module NetworkControl ( createNode, selectNode , createEdge, selectEdge , createVia, selectVia , selectNothing, selectMultiple , pickupNode, dragNode, dropNode , pickupVia, dragVia, dropVia , pickupMultiple, dragMultiple, dropMultiple , pickupArea, dragArea, dropArea , deleteSelection , changeNamePosition , changeNodeShape , renameNode, reinfoNodeOrEdge , reArityNode , changeGlobalInfo ) where import State import StateUtil import Network import NetworkView (edgeContains) import Document import Common import CommonIO import Math import Shape import qualified PersistentDocument as PD import InfoKind import Palette (shapes) import Text.Parse import Char (isSpace) import Graphics.UI.WX hiding (Selection) import Graphics.UI.WXCore changeNamePosition :: Bool -> State g n e -> IO () changeNamePosition above state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; case getSelection doc of NodeSelection nodeNr -> do{ PD.updateDocument "move label" (updateNetwork (updateNode nodeNr (setNameAbove above))) pDoc ; repaintAll state } _ -> return () } changeNodeShape :: InfoKind n g => String -> n -> State g n e -> IO () changeNodeShape shapename info state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; case getSelection doc of NodeSelection nodeNr -> do{ PD.updateDocument "change shape" (updateNetwork (updateNode nodeNr (setInfo info . setShape (Left shapename)))) pDoc ; repaintAll state } _ -> return () } deleteSelection :: State g n e -> IO () deleteSelection state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; case getSelection doc of NodeSelection nodeNr -> do{ PD.updateDocument "delete node" ( setSelection NoSelection . updateNetwork (removeNode nodeNr) ) pDoc ; repaintAll state } EdgeSelection edgeNr -> do{ PD.updateDocument "delete edge" ( setSelection NoSelection . updateNetwork (removeEdge edgeNr) ) pDoc ; repaintAll state } ViaSelection edgeNr viaNr -> do{ PD.updateDocument "delete control point" ( setSelection NoSelection . updateNetwork (removeVia edgeNr viaNr) ) pDoc ; repaintAll state } _ -> return () } createNode :: InfoKind n g => DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO () createNode mousePoint state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; doc1 <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; let (shape,info) = case (shapes . getPalette . getNetwork) doc1 of [] -> (Right, blank) ((s,(_,Nothing)):_) -> (Left s, blank) ((s,(_,Just i)):_) -> (Left s, i) ; let (nodeNr, doc2) = updateNetworkEx addNode doc1 doc3 = updateNetwork (updateNode nodeNr (setPosition mousePoint . setShape shape . setInfo info)) doc2 doc4 = setSelection (NodeSelection nodeNr) doc3 ; PD.setDocument "add node" doc4 pDoc ; repaintAll state } selectNothing :: State g n e -> IO () selectNothing state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument (setSelection NoSelection) pDoc ; repaintAll state } selectEdge :: Int -> State g n e -> IO () selectEdge edgeNr state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument (setSelection (EdgeSelection edgeNr)) pDoc ; repaintAll state } createEdge :: (InfoKind e g) => Int -> Int -> State g n e -> IO () createEdge fromNodeNr toNodeNr state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; PD.updateDocument "add edge" ( setSelection (NodeSelection fromNodeNr) . updateNetwork (addEdge fromNodeNr toNodeNr) ) pDoc ; repaintAll state } createVia :: DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO () createVia mousepoint state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; let network = getNetwork doc ; case getSelection doc of EdgeSelection edgeNr -> do{ ifJust (edgeContains (getEdge edgeNr network) mousepoint network) $ \viaNr-> do{ PD.updateDocument "add control point to edge" ( setSelection (ViaSelection edgeNr viaNr) . updateNetwork (newViaEdge edgeNr viaNr mousepoint) ) pDoc ; repaintAll state } } _ -> return () } selectVia :: Int -> Int -> State g n e -> IO () selectVia edgeNr viaNr state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument (setSelection (ViaSelection edgeNr viaNr)) pDoc ; repaintAll state } pickupVia :: Int -> Int -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO () pickupVia edgeNr viaNr mousePoint state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; let network = getNetwork doc viaPos = (getEdgeVia (getEdge edgeNr network))!!viaNr ; setDragging (Just (False, mousePoint `subtractDoublePoint` viaPos)) state ; selectVia edgeNr viaNr state } selectNode :: Int -> State g n e -> IO () selectNode nodeNr state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument (setSelection (NodeSelection nodeNr)) pDoc ; repaintAll state } pickupNode :: Int -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO () pickupNode nodeNr mousePoint state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; let network = getNetwork doc nodePos = getNodePosition network nodeNr ; setDragging (Just (False, mousePoint `subtractDoublePoint` nodePos)) state ; selectNode nodeNr state } dragNode :: Int -> DoublePoint -> ScrolledWindow () -> State g n e -> IO () dragNode nodeNr mousePoint canvas state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; Just (hasMoved, offset) <- getDragging state ; let newPosition = mousePoint `subtractDoublePoint` offset oldPosition = getNodePosition (getNetwork doc) nodeNr ; when (newPosition /= oldPosition) $ do{ -- The first time the node is moved we have to remember -- the document in the undo history ; (if not hasMoved then PD.updateDocument "move node" else PD.superficialUpdateDocument) (updateNetwork (updateNode nodeNr (setPosition newPosition))) pDoc ; Graphics.UI.WX.repaint canvas ; setDragging (Just (True, offset)) state -- yes, the node has really moved } } dropNode :: Bool -> Int -> DoublePoint -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO () dropNode hasMoved nodeNr offset mousePoint state = do{ when hasMoved $ do{ let newPosition = mousePoint `subtractDoublePoint` offset ; pDoc <- getDocument state ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument (updateNetwork (updateNode nodeNr (setPosition newPosition))) pDoc } ; canvas <- getCanvas state ; Graphics.UI.WX.repaint canvas ; setDragging Nothing state } dragVia :: Int -> Int -> DoublePoint -> ScrolledWindow () -> State g n e -> IO () dragVia edgeNr viaNr mousePoint canvas state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; Just (hasMoved, offset) <- getDragging state ; let newPosition = mousePoint `subtractDoublePoint` offset oldPosition = (getEdgeVia (getEdge edgeNr (getNetwork doc)))!!viaNr ; when (newPosition /= oldPosition) $ do{ -- The first time the point is moved we have to remember -- the document in the undo history ; (if not hasMoved then PD.updateDocument "move control point" else PD.superficialUpdateDocument) (updateNetwork (updateVia edgeNr viaNr newPosition)) pDoc ; Graphics.UI.WX.repaint canvas ; setDragging (Just (True, offset)) state -- yes, the point has really moved } } dropVia :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> DoublePoint -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO () dropVia hasMoved edgeNr viaNr offset mousePoint state = do{ when hasMoved $ do{ let newPosition = mousePoint `subtractDoublePoint` offset ; pDoc <- getDocument state ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument (updateNetwork (updateVia edgeNr viaNr newPosition)) pDoc } ; canvas <- getCanvas state ; Graphics.UI.WX.repaint canvas ; setDragging Nothing state } selectMultiple :: Maybe (DoublePoint,DoublePoint) -> [Int] -> [(Int,Int)] -> State g n e -> IO () selectMultiple area nodeNrs viaNrs state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument (setSelection (MultipleSelection area nodeNrs viaNrs)) pDoc ; repaintAll state } pickupMultiple :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)] -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO () pickupMultiple _nodeNrs _viaNrs mousePoint state = do{ setDragging (Just (False, mousePoint)) state -- ; selectMultiple Nothing nodeNrs viaNrs state -- already selected } dragMultiple :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)] -> DoublePoint -> ScrolledWindow () -> State g n e -> IO () dragMultiple nodeNrs viaNrs mousePoint canvas state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state -- ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; Just (hasMoved, origin) <- getDragging state ; let offset = mousePoint `subtractDoublePoint` origin ; when (mousePoint /= origin) $ do{ -- The first time the point is moved we have to remember -- the document in the undo history ; (if not hasMoved then PD.updateDocument "move control point" else PD.superficialUpdateDocument) (updateNetwork (updateMultiple nodeNrs viaNrs offset)) pDoc ; Graphics.UI.WX.repaint canvas ; setDragging (Just (True, mousePoint)) state -- yes, the point has really moved } } updateMultiple :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)] -> DoublePoint -> Network g n e -> Network g n e updateMultiple ns vs o network = ( foldr (\n z-> updateNode n (offsetNode o) . z) id ns . foldr (\ (e,v) z-> updateVia e v (offsetVia o e v) . z) id vs ) network where offsetNode off node = setPosition (getPosition node `translate` off) node offsetVia off edgeNr via = ((getEdgeVia (getEdge edgeNr network))!!via) `translate` off dropMultiple :: Bool -> [Int] -> [(Int,Int)] -> DoublePoint -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO () dropMultiple hasMoved nodeNrs viaNrs origin mousePoint state = do{ when hasMoved $ do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; PD.superficialUpdateDocument (updateNetwork (updateMultiple nodeNrs viaNrs (mousePoint`subtractDoublePoint`origin))) pDoc } ; canvas <- getCanvas state ; Graphics.UI.WX.repaint canvas ; setDragging Nothing state } pickupArea :: DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO () pickupArea mousePoint state = do{ setDragging (Just (False, mousePoint)) state ; selectMultiple (Just (mousePoint,mousePoint)) [] [] state } -- dragArea is not like dragging a selection. It does not move anything. -- It only adds items into a multiple selection. dragArea :: DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO () dragArea mousePoint state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; Just (_, origin) <- getDragging state ; let (ns,vs) = itemsEnclosedWithin mousePoint origin (getNetwork doc) ; selectMultiple (Just (origin,mousePoint)) ns vs state } where itemsEnclosedWithin p0 p1 network = ( ( fst . Prelude.filter (\ (_,n)-> enclosedInRectangle (getPosition n) p0 p1) . getNodeAssocs ) network , ( Prelude.concatMap (\ (i,e)-> map (\ (j,_)-> (i,j)) (Prelude.filter (\ (_,v)-> enclosedInRectangle v p0 p1) (zip [0..] (getEdgeVia e)))) . getEdgeAssocs ) network ) dropArea :: DoublePoint -> DoublePoint -> State g n e -> IO () dropArea _origin mousePoint state = do{ dragArea mousePoint state -- calculate enclosure area ; pDoc <- getDocument state ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; case getSelection doc of MultipleSelection _ [] [] -> PD.superficialUpdateDocument (setSelection NoSelection) pDoc MultipleSelection _ ns vs -> PD.superficialUpdateDocument (setSelection (MultipleSelection Nothing ns vs)) pDoc _ -> return () ; setDragging Nothing state ; repaintAll state } renameNode :: Frame () -> State g n e -> IO () renameNode theFrame state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; let network = getNetwork doc ; case getSelection doc of NodeSelection nodeNr -> do{ let oldName = getNodeName network nodeNr ; result <- myTextDialog theFrame SingleLine "Rename node" oldName True ; ifJust result $ \newName -> do{ PD.updateDocument "rename node" (updateNetwork (updateNode nodeNr (setName newName))) pDoc ; repaintAll state } } _ -> return () } reArityNode :: Frame () -> State g n e -> IO () reArityNode theFrame state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; let network = getNetwork doc ; case getSelection doc of NodeSelection nodeNr -> do{ let oldArity = getNodeArity network nodeNr ; result <- myTextDialog theFrame SingleLine "Change arity of node" (show oldArity) True ; ifJust result $ \newArity -> -- do repaintAll state -- Until we sort out the parser case runParser parse newArity of (Right x, s) -> do{ when (not (null s || all isSpace s)) $ errorDialog theFrame "Edit warning" ("Excess text after parsed value." ++"\nRemaining text: "++s) ; PD.updateDocument "change node arity" (updateNetwork (updateNode nodeNr (setArity x))) pDoc ; repaintAll state } (Left err, s) -> errorDialog theFrame "Edit warning" ("Cannot parse entered text." ++"\nReason: "++err ++"\nRemaining text: "++s) } _ -> return () } reinfoNodeOrEdge :: (InfoKind n g, InfoKind e g) => Frame () -> State g n e -> IO () reinfoNodeOrEdge theFrame state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; let network = getNetwork doc ; case getSelection doc of NodeSelection nodeNr -> do{ let oldInfo = getNodeInfo network nodeNr ; result <- myTextDialog theFrame MultiLine "Edit node info" (show oldInfo) True ; ifJust result $ \newInfo -> -- do repaintAll state -- Until we sort out the parser case runParser parse newInfo of (Right x, s) -> do{ when (not (null s || all isSpace s)) $ errorDialog theFrame "Edit warning" ("Excess text after parsed value." ++"\nRemaining text: "++s) ; case check (getNodeName network nodeNr) (getGlobalInfo network) x of [] -> return () e -> errorDialog theFrame "Validity warning" ("Validity check fails:\n" ++unlines e) ; PD.updateDocument "edit node info" (updateNetwork (updateNode nodeNr (setInfo x))) pDoc ; repaintAll state } (Left err, s) -> errorDialog theFrame "Edit warning" ("Cannot parse entered text." ++"\nReason: "++err ++"\nRemaining text: "++s) } EdgeSelection edgeNr -> do{ let oldInfo = getEdgeInfo (getEdge edgeNr network) ; result <- myTextDialog theFrame MultiLine "Edit edge info" (show oldInfo) True ; ifJust result $ \newInfo -> -- do repaintAll state -- Until we sort out the parser case runParser parse newInfo of (Right x, s) -> do{ when (not (null s || all isSpace s)) $ errorDialog theFrame "Edit warning" ("Excess text after parsed value." ++"\nRemaining text: "++s) ; case check "edge" (getGlobalInfo network) x of [] -> return () e -> errorDialog theFrame "Validity warning" ("Validity check fails:\n" ++unlines e) ; PD.updateDocument "edit edge info" (updateNetwork (updateEdge edgeNr (setEdgeInfo x))) pDoc ; repaintAll state } (Left err, s) -> errorDialog theFrame "Edit warning" ("Cannot parse entered text." ++"\nReason: "++err ++"\nRemaining text: "++s) } _ -> return () } changeGlobalInfo :: (Show g, Parse g, Descriptor g) => Frame () -> State g n e -> IO () changeGlobalInfo theFrame state = do{ pDoc <- getDocument state ; doc <- PD.getDocument pDoc ; let network = getNetwork doc info = getGlobalInfo network ; result <- myTextDialog theFrame MultiLine ("Edit "++descriptor info) (show info) True ; ifJust result $ \newInfo-> --do repaintAll state -- Until we sort out the parser case runParser parse newInfo of (Right x, s) -> do{ when (not (null s || all isSpace s)) $ errorDialog theFrame "Edit warning" ("Excess text after parsed value." ++"\nRemaining text: "++s) ; PD.updateDocument ("edit "++descriptor info) (updateNetwork (setGlobalInfo x)) pDoc ; repaintAll state -- no visible change? } (Left err, s) -> errorDialog theFrame "Edit warning" ("Cannot parse entered text." ++"\nReason: "++err ++"\nRemaining text: "++s) }