging messageCabalCommon implementation of  ,  ,   and  .CabalBC wrapper around .Cabal'A lens for the error message inside an .Cabal Check if an % should be output verbatim to screen.Cabal2A semantic editor for the error message inside an .CabalTag an = whose error string should be output to the screen verbatim.CabalLog a command execution (that's typically about to happen) at info level, and log working directory and environment overrides at debug level if specified.Cabal.Prefix an error string with program name from CabalDetermine if we should emit a call stack. If we trace, it also emits any prefix we should append.Cabal Create a ) whose error text will be output verbatimCabal Depending on , set the output handle to  or .Cabal%Warning message, with a custom label.Cabal8Prepend a call-site and/or call-stack based on VerbosityCabalPrepends a timestamp if  +timestamp verbosity flag is setThis is used by CabalWraps text unless the +nowrap verbosity flag is active Cabal.a description of the action we were attemptingCabalthe action itself CabalCreate its parents too? Cabalworking directoryCabal extensionsCabalrelative search locationsCabalbasename Cabalworking directoryCabalsearch directoriesCabal File Name Cabalsearch directoriesCabal File Name CabalWorking directoryCabalDirectory to searchCabaldir/pkgname .buildinfo , if present Cabal"build prefix (location of objects)Cabalsearch suffixesCabalmodule Cabal"build prefix (location of objects)Cabalsearch suffixesCabalmodule Cabal"build prefix (location of objects)Cabalsearch suffixesCabalmodules Cabal"build prefix (location of objects)Cabalsearch suffixesCabalmodules Cabalpackage directory Cabal version argsCabal8function to select version number from program outputCaballocation CabalNew working dir or inheritCabalNew environment or inheritCabalstdinCabalstdoutCabalstderr CabalNew working dir or inheritCabalNew environment or inheritCabal7action to perform after process is created, but before waitForProcess.CabalstdinCabalstdoutCabalstderr CabalProgram locationCabal ArgumentsCabalNew working dir or inheritCabalNew environment or inheritCabalinput text and binary modeCabaliodata mode, acts as proxyCabaloutput, errors, exit Cabaldirectory in which to look CabalWorking directory CabalWorking directory CabalTemp dir to create the file inCabalFile name template. See . CabalWorking directoryCabalTemp dir to create the file inCabalFile name template. See . CabalWorking directoryCabalTemp dir to create the file inCabalFile name template. See .  TS  R  G   TS  R  G . Safe-Inferred7<l Cabal7Lift a function over lists to a function over NubLists. Cabal8Lift a function over lists to a function over NubListRs. Cabal'Smart constructor for the NubList type. Cabal(Smart constructor for the NubListR type. CabalNubList : A de-duplicated list that maintains the original order. Cabal%NubListR : A right-biased version of   . That is +toNubListR ["-XNoFoo", "-XFoo", "-XNoFoo"] will result in ["-XFoo", "-XNoFoo"], unlike the normal  ), which is left-biased. Built on top of  and . Cabal>Binary instance for 'NubList a' is the same as for '[a]'. For 6, we just pull off constructor and put the list. For , we get the list and make a   out of it using  . CabalMonoid operations on NubLists. For a valid Monoid instance we need to satisfy the required monoid laws; identity, associativity and closure.'Identity : by inspection: mempty  NubList xs == NubList xs  mempty1Associativity : by inspection: (NubList xs  NubList ys)  NubList zs == NubList xs  (NubList ys  NubList zs)Closure : appending two lists of type a and removing duplicates obviously does not change the type.Cabal1Helper used by NubList/NubListR's Read instances.  / Safe-Inferredn Cabal+Add a message to the error/warning context. Cabal+Fail the computation with an error message. Cabal)Output an informational trace message in  . CabalRun  !, outputting traces according to , die if there is an error. Cabal"Output a warning trace message in  . CabalThe 4 monad with specialized logging and error messages.Cabal:Format a message with context. (Something simple for now.)  0Duncan Coutts 2009cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred )*1t CabalReturn the current environment extended with the given overrides. If an entry is specified twice in  overrides%, the second entry takes precedence. CabalLike the unix xargs program. Useful for when we've got very long command lines that might overflow an OS limit on command line length and so you need to invoke a command multiple times to get all the args in.It takes four template invocations corresponding to the simple, initial, middle and last invocations. If the number of args given is small enough that we can get away with just a single invocation then the simple one is used:  $ simple argsIf the number of args given means that we need to use multiple invocations then the templates for the initial, middle and last invocations are used: $ initial args_0 $ middle args_1 $ middle args_2 ... $ final args_n Cabal7Represents a specific invocation of a specific program.This is used as an intermediate type between deciding how to call a program and actually doing it. This provides the opportunity to the caller to adjust how the program will be called. These invocations can either be run directly or turned into shell or batch scripts. Cabal6TODO: remove this, make user decide when constructing  .  1Duncan Coutts 2009cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred)*v= Cabal5Generate a Windows batch file that invokes a program. Cabal5Generate a POSIX shell script that invokes a program. CabalGenerate a system script, either POSIX shell script or Windows batch file as appropriate for the given system.  2(c) Sergey Vinokurov 2017 BSD3-stylecabal-devel@haskell.org Safe-Inferred1w CabalWorking directoryCabal%Directory to create response file in.Cabal Template for response file name.Cabal+Encoding to use for response file contents.Cabal$Arguments to put into response file.  3Thomas Tuegel 2011cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred1{ Cabal%Invoke hpc with the given parameters.Prior to HPC version 0.7 (packaged with GHC 7.8), hpc did not handle multiple .mix paths correctly, so we print a warning, and only pass it the first path in the list. This means that e.g. test suites that import their library as a dependency can still work, but those that include the library modules directly (in other-modules) don't. CabalPath to .tix fileCabalPaths to .mix file directoriesCabal(Path where html output should be locatedCabal(List of modules to include in the report CabalPaths to .tix filesCabalPath to resultant .tix fileCabal%List of modules to exclude from unionCabalPath to .tix fileCabalPaths to .mix file directoriesCabal)Path where html output should be locatedCabalList of modules to includeCabalPaths to .tix filesCabalPath to resultant .tix fileCabal%List of modules to exclude from union  4Duncan Coutts 2013cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred7<= CabalAdds some paths to the PATH entry in the key-value environment provided or if there is none, looks up $PATH in the real environment. Cabal=Get the system search path. On Unix systems this is just the $PATH6 env var, but on windows it's a bit more complicated. Cabal Interpret a  to construct a new $PATH env var. Note that this is close but not perfect because on Windows the search algorithm looks at more than just the %PATH%. CabalMake a simple named program.By default we'll just search for it in the path and not try to find the version name. You can override these behaviours if necessary, eg: (simpleProgram "foo") { programFindLocation = ... , programFindVersion ... }   5(c) David Himmelstrup 2005, Bjorn Bringert 2007, Duncan Coutts 2008-2009cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred7< Cabal$Get all the packages from the index. Cabal$Get all the packages from the index.4They are grouped by package name (case-sensitively).$(Doesn't include private libraries.) Cabal$Get all the packages from the index.They are grouped by source package id (package name and version).#(Doesn't include private libraries) Cabal$Get all the packages from the index.7They are grouped by source package id and library name.%This DOES include internal libraries. CabalAll packages that have immediate dependencies that are not in the index.Returns such packages along with the dependencies that they're missing. CabalRemoves all packages with this (case-sensitive) name from the index.9NB: Does NOT delete internal libraries from this package. Cabal&Removes all packages with this source  from the index. Cabal2Removes a single installed package from the index. CabalTries to take the transitive closure of the package dependencies.If the transitive closure is complete then it returns that subset of the index. Otherwise it returns the broken packages as in  .Note that if the result is Right []3 it is because at least one of the original given s do not occur in the index. CabalFind if there are any cycles in the dependency graph. If there are no cycles the result is [].This actually computes the strongly connected components. So it gives us a list of groups of packages where within each group they all depend on each other, directly or indirectly. Cabal+Builds a graph of the package dependencies.Dependencies on other packages that are not in the index are discarded. You can check if there are any such dependencies with  . CabalGiven a package index where we assume we want to use all the packages (use   if you need to get such a index subset) find out if the dependencies within it use consistent versions of each package. Return all cases where multiple packages depend on different versions of some other package.Each element in the result is a package name along with the packages that depend on it and the versions they require. These are guaranteed to be distinct. Cabal*Build an index out of a bunch of packages.If there are duplicates by $ then later ones mask earlier ones. Cabal(Inserts a single package into the index.8This is equivalent to (but slightly quicker than) using  or   with a singleton index. CabalDoes a lookup by component identifier. In the absence of Backpack, this is just a  . Cabal=Does a lookup by source package name and a range of versions.We get back any number of versions of the specified package name, all satisfying the version range constraint.This does NOT work for internal dependencies, DO NOT use this function on those; use   instead.INVARIANT: List of eligible  is non-empty. Cabal=Does a lookup by source package name and a range of versions.We get back any number of versions of the specified package name, all satisfying the version range constraint.INVARIANT: List of eligible  is non-empty. CabalConvenient alias of  0, but assuming only one package per package ID. Cabal%Does a lookup by source package name. Cabal4Does a lookup by source package id (name & version).>There can be multiple installed packages with the same source  but different . They are returned in order of preference, with the most preferred first. Cabal!Does a lookup by unit identifier..Since multiple package DBs mask each other by (, then we get back at most one package. CabalMerge two indexes.Packages from the second mask packages from the first if they have the exact same ."For packages with the same source , packages from the second are "preferred" over those from the first. Being preferred means they are top result when we do a lookup by source . This is the mechanism we use to prefer user packages over global packages. Cabal7A rough approximation of GHC's module finder, takes a   and turns it into a map from module names to their source packages. It's used to initialize the  build-deps field in  cabal init. CabalTakes the transitive closure of the packages reverse dependencies. The given s must be in the index. Cabal/Does a case-insensitive search by package name.If there is only one package that compares case-insensitively to this name then the search is unambiguous and we get back all versions of that package. If several match case-insensitively but one matches exactly then it is also unambiguous.If however several match case-insensitively and none match exactly then we have an ambiguous result, and we get back all the versions of all the packages. The list of ambiguous results is split by exact package name. So it is a non-empty list of non-empty lists. Cabal9Does a case-insensitive substring search by package name.That is, all packages that contain the given string in their name. Cabal Cabal)The default package index which contains InstalledPackageInfo. Normally use this. Cabal>The collection of information about packages from one or more  PackageDB8s. These packages generally should have an instance of -Packages are uniquely identified in by their , they can also be efficiently looked up by package name or by name and version.Cabal(We maintain the invariant that, for any =, there is only one instance of the package in our database.# # 6Isaac Jones 2003-2005BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred1CabalCollapse duplicate experimental feature warnings into single warning, with a count of further sitesCabal3Helper combinator to do parsing plumbing for files.Given a parser and a filename, return the parse of the file, after checking if the file exists.:Argument order is chosen to encourage partial application. Cabal#File contents to final value parserCabalVerbosity levelCabal File name Cabalworking directoryCabal#File contents to final value parserCabalVerbosity levelCabalWorking directoryCabal File to read  7#Isaac Jones, Simon Marlow 2003-2004=BSD3 portions Copyright (c) 2007, Galois Inc.cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred19< CabalHow/does the glob match the given filepath, according to the cabal version? Since this is pure, we don't make a distinction between matching on directories or files (i.e. this function won't return  )  Cabal#Extract the matches from a list of  s.Note: throws away the   results; chances are that you want to check for these and error out if any are present. CabalIs the root of this relative glob path a directory-recursive wildcard, e.g. **/*.txt ? Cabal This will die' when the glob matches no files, or if the glob refers to a missing directory, or if the glob fails to parse.The Version argument must be the spec version of the package description being processed, as globs behave slightly differently in different spec versions. The first  argument is the directory that the glob is relative to. It must be a valid directory (and hence it can't be the empty string). The returned values will not include this prefix. The second  is the glob itself. CabalLike   but with customizable die  CabalMatch a  against the file system, starting from a given root directory. The results are all relative to the given root. Cabal6Match a globbing pattern against a file path component Cabal?Match files against a pre-parsed glob, starting in a directory.The Version argument must be the spec version of the package description being processed, as globs behave slightly differently in different spec versions.The  argument is the directory that the glob is relative to. It must be a valid directory (and hence it can't be the empty string). The returned values will not include this prefix. Cabal$The glob matched the value supplied.  CabalThe glob matched a directory when we were looking for files only. It didn't match a file! CabalThe glob couldn't match because the directory named doesn't exist. The directory will be as it appears in the glob (i.e., relative to the directory passed to  4, and, for 'data-files', relative to 'data-dir'). CabalThe glob did not match the value supplied because the cabal-version is too low and the extensions on the file did not precisely match the glob's extensions, but rather the glob was a proper suffix of the file's extensions; i.e., if not for the low cabal-version, it would have matched.Cabal>Check how the string matches the glob under this cabal version CabalIf the glob we are running should care about the cabal spec, and warnings such as  , then this should be the version. If you want to run a glob but don't care about any of the cabal-spec restrictions on globs, use !  Francesco Ariis 2022BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred)Cabalask( (from Control.Monad.Reader) for CheckM.Cabal0Pure check not requiring IO or other interfaces.CabalExecute a CheckM monad, leaving `m [PackageCheck]` which can be run in the appropriate m environment (IO, pure, @).CabalAdds useful bits to  (as now, whether we are operating under a user off-by-default flag).CabalLift a monadic action via an interface. Missing interface, no action.Caballocal( (from Control.Monad.Reader) for CheckM.CabalCreates a pristing . With pristine we mean everything that can be deduced by GPD but *not* user flags information.CabalAs  but always succeeding.CabalContext to perform checks (will be the Reader part in your monad).CabalWhich interface to we have available/should we use? (to perform: pure checks, package checks, pre-distribution checks.)Cabal,Check monad, carrying a context, collecting s. Using Set for writer (automatic sort) is useful for output stability on different platforms. It is nothing more than a monad stack with Reader+Writer. m; is the monad that could be used to do package/file checks. CabalA record of operations needed to check the contents of packages. Abstracted over m< to provide flexibility (could be IO, a .tar.gz file, etc).CabalA record of operations needed to check contents *of the work tree* (compare it with  ). This is still m abstracted in case in the future we can obtain the same infos other than from IO (e.g. a VCS work tree).Cabal:A collection os names, shipping tuples around is annoying.Cabal collects contextual information on the target we are realising: a buildup of the various slices of the target (a library, executable, etc. @ is a monoid) whether we are under an off-by-default package flag.CabalMost basic check function. You do not want to export this, rather export @smart@ functions (checkP, checkPkg) to enforce relevant properties.CabalAs , but - does not depend on the monadic computation.CabalGeneralised version for checks that need an interface. We pass a Reader accessor to such interface @i@, a check function.CabalInit names from a GPD.Cabal!Lift a monadic computation to CM.Cabal4Add a package warning withoutu performing any check. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~`^+Lennart Kolmodin 2008, Francesco Ariis 2023BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred|CabalA conditional target is a library, exe, benchmark etc., destructured in a CondTree. Traversing method: we render the branches, pass a relevant context, collect checks.CabalBefore walking a target , we need to annotate it with information relevant to the checks (read TaraAnn and  doc for more info).Cabal7Condvar checking (misspelled OS in if conditions, etc).Cabalnf function is needed to appropriately name some targets which need to be spoonfed (otherwise name appears as "").Cabal)We @build up@ target from various slices.Francesco Ariis 2022BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-InferredCabal.cabal field we are referring to. As now it is just a synonym to help reading the code, in the future it might take advantage of typification in Cabal-syntax. 8Isaac Jones 2003-2004BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred179:;<* CabalMake package paths absolute CabalDoes this compiler's "ar" command support llvm-ar's -L flag, which compels the archiver to add an input archive's members rather than adding the archive itself. CabalDoes this compiler's "ar" command supports response file arguments (i.e. @file-style arguments). Cabal$Does this compiler support Backpack? CabalTransform a package db using a FilePath into one using symbolic paths. CabalIs this compiler compatible with the compiler flavour we're interested in?For example this checks if the compiler is actually GHC or is another compiler that claims to be compatible with some version of GHC, e.g. GHCJS. 6if compilerCompatFlavor GHC compiler then ... else ... CabalIs this compiler compatible with the compiler flavour we're interested in, and if so what version does it claim to be compatible with.For example this checks if the compiler is actually GHC-7.x or is another compiler that claims to be compatible with some GHC-7.x version. case compilerCompatVersion GHC compiler of Just (Version (7:_)) -> ... _ -> ... Cabal4Does this compiler support Haskell program coverage? Cabal2Is the compiler distributed with dynamic libraries CabalFor the given compiler, return the flags for the supported extensions. Cabal,Does this compiler support the -jsem option? CabalDoes this compiler support a package database entry with: "dynamic-library-dirs"? CabalDoes this compiler support a package database entry with: "visibility"? Cabal(Does this compiler support package keys? Cabal0Does this compiler support parallel --make mode? CabalDoes this compiler support thinning/renaming on package flags? Cabal:Does this compiler have unified IPIDs (so no package keys) Cabal$Does this compiler support unit IDs? CabalFor the given compiler, return the extensions it does not support. CabalTag for distinguishing incompatible ABI's on the same architecture/os. CabalOther implementations that this compiler claims to be compatible with. CabalSupported extensions. CabalCompiler flavour and version. CabalSupported language standards. Cabal?A key-value map for properties not covered by the above fields. CabalSome compilers support emitting debug info. Some have different levels. For compilers that do not the level is just capped to the level they do support. CabalSome compilers support optimising. Some have different levels. For compilers that do not the level is just capped to the level they do support. CabalWe typically get packages from several databases, and stack them together. This type lets us be explicit about that stacking. For example typical stacks include: [GlobalPackageDB] [GlobalPackageDB, UserPackageDB] [GlobalPackageDB, SpecificPackageDB "package.conf.inplace"]Note that the   is invariably at the bottom since it contains the rts, base and other special compiler-specific packages.We are not restricted to using just the above combinations. In particular we can use several custom package dbs and the user package db together.>When it comes to writing, the top most (last) package is used. CabalSome compilers have a notion of a database of available packages. For some there is just one global db of packages, other compilers support a per-user or an arbitrary db specified at some location in the file system. This can be used to build isolated environments of packages, for example to build a collection of related packages without installing them globally.Abstracted over Cabal6NB: the path might be relative or it might be absolute CabalSome compilers (notably GHC) support profiling and can instrument programs so the system can account costs to different functions. There are different levels of detail that can be used for this accounting. For compilers that do not support this notion or the particular detail levels, this is either ignored or just capped to some similar level they do support.CabalReturns Just if we can certainly determine whether a way is supported if we don't know, return NothingCabalLooks up the flag for a given extension, for a given compiler. Ignores the subtlety of extensions which lack associated flags.CabalLooks up the flag for a given extension, for a given compiler. However, the extension may be valid for the compiler but not have a flag. For example, NondecreasingIndentation is enabled by default on GHC 7.0.4, hence it is considered a supported extension but not an accepted flag.The outer layer of Maybe indicates whether the extensions is supported, while the inner layer indicates whether it has a flag. When building strings, it is often more convenient to use  , which ignores the difference.Cabal&Utility function for GHC only features 9Duncan Coutts 2009, 2013cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred"1׷ Cabal Defaults are True, False and False CabalCall hc-pkg to retrieve a specific package :hc-pkg describe [pkgid] [--user | --global | --package-db] CabalCall hc-pkg to get all the details of all the packages in the given package database. CabalCall hc-pkg to expose a package. 8hc-pkg expose [pkgid] [--user | --global | --package-db] CabalCall hc-pkg to hide a package. 6hc-pkg hide [pkgid] [--user | --global | --package-db] CabalCall hc-pkg9 to initialise a package database at the location {path}. hc-pkg init {path} CabalRun hc-pkg using a given package DB stack, directly forwarding the provided command-line arguments to it. CabalCall hc-pkg to get the source package Id of all the packages in the given package database.(This is much less information than with  , but also rather quicker. Note in particular that it does not include the , just the source 3 which is not necessarily unique in any package db. CabalCall hc-pkg$ to recache the registered packages. 1hc-pkg recache [--user | --global | --package-db] CabalCall hc-pkg to register a package. hc-pkg register {filename | -} [--user | --global | --package-db] CabalCall hc-pkg to unregister a package = 7.6 uses the '-package-db' flag. See  0https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/5977. Cabal -dynamic Cabal -static -dynamic-too Cabal -static Cabalghc --abi-hash( | GhcModeDepAnalysis -- ^ ghc -M( | GhcModeEvaluate -- ^ ghc -e Cabal ghc -c Cabalghci / ghc --interactive Cabal ghc Cabal  ghc --make Cabal -O2 Cabal -O0 Cabal -O Cabale.g. -Odph Cabal%A structured set of GHC options/flags)Isaac Jones 2006, Duncan Coutts 2007-2009cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred1E Cabal?Looks up the given program in the program database and runs it.Cabal?Looks up the given program in the program database and runs it.Cabal6Runs the given configured program and gets the output.Cabal?Looks up the given program in the program database and runs it.Cabal?Looks up the given program in the program database and runs it.Cabal"Runs the given configured program.Cabal"Runs the given configured program. Cabal verbosityCabalThe program to runCaballook up the program hereCabalAny extra arguments to addCabal verbosityCabalworking directoryCabalThe program to runCaballook up the program hereCabalAny extra arguments to addCabal VerbosityCabalThe program to runCabalAny extra arguments to addCabal verbosityCabalThe program to runCaballook up the program hereCabalAny extra arguments to addCabal verbosityCabalworking directoryCabalThe program to runCaballook up the program hereCabalAny extra arguments to addCabal VerbosityCabalThe program to runCabalAny extra arguments to addCabal VerbosityCabalWorking directoryCabalThe program to runCabalAny extra arguments to add        ?cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred4@Duncan Coutts 2007BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.org(non-portable (ExistentialQuantification) Safe-Inferred%bCabalcreate a Choice optionCabalcreate a Choice option out of an enumeration type. As long flags, the Show output is used. As short flags, the first character which does not conflict with a previous one is used.Cabal'Parse a bunch of command line argumentsCabal:Show flags in the standard long option command line formatCabal6Helper function for creating globalCommand descriptionCabalMark command as hidden. Hidden commands don't show up in the 'progname help' or 'progname --help' output.CabalCabalMake a Command from standard GetOpt options.CabalCreate an option taking several OptDescrs. You will have to give the flags and description individually to the OptDescr constructor.CabalUtility function, many commands do not accept additional flags. This action fails with a helpful error message if the user supplies any extra.CabalCreate a string-valued command line interface with a default value.Cabal!(String -> a) variant of "optArg"CabalCreate an option taking a single OptDescr. No explicit Name is given for the Option, the name is the first LFlag given. Example:  sf lf d get set * sf": Short option name, for example: ['d']. No hyphen permitted. * lf!: Long option name, for example:  ["debug"]. No hyphens permitted. * d: Description of the option, shown to the user in help messages. * get(: Get the current value of the flag. * set: Set the value of the flag. Gets the current value of the flag as a parameter.CabalCreate a string-valued command line interface. Usually called in the context of  or . Example:  ad mkflag showflagad&: Placeholder shown to the user, e.g. FILES+ if files are expected parameters.mkflag,: How to parse the argument into the option.showflag: If parsing goes wrong, display a useful error message to the user.Cabal!(String -> a) variant of "reqArg"CabalCreate "usage" documentation from a list of parameter configurations.Cabal0Default "usage" documentation text for commands.Cabalwraps a  CommandUI/ together with a function that turns it into a Command. By hiding the type of flags for the UI allows construction of a list of all UIs at the top level of the program. That list can then be used for generation of manual page as well as for executing the selected command.CabalInitial / empty flagsCabal;Additional explanation of the command to use in help texts.CabalThe name of the command as it would be entered on the command line. For example "build".Cabal+Post-Usage notes and examples in help textsCabal&All the Option fields for this commandCabalA short, one line description of the command to use in help texts.CabalA function that maps a program name to a usage summary for this command.Cabal Long command line option stringsCabalAn OptionField takes one or more OptDescrs, describing the command line interface for the field.CabalWe usually have a data type for storing configuration values, where every field stores a configuration option, and the user sets the value either via command line flags or a configuration file. An individual OptionField models such a field, and we usually build a list of options associated to a configuration data type.Cabal!Short command line option stringsCabal(Common flags that apply to every commandCabalThe help text for this command with descriptions of all the options.Cabal&Is the command a global or subcommand?CabalnameCabalsynopsisCabalusage alternativesCabalinitial/empty flagsCabaloptionsCabalMkOptDescr constructors partially applied to flags and description.8Isaac Jones 2003-2004 Duncan Coutts 2007BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred 179:;<, CabalThe name of the directory where optional compilation artifacts go, such as ghc plugins and .hie files.CabalFor each known program PROG in progDb , produce a  PROG-option .CabalFor each known program PROG in progDb , produce a  PROG-options .CabalFor each known program PROG in progDb , produce a  with-PROG .CabalLike *, but allows to customise the option name.CabalHelper function to split a string into a list of arguments. It's supposed to handle quoted things sensibly, eg: splitArgs "--foo=\"C:/Program Files/Bar/" --baz" = ["--foo=C:/Program Files/Bar", "--baz"] splitArgs "\"-DMSGSTR=\\\"foo bar\\\"\" --baz" = ["-DMSGSTR=\"foo bar\"","--baz"]CabalHelp text for test and bench commands.CabalA datatype that stores common flags for different invocations of a Setup, executable, e.g. configure, build, install.Cabal"Which Cabal file to use (optional)CabalBuild directoryCabal3Which targets is this Setup invocation relative to?TODO: this one should not be here, it's just that the silly UserHooks stop us from passing extra info in other waysCabal VerbosityCabalWorking directory (optional)CabalEither "test" or  "benchmark".Cabal Help text.,8Isaac Jones 2003-2004 Duncan Coutts 2007BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred (17<-{8Isaac Jones 2003-2004 Duncan Coutts 2007BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred (17<.|Cabal Flags to sdist: (snapshot, verbosity)8Isaac Jones 2003-2004 Duncan Coutts 2007BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred (17</.8Isaac Jones 2003-2004 Duncan Coutts 2007BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred (17<0YCabal Flags to register and  unregister2: (user package, gen-script, in-place, verbosity)8Isaac Jones 2003-2004 Duncan Coutts 2007BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred (17<1NCabal Flags to install: (package db, verbosity)8Isaac Jones 2003-2004 Duncan Coutts 2007BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred (17<28Isaac Jones 2003-2004 Duncan Coutts 2007BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred (17<8)Cabaloutput directory of combined haddocks, the default is './haddocks'Cabala shortcut option which builds documentation linked to hackage. It implies: * `--html-location=' 7https://hackage.haskell.org/package/$prg-$version/docs' * `--quickjump` * `--gen-index` * `--gen-contents` * `--hyperlinked-source`CabalhaddocksInterfaces is inferred by the haddocksAction%; currently not exposed to the user.Cabal9When we build haddock documentation, there are two cases: We build haddocks only for the current development version, intended for local use and not for distribution. In this case, we store the generated documentation in  distdochtml/ packagename.We build haddocks for intended for uploading them to hackage. In this case, we need to follow the layout that hackage expects from documentation tarballs, and we might also want to use different flags than for development builds, so in this case we store the generated documentation in  distdochtml/ packageid-docs.CabalGoverns whether modules from a given interface should be visible or hidden in the Haddock generated content page. We don't expose this functionality to the user, but simply use  for only local packages. Visibility of modules is available since haddock- Jones 2003-2004 Duncan Coutts 2007BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred17<9Cabal:Flags that apply at the top level, not to any sub-command.8Isaac Jones 2003-2004 Duncan Coutts 2007BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred (17<:Cabal Flags to copy6: (destdir, copy-prefix (backwards compat), verbosity) 8Isaac Jones 2003-2004 Duncan Coutts 2007BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred (17<L=CabalMore convenient version of . Results in an # if internal invariant is violated.CabalArguments to pass to a  configure script, e.g. generated by autoconf.CabalParse a PackageDB stack entryCabalShow a PackageDB stack entryCabal Flags to  configure command.+IMPORTANT: every time a new flag is added,  should be updated. IMPORTANT: every time a new flag is added, it should be added to the Eq instanceCabalAllow depending on private sublibraries. This is used by external tools (like cabal-install) so they can add multiple-public-libraries compatibility to older ghcs by checking visibility externally.CabalEnable benchmark compilationCabalexplicit CID to be usedCabalExtra arguments to  configureCabal*Additional constraints for dependencies.CabalEnable program coverageCabalThe list of libraries to be included in the hpc coverage report for testsuites run with --enable-coverage. Notably, this list must exclude indefinite libraries and instantiations because HPC does not support backpack (Nov. 2023).CabalEmit debug info.Cabal,The packages depended on which already existCabalbe as deterministic as possible (e.g., invariant over GHC, database, etc). Used by the test suiteCabalShould we dump available build information on build? Dump build information to disk before attempting to build, tooling can parse these files and use them to compile the source files themselves.Cabal,Enable dynamic linking of the executables.CabalAll direct dependencies and flags are provided on the command line by the user via the '--dependency' and '--flags' options.Cabal0path to search for extra frameworks (OS X only)Cabalpath to search for header filesCabal"path to search for extra librariesCabalpath to search for extra libraries when linking fully static executablesCabalHalt and show an error message indicating an error in flag assignmentCabal1Enable fully static linking of the executables.Cabal!Enable compiling library for GHCiCabal)The "flavor" of the compiler, e.g. GHC.Cabalgiven compiler locationCabalgiven hc-pkg locationCabalexplicit IPID to be usedCabalWhen this flag is set, all tools declared in `build-tool`s and `build-tool-depends` will be ignored. This allows a Cabal package with build-tool-dependencies to be built even if the tool is not found.CabalInstallation pathsCabalThe requested Backpack instantiation. If empty, either this package does not use Backpack, or we just want to typecheck the indefinite package.Cabal$Enable program coverage (deprecated)CabalEnable optimization.CabalWhich package DBs to useCabal2Enable profiling in the library and executables.Cabal9Profiling detail level in the library and executables.Cabal&Enable profiling in the executables.CabalEnable profiling in the libraryCabal(Profiling detail level in the libraryCabalEnable shared profiling objectsCabalInstalled executable prefix.CabalInstalled executable suffix.Cabaluser specified programs argsCabalExtend the $PATHCabaluser specified programs pathsCabalAll programs that cabal may runCabalThe packages depended on which doesn't yet exist (i.e. promised). Promising dependencies enables us to configure components in parallel, and avoids expensive builds if they are not necessary. For example, in multi-repl mode, we don't want to build dependencies that are loaded into the interactive session, since we have to build them again.Cabal Enable relocatable package builtCabalBuild shared libraryCabalEnable -split-objs with GHCCabalEnable -split-sections with GHCCabalBuild static libraryCabalEnable executable strippingCabalEnable library strippingCabalEnable test suite compilationCabalWhether to use response files at all. They're used for such tools as haddock, or ld.CabalThe --user/--global flagCabalEnable vanilla libraryCabal5Pretty-print a single entry of a module substitution.Cabal Inverse to .B Safe-Inferred %&'1<_,Cabal contains configuration options that can be controlled by the user.Cabal-Whether to enable executable program coverageCabal*Whether to enable library program coverageCabal&Whether to build a relocatable packageCabal&Use -split-objs with GHC, if availableCabal*Use -split-sections with GHC, if availableCabal+Whether to strip executables during installCabal)Whether to strip libraries during installCabal*Whether to emit debug info (if available).Cabal'Whether to link executables dynamicallyCabal,Whether to link executables fully staticallyCabal1Whether to build libs suitable for use with GHCi.Cabal2Whether to build with optimization (if available).Cabal+Whether to build executables for profiling.Cabal"Level of automatic profile detail.CabalWhether to build normal libs.Cabal"Level of automatic profile detail.Cabal,Whether to build profiling versions of libs.Cabal)Whether to build shared versions of libs.CabalWhether to build static versions of libs (with all other libs rolled in)CabalWhether to build normal libs.CabalInformation about individual components in a package, determined after the configure step.CabalAll the components to build, ordered by topological sort, and with their INTERNAL dependencies over the intrapackage dependency graph. TODO: this is assumed to be short; otherwise we want some sort of ordered map.CabalA map from component name to all matching components. These coincide with  There may be more than one matching component because of backpack instantiationsCabalAll the info about the installed packages that the current package depends on (directly or indirectly). The copy saved on disk does NOT include internal dependencies (because we just don't have enough information at this point to have an InstalledPackageInfo for an internal dep), but we will often update it with the internal dependencies; see for example a<. (This admonition doesn't apply for per-component builds.)CabalThe packages we were promised, but aren't already installed. MP: Perhaps this just needs to be a Set UnitId at this stage.Cabal contains options that can be controlled by the user and serve as inputs to the configuration of a package.CabalExtra args on the command line for the configuration step. Needed to re-run configuration when .cabal is out of dateCabalOptions to control the build, e.g. whether to enable profiling or to enable program coverage.Cabal"Location and args for all programsCabal'LocalBuildDescr ' contains the information Cabal determines after performing package-wide and per-component configuration of a package.;This information can no longer be changed after that point.CabalInformation about individual components in the package determined after the configure step.CabalInformation that is available after configuring the package itself, before looking at individual components.Cabal contains the information Cabal determines after performing package-wide configuration of a package, before doing any per-component configuration.Cabal The compiler we're building withCabal;What components were enabled during configuration, and why.CabalOptions passed to the configuration step. Needed to re-run configuration when .cabal is out of dateCabalFor per-package builds-only: an extra list of libraries to be included in the hpc coverage report for testsuites run with --enable-coverage. Notably, this list must exclude indefinite libraries and instantiations because HPC does not support backpack (Nov. 2023).Cabal9The final set of flags which were picked for this packageCabalThe platform we're building forCabalThe installation directories for the various different kinds of files TODO: inplaceDirTemplates :: InstallDirs FilePathCabalWARNING WARNING WARNING Be VERY careful about using this function; we haven't deprecated it but using it could introduce subtle bugs related to .In principle, this is supposed to contain the resolved package description, that does not contain any conditionals. However, it MAY NOT contain the description with a  applied to it; see  for the whole sordid saga. As much as possible, Cabal library should avoid using this parameter.Cabal5the filename containing the .cabal file, if availableCabal)What package database to use, global/user22C Safe-Inferred %'17<lOCabalReturn the list of default s associated with a configured package, in the order they need to be built. Has a prime because it takes a # argument which may disagree with  in .CabalReturns a list of ways, in the order which they should be built, and the way we build executable and foreign library components.Ideally all this info should be fixed at configure time and not dependent on additional info but  is per package (not per component) so it's currently not possible to configure components to be built in certain ways.Cabal Return all s associated with :. In the presence of Backpack there may be more than one!Cabal Return all s associated with . In the presence of Backpack there may be more than one! Has a prime because it takes a # argument which may disagree with  in .CabalExtract the compatibility package key from the public library component of a  if it exists, or make a fake package key based on the package ID.Cabal Extract the ) from the public library component of a  if it exists, or make a fake component ID based on the package ID.Cabal Extract the  of a . This is a "safe" use of Cabal Extract the " from the library component of a ? if it exists, or make a fake unit ID based on the package ID.Cabal3Return the list of all targets needed to build the uids, in the order they need to be built. Has a prime because it takes a # argument which may disagree with  in .Cabal=The (relative or absolute) path to the package root, based onthe working directory flagthe .cabal pathCabalIs coverage enabled for test suites? In practice, this requires library and executable profiling to be enabled.CabalExecute f for every  in the package, respecting the build dependency order. (TODO: We should use Shake!) Has a prime because it takes a # argument which may disagree with  in .CabalExecute f for every  needed to build uids, respecting the build dependency order. Has a prime because it takes a # argument which may disagree with  in .Cabal1Data cached after configuration step. See also A.CabalThis pattern synonym is for backwards compatibility, to adapt to  being split into LocalBuildDescr and LocalBuildConfig.CabalInformation about a package configuration that can be modified by the user at configuration time.CabalInformation about a package determined by Cabal after the configuration step.Cabal+Convenience function to generate a default  from a 0. The idea is to call this once, and then use * everywhere else. Private to this module. Isaac Jones 2003-2004BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred%'1<w CabalSee .CabalBackwards compatibility function which computes the InstallDirs assuming that $libname points to the public library (or some fake package identifier if there is no public library.) IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, please use  instead.Cabal/Absolute path to the current working directory.CabalGet all module names that needed to be built by GHC; i.e., all of these s have interface files associated with them that need to be installed.CabalDetermine the directories containing the dynamic libraries of the transitive dependencies of the component we are building.When wanted, and possible, returns paths relative to the installDirs CabalInterpret a symbolic path with respect to the working directory stored in .:Use this before directly interacting with the file system.-NB: when invoking external programs (such as GHC), it is preferable to set the working directory of the process rather than calling this function, as this function will turn relative paths into absolute paths if the working directory is an absolute path. This can degrade error messages, or worse, break the behaviour entirely (because the program might expect certain paths to be relative).4See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.PathCabal,Retrieve an optional working directory from .CabalSee CabalBackwards compatibility function which computes the InstallDirs assuming that $libname points to the public library (or some fake package identifier if there is no public library.) IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, please use  instead.Cabal%Perform the action on each buildable  or  (Component) in the PackageDescription, subject to the build order specified by the compBuildOrder field of the given Cabal#Perform the action on each enabled  in the package description.Cabal#Perform the action on each enabled 3 in the package description. Extended version of + that also gives corresponding build info.Cabal#Perform the action on each enabled & in the package description with the .CabalBuilding for inplace?Cabal&Generate prefix-relative library pathsCabalComponent that is being built$%!"#&'()* $%!"#&!"#&'()* D Safe-Inferred~X CabalThe directory where we put build results for a benchmark suiteCabal.Build info json file, generated in every buildCabalExtension for dynamically linked (or shared) libraries (typically "so" on Unix and "dll" on Windows)Cabal:The directory where we put build results for an executableCabalDefault extension for executable files on the current platform. (typically "" on Unix and "exe" on Windows or OS/2)Cabal>The directory where we put build results for a foreign libraryCabalThis is the name of the directory in which the generated haddocks should be stored. It does not include the  distdochtml prefix.It is also used by `haddock-project` when constructing its output directory.CabalThis is the name of the directory in which the generated haddocks for a (sub)library should be stored. It does not include the  distdochtml prefix.It is also used by `haddock-project` when constructing its output directory.Cabal)A name of a (sub)library used by haddock.Cabal!File path of the ".haddock" file.Cabal8A name of a (sub)library used by haddock, in the form ` package: library` if it is a sublibrary, or ` package` if it is the main library.Used by `haddock-project` and e.CabalThe directory to which generated haddock documentation should be written.CabalCreate a library name for a bundled shared library from a given name. This matches the naming convention for shared libraries as implemented in GHC's packageHsLibs function in the Packages module. If the given name is prefixed with HS, then this prepends lib and appends the compiler flavour/version and shared library extension e.g.: "HSrts-1.0" -> "libHSrts-1.0-ghc8.7.20190109.so" Otherwise the given name should be prefixed with C, then this strips the C , prepends lib5 and appends the shared library extension e.g.: Cffi -> "libffi.so"CabalCreate a library name for a shared library from a given name. Prepends lib and appends the #-* as well as the shared library extension.CabalCreate a library name for a static library from a given name. Prepends lib+ and appends the static library extension (.a).Cabal5Extension for object files. For GHC the extension is "o".CabalExtension for static librariesTODO: Here, as well as in dllExtension, it's really the target OS that we're interested in, not the build OS.Cabal:The name of the stub executable associated with a library .Cabal9The directory where we put build results for a test suite**QAndres Loeh 2009BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred1hCabal'The flags for the supported extensions.CabalHack to add version numbers to UHC-built-in packages. This should sooner or later be fixed on the UHC side.Cabal*Name of the installed package config file.CabalCheck if a certain dir contains a valid package. Currently, we are looking only for the presence of an installed package configuration. TODO: Actually make use of the information provided in the file.Cabal4Create a trivial package info from a directory name.R Safe-Inferred1yCabal2Source code for library test suite stub executableCabalThe filename of the source file for the stub executable associated with a library  TestSuite.CabalMain function for test stubs. Once, it was written directly into the stub, but minimizing the amount of code actually in the stub maximizes the number of detectable errors when Cabal is compiled.CabalFrom a test stub, write the : to temporary file for the calling Cabal process to read.Cabal$Write the source file for a library  TestSuite stub executable.Cabal The test runner used in library  TestSuite$ stub executables. Runs a list of s. An executable calling this function is meant to be invoked as the child of a Cabal process during  ./setup test. A , provided by Cabal, is read from the standard input; it supplies the name of the test suite and the location of the machine-readable test suite log file. Human-readable log information is written to the standard output for capture by the calling Cabal process.Caballibrary  TestSuite# for which a stub is being createdCabal6path to directory where stub source should be locatedS Safe-InferredT Safe-Inferred%)*16<(CabalRun all pre-build rules.6This function should only be called internally within Cabal, as it is used to implement the (legacy) Setup.hs interface. The build tool (e.g.  cabal-install or hls) should instead go through the separate hooks executable, which allows us to only rerun the out-of-date rules (instead of running all of these rules at once).CabalEmpty build hooks.CabalEmpty configure phase hooks.CabalEmpty copy/install hooks.CabalUse this smart constructor to declare an empty set of changes by a per-component pre-configure hook, and override the fields you care about.Use this rather than  to avoid relying on internal implementation details of the latter.CabalUse this smart constructor to declare an empty set of changes by the package-wide pre-configure hook, and override the fields you care about.Use this rather than  to avoid relying on internal implementation details of the latter.Cabal Empty hooks.CabalBuild-time hooks.CabalPer-component post-build hook.Cabal+Per-component fine-grained pre-build rules.CabalA diff to a Cabal 2, that gets combined monoidally into an existing .CabalConfigure-time hooks.Order of execution:,configure the package,,,configure the components.Cabal&Package-wide post-configure hook. See .Cabal&Per-component pre-configure hook. See .Cabal%Package-wide pre-configure hook. See .CabalA per-component install hook, which can only perform side effects (e.g. copying files).CabalCopy/install hooks.CabalPer-component install hook.Cabal!Package-wide post-configure step.Perform side effects. Last opportunity for any package-wide logic; any subsequent hooks work per-component.Cabal/Inputs to the package-wide post-configure step.Cabal-what kind of build phase are we hooking into?Cabalinformation about the packageCabal)information about an individual componentCabal!Per-component pre-configure step.For each component of the package, this hook can perform side effects, and return a diff to the passed in component, e.g. to declare additional autogenerated modules.Cabal/Inputs to the per-component pre-configure step.Cabal0Outputs of the per-component pre-configure step. Prefer using noPreComponentOutputs and overriding the fields you care about, to avoid depending on implementation details of this datatype.Cabal.Inputs to the package-wide pre-configure step.Cabal Warning: the   in the 3 field will not contain any unconfigured programs.Cabal/Outputs of the package-wide pre-configure step. Prefer using  and overriding the fields you care about, to avoid depending on implementation details of this datatype.CabalHooks into the cabal build phases.Usage:In your .cabal file, declare build-type: Hooks (with a  cabal-version greater than or equal to 3.14),In your .cabal file, include a  custom-setup4 stanza which declares the dependencies of your  SetupHooks; module; this will usually contain a dependency on the  Cabal-hooks package. Provide a  SetupHooks.hs module next to your .cabal file; it must export setupHooks :: SetupHooks.CabalHooks into the build phase.These hooks are relevant to any build-like phase, such as repl or haddock.CabalHooks into the configure phase.Cabal"Hooks into the copy/install phase.CabalA newtype to hang off the Semigroup PreConfComponentHook instance.CabalA newtype to hang off the Semigroup PreConfPackageHook instance.Cabal can be combined monoidally. This is useful to combine setup hooks defined by another package with your own package-specific hooks.Warning: this  instance is not commutative.CabalLike , except it can be used when communicating with an external hooks executable.Cabal!Is the file we depend on missing?Cabal(Does the rule output the given location?CabalTraverse the components of a .:The function must preserve the component type, i.e. map a  to a , a  to a , etc.U Safe-Inferred1Cabalinstall locationCabal&install location for dynamic librariesCabalBuild location  Isaac Jones 2003-2007cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred1Cabal/Adjust the way we find and configure gcc and ldCabal.Strip out flags that are not supported in ghciCabal&GHC's rendering of its host or target  as used in its platform strings and certain file locations (such as user package db location).CabalThe .ghc.environment-$arch-$os-$ver file nameCabal&GHC's rendering of its host or target  as used in its platform strings and certain file locations (such as user package db location).CabalGHC's rendering of its platform and compiler version string as used in certain file locations (such as user package db location). For example x86_64-linux-7.10.4CabalCreate the required packaged arguments, but filtering out package arguments which aren't yet built, but promised. This filtering is used when compiling CCxxAsm files, and is a hack to avoid passing bogus `-package` arguments to GHC. The assumption being that in 99% of cases we will include the right `-package` so that the C file finds the right headers.Cabal.Render a bunch of GHC environment file entriesCabal/Render an individual GHC environment file entryCabal3Make entries for a GHC environment file based on a  $ and a bunch of package (unit) ids.If you need to do anything more complicated then either use this as a basis and add more entries, or just make all the entries directly.CabalWrite a .ghc.environment-$arch-$os-$ver file in the given directory.The  and GHC % are needed as part of the file name.%Returns the name of the file written.Cabal'The kinds of entries we can stick in a .ghc.environment file.Cabal clear-package-dbCabal  -- a commentCabalglobal-package-db, user-package-db or package-db blahpackage.conf.dCabal package-id foo-1.0-4fe301a...Cabaldirectory in which to put itCabalthe GHC target platformCabalthe GHC versionCabal the content! Safe-Inferred%&7: Safe-Inferred1CabalBuild an executable with GHC.CabalBuild a foreign libraryCabal Return the $ to the global GHC package database.Cabal8Given a package DB stack, return all installed packages.Cabal:Get the packages from specific PackageDBs, not cumulative.Cabal9Given a single package DB, return all installed packages.CabalInstall executables for GHCJS.Cabal Install foreign library for GHC.Cabal6Install for ghc, .hi, .a and, if --with-ghci given, .oCabalExtracts a String representing a hash of the ABI of a built library. It can fail if the library has not yet been built.CabalGet the JavaScript file name and command and arguments to run a program compiled by GHCJS the exe should be the base program name without exe extensionCabal.Start a REPL without loading any source files.CabalA collection of: * C input files * C++ input files * GHC input files * GHC input modules)Used to correctly build and link sources.CabalBuilding an executable, starting the REPL, and building foreign libraries are all very similar and implemented in . The 6 distinguishes between the various kinds of operation.Cabal(Generic build function. See comment for .CabalReturns True if the modification date of the given source file is newer than the object file we last compiled for it, or if no object file exists yet.CabalDecode argument to '-main-is'Returns ( if argument set only the function name.This code has been stolen/refactored from GHC's DynFlags.setMainIs function. The logic here is deliberately imperfect as it is intended to be bug-compatible with GHC's parser. See discussion in  https://github.com/haskell/cabal/pull/4539#discussion_r118981753.CabalMain module name when overridden by ghc-options: -main-is ... or  if no -main-is flag could be found. In case of ,  can be assumed.Cabal7Extract (and compute) information about the RTS library!TODO: This hardcodes the name as  HSrts-ghc version. I don't know if we can find this information somewhere. We can lookup the  hsLibraries field of  but it will tell us [HSrts, Cffi], which doesn't really help.Cabal#Name for the library when building.If the `lib-version-info` field or the `lib-version-linux` field of a foreign library target is set, we need to incorporate that version into the SONAME field.If a foreign library foo has lib-version-info 5:1:2, it should be built as libfoo.so.3.2.1. We want it to get soname libfoo.so.3. However, GHC does not allow overriding soname by setting linker options, as it sets a soname of its own (namely the output filename), after the user-supplied linker options. Hence, we have to compile the library with the soname as its filename. We rename the compiled binary afterwards.This method allows to adjust the name of the library at build time such that the correct soname can be set.Cabal8Target name for a foreign library (the actual file name)We do not use mkLibName and co here because the naming for foreign libraries is slightly different (we don't use "_p" or compiler version suffices, and we don't want the "lib" prefix on Windows).TODO: We do use  and co here, but really that's wrong: they use the OS used to build cabal to determine which extension to use, rather than the target OS (but this is wrong elsewhere in Cabal as well).CabalLocate and return the  required to build and link.Cabal3Finds the object file name of the given source fileCabal7Calculate the RPATHs for the component we are building. Calculates relative RPATHs when  is set.Cabal Return the & to the per-user GHC package database.Cabal-FilePath has a Haskell extension: .hs or .lhsCabalRemove the "-threaded" flag when building a foreign library, as it has no effect when used with "-shared". Returns the updated , along with whether or not the flag was present, so we can use it to link against the appropriate RTS on our own.CabalWhere to copy the files toCabalBuild locationCabalExecutable (prefix,suffix)Cabalinstall locationCabalBuild locationCabalinstall locationCabal&install location for dynamic librariesCabalBuild locationCabalComponent we are building8 8  Safe-Inferred1CabalReturns True if the modification date of the given source file is newer than the object file we last compiled for it, or if no object file exists yet.CabalDecode argument to '-main-is'Returns ( if argument set only the function name.This code has been stolen/refactored from GHC's DynFlags.setMainIs function. The logic here is deliberately imperfect as it is intended to be bug-compatible with GHC's parser. See discussion in  https://github.com/haskell/cabal/pull/4539#discussion_r118981753.CabalMain module name when overridden by ghc-options: -main-is ... or  if no -main-is flag could be found. In case of ,  can be assumed.CabalGets the target name (name of actual executable file) from the name of an executable-like component (, , ).CabalFind the path to the entry point of an executable (typically specified in main-is, and found in hs-source-dirs -- yes, even when main-is is not a Haskell file).Cabal#Name for the library when building.If the `lib-version-info` field or the `lib-version-linux` field of a foreign library target is set, we need to incorporate that version into the SONAME field.If a foreign library foo has lib-version-info 5:1:2, it should be built as libfoo.so.3.2.1. We want it to get soname libfoo.so.3. However, GHC does not allow overriding soname by setting linker options, as it sets a soname of its own (namely the output filename), after the user-supplied linker options. Hence, we have to compile the library with the soname as its filename. We rename the compiled binary afterwards.This method allows to adjust the name of the library at build time such that the correct soname can be set.Cabal8Target name for a foreign library (the actual file name)We do not use mkLibName and co here because the naming for foreign libraries is slightly different (we don't use "_p" or compiler version suffices, and we don't want the "lib" prefix on Windows).TODO: We do use  and co here, but really that's wrong: they use the OS used to build cabal to determine which extension to use, rather than the target OS (but this is wrong elsewhere in Cabal as well).Cabal3Finds the object file name of the given source fileCabal+Is this a C source file, i.e. ends with .c?CabalIs this file a C++ source file, i.e. ends with .cpp, .cxx, or .c++?Cabal*Is this compiler's RTS dynamically linked?Cabal-FilePath has a Haskell extension: .hs or .lhsCabalDoes this compiler support the  -dynamic-too optionCabal=Should we dynamically link the foreign library, based on its ?CabalThe build info of the executable-like component (Exe, Test, Bench)CabalBuild directoryCabalThe build info and module path of an executable-like component (Exe, Test, Bench)Cabal!The path to the main source file. Safe-Inferred'1KCabal9Compile the Haskell modules of the component being built.CabalReturns a pair of the main file and Haskell modules of the component being built. The main file is not necessarily a Haskell file. It could also be e.g. a C source, or, a Haskell repl script (that does not necessarily have an extension).String describing the extra sources being built, for printing.CabalFunction to determine the   for the invocation of GHC when compiling these extra sources (e.g. , )CabalView the extra sources of a component, typically from the build info (e.g. , ).  Executable= components might additionally add the program entry point (main-is file) to the extra sources, if it should be compiled as the rest of them.CabalThe GHC configured programCabal#The build directory for this targetCabalNeeded build waysCabal,The context and component being built in it.Cabal1Returns the list of extra sources that were builtCabal!An optional non-Haskell Main fileCabalThe GHC configured programCabal#The build directory for this targetCabalNeeded build waysCabal,The context and component being built in it.Cabal1Returns the list of extra sources that were built Safe-Inferred1-Cabal7Extract (and compute) information about the RTS library!TODO: This hardcodes the name as  HSrts-ghc version. I don't know if we can find this information somewhere. We can lookup the  hsLibraries field of  but it will tell us [HSrts, Cffi], which doesn't really help.Cabal7Calculate the RPATHs for the component we are building. Calculates relative RPATHs when  is set.CabalDetermine whether the given  is intended to link against the threaded RTS. This is used to determine which RTS to link against when building a foreign library with a GHC without support for  -flink-rts.CabalLink the executable resulting from building this component, be it an executable, test, or benchmark component.Cabal Link a foreign library componentCabalLink a library componentCabalLinks together the object files of the Haskell modules and extra sources using the context in which the component is being built.If the build kind is 5, we load the component into GHCi instead of linking.CabalLoad a target component into a repl, or write to disk a script which runs GHCi with the GHC options Cabal elaborated to load the component interactively.Cabal,The context and component being built in it.CabalThe linker-specific GHC optionsCabalThe wanted build ways and corresponding GhcOptions that were used to compile the modules in that way.CabalThe target dir (2024-01:note: not the same as build target dir, see Note [Build Target Dir vs Target Dir] in Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build)CabalName of executable-like targetCabalRun the configured GHC programCabalThe linker-specific GHC optionsCabalThe wanted build ways and corresponding GhcOptions that were used to compile the modules in that way.CabalThe target dir (2024-01:note: not the same as build target dir, see Note [Build Target Dir vs Target Dir] in Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build)CabalRun the configured GHC programCabal"The library target build directoryCabal5The list of extra lib dirs that exist (aka "cleaned")Cabal/The package description containing this libraryCabalRun the configured Ghc programCabal3Extra build sources (that were compiled to objects) CabalA list with the runtime-paths (rpaths), or empty if not linking dynamically Cabal1Wanted build ways and corresponding build optionsCabal8The configured GHC program that will be used for linkingCabalDCabalConstruct a JSON document describing the build information for a package.Cabal A variant of  if you need to call  and  yourself.If you change the format or any name in the output json, don't forget to update the schema at (/doc/json-schemas/build-info.schema.json and the docs of --enable-build-info/--disable-build-info.CabalGet the command-line arguments that would be passed to the compiler to build the given component.Cabal#The source directory of the packageCabal'Mostly information from the .cabal fileCabalConfiguration informationCabal#Flags that the user passed to buildCabalCompiler information. Needs to be passed explicitly, as we can't extract that information here without some partial function.Cabal=Json representation of buildinfo alongside generated warningsCabalThe  from CabalThe  from XIsaac Jones 2003-2004BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred%'1BCabal Perform the "./setup install" and " ./setup copy" actions. Move files into place based on the prefix argument.2This does NOT register libraries, you should call register to do that.Cabal6Install the files specified by the given glob pattern.Cabal'Copy files associated with a component.CabalCopy package global files.Cabal&Install the files listed in data-filesCabal:Install the files listed in install-includes for a libraryCabal information from the .cabal fileCabal#information from the configure stepCabalflags sent to copy or installCabal (src_dir, dest_dir)Cabalfile glob patternCabal information from the .cabal fileCabal#information from the configure stepCabalflags sent to copy or installYIsaac Jones 2003-2005, Ross Paterson 2006, Duncan Coutts 2007-2008cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-InferredD<CabalGenerates the name of the environment variable controlling the path component of interest.Note: The format of these strings is part of Cabal's public API; changing this function constitutes a *backwards-compatibility* break.Cabalpath component; one of "bindir", "libdir", -- "datadir", "libexecdir", or "sysconfdir"Cabalenvironment variable name+Lennart Kolmodin 2008, Francesco Ariis 2023BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-InferredMECabalSee .CabalWhether a path is a good relative path. We aren't worried about perfect cross-platform compatibility here; this function just checks the paths in the (local) .cabal0 file, while only Hackage needs the portability.let test fp = putStrLn $ show (isGoodRelativeDirectoryPath fp) ++ "; " ++ show (isGoodRelativeFilePath fp)4Note that "foo./bar.hs" would be invalid on Windows.7traverse_ test ["foo/bar/quu", "a/b.hs", "foo./bar.hs"]Nothing; NothingNothing; NothingNothing; NothingTrailing slash is not allowed for files, for directories it is ok. test "foo/"Nothing; Just "trailing slash"Leading ./ is fine, but . and ./ are not valid files.'traverse_ test [".", "./", "./foo/bar"]$Nothing; Just "trailing dot segment"Nothing; Just "trailing slash"Nothing; Nothing*Lastly, not good file nor directory cases:traverse_ test ["", "/tmp/src", "foo//bar", "foo/.", "foo/./bar", "foo/../bar"]$Just "empty path"; Just "empty path"6Just "posix absolute path"; Just "posix absolute path"4Just "empty path segment"; Just "empty path segment"Just "trailing same directory segment: ."; Just "trailing same directory segment: ."Just "same directory segment: ."; Just "same directory segment: ."Just "parent directory segment: .."; Just "parent directory segment: .."For the last case,  doesn't warn:5traverse_ (print . isGoodRelativeGlob) ["foo/../bar"]#Just "parent directory segment: .."CabalSee .This is barebones function. We check whether the glob is a valid file by replacing stars * with xses.CabalIs a  inside dist, `dist-newstyle` and friends?Cabal=Check a file name is valid for the portable POSIX tar format.The POSIX tar format has a restriction on the length of file names. It is unfortunately not a simple restriction like a maximum length. The exact restriction is that either the whole path be 100 characters or less, or it be possible to split the path on a directory separator such that the first part is 155 characters or less and the second part 100 characters or less.+Lennart Kolmodin 2008, Francesco Ariis 2023BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-InferredNCabal>Checks GHC options for commonly misused or non-portable flags.+Lennart Kolmodin 2008, Francesco Ariis 2022BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred1X CabalThis function is an oddity due to the historical GenericPackageDescription/PackageDescription split. It is only maintained not to break interface, use  if possible.Cabal?Check for common mistakes and problems in package descriptions.This is the standard collection of checks covering all aspects except for checks that require looking at files within the package. For those see .CabalSanity check things that requires looking at files in the package. This is a generalised version of 7 that can work in any monad for which you can provide   operations.The point of this extra generality is to allow doing checks in some virtual file system, for example a tarball in memory.Cabal Same as , but working with .2This function is included for legacy reasons, use  if you are working with .CabalSanity checks that require IO.  looks at the files in the package and expects to find the package unpacked at the given filepath.CabalWraps  into .Cabal checks. Remember that for historical quirks in the cabal codebase we have both  and  and that PD is both a *field* of GPD and a concept of its own (i.e. a fully realised GPD). In this case we are checking (correctly) GPD, so for target info/checks you should walk condLibrary_ etc. and *not* the (empty) target info in PD. See + for a convenient hack when you only have .CabalAugust 2022: this function is an oddity due to the historical GenericPackageDescription/PackageDescription split (check Distribution.Types.PackageDescription for a description of the relationship between GPD and PD. It is only maintained not to break interface, should be deprecated in the future in favour of ) when PD and GPD are refactored sensibly.Cabal?Checks for matchless globs and too strict matching (<2.4 spec).Cabal is the most general way to invoke package checks. We pass to it two interfaces (one to check contents of packages, the other to inspect working tree for orphan files) and before that a Boolean to indicate whether we want pure checks or not. Based on these parameters, some checks will be performed, some omitted. Generality over m means we could do non pure checks in monads other than IO (e.g. a virtual filesystem, like a zip file, a VCS filesystem, etc).CabalFind a package description file in the given directory. Looks for .cabal files. Like , but generalized over monads.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~`_^\] abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~`_^\] Martin Sjögren 2004BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred[7?A9F;<>8@=B:DCE7?A9F;<>8@=B:DCEZ Safe-Inferred7<`Cabal7Based on code written by Neil Mitchell for Shake. See sleepFileTimeCalibrate in . Returns a pair of microsecond values: first, the maximum delay seen, and the recommended delay to use before testing for file modification change. The returned delay is never smaller than 10 ms, but never larger than 1 second.CabalReturn the current time as .Cabal!Return age of given file in days.CabalReturn modification time of the given file. Works around the low clock resolution problem that  has on GHC < 7.8.This is a modified version of the code originally written for Shake by Neil Mitchell. See module Development.Shake.FileInfo.Cabal!Convert POSIX seconds to ModTime.CabalAn opaque type representing a file's modification time, represented internally as a 64-bit unsigned integer in the Windows UTC format.CabalConvert  to . Safe-InferredmMCabalCompute the dependencies of a ! that should be recorded in the depends field of InstalledPackageInfo.CabalCorresponds to .CabalThe final, string  that will uniquely identify the compilation products of this component.CabalGiven a list of s, expand the module graph so that we have an instantiated graph containing all of the instantiated components we need to build.:Instantiation intuitively follows the following algorithm:instantiate a definite unit id p[S]: recursively instantiate each module M in S recursively instantiate modules exported by this unit recursively instantiate dependencies substituted by SThe implementation is a bit more involved to memoize instantiation if we have done it already. We also call  improveUnitId during this process, so that fully instantiated components are given  HashedUnitId.CabalAn > is a library with requirements which we will typecheck only.CabalThe dependencies which need to be passed to the compiler to bring modules into scope. These are > because these may refer to partially instantiated libraries.Cabal0The modules exported/reexported by this library.Cabal The requirements of the library.CabalAn  is a library which is fully instantiated (or, possibly, has no requirements at all.)CabalThe dependencies which need to be passed to the compiler to bring modules into scope. These always refer to installed fully instantiated libraries.Cabal"How this library was instantiated.CabalDependencies induced by . These are recorded here because there isn't a convenient way otherwise to get the  we need to fill componentPackageDeps as needed.Cabal0The modules exported/reexported by this library.CabalA  is one that we can actually generate build products for. We have a ready component for the typecheck-only products of every indefinite package, as well as a ready component for every way these packages can be fully instantiated.CabalCorresponds to . Invariant: if  records a , it coincides with this one.CabalCorresponds to .CabalCorresponds to . Build-tools don't participate in mix-in linking. (but what if they could?)CabalExtra metadata depending on whether or not this is an indefinite library (typechecked only) or an instantiated component (can be compiled).CabalThe  for this package. At the moment, this is used in only one case, which is to determine if an export is of a module from this library (indefinite libraries record these exports as ); 9 can be conveniently used to test for equality, whereas % cannot always be used in this case.CabalCorresponds to .CabalA state monad for doing instantiations (can't use actual State because that would be an extra dependency.)Cabal The state of ; a mapping from  s to their ready component, or Nothing if its an external component which we don't know how to build.CabalGet the  of a  IF it is a library.[ Safe-Inferred "%&7m\ Safe-InferredoMCabalPrint a Setup message stating (1) what operation we are doing, for (2) which component (with enough details to uniquely identify the build in question.)Cabal'Operation being done (capitalized), on:CabalPackageCabalComponent nameCabal3Instantiation, if available. Polymorphic to take  OpenModule or Module]Isaac Jones 2003-2004BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred1rCabal Compute the $ of a library that we built inplace.Cabal Construct 6 for the final install location of a library package.;This function knows about the layout of installed packages.Cabal5Create an empty package DB at the specified location.Cabal Construct  for a library in a package, given a set of installation directories.Cabal Construct 3 for a library that is in place in the build tree.:This function knows about the layout of in place packages.CabalRun hc-pkg using a given package DB stack, directly forwarding the provided command-line arguments to it.Cabal8Translate relative include dir paths to absolute paths.Caballocation of the dist treeCabal(Install in the user's database?; verbose  ^+(c) 2003-2005, Isaac Jones, Malcolm WallaceBSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred1yR CabalStandard preprocessors: GreenCard, c2hs, hsc2hs, happy, alex and cpphs.Cabal>Convenience function; get the suffixes of these preprocessors.Cabal(Apply preprocessors to the sources from 2 for a given component (lib, exe, or test suite).XXX: This is terribleCabalFind any extra C sources generated by preprocessing that need to be added to the component (addresses issue #238).CabalFind the first extension of the file that exists, and preprocess it if required.CabalJust present the modules in the order given; this is the default and it is appropriate for preprocessors which do not have any sort of dependencies between modules.CabalOver-ride this hook to get different behavior during hscolour.Cabal=Over-ride this hook to get different behavior during install.Cabal Hook to run after bench command.CabalHook to run after build command. Second arg indicates verbosity level.CabalHook to run after clean command. Second arg indicates verbosity level.Cabal#Hook to run after configure commandCabalHook to run after copy commandCabalHook to run after haddock command. Second arg indicates verbosity level.CabalHook to run after hscolour command. Second arg indicates verbosity level.CabalHook to run after install command. postInst should be run on the target, not on the build machine.Cabal"Hook to run after register commandCabalHook to run after repl command. Second arg indicates verbosity level.CabalHook to run after test command.Cabal$Hook to run after unregister commandCabal!Hook to run before bench command.CabalHook to run before build command. Second arg indicates verbosity level.CabalHook to run before clean command. Second arg indicates verbosity level.Cabal$Hook to run before configure commandCabalHook to run before copy commandCabalHook to run before haddock command. Second arg indicates verbosity level.CabalHook to run before hscolour command. Second arg indicates verbosity level.Cabal"Hook to run before install commandCabal#Hook to run before register commandCabalHook to run before repl command. Second arg indicates verbosity level.Cabal Hook to run before test command.Cabal%Hook to run before unregister commandCabalRead the description fileCabalOver-ride this hook to get different behavior during registration.CabalOver-ride this hook to get different behavior during interpretation.Cabal:Over-ride this hook to get different behavior during test.CabalOver-ride this hook to get different behavior during unregistration.++JIsaac Jones 2003-2005BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred "%&'17 /CabalMakes a " from C compiler and linker flags.This can be used with the output from configuration programs like pkg-config and similar package-specific programs like mysql-config, freealut-config etc. For example: ccflags <- getDbProgramOutput verbosity prog progdb ["--cflags"] ldflags <- getDbProgramOutput verbosity prog progdb ["--libs"] ldflags_static <- getDbProgramOutput verbosity prog progdb ["--libs", "--static"] return (ccldOptionsBuildInfo (words ccflags) (words ldflags) (words ldflags_static))CabalCheck that localBuildInfoFile is up-to-date with respect to the .cabal file.Cabal4Compute the effective value of the profiling flags --enable-library-profiling and --enable-executable-profiling from the specified . This may be useful for external Cabal tools which need to interact with Setup in a backwards-compatible way: the most predictable mechanism for enabling profiling across many legacy versions is to NOT use --enable-profiling! and use those two flags instead. Note that --enable-executable-profiling also affects profiling of benchmarks and (non-detailed) test suites.Cabal Perform the "./setup configure" action. Returns the  .setup-config file.CabalReturn the "dist/" prefix, or the default prefix. The prefix is taken from (in order of highest to lowest preference) the override prefix, the "CABAL_BUILDDIR" environment variable, or the default prefix.CabalReturn the "dist/" prefix, or the default prefix. The prefix is taken from (in order of highest to lowest preference) the override prefix, the "CABAL_BUILDDIR" environment variable, or + is used. Call this function to resolve a  *DistPref0 flag whenever it is not known to be set. (The  *DistPref; flags are always set to a definite value before invoking  UserHooks.)Cabal Read the . Throw an exception if the file is missing, if the file cannot be read, or if the file was created by an older version of Cabal.CabalList all installed packages in the given package databases. Non-existent package databases do not cause errors, they just get skipped with a warning and treated as empty ones, since technically they do not contain any package.Cabal Looks up the  of the given  s from the   in the .CabalA set of files (or directories) that can be monitored to detect when there might have been a change in the installed packages.CabalCreate a PackageIndex that makes *any libraries that might be* defined internally to this package look like installed packages, in case an executable should refer to any of them as dependencies.It must be *any libraries that might be* defined rather than the actual definitions, because these depend on conditionals in the .cabal file, and we haven't resolved them yet. finalizePD does the resolution of conditionals, and it takes internalPackageSet as part of its input.CabalLike , but for a single package DB.,NB: Why isn't this always a fall through to ? That is because  performs some sanity checks on the package database stack in question. However, when sandboxes are involved these sanity checks are not desirable.Cabal Read the . Throw an exception if the file is missing, if the file cannot be read, or if the file was created by an older version of Cabal.CabalThe user interface specifies the package dbs to use with a combination of --global, --user and $--package-db=global|user|clear|$file. This function combines the global/user flag and interprets the package-db flag into a single package db stack.CabalGet the path of dist/setup-config.CabalTry to read the .Cabal Read the 5, returning either an error or the local build info.CabalTry to read the .Cabal$After running configure, output the  to the .Cabal/The errors that can be thrown when reading the  setup-config file.CabalIncorrect header.CabalMismatched version.CabalNo file!CabalNo header found.CabalCannot parse file contents.Cabal Format a  as a user-facing error message.CabalAn external dependency from the package database, OR an internal dependency which we are getting from the package database.CabalA promised dependency, which doesn't yet exist, but should be provided at the build time.We have these such that we can configure components without actually building its dependencies, if these dependencies need to be built later again. For example, when launching a multi-repl, we need to build packages in the interactive ghci session, no matter whether they have been built before. Building them in the configure phase is then redundant and costs time.CabalAn internal dependency ( should be a library name) which we are going to have to build. (The  here is a hack to get a modest amount of polymorphism out of the Pkg' typeclass.)Cabal>Check for use of Cabal features which require compiler supportCabal,Check if the user used any deprecated flags.CabalSanity check: if '--exact-configuration' was given, ensure that the complete flag assignment was specified on the command line.Cabal=Output package check warnings and errors. Exit if any errors.Cabal0Preform checks if a relocatable build is allowedCabal2Perform checks if a shared executable can be builtCabal?Select and apply coverage settings for the build based on the  and  .Cabal$Select dependencies for the package.Cabal'Finalize a generic package description.The workhorse is .CabalSelect and apply profiling settings for the build based on the  and  .CabalConfigure a required program, ensuring that it exists in the PATH (or where the user has specified the program must live) and making it available for use via the  ; interface. If the program is known (exists in the input  ), we will make sure that the program matches the required version; otherwise we will accept any version of the program and assume that it is a simpleProgram.Cabal(Identifier of the current Cabal package.Cabal+Identifier of the current compiler package.CabalReturns true if a dependency is satisfiable. This function may report a dependency satisfiable even when it is not, but not vice versa. This is to be passed to finalizeCabal8Adds the extra program paths from the flags provided to  configure as well as specified locations for certain known programs and their default arguments.Cabal Parse the  setup-config file header, returning the package identifiers for Cabal and the compiler.CabalTest for a package dependency and record the version we have installed.Cabal Generate the  setup-config file header.Cabaldefault "dist" prefixCabaloverride "dist" prefixCabaloverride "dist" prefixCabalThe file path of the  setup-config file.CabalThe stack of package databases.CabalConstruct an exception that is thrown if a unit-id is not found in the installed packages, from the unit-id that is missing.Cabal0The unit ids to lookup in the installed packagesCabalWorking directory.CabalThe dist directory path.CabalThe dist directory path.CabalWorking directory.CabalThe dist directory path.CabalWorking directory.CabalThe file path of the  setup-config file.CabalWorking directory.CabalThe dist directory path.CabalWorking directoryCabalThe dist directory path.CabalThe  to write.Cabal Path to the .cabal file's directoryCabalinstalled packagesCabal required depsCabaltests if a dependency is satisfiable. Might say it's satisfiable even when not.Cabaluse external internal deps?Cabalexact configuration?Cabal allow depending on private libs?Cabal installed setCaballibrary componentsCabalrequired dependenciesCabalThe file contents.CabalPackage id of current packageCabalpackage librariesCabalSet of components that are promised, i.e. are not installed already. See  for more details.CabalInstalled packagesCabal;Packages for which we have been given specific deps to useCabal'Are we configuring a single component?CabalThe processed package.Cabalinstalled dependencies""`Simon Marlow 2004BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred1CabalCreate an archive from a tree of source files, and clean up the tree.CabalGiven a date produce a corresponding integer representation. For example given a date 18032008 produce the number 20080318.Cabal#List all source files of a package.Since  Cabal-3.4 returns a single list. There shouldn't be any executable files, they are hardly portable.Cabal A variant of  with configurable die.Note: may still die/ directly. For example on missing include file.Since @ a directory tree of source files for a snapshot version. It is expected that the appropriate snapshot version has already been set in the package description, eg using  or .Cabal)Prepare a directory tree of source files.CabalNote: must be called with the CWD set to the directory containing the '.cabal' file.CabalCreate a source distribution.Cabal Modifies a  by appending a snapshot number corresponding to the given date.Cabal Modifies a  by appending a snapshot number corresponding to the given date.CabalRemove the auto-generated modules (like 'Paths_*') from 'exposed-modules' and 'other-modules'.Cabal8Given a buildinfo, return the names of all source files.CabalGiven a list of include paths, try to find the include file named f. Return the name of the file and the full path, or exit with error if there's no such file.CabalFind the main executable file.CabalFind a module definition file#TODO: I don't know if this is rightCabal)Find the setup script file, if it exists.Cabal/Find the setup hooks script file, if it exists.CabalCreate a default setup script in the target directory, if it doesn't exist.Cabal)The name of the tarball without extension Cabal verbosityCabalinfo from cabal fileCabalsource tree to archiveCabalname of archive to createCabal verbosityCabaldirectory with cabal fileCabalinfo from the cabal fileCabal&extra preprocessors (include suffixes)Cabal verbosityCabal  alternative. Since  ! prefixes the error message with  errorPrefix, whatever is passed in here and wants to die should do the same. See issue #7331.Cabaldirectory with cabal fileCabalinfo from the cabal fileCabal&extra preprocessors (include suffixes)Cabal verbosityCabalworking directoryCabalinfo from the cabal fileCabalsource tree to populateCabal'extra preprocessors (includes suffixes)Cabal verbosityCabalworking directoryCabalinfo from the cabal fileCabalsource tree to populateCabal'extra preprocessors (includes suffixes)Cabalinformation from the tarballCabalverbosity & snapshotCabalbuild prefix (temp dir)Cabal'extra preprocessors (includes suffixes)Cabal  alternative. Since  ! prefixes the error message with  errorPrefix, whatever is passed in here and wants to die should do the same. See issue #7331.Cabalworking directoryCabalExtra preprocessorsCabalExposed modulesCabalworking directoryCabalmain-isCabal verbosityCabal  alternative. Since  ! prefixes the error message with  errorPrefix, whatever is passed in here and wants to die should do the same. See issue #7331.Cabaldirectory with cabal fileCabalinfo from the cabal fileCabal&extra preprocessors (include suffixes)Cabal verbosityCabalinfo from the cabal fileCabal source tree  Isaac Jones 2003-2005BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred1Cabal!Convert Windows path to Unix onesCabal host platformaIsaac Jones 2003-2005, Ross Paterson 2006, Duncan Coutts 2007-2008, 2012BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred %'1CabalUpdate the program database to include any build-tool-depends specified in the given 0 on build tools internal to the current package.This function:'adds these internal build tools to the  ;, including paths to their respective data directories, adds their paths to the current  , and adds the data directory environment variable for the current package to the current  , so that any programs configured from now on will be able to invoke these build tools.Cabal4Build the libraries and executables in this package.CabalCreates the autogenerated files for a particular configured component.Legacy function: does not run pre-build hooks or pre-processors. This function is insufficient on its own to prepare the build for a component.Consumers wanting to prepare the sources of a component, e.g. in order to launch a REPL session, are advised to run  Setup repl  compName --repl-multi-file= fn instead.CabalInitialize a new package db file for libraries defined internally to the package.CabalRuns  on every configured component.Legacy function: does not run pre-build hooks or pre-processors. This function is insufficient on its own to prepare the build for a package.Consumers wanting to prepare the sources of a package, e.g. in order to launch a REPL session, are advised to run Setup repl --repl-multi-file= fn instead.CabalCreates the autogenerated files for a particular configured component, and runs the pre-build hook.Cabal7Start an interpreter without loading any package files.CabalWrite the given autogenerated files in the autogenerated modules directory for the component.CabalGenerate and write to disk all built-in autogenerated files for the specified component. These files will be put in the autogenerated module directory for this component (see autogenComponentsModuleDir).This includes:Paths_ pkg.hs, PackageInfo_ pkg.hs,Backpack signature files for components that are not fully instantiated,cabal_macros.h.Cabal:A representation of the contents of an autogenerated file.CabalAdd extra ASM sources generated by preprocessing to build information.CabalAdd extra C sources generated by preprocessing to build information.CabalAdd extra C-- sources generated by preprocessing to build information.CabalAdd extra C++ sources generated by preprocessing to build information.CabalAdd extra JS sources generated by preprocessing to build information. CabalAdd extra HS modules generated by preprocessing to build information. Cabal+Add extra source dir for generated modules. CabalTranslate a exe-style # component into an exe for building CabalBuild a foreign libraryNOTE: We assume that we already checked that we can actually build the foreign library in configure. Cabal?Built-in autogenerated files and their contents. This includes:Paths_ pkg.hs, PackageInfo_ pkg.hs,Backpack signature files for components that are not fully instantiated,cabal_macros.h. CabalCheck for conditions that would prevent the build from succeeding. Cabal&Write available build information for  to disk.Dumps detailed build information 'build-info.json' to the given directory. Build information contains basics such as compiler details, but also lists what modules a component contains and how to compile the component, assuming lib:Cabal made sure that dependencies are up-to-date. Cabal An empty ".hsig" Backpack signature module for each requirement, so that GHC has a source file to look at it when it needs to typecheck a signature. It's harmless to generate these modules, even when there is a real hsig file written by the user, since include path ordering ensures that the real hsig= file will always be picked up before the autogenerated one. CabalTranslate a exe-style # component into an exe for building CabalTranslate a lib-style ( component into a lib + exe for building Cabal'Mostly information from the .cabal fileCabalConfiguration informationCabal#Flags that the user passed to buildCabal%preprocessors to run before compilingCabal'Mostly information from the .cabal fileCabalConfiguration informationCabal#Flags that the user passed to buildCabal%preprocessors to run before compilingCabal "dist" prefixCabal'mostly information from the .cabal fileCabalConfiguration informationCabalBuild info about the componentCabalThe verbosity to useCabal "dist" prefixCabal'mostly information from the .cabal fileCabalConfiguration informationCabalThe verbosity to useCabalpre-build hookCabalConfiguration informationCabal'Mostly information from the .cabal fileCabalConfiguration informationCabal#Flags that the user passed to buildCabal%preprocessors to run before compilingCabal build hookCabal'Mostly information from the .cabal fileCabalConfiguration informationCabal#Flags that the user passed to buildCabal%preprocessors to run before compiling Cabal3To which directory should the build-info be dumped?Cabal=Should we dump detailed build information for this component?Cabal'Mostly information from the .cabal fileCabalConfiguration informationCabal#Flags that the user passed to build Cabalabsolute inplace dirbThomas Tuegel 2010BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred%'(1[Cabal Perform the " ./setup test " action.Cabal!positional command-line argumentsCabal information from the .cabal fileCabal#information from the configure stepCabalflags sent to testcIsaac Jones 2003-2005BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred %'1<!CabalExecute Haddock configured with  HaddocksFlags. It is used to build index and contents for documentation of multiple packages.CabalGiven a list of s, return a list of interfaces and HTML paths, and an optional warning for packages with missing documentation. Cabal1The FilePath of a directory, it's a monoid under  . CabalA record that represents the arguments to the haddock executable, a product monoid. Cabal9Optional base url from which static files will be loaded. CabalOptional name used to construct haddock's `--package-name` option for various components (tests suites, sublibriaries, etc). CabalOptional URL to contents page. CabalOptional custom CSS file. CabalGenerate contents CabalGenerate index Cabal"To find the correct GHC, required. Cabal Additional flags to pass to GHC. Cabal!(Hide modules ?, modules to hide) CabalIgnore export lists in modules? CabalOptional URL to index page. Cabal?Path to the interface file, relative to argOutputDir, required. Cabal (Interface file, URL to the HTML docs and hyperlinked-source for links). Cabal(Template for modules, template for symbols, template for lines). CabalGenerate hyperlinked sources Cabal%HTML or Hoogle doc or both? Required. Cabal$Where to generate the documentation. CabalPackage name, required. CabalPrologue text, required for  , ignored by haddocks. CabalPrologue file name, ignored by , optional for haddocks. CabalGenerate quickjump index CabalRe-exported modules Cabal#haddock's static / auxiliary files. CabalModules to process. CabalPage title, required. Cabalhaddock's `--use-unicode` flag Cabal7Get Haddock program and check if it matches the request CabalIf Hi Haddock is supported, this function creates temporary directories and copies existing interface and object files produced by GHC into them, then passes them off to the given continuation.If Hi Haddock is _not_ supported, we can't re-use GHC's compilation files. Instead, we use a clean temporary directory to the continuation, with no hope for recompilation avoidance.-See Note [Hi Haddock Recompilation Avoidance] Cabal*Call haddock with the specified arguments. Cabalquickjump feature CabalWorking directoryCabalHaddock's versionCabal Continuation Cabalrequire targets CabalDirectories for -hidir, -odir, and -stubdir to GHC through Haddock. See Note [Hi Haddock Recompilation Avoidance]Cabaltemplate for HTML locationCabal common args CabalDirectories for -hidir, -odir, and -stubdir to GHC through Haddock. See Note [Hi Haddock Recompilation Avoidance]Cabaltemplate for HTML locationCabal common args CabalDirectories for -hidir, -odir, and -stubdir to GHC through Haddock. See Note [Hi Haddock Recompilation Avoidance]Cabaltemplate for HTML locationCabal common args CabalDirectories for -hidir, -odir, and -stubdir to GHC through Haddock. See Note [Hi Haddock Recompilation Avoidance]Cabaltemplate for HTML locationCabal common args CabalDirectories for -hidir, -odir, and -stubdir to GHC through Haddock. See Note [Hi Haddock Recompilation Avoidance]Cabaltemplate for HTML locationCabal common args Cabaltemplate for HTML location CabalCalled when the  exe is not found. CabalDirectories for -hidir, -odir, and -stubdir to GHC through Haddock. See Note [Hi Haddock Recompilation Avoidance]Cabaltemplate for HTML location  dJohan Tibell 2011BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred%' Cabal Perform the " ./setup bench " action.Cabal!positional command-line argumentsCabal information from the .cabal fileCabal#information from the configure stepCabalflags sent to benchmarkeIsaac Jones 2003-2005BSD3cabal-devel@haskell.orgportable Safe-Inferred "%'1z CabalBasic autoconf : runs  ./configure , if present.the pre-hooks, except for pre-conf, read additional build information from package .buildinfo , if present.Thus  configure/ can use local system information to generate package .buildinfo and possibly other files.CabalA simple implementation of main for a Cabal setup script. It reads the package description file using IO, and performs the action specified on the command line.Cabal A version of  that is passed the command line arguments, rather than getting them from the environment.CabalLike , but accepts the package description as input rather than using IO to read it.CabalA customizable version of .CabalA customizable version of - that also takes the command line arguments.CabalA customizable version of .CabalA customizable version of - that also takes the command line arguments.CabalHooks that correspond to a plain instantiation of the "simple" build system CabalCombine the preprocessors in the given hooks with the preprocessors built into cabal. CabalThe central command chooser of the Simple build system, with other defaultMain functions acting as exposed callers, and with  $ operating as an exceptions handler. This uses W to read response files, preprocessing response files given by "@" prefixes. Given hooks and args, this runs  onto the args, getting  data back, which is then pattern-matched into IO actions for execution, with arguments applied by the parser. Cabal Read the  or throw an exception. CabalTry to read the    7?A9F;<>8@=B:DCE   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""7"                              jkk  nyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy        !!!!!!!!!""""""""""""""""##########$$$%%%%%%%%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''p'''''''''''(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))) ) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , - -  q                                                                                             . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / / / / / / / / / 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7       8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9                   ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^___________________________________________JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ``````````aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabccccccccccccccccdeeeeeeeeeeeeggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhijkkkkkkt ooorrvvuuuuuuuuuuuuuuxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy||||||||||||||}}}}} }}}}''''(((((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v./33z56678888;==@@CFGKKOOOOOOOOO O O OOOOOQQQQQRTTTTTT:::::::::::::::VVVVVVVWXXXXzzzzzzzzzzzZ              ^ ^ J J J J J J J J J J J J J  J J J J J J J J J J ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `   a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a c  c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c e e e e                          ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! 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Distribution.Backpack.FullUnitIdDistribution.MakeDistribution.Backpack.ModSubst"Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo!Distribution.Backpack.ModuleShape$Distribution.Backpack.PreModuleShapeDistribution.Compat.Process%Distribution.PackageDescription.CheckDistribution.ReadE$Distribution.Simple.BuildToolDependsDistribution.Simple.BuildWayDistribution.Simple.CCompilerDistribution.Simple.Flag!Distribution.Simple.Glob.Internal%Distribution.Simple.FileMonitor.Types(Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs.InternalDistribution.Simple.InstallDirs$Distribution.Simple.Program.InternalDistribution.TestSuiteDistribution.Types.AnnotatedId#Distribution.Types.ComponentInclude*Distribution.Types.ComponentLocalBuildInfo Distribution.Types.DumpBuildInfo!Distribution.Types.GivenComponent$Distribution.Types.PackageName.MagicDistribution.Types.ParStratDistribution.Types.TargetInfoDistribution.Utils.IODataDistribution.Utils.JsonDistribution.Utils.MapAccumDistribution.Utils.ProgressDistribution.Verbosity.InternalDistribution.Verbosity#Distribution.Simple.SetupHooks.Rule%Distribution.Simple.SetupHooks.Errors!Distribution.Simple.Program.Types$Distribution.Simple.PreProcess.TypesDistribution.Simple.Errors$Distribution.Simple.PreProcess.UnlitDistribution.Utils.NubListDistribution.Utils.LogProgressDistribution.Simple.Program.Run"Distribution.Simple.Program.Script(Distribution.Simple.Program.ResponseFileDistribution.Simple.Program.Hpc Distribution.Simple.Program.Find Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex&Distribution.Simple.PackageDescriptionDistribution.Simple.GlobDistribution.Simple.Compiler!Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkgDistribution.Simple.GHCJSDistribution.Simple.Program.GHC#Distribution.Simple.Program.BuiltinDistribution.Simple.Program.DbDistribution.Simple.Program!Distribution.Simple.Program.StripDistribution.Simple.CommandDistribution.Simple.Setup#Distribution.Types.LocalBuildConfig!Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfoDistribution.Simple.Test.LogDistribution.Simple.Program.LdDistribution.Simple.Program.ArDistribution.Simple.Hpc+Distribution.Simple.Build.PackageInfoModule Distribution.Simple.Build.MacrosDistribution.Simple.Configure)Distribution.Backpack.ConfiguredComponent%Distribution.Backpack.LinkedComponent%Distribution.Backpack.ComponentsGraph Distribution.Simple.Build.InputsDistribution.Simple.BuildTargetDistribution.Simple.BuildPathsDistribution.Simple.UHCDistribution.Simple.Test.LibV09Distribution.Simple.Test.ExeV10'Distribution.Simple.SetupHooks.Internal Distribution.Simple.HaskellSuiteDistribution.Simple.GHC!Distribution.Simple.ShowBuildInfoDistribution.Simple.Install%Distribution.Simple.Build.PathsModuleDistribution.Compat.TimeDistribution.Backpack.Configure$Distribution.Backpack.DescribeUnitIdDistribution.Simple.RegisterDistribution.Simple.PreProcessDistribution.Simple.UserHooksDistribution.Simple.SrcDistDistribution.Simple.BuildDistribution.Simple.TestDistribution.Simple.HaddockDistribution.Simple.BenchDistribution.SimpleCabal!Distribution.Backpack.ModuleScopeDistribution.Compat.Async$Distribution.Compat.GetShortPathName%Distribution.Compat.Internal.TempFileDistribution.Compat.CopyFile$Distribution.Compat.Prelude.InternalSystem.ProcessprocDistribution.Compat.SnocList Verbosity annotateIODistribution.Compat.EnvironmentControl.Exception IOExceptionDistribution.GetOptSystem.EnvironmentgetArgsDistribution.Lex-Distribution.PackageDescription.Check.WarningDistribution.PackageCheck*Distribution.Backpack.PreExistingComponentDistribution.Utils.UnionFindDistribution.Backpack.UnifyMDistribution.Backpack.MixLinkDistribution.ZinzaPrelude'Distribution.Simple.Build.PathsModule.Z-Distribution.Simple.Build.PackageInfoModule.Z"Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros.Z Paths_Cabal CreatePipe+Distribution.PackageDescription.Check.Monad1Distribution.PackageDescription.Check.Conditional,Distribution.PackageDescription.Check.Common Distribution.Simple.GHC.ImplInfo Distribution.Simple.Setup.CommonDistribution.Simple.Setup.TestDistribution.Simple.Setup.SDistDistribution.Simple.Setup.Repl"Distribution.Simple.Setup.Register!Distribution.Simple.Setup.Install"Distribution.Simple.Setup.Hscolour!Distribution.Simple.Setup.Haddock Distribution.Simple.Setup.GlobalDistribution.Simple.Setup.Copy Distribution.Simple.Setup.Config D.C.SetupfilterConfigureFlagsbuild ConfigFlagsDistribution.Backpack.IdDistribution.Simple.Setup.CleanDistribution.Simple.Setup.Build#Distribution.Simple.Setup.BenchmarkHaddock Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal)Distribution.Simple.GHC.EnvironmentParserDistribution.ModuleNamemain#Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.Utils%Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.Modules*Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.ExtraSources"Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.LinkDistribution.Simple.GHC.Build+Distribution.PackageDescription.Check.Paths,Distribution.PackageDescription.Check.TargetfindPackageDescTestType$Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent#Distribution.Simple.ConfigureScriptbaseGHC.Stack.Types CallStackData.Ord comparing Data.OldList isInfixOf intercalate GHC.ExceptionprettyCallStack GHC.Stack callStackwithFrozenCallStackGHC.ResponseFile escapeArgsdirectory- makeAbsolute listDirectory doesPathExistfilepath-1.4.300.1System.FilePath.Posix isExtensionOfstripExtensionprocess- createPipeexpandOpenUnitId expandUnitIdFullDb FullUnitId$fGenericFullUnitId$fShowFullUnitIdCabal-syntax- $fModSubst(,)$fModSubstList $fModSubstMap$fModSubstOpenModule$fModSubstOpenUnitId $fModSubstSet Distribution.Types.ComponentName ComponentNamecomponentNameStringshowComponentName CBenchNameCExeName CFLibNameCLibName CNotLibName CTestNameDistribution.Types.LibraryName LibraryName LMainLibName LSubLibNamedefaultLibNameemptyModuleShapeshapeInstalledPackage ModuleShapemodShapeProvidesmodShapeRequires$fBinaryModuleShape$fEqModuleShape$fGenericModuleShape$fModSubstModuleShape$fShowModuleShape$fStructuredModuleShapeDistribution.LicenseLicenseAGPLAllRightsReservedApacheBSD2BSD3BSD4GPLISCLGPLMITMPL OtherLicense PublicDomainUnknownLicenseUnspecifiedLicenseDistribution.Utils.GenericisAbsoluteOnAnyPlatformmixLinkPreModuleShaperenamePreModuleShapetoPreModuleShapePreModuleShapepreModShapeProvidespreModShapeRequires$fEqPreModuleShape$fGenericPreModuleShape$fShowPreModuleShapecreateTempDirectorysetFileExecutablesetFileOrdinaryenableProcessJobsexpandResponseannotateCallStackIOparentSrcLocPrefixwithLexicalCallStack WithCallStackfilterPackageChecksByIdfilterPackageChecksByIdStringisHackageDistErrorppCheckExplanationIdppPackageCheckCheckExplanation AbsolutePathAllRightsReservedLicenseAutogenIncludesNotIncludedAutogenIncludesNotIncludedExeAutogenNoOtherAutogenNotExposedBOMStartBadRelativePathBaseNoUpperBoundsBenchmarkNotSupportedBenchmarkTypeNotKnownCOptCPP COptONumberCVAutogenPackageInfoCVAutogenPackageInfoGuardCVAutogenPaths CVCustomSetupCVDefaultExtensionsCVDefaultLanguageCVDefaultLanguageComponentCVDefaultLanguageComponentSoftCVExpliticDepsCustomSetup CVExtensionsCVExtensionsDeprecatedCVExtraDocFilesCVExtraDynamicCVExtraFrameworkDirsCVMixins CVMultiLib CVReexportedCVSourceRepository CVSources CVTestSuiteCVVirtualModulesDeclaredUsedFlagsDeprecatedExtensions DistPointDuplicateModuleDuplicateSectionsDynamicUnneededFDeferTypeErrorsUnneeded FilePathEmptyFilePathNameTooLongFilePathSplitTooLongFilePathTooLong GitProtocolGlobExactMatch GlobNoDir GlobNoMatchGlobSyntaxErrorIllegalLibraryNameImpossibleInternalDepImpossibleInternalExeInvalidNameWin InvalidOnWinInvalidTestWith JUnneededLanguagesAsExtensionLicenseMessParseMainCCabal1_18MissingConfigureScriptMissingExpectedDocFilesMissingFieldCategoryMissingFieldDescriptionMissingFieldMaintainerMissingFieldSynOrDescMissingFieldSynopsisMissingInternalExeMissingLocation MissingModuleMissingSetupFileMissingSourceControl MissingTag MissingTypeMissingUpperBounds MultiDesc NONELicense NoBuildType NoCustomSetupNoDesc NoHsLhsMainNoHsLhsMainBench NoLicense NoLicenseFileNoMainIsNoModulesExposed 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