module Text.BlogLiterately.Ghci
, ghciEval
, withGhciProcess
, isLiterate
, stopGhci
, magic
, extract'
, extract
, breaks
, formatInlineGhci
) where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, ask, runReaderT)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.List (intercalate, isPrefixOf)
import System.FilePath (takeFileName)
import System.IO
import qualified System.IO.Strict as Strict
import System.IO.Temp
import System.Process (ProcessHandle,
import Data.List.Split
import Text.Pandoc (Block (CodeBlock), Pandoc,
import Text.BlogLiterately.Block (onTag)
type ProcessInfo = (Handle, Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle)
data GhciInput = GhciInput String (Maybe String)
deriving Show
data GhciOutput = OK String
| Unexpected String String
deriving Show
data GhciLine = GhciLine GhciInput GhciOutput
deriving Show
ghciEval :: GhciInput -> ReaderT ProcessInfo IO GhciOutput
ghciEval (GhciInput expr expected) = do
(pin, pout, _, _) <- ask
let script = "putStrLn " ++ show magic ++ "\n"
++ expr ++ "\n"
++ "putStrLn " ++ show magic ++ "\n"
out <- liftIO $ do
hPutStr pin script
hFlush pin
extract' pout
let out' = strip out
case expected of
Nothing -> return $ OK out'
Just e
| out' == e -> return $ OK out'
| otherwise -> return $ Unexpected out' e
withGhciProcess :: FilePath -> ReaderT ProcessInfo IO a -> IO a
withGhciProcess f m = do
src <- Strict.readFile f
let isLit = isLiterate src
withLiterateHashWorkaround f src $ \f' -> do
h <- runInteractiveCommand $ "ghci -v0 -ignore-dot-ghci "
++ (if isLit then f' else "")
res <- runReaderT m h
stopGhci h
return res
withLiterateHashWorkaround :: FilePath -> String -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
withLiterateHashWorkaround f src k = do
let bad = ("#" `isPrefixOf`)
b = any bad . lines $ src
case b of
False -> k f
True -> withTempFile "" (takeFileName f) $ \f' h -> do
hPutStr h (unlines . filter (not . bad) . lines $ src)
hClose h
k f'
isLiterate :: String -> Bool
isLiterate = any ("> " `isPrefixOf`) . lines
stopGhci :: ProcessInfo -> IO ()
stopGhci (pin,_,_,pid) = do
hPutStrLn pin ":q"
hFlush pin
_ <- waitForProcess pid
return ()
magic :: String
magic = "!@#$^&*"
extract' :: Handle -> IO String
extract' h = fmap (extract . unlines) (readMagic 2)
readMagic :: Int -> IO [String]
readMagic 0 = return []
readMagic n = do
l <- hGetLine h
let n' | (null . snd . breaks (isPrefixOf magic)) l = n
| otherwise = n 1
fmap (l:) (readMagic n')
extract :: String -> String
extract s = v
where (t, u) = breaks (isPrefixOf magic) s
pre = reverse . takeWhile (/='\n') . reverse $ t
prelength = if null pre then 0 else length pre + 1
u' = drop (length magic + prelength) u
(v, _) = breaks (isPrefixOf (pre ++ magic)) u'
breaks :: ([a] -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
breaks _ [] = ([], [])
breaks p as@(a : as')
| p as = ([], as)
| otherwise = first (a:) $ breaks p as'
formatInlineGhci :: FilePath -> Pandoc -> IO Pandoc
formatInlineGhci f = withGhciProcess f . bottomUpM formatInlineGhci'
formatInlineGhci' :: Block -> ReaderT ProcessInfo IO Block
formatInlineGhci' = onTag "ghci" formatGhciBlock return
formatGhciBlock attr src = do
let inputs = parseGhciInputs src
results <- zipWith GhciLine inputs <$> mapM ghciEval inputs
return $ CodeBlock attr (intercalate "\n" $ map formatGhciResult results)
parseGhciInputs :: String -> [GhciInput]
parseGhciInputs = map mkGhciInput
. split
( dropInitBlank
. dropFinalBlank
. keepDelimsL
$ whenElt (not . (" " `isPrefixOf`))
. lines
mkGhciInput :: [String] -> GhciInput
mkGhciInput [] = GhciInput "" Nothing
mkGhciInput [i] = GhciInput i Nothing
mkGhciInput (i:expr) = GhciInput i (Just . unlines' . unindent $ expr)
unlines' :: [String] -> String
unlines' = intercalate "\n"
strip :: String -> String
strip = f . f
where f = dropWhile isSpace . reverse
unindent :: [String] -> [String]
unindent [] = []
unindent (x:xs) = map (drop indentAmt) (x:xs)
where indentAmt = length . takeWhile (==' ') $ x
indent :: Int -> String -> String
indent n = unlines' . map (replicate n ' '++) . lines
colored, coloredBlock :: String -> String -> String
colored color txt = "<span style=\"color: " ++ color ++ ";\">" ++ txt ++ "</span>"
coloredBlock color = unlines' . map (colored color) . lines
ghciPrompt :: String
ghciPrompt = colored "gray" "ghci> "
formatGhciResult :: GhciLine -> String
formatGhciResult (GhciLine (GhciInput input _) (OK output))
| all isSpace output
= ghciPrompt ++ esc input
| otherwise
= ghciPrompt ++ esc input ++ "\n" ++ indent 2 (esc output) ++ "\n"
formatGhciResult (GhciLine (GhciInput input _) (Unexpected output expr))
= ghciPrompt ++ esc input ++ "\n" ++ indent 2 (coloredBlock "red" (esc output))
++ "\n" ++ indent 2 (coloredBlock "blue" (esc expr))
++ "\n"
esc :: String -> String
esc = concatMap escapeOne
escapeOne '<' = "<"
escapeOne '>' = ">"
escapeOne c = [c]