€cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}qXnix-style local buildsqNsUsubstitution_defsq}qUparse_messagesq ]q Ucurrent_sourceq NU decorationq NUautofootnote_startq KUnameidsq}qhUnix-style-local-buildsqsUchildrenq]qcdocutils.nodes section q)q}q(U rawsourceqUUparentqhUsourceqXJ/home/refold/code/haskell/cabal-2.0/Cabal/doc/nix-local-build-overview.rstqUtagnameqUsectionqU attributesq}q(Udupnamesq]Uclassesq]Ubackrefsq ]Uidsq!]q"haUnamesq#]q$hauUlineq%KUdocumentq&hh]q'(cdocutils.nodes title q()q)}q*(hXNix-style Local Buildsq+hhhhhUtitleq,h}q-(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%Kh&hh]q.cdocutils.nodes Text q/XNix-style Local Buildsq0…q1}q2(hh+hNh%Nh&hhh)ubaubcdocutils.nodes paragraph q3)q4}q5(hX.Nix-style local builds are a new build system implementation inspired by Nix. The Nix-style local build system is commonly called "new-build" for short after the ``cabal new-*`` family of commands that control it. However those names are only temporary until Nix-style local builds becomes the default.hhhhhU paragraphq6h}q7(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%Kh&hh]q8(h/X¦Nix-style local builds are a new build system implementation inspired by Nix. The Nix-style local build system is commonly called “new-build†for short after the q9…q:}q;(hX¢Nix-style local builds are a new build system implementation inspired by Nix. The Nix-style local build system is commonly called "new-build" for short after the hNh%Nh&hhh4ubcdocutils.nodes literal q<)q=}q>(hX``cabal new-*``h}q?(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhh4h]q@h/X cabal new-*qA…qB}qC(hUhh=ubahUliteralqDubh/X} family of commands that control it. However those names are only temporary until Nix-style local builds becomes the default.qE…qF}qG(hX} family of commands that control it. However those names are only temporary until Nix-style local builds becomes the default.hNh%Nh&hhh4ubeubh3)qH}qI(hXMNix-style local builds combine the best of non-sandboxed and sandboxed Cabal:qJhhhhhh6h}qK(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%Kh&hh]qLh/XMNix-style local builds combine the best of non-sandboxed and sandboxed Cabal:qM…qN}qO(hhJhNh%Nh&hhhHubaubcdocutils.nodes enumerated_list qP)qQ}qR(hUhhhhhUenumerated_listqSh}qT(UsuffixqUU.h!]h ]h]UprefixqVUh]h#]UenumtypeqWUarabicqXuh%K h&hh]qY(cdocutils.nodes list_item qZ)q[}q\(hXÿLike sandboxed Cabal today, we build sets of independent local packages deterministically and independent of any global state. new-build will never tell you that it can't build your package because it would result in a "dangerous reinstall." Given a particular state of the Hackage index, your build is completely reproducible. For example, you no longer need to compile packages with profiling ahead of time; just request profiling and new-build will rebuild all its dependencies with profiling automatically. hhQhhhU list_itemq]h}q^(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%Nh&hh]q_h3)q`}qa(hXþLike sandboxed Cabal today, we build sets of independent local packages deterministically and independent of any global state. new-build will never tell you that it can't build your package because it would result in a "dangerous reinstall." Given a particular state of the Hackage index, your build is completely reproducible. For example, you no longer need to compile packages with profiling ahead of time; just request profiling and new-build will rebuild all its dependencies with profiling automatically.qbhh[hhhh6h}qc(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%K h]qdh/XLike sandboxed Cabal today, we build sets of independent local packages deterministically and independent of any global state. new-build will never tell you that it can’t build your package because it would result in a “dangerous reinstall.†Given a particular state of the Hackage index, your build is completely reproducible. For example, you no longer need to compile packages with profiling ahead of time; just request profiling and new-build will rebuild all its dependencies with profiling automatically.qe…qf}qg(hhbhh`ubaubaubhZ)qh}qi(hX-Like non-sandboxed Cabal today, builds of external packages are cached in ``~/.cabal/store``, so that a package can be built once, and then reused anywhere else it is also used. No need to continually rebuild dependencies whenever you make a new sandbox: dependencies which can be shared, are shared. hhQhhhh]h}qj(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%Nh&hh]qkh3)ql}qm(hX,Like non-sandboxed Cabal today, builds of external packages are cached in ``~/.cabal/store``, so that a package can be built once, and then reused anywhere else it is also used. No need to continually rebuild dependencies whenever you make a new sandbox: dependencies which can be shared, are shared.hhhhhhh6h}qn(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%Kh]qo(h/XJLike non-sandboxed Cabal today, builds of external packages are cached in qp…qq}qr(hXJLike non-sandboxed Cabal today, builds of external packages are cached in hhlubh<)qs}qt(hX``~/.cabal/store``h}qu(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uhhlh]qvh/X~/.cabal/storeqw…qx}qy(hUhhsubahhDubh/XÐ, so that a package can be built once, and then reused anywhere else it is also used. No need to continually rebuild dependencies whenever you make a new sandbox: dependencies which can be shared, are shared.qz…q{}q|(hXÐ, so that a package can be built once, and then reused anywhere else it is also used. No need to continually rebuild dependencies whenever you make a new sandbox: dependencies which can be shared, are shared.hhlubeubaubeubh3)q}}q~(hX¤Nix-style local builds were first released as beta in cabal-install 1.24. They currently work with all versions of GHC supported by that release: GHC 7.0 and later.qhhhhhh6h}q€(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%Kh&hh]qh/X¤Nix-style local builds were first released as beta in cabal-install 1.24. They currently work with all versions of GHC supported by that release: GHC 7.0 and later.q‚…qƒ}q„(hhhNh%Nh&hhh}ubaubh3)q…}q†(hX†Some features described in this manual are not implemented. If you need them, please give us a shout and we'll prioritize accordingly.q‡hhhhhh6h}qˆ(h]h]h ]h!]h#]uh%Kh&hh]q‰h/XˆSome features described in this manual are not implemented. If you need them, please give us a shout and we’ll prioritize accordingly.qŠ…q‹}qŒ(hh‡hNh%Nh&hhh…ubaubcdocutils.nodes compound q)qŽ}q(hUhhhhhUcompoundqh}q‘(h]h]q’Utoctree-wrapperq“ah ]h!]h#]uh%K"h&hh]q”csphinx.addnodes toctree q•)q–}q—(hUhhŽhhhUtoctreeq˜h}q™(UnumberedqšKU includehiddenq›‰hXnix-local-build-overviewqœUcaptionqNUglobqž‰h!]h ]U titlesonlyqŸ‰h]h]h#]Uentriesq ]q¡NXnix-local-buildq¢†q£aUhiddenq¤‰U includefilesq¥]q¦h¢aUmaxdepthq§Jÿÿÿÿuh%K!h]ubaubeubahUU transformerq¨NU footnote_refsq©}qªUrefnamesq«}q¬Usymbol_footnotesq­]q®Uautofootnote_refsq¯]q°Usymbol_footnote_refsq±]q²U citationsq³]q´h&hU current_lineqµNUtransform_messagesq¶]q·Ureporterq¸NUid_startq¹KU autofootnotesqº]q»U citation_refsq¼}q½Uindirect_targetsq¾]q¿UsettingsqÀ(cdocutils.frontend Values qÁoqÂ}qÃ(Ufootnote_backlinksqÄKUrecord_dependenciesqÅNU language_codeqÆUenqÇU tracebackqȈUpep_referencesqÉNUstrip_commentsqÊNU toc_backlinksqËUentryqÌU rfc_base_urlqÍUhttps://tools.ietf.org/html/qÎU datestampqÏNU report_levelqÐKUsmartquotes_localesqÑNU _destinationqÒNU halt_levelqÓKU strip_classesqÔNh,NUerror_encoding_error_handlerqÕUbackslashreplaceqÖUdebugq×NUembed_stylesheetq؉Uoutput_encoding_error_handlerqÙUstrictqÚU sectnum_xformqÛKUdump_transformsqÜNU docinfo_xformqÝKUwarning_streamqÞNUpep_file_url_templateqßUpep-%04dqàUexit_status_levelqáKUconfigqâNUstrict_visitorqãNUcloak_email_addressesqäˆUtrim_footnote_reference_spaceqå‰UenvqæNUdump_pseudo_xmlqçNUexpose_internalsqèNUsectsubtitle_xformqé‰U source_linkqêNUrfc_referencesqëNUoutput_encodingqìUutf-8qíU source_urlqîNUinput_encodingqïU utf-8-sigqðU_disable_configqñNU id_prefixqòUUcharacter_level_inline_markupqó‰U tab_widthqôKUerror_encodingqõUUTF-8qöU_sourceq÷hUgettext_compactqøˆU generatorqùNUdump_internalsqúNU smart_quotesqûˆU pep_base_urlqüU https://www.python.org/dev/peps/qýUsyntax_highlightqþUlongqÿUinput_encoding_error_handlerrhÚUauto_id_prefixrUidrUdoctitle_xformr‰Ustrip_elements_with_classesrNU _config_filesr]Ufile_insertion_enabledrˆU raw_enabledrKU dump_settingsrNubUsymbol_footnote_startr KUidsr }r hhsUsubstitution_namesr }r hh&h}r(h]h!]h ]Usourcehh]h#]uU footnotesr]rUrefidsr}rub.