module Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC (



  ) where

import Distribution.Compat.Semigroup as Semi
import Distribution.Simple.GHC.ImplInfo
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.PackageDescription hiding (Flag)
import Distribution.ModuleName
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler hiding (Flag)
import Distribution.Simple.Setup
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Run
import Distribution.System
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Verbosity
import Distribution.Utils.NubList
import Language.Haskell.Extension

import qualified Data.Map as M

-- | A structured set of GHC options/flags
data GhcOptions = GhcOptions {

  -- | The major mode for the ghc invocation.
  ghcOptMode          :: Flag GhcMode,

  -- | Any extra options to pass directly to ghc. These go at the end and hence
  -- override other stuff.
  ghcOptExtra         :: NubListR String,

  -- | Extra default flags to pass directly to ghc. These go at the beginning
  -- and so can be overridden by other stuff.
  ghcOptExtraDefault  :: NubListR String,

  -- Inputs and outputs

  -- | The main input files; could be .hs, .hi, .c, .o, depending on mode.
  ghcOptInputFiles    :: NubListR FilePath,

  -- | The names of input Haskell modules, mainly for @--make@ mode.
  ghcOptInputModules  :: NubListR ModuleName,

  -- | Location for output file; the @ghc -o@ flag.
  ghcOptOutputFile    :: Flag FilePath,

  -- | Location for dynamic output file in 'GhcStaticAndDynamic' mode;
  -- the @ghc -dyno@ flag.
  ghcOptOutputDynFile :: Flag FilePath,

  -- | Start with an empty search path for Haskell source files;
  -- the @ghc -i@ flag (@-i@ on it's own with no path argument).
  ghcOptSourcePathClear :: Flag Bool,

  -- | Search path for Haskell source files; the @ghc -i@ flag.
  ghcOptSourcePath    :: NubListR FilePath,

  -- Packages

  -- | The unit ID the modules will belong to; the @ghc -this-unit-id@
  -- flag (or @-this-package-key@ or @-package-name@ on older
  -- versions of GHC).  This is a 'String' because we assume you've
  -- already figured out what the correct format for this string is
  -- (we need to handle backwards compatibility.)
  ghcOptThisUnitId   :: Flag String,

  -- | GHC package databases to use, the @ghc -package-conf@ flag.
  ghcOptPackageDBs    :: PackageDBStack,

  -- | The GHC packages to use. For compatability with old and new ghc, this
  -- requires both the short and long form of the package id;
  -- the @ghc -package@ or @ghc -package-id@ flags.
  ghcOptPackages      ::
    NubListR (UnitId, PackageId, ModuleRenaming),

  -- | Start with a clean package set; the @ghc -hide-all-packages@ flag
  ghcOptHideAllPackages :: Flag Bool,

  -- | Don't automatically link in Haskell98 etc; the @ghc
  -- -no-auto-link-packages@ flag.
  ghcOptNoAutoLinkPackages :: Flag Bool,

  -- Linker stuff

  -- | Names of libraries to link in; the @ghc -l@ flag.
  ghcOptLinkLibs      :: NubListR FilePath,

  -- | Search path for libraries to link in; the @ghc -L@ flag.
  ghcOptLinkLibPath  :: NubListR FilePath,

  -- | Options to pass through to the linker; the @ghc -optl@ flag.
  ghcOptLinkOptions   :: NubListR String,

  -- | OSX only: frameworks to link in; the @ghc -framework@ flag.
  ghcOptLinkFrameworks :: NubListR String,

  -- | OSX only: Search path for frameworks to link in; the
  -- @ghc -framework-path@ flag.
  ghcOptLinkFrameworkDirs :: NubListR String,

  -- | Don't do the link step, useful in make mode; the @ghc -no-link@ flag.
  ghcOptNoLink :: Flag Bool,

  -- | Don't link in the normal RTS @main@ entry point; the @ghc -no-hs-main@
  -- flag.
  ghcOptLinkNoHsMain :: Flag Bool,

  -- C and CPP stuff

  -- | Options to pass through to the C compiler; the @ghc -optc@ flag.
  ghcOptCcOptions     :: NubListR String,

  -- | Options to pass through to CPP; the @ghc -optP@ flag.
  ghcOptCppOptions    :: NubListR String,

  -- | Search path for CPP includes like header files; the @ghc -I@ flag.
  ghcOptCppIncludePath :: NubListR FilePath,

  -- | Extra header files to include at CPP stage; the @ghc -optP-include@ flag.
  ghcOptCppIncludes    :: NubListR FilePath,

  -- | Extra header files to include for old-style FFI; the @ghc -#include@ flag.
  ghcOptFfiIncludes    :: NubListR FilePath,

  -- Language and extensions

  -- | The base language; the @ghc -XHaskell98@ or @-XHaskell2010@ flag.
  ghcOptLanguage      :: Flag Language,

  -- | The language extensions; the @ghc -X@ flag.
  ghcOptExtensions    :: NubListR Extension,

  -- | A GHC version-dependent mapping of extensions to flags. This must be
  -- set to be able to make use of the 'ghcOptExtensions'.
  ghcOptExtensionMap    :: M.Map Extension String,

  -- Compilation

  -- | What optimisation level to use; the @ghc -O@ flag.
  ghcOptOptimisation  :: Flag GhcOptimisation,

    -- | Emit debug info; the @ghc -g@ flag.
  ghcOptDebugInfo  :: Flag Bool,

  -- | Compile in profiling mode; the @ghc -prof@ flag.
  ghcOptProfilingMode :: Flag Bool,

  -- | Automatically add profiling cost centers; the @ghc -fprof-auto*@ flags.
  ghcOptProfilingAuto :: Flag GhcProfAuto,

  -- | Use the \"split object files\" feature; the @ghc -split-objs@ flag.
  ghcOptSplitObjs     :: Flag Bool,

  -- | Run N jobs simultaneously (if possible).
  ghcOptNumJobs       :: Flag (Maybe Int),

  -- | Enable coverage analysis; the @ghc -fhpc -hpcdir@ flags.
  ghcOptHPCDir        :: Flag FilePath,

  -- GHCi

  -- | Extra GHCi startup scripts; the @-ghci-script@ flag
  ghcOptGHCiScripts    :: NubListR FilePath,

  -- Redirecting outputs

  ghcOptHiSuffix      :: Flag String,
  ghcOptObjSuffix     :: Flag String,
  ghcOptDynHiSuffix   :: Flag String,   -- ^ only in 'GhcStaticAndDynamic' mode
  ghcOptDynObjSuffix  :: Flag String,   -- ^ only in 'GhcStaticAndDynamic' mode
  ghcOptHiDir         :: Flag FilePath,
  ghcOptObjDir        :: Flag FilePath,
  ghcOptOutputDir     :: Flag FilePath,
  ghcOptStubDir       :: Flag FilePath,

  -- Dynamic linking

  ghcOptDynLinkMode   :: Flag GhcDynLinkMode,
  ghcOptShared        :: Flag Bool,
  ghcOptFPic          :: Flag Bool,
  ghcOptDylibName     :: Flag String,
  ghcOptRPaths        :: NubListR FilePath,

  -- Misc flags

  -- | Get GHC to be quiet or verbose with what it's doing; the @ghc -v@ flag.
  ghcOptVerbosity     :: Flag Verbosity,

  -- | Let GHC know that it is Cabal that's calling it.
  -- Modifies some of the GHC error messages.
  ghcOptCabal         :: Flag Bool

} deriving Show

data GhcMode = GhcModeCompile     -- ^ @ghc -c@
             | GhcModeLink        -- ^ @ghc@
             | GhcModeMake        -- ^ @ghc --make@
             | GhcModeInteractive -- ^ @ghci@ \/ @ghc --interactive@
             | GhcModeAbiHash     -- ^ @ghc --abi-hash@
--             | GhcModeDepAnalysis -- ^ @ghc -M@
--             | GhcModeEvaluate    -- ^ @ghc -e@
 deriving (Show, Eq)

data GhcOptimisation = GhcNoOptimisation             -- ^ @-O0@
                     | GhcNormalOptimisation         -- ^ @-O@
                     | GhcMaximumOptimisation        -- ^ @-O2@
                     | GhcSpecialOptimisation String -- ^ e.g. @-Odph@
 deriving (Show, Eq)

data GhcDynLinkMode = GhcStaticOnly       -- ^ @-static@
                    | GhcDynamicOnly      -- ^ @-dynamic@
                    | GhcStaticAndDynamic -- ^ @-static -dynamic-too@
 deriving (Show, Eq)

data GhcProfAuto = GhcProfAutoAll       -- ^ @-fprof-auto@
                 | GhcProfAutoToplevel  -- ^ @-fprof-auto-top@
                 | GhcProfAutoExported  -- ^ @-fprof-auto-exported@
 deriving (Show, Eq)

runGHC :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> Compiler -> Platform  -> GhcOptions
       -> IO ()
runGHC verbosity ghcProg comp platform opts = do
  runProgramInvocation verbosity (ghcInvocation ghcProg comp platform opts)

ghcInvocation :: ConfiguredProgram -> Compiler -> Platform -> GhcOptions
              -> ProgramInvocation
ghcInvocation prog comp platform opts =
    programInvocation prog (renderGhcOptions comp platform opts)

renderGhcOptions :: Compiler -> Platform -> GhcOptions -> [String]
renderGhcOptions comp _platform@(Platform _arch os) opts
  | compilerFlavor comp `notElem` [GHC, GHCJS] =
    error $ "Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC.renderGhcOptions: "
    ++ "compiler flavor must be 'GHC' or 'GHCJS'!"
  | otherwise =
  [ case flagToMaybe (ghcOptMode opts) of
       Nothing                 -> []
       Just GhcModeCompile     -> ["-c"]
       Just GhcModeLink        -> []
       Just GhcModeMake        -> ["--make"]
       Just GhcModeInteractive -> ["--interactive"]
       Just GhcModeAbiHash     -> ["--abi-hash"]
--     Just GhcModeDepAnalysis -> ["-M"]
--     Just GhcModeEvaluate    -> ["-e", expr]

  , flags ghcOptExtraDefault

  , [ "-no-link" | flagBool ghcOptNoLink ]

  -- Misc flags

  , maybe [] verbosityOpts (flagToMaybe (ghcOptVerbosity opts))

  , [ "-fbuilding-cabal-package" | flagBool ghcOptCabal
                                 , flagBuildingCabalPkg implInfo ]

  -- Compilation

  , case flagToMaybe (ghcOptOptimisation opts) of
      Nothing                         -> []
      Just GhcNoOptimisation          -> ["-O0"]
      Just GhcNormalOptimisation      -> ["-O"]
      Just GhcMaximumOptimisation     -> ["-O2"]
      Just (GhcSpecialOptimisation s) -> ["-O" ++ s] -- eg -Odph

  , [ "-g" | flagDebugInfo implInfo && flagBool ghcOptDebugInfo ]

  , [ "-prof" | flagBool ghcOptProfilingMode ]

  , case flagToMaybe (ghcOptProfilingAuto opts) of
      _ | not (flagBool ghcOptProfilingMode)
                                -> []
      Nothing                   -> []
      Just GhcProfAutoAll
        | flagProfAuto implInfo -> ["-fprof-auto"]
        | otherwise             -> ["-auto-all"] -- not the same, but close
      Just GhcProfAutoToplevel
        | flagProfAuto implInfo -> ["-fprof-auto-top"]
        | otherwise             -> ["-auto-all"]
      Just GhcProfAutoExported
        | flagProfAuto implInfo -> ["-fprof-auto-exported"]
        | otherwise             -> ["-auto"]

  , [ "-split-objs" | flagBool ghcOptSplitObjs ]

  , case flagToMaybe (ghcOptHPCDir opts) of
      Nothing -> []
      Just hpcdir -> ["-fhpc", "-hpcdir", hpcdir]

  , if parmakeSupported comp
    then case ghcOptNumJobs opts of
      NoFlag  -> []
      Flag n  -> ["-j" ++ maybe "" show n]
    else []

  -- Dynamic linking

  , [ "-shared"  | flagBool ghcOptShared  ]
  , case flagToMaybe (ghcOptDynLinkMode opts) of
      Nothing                  -> []
      Just GhcStaticOnly       -> ["-static"]
      Just GhcDynamicOnly      -> ["-dynamic"]
      Just GhcStaticAndDynamic -> ["-static", "-dynamic-too"]
  , [ "-fPIC"    | flagBool ghcOptFPic ]

  , concat [ ["-dylib-install-name", libname] | libname <- flag ghcOptDylibName ]

  -- Redirecting outputs

  , concat [ ["-osuf",    suf] | suf <- flag ghcOptObjSuffix ]
  , concat [ ["-hisuf",   suf] | suf <- flag ghcOptHiSuffix  ]
  , concat [ ["-dynosuf", suf] | suf <- flag ghcOptDynObjSuffix ]
  , concat [ ["-dynhisuf",suf] | suf <- flag ghcOptDynHiSuffix  ]
  , concat [ ["-outputdir", dir] | dir <- flag ghcOptOutputDir
                                 , flagOutputDir implInfo ]
  , concat [ ["-odir",    dir] | dir <- flag ghcOptObjDir ]
  , concat [ ["-hidir",   dir] | dir <- flag ghcOptHiDir  ]
  , concat [ ["-stubdir", dir] | dir <- flag ghcOptStubDir
                               , flagStubdir implInfo ]

  -- Source search path

  , [ "-i"        | flagBool ghcOptSourcePathClear ]
  , [ "-i" ++ dir | dir <- flags ghcOptSourcePath ]

  -- C and CPP stuff

  , [ "-I"    ++ dir | dir <- flags ghcOptCppIncludePath ]
  , [ "-optP" ++ opt | opt <- flags ghcOptCppOptions ]
  , concat [ [ "-optP-include", "-optP" ++ inc]
           | inc <- flags ghcOptCppIncludes ]
  , [ "-#include \"" ++ inc ++ "\""
    | inc <- flags ghcOptFfiIncludes, flagFfiIncludes implInfo ]
  , [ "-optc" ++ opt | opt <- flags ghcOptCcOptions ]

  -- Linker stuff

  , [ "-optl" ++ opt | opt <- flags ghcOptLinkOptions ]
  , ["-l" ++ lib     | lib <- flags ghcOptLinkLibs ]
  , ["-L" ++ dir     | dir <- flags ghcOptLinkLibPath ]
  , if isOSX
    then concat [ ["-framework", fmwk]
                | fmwk <- flags ghcOptLinkFrameworks ]
    else []
  , if isOSX
    then concat [ ["-framework-path", path]
                | path <- flags ghcOptLinkFrameworkDirs ]
    else []
  , [ "-no-hs-main"  | flagBool ghcOptLinkNoHsMain ]
  , [ "-dynload deploy" | not (null (flags ghcOptRPaths)) ]
  , concat [ [ "-optl-Wl,-rpath," ++ dir]
           | dir <- flags ghcOptRPaths ]

  -- Packages

  , concat [ [ case () of
                _ | unitIdSupported comp     -> "-this-unit-id"
                  | packageKeySupported comp -> "-this-package-key"
                  | otherwise                -> "-package-name"
             , this_arg ]
             | this_arg <- flag ghcOptThisUnitId ]

  , [ "-hide-all-packages"     | flagBool ghcOptHideAllPackages ]
  , [ "-no-auto-link-packages" | flagBool ghcOptNoAutoLinkPackages ]

  , packageDbArgs implInfo (ghcOptPackageDBs opts)

  , concat $ if flagPackageId implInfo
      then let space "" = ""
               space xs = ' ' : xs
           in [ ["-package-id", display ipkgid ++ space (display rns)]
              | (ipkgid,_,rns) <- flags ghcOptPackages ]
      else [ ["-package",    display  pkgid]
           | (_,pkgid,_)  <- flags ghcOptPackages ]

  -- Language and extensions

  , if supportsHaskell2010 implInfo
    then [ "-X" ++ display lang | lang <- flag ghcOptLanguage ]
    else []

  , [ case M.lookup ext (ghcOptExtensionMap opts) of
        Just arg -> arg
        Nothing  -> error $ "Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC.renderGhcOptions: "
                          ++ display ext ++ " not present in ghcOptExtensionMap."
    | ext <- flags ghcOptExtensions ]

  -- GHCi

  , concat [ [ "-ghci-script", script ] | script <- flags  ghcOptGHCiScripts
                                        , flagGhciScript implInfo ]

  -- Inputs

  , [ display modu | modu <- flags ghcOptInputModules ]
  , flags ghcOptInputFiles

  , concat [ [ "-o",    out] | out <- flag ghcOptOutputFile ]
  , concat [ [ "-dyno", out] | out <- flag ghcOptOutputDynFile ]

  -- Extra

  , flags ghcOptExtra


    implInfo     = getImplInfo comp
    isOSX        = os == OSX
    flag     flg = flagToList (flg opts)
    flags    flg = fromNubListR . flg $ opts
    flagBool flg = fromFlagOrDefault False (flg opts)

verbosityOpts :: Verbosity -> [String]
verbosityOpts verbosity
  | verbosity >= deafening = ["-v"]
  | verbosity >= normal    = []
  | otherwise              = ["-w", "-v0"]

-- | GHC <7.6 uses '-package-conf' instead of '-package-db'.
packageDbArgsConf :: PackageDBStack -> [String]
packageDbArgsConf dbstack = case dbstack of
  (GlobalPackageDB:UserPackageDB:dbs) -> concatMap specific dbs
  (GlobalPackageDB:dbs)               -> ("-no-user-package-conf")
                                       : concatMap specific dbs
  _ -> ierror
    specific (SpecificPackageDB db) = [ "-package-conf", db ]
    specific _                      = ierror
    ierror = error $ "internal error: unexpected package db stack: "
                  ++ show dbstack

-- | GHC >= 7.6 uses the '-package-db' flag. See
packageDbArgsDb :: PackageDBStack -> [String]
-- special cases to make arguments prettier in common scenarios
packageDbArgsDb dbstack = case dbstack of
    | all isSpecific dbs              -> concatMap single dbs
    | all isSpecific dbs              -> "-no-user-package-db"
                                       : concatMap single dbs
  dbs                                 -> "-clear-package-db"
                                       : concatMap single dbs
   single (SpecificPackageDB db) = [ "-package-db", db ]
   single GlobalPackageDB        = [ "-global-package-db" ]
   single UserPackageDB          = [ "-user-package-db" ]
   isSpecific (SpecificPackageDB _) = True
   isSpecific _                     = False

packageDbArgs :: GhcImplInfo -> PackageDBStack -> [String]
packageDbArgs implInfo
  | flagPackageConf implInfo = packageDbArgsConf
  | otherwise                = packageDbArgsDb

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Boilerplate Monoid instance for GhcOptions

instance Monoid GhcOptions where
  mempty = GhcOptions {
    ghcOptMode               = mempty,
    ghcOptExtra              = mempty,
    ghcOptExtraDefault       = mempty,
    ghcOptInputFiles         = mempty,
    ghcOptInputModules       = mempty,
    ghcOptOutputFile         = mempty,
    ghcOptOutputDynFile      = mempty,
    ghcOptSourcePathClear    = mempty,
    ghcOptSourcePath         = mempty,
    ghcOptThisUnitId         = mempty,
    ghcOptPackageDBs         = mempty,
    ghcOptPackages           = mempty,
    ghcOptHideAllPackages    = mempty,
    ghcOptNoAutoLinkPackages = mempty,
    ghcOptLinkLibs           = mempty,
    ghcOptLinkLibPath        = mempty,
    ghcOptLinkOptions        = mempty,
    ghcOptLinkFrameworks     = mempty,
    ghcOptLinkFrameworkDirs  = mempty,
    ghcOptNoLink             = mempty,
    ghcOptLinkNoHsMain       = mempty,
    ghcOptCcOptions          = mempty,
    ghcOptCppOptions         = mempty,
    ghcOptCppIncludePath     = mempty,
    ghcOptCppIncludes        = mempty,
    ghcOptFfiIncludes        = mempty,
    ghcOptLanguage           = mempty,
    ghcOptExtensions         = mempty,
    ghcOptExtensionMap       = mempty,
    ghcOptOptimisation       = mempty,
    ghcOptDebugInfo          = mempty,
    ghcOptProfilingMode      = mempty,
    ghcOptProfilingAuto      = mempty,
    ghcOptSplitObjs          = mempty,
    ghcOptNumJobs            = mempty,
    ghcOptHPCDir             = mempty,
    ghcOptGHCiScripts        = mempty,
    ghcOptHiSuffix           = mempty,
    ghcOptObjSuffix          = mempty,
    ghcOptDynHiSuffix        = mempty,
    ghcOptDynObjSuffix       = mempty,
    ghcOptHiDir              = mempty,
    ghcOptObjDir             = mempty,
    ghcOptOutputDir          = mempty,
    ghcOptStubDir            = mempty,
    ghcOptDynLinkMode        = mempty,
    ghcOptShared             = mempty,
    ghcOptFPic               = mempty,
    ghcOptDylibName          = mempty,
    ghcOptRPaths             = mempty,
    ghcOptVerbosity          = mempty,
    ghcOptCabal              = mempty
  mappend = (Semi.<>)

instance Semigroup GhcOptions where
  a <> b = GhcOptions {
    ghcOptMode               = combine ghcOptMode,
    ghcOptExtra              = combine ghcOptExtra,
    ghcOptExtraDefault       = combine ghcOptExtraDefault,
    ghcOptInputFiles         = combine ghcOptInputFiles,
    ghcOptInputModules       = combine ghcOptInputModules,
    ghcOptOutputFile         = combine ghcOptOutputFile,
    ghcOptOutputDynFile      = combine ghcOptOutputDynFile,
    ghcOptSourcePathClear    = combine ghcOptSourcePathClear,
    ghcOptSourcePath         = combine ghcOptSourcePath,
    ghcOptThisUnitId         = combine ghcOptThisUnitId,
    ghcOptPackageDBs         = combine ghcOptPackageDBs,
    ghcOptPackages           = combine ghcOptPackages,
    ghcOptHideAllPackages    = combine ghcOptHideAllPackages,
    ghcOptNoAutoLinkPackages = combine ghcOptNoAutoLinkPackages,
    ghcOptLinkLibs           = combine ghcOptLinkLibs,
    ghcOptLinkLibPath        = combine ghcOptLinkLibPath,
    ghcOptLinkOptions        = combine ghcOptLinkOptions,
    ghcOptLinkFrameworks     = combine ghcOptLinkFrameworks,
    ghcOptLinkFrameworkDirs  = combine ghcOptLinkFrameworkDirs,
    ghcOptNoLink             = combine ghcOptNoLink,
    ghcOptLinkNoHsMain       = combine ghcOptLinkNoHsMain,
    ghcOptCcOptions          = combine ghcOptCcOptions,
    ghcOptCppOptions         = combine ghcOptCppOptions,
    ghcOptCppIncludePath     = combine ghcOptCppIncludePath,
    ghcOptCppIncludes        = combine ghcOptCppIncludes,
    ghcOptFfiIncludes        = combine ghcOptFfiIncludes,
    ghcOptLanguage           = combine ghcOptLanguage,
    ghcOptExtensions         = combine ghcOptExtensions,
    ghcOptExtensionMap       = combine ghcOptExtensionMap,
    ghcOptOptimisation       = combine ghcOptOptimisation,
    ghcOptDebugInfo          = combine ghcOptDebugInfo,
    ghcOptProfilingMode      = combine ghcOptProfilingMode,
    ghcOptProfilingAuto      = combine ghcOptProfilingAuto,
    ghcOptSplitObjs          = combine ghcOptSplitObjs,
    ghcOptNumJobs            = combine ghcOptNumJobs,
    ghcOptHPCDir             = combine ghcOptHPCDir,
    ghcOptGHCiScripts        = combine ghcOptGHCiScripts,
    ghcOptHiSuffix           = combine ghcOptHiSuffix,
    ghcOptObjSuffix          = combine ghcOptObjSuffix,
    ghcOptDynHiSuffix        = combine ghcOptDynHiSuffix,
    ghcOptDynObjSuffix       = combine ghcOptDynObjSuffix,
    ghcOptHiDir              = combine ghcOptHiDir,
    ghcOptObjDir             = combine ghcOptObjDir,
    ghcOptOutputDir          = combine ghcOptOutputDir,
    ghcOptStubDir            = combine ghcOptStubDir,
    ghcOptDynLinkMode        = combine ghcOptDynLinkMode,
    ghcOptShared             = combine ghcOptShared,
    ghcOptFPic               = combine ghcOptFPic,
    ghcOptDylibName          = combine ghcOptDylibName,
    ghcOptRPaths             = combine ghcOptRPaths,
    ghcOptVerbosity          = combine ghcOptVerbosity,
    ghcOptCabal              = combine ghcOptCabal
      combine field = field a `mappend` field b