Name: CV Version: 0.3.7 Description: OpenCV Bindings License: GPL License-file: LICENSE Category: AI, Graphics, Machine Vision Synopsis: OpenCV based machine vision library Homepage: Description: This is a machine vision package that wraps some functionality of OpenCV library. This package has been developed for personal use and is not meant to be a complete wrapper. It also includes some things not in OpenCV. . Currently this package is quite dirty and requires much work on documentation and code clean-up, but is somewhat tested. . (The scarce) Documentation is available at . Changelog. - Critical referential transparency bug fix. . - Bug fixes and preliminary compatability with opencv 2.4 . 0.3.5 - Many new wrappers, clean ups and other fixes. . 0.3.4 - Pixelwise operations, bug fixes and additional documentation . - Improvements, including compatablity with opencv 2.3.1 and removal of dependency with deprecated JYU.Utils . Changelog. - Improvements, including fancier pixel-wise manipulations . Changelog. - Workaround for compiling with OS X 10.6 & fixed errors about M_PI . Author: Ville Tirronen Maintainer: Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >=1.8 Extra-Source-Files: examples/*.hs examples/shapes/*.png examples/shapePhoto.jpg examples/chess.png examples/fuse1.png examples/fuse2.png examples/smallLena.jpg examples/elaine.jpg Flag opencv23 Description: Compatability for opencv 2.3.1 Default: True Flag opencv24 Description: Compatability for opencv 2.4 Default: False Library Build-Tools: c2hs >= 0.16.3 Include-dirs: cbits/ Includes: opencv/cv.h, opencv/cxcore.h, opencv/highgui.h, cbits/cvWrapLEO.h, cbits/cvWrapCore.h, cbits/wrapImgProc.h, cbits/cvIterators.h, cbits/cvProjection.h, cbits/cvFiles.h c-sources: cbits/cvWrapLEO.c, cbits/cvWrapCore.c, cbits/wrapImgProc.c, cbits/cvIterators.c, cbits/cvProjection.c, cbits/cvFiles.c install-includes: cbits/cvWrapLEO.h, cbits/cvWrapCore.h, cbits/wrapImgProc.h, cbits/cvIterators.h, cbits/cvProjection.h, cbits/cvFiles.h if flag(opencv23) cpp-options: -DOpenCV23 cc-options: -DOpenCV23 if flag(opencv24) cpp-options: -DOpenCV24 cc-options: -DOpenCV24 cc-options: --std=c99 -U__BLOCKS__ extra-libraries: opencv_calib3d, opencv_contrib, opencv_core, opencv_features2d, opencv_flann, opencv_gpu, opencv_highgui, opencv_imgproc, opencv_legacy, opencv_ml, opencv_objdetect, opencv_video Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 6, parallel > 3.1, array >=, directory >= 1 && < 2, mtl >= 1.1.0, -- random >= 1.0.0, carray >= 0.1.5, QuickCheck >= 2.1, containers >= 0.2, storable-complex, binary >= 0.5, deepseq >= 1.1, bindings-DSL >= 1.0.14 && < 1.1, vector >= && < 1.1, lazysmallcheck >= 0.5 && < 1, parallel-io >= 0.3.2 && < 0.3.3, storable-tuple >= 0.0.2 && <= 1, mwc-random >=, primitive >= 0.4.1, filepath >= && < 1.4 Exposed-modules: CV.Image ,CV.Arbitrary ,CV.Binary ,CV.Bindings.Types ,CV.Calibration ,CV.ColourUtils ,CV.ConnectedComponents ,CV.Conversions ,CV.DFT ,CV.Corners ,CV.DrawableInstances ,CV.Drawing ,CV.Edges ,CV.Features ,CV.Filters ,CV.Fitting ,CV.FunnyStatistics ,CV.Gabor ,CV.HighGUI ,CV.Histogram ,CV.HoughTransform ,CV.ImageMath CV.Sampling ,CV.ImageMathOp ,CV.ImageOp ,CV.Iterators ,CV.LightBalance ,CV.Marking ,CV.Matrix ,CV.Morphology ,CV.MultiresolutionSpline ,CV.Operations ,CV.Pixelwise ,CV.TemplateMatching ,CV.Textures ,CV.Thresholding ,CV.Tracking ,CV.Transforms ,CV.Video ,CV.Projection ,CV.Files ,Utils.DrawingClass ,Utils.Function ,Utils.GeometryClass ,Utils.List ,Utils.Point ,Utils.Pointer ,Utils.Rectangle ,Utils.Stream Other-modules: CV.Bindings.Matrix, CV.Bindings.Calibrate, CV.Bindings.Fittings, CV.Bindings.Core, CV.Bindings.ImgProc, CV.Bindings.Tracking, CV.Bindings.Drawing, CV.Bindings.Error, CV.Bindings.Features, CV.Bindings.Iterators, CV.Bindings.Projection, CV.Bindings.Files Extensions: CPP source-repository head type: git location: source-repository head type: git location: