module CommonIO where import Math import Common(ifJust, internalError, tabDelimited, safeIndex, systemGrey) import SafetyNet import Graphics.UI.WX import Graphics.UI.WXCore import List(elemIndex) import System.Directory import System.IO ignoreResult :: IO a -> IO () ignoreResult action = do { action; return () } -- | Writes file to disk. If writing fails, an error -- dialog is shown and False is returned safeWriteFile :: Window a -> String -> String -> IO Bool safeWriteFile parentWindow fileName contents = do{ let tmpName = fileName ++ ".tmp" ; -- try to write to .tmp file ; writeOkay <- catch (do { writeFile tmpName contents ; return True }) (\ioExc -> do{ errorDialog parentWindow "Save failed" ( "Saving " ++ fileName ++ " failed.\n\n" ++ "Technical reason: " ++ show ioExc ++ "\n\n" ++ "Tip: do you have write permissions and enough disk space?" ) ; return False } ) ; if not writeOkay then return False else do{ -- remove old file if it exists and then rename .tmp to the real name ; catch (do { exists <- doesFileExist fileName ; when exists $ removeFile fileName ; renameFile tmpName fileName ; return True }) (\ioExc -> do{ errorDialog parentWindow "Save failed" ( "The file has been saved to " ++ show tmpName ++ "\nbut " ++ "renaming it to " ++ show fileName ++ " failed.\n\n" ++ "Technical reason: " ++ show ioExc ) ; return False } ) }} strictReadFile :: String -> IO String strictReadFile fname = do{ contents <- readFile fname ; seq (length contents) $ return contents -- force reading of entire file } data TextCtrlSize = SingleLine | MultiLine myTextDialog :: Window a -> TextCtrlSize -> String -> String -> Bool -> IO (Maybe String) myTextDialog parentWindow size dialogTitle initial selectAll = do{ d <- dialog parentWindow [text := dialogTitle] ; textInput <- (case size of SingleLine -> textEntry; MultiLine -> textCtrl) d [ alignment := AlignLeft, text := initial ] ; ok <- button d [text := "Ok"] ; can <- button d [text := "Cancel", identity := wxID_CANCEL] ; buttonSetDefault ok ; set d [layout := column 5 [ fill $ widget textInput , floatBottomRight $ row 5 [widget ok, widget can] ] -- ,clientSize := case size of SingleLine -> sz 300 40 -- MultiLine -> sz 500 200 ,area := case size of SingleLine -> rect (pt 50 50) (sz 300 80) MultiLine -> rect (pt 50 50) (sz 500 250) ] ; when (selectAll) $ do textCtrlSetSelection textInput 0 250 ; when (not selectAll) $ do textCtrlSetInsertionPointEnd textInput set d [ visible := True ] ; showModal d $ \stop -> do set ok [on command := safetyNet parentWindow $ do theText <- get textInput text stop (Just theText)] set can [on command := safetyNet parentWindow $ stop Nothing] } -- Dialog for selecting a multiple Strings (0 or more) -- Returns Nothing if Cancel was pressed, otherwise it returns the selected strings multiSelectionDialog :: Window a -> String -> [String] -> [String] -> IO (Maybe [String]) multiSelectionDialog parentWindow dialogTitle strings initialSelection = do{ d <- dialog parentWindow [ text := dialogTitle , resizeable := True ] ; p <- panel d [] ; theListBox <- multiListBox p [ items := strings , selections := [ case maybeIndex of Nothing -> internalError "CommonIO" "multiSelectionDialog" ( "initial selection " ++ show s ++ " can not be found in " ++ show strings ) Just i -> i | s <- initialSelection , let maybeIndex = elemIndex s strings ] ] ; selectAll <- button p [ text := "Select all" , on command := safetyNet parentWindow $ set theListBox [ selections := take (length strings) [0..] ] ] ; selectNone <- button p [ text := "Select none" , on command := safetyNet parentWindow $ set theListBox [ selections := [] ] ] ; ok <- button p [text := "Ok"] ; can <- button p [text := "Cancel", identity := wxID_CANCEL] ; buttonSetDefault ok ; set d [ layout := container p $ column 10 [ vfill $ widget theListBox , row 5 [widget selectAll, widget selectNone, widget ok, widget can] ] , clientSize := sz 300 400 ] ; showModal d $ \stop -> do set ok [on command := safetyNet parentWindow $ do indices <- get theListBox selections stop (Just (map (safeIndex "CommonIO.multiSelectionDialog" strings) indices))] set can [on command := safetyNet parentWindow $ stop Nothing] } -- Dialog for selecting a single String -- Returns Nothing if Cancel was pressed, otherwise it returns the selected string singleSelectionDialog :: Window a -> String -> [String] -> (Maybe String) -> IO (Maybe String) singleSelectionDialog _ _ [] _ = internalError "CommonIO" "singleSelectionDialog" "no strings" singleSelectionDialog parentWindow dialogTitle strings initialSelection = do{ d <- dialog parentWindow [ text := dialogTitle, resizeable := True ] ; p <- panel d [] ; theListBox <- singleListBox p [ items := strings, selection := 0] ; ifJust initialSelection $ \selString -> case elemIndex selString strings of Nothing -> internalError "CommonIO" "singleSelectionDialog" ( "initial selection " ++ show selString ++ " can not be found in " ++ show strings ) Just i -> set theListBox [ selection := i ] ; ok <- button p [text := "Ok"] ; can <- button p [text := "Cancel", identity := wxID_CANCEL] ; buttonSetDefault ok ; set d [ layout := container p $ column 10 [ vfill $ widget theListBox , row 5 [widget ok, widget can] ] , clientSize := sz 300 400 ] ; showModal d $ \stop -> do set ok [on command := safetyNet parentWindow $ do index <- get theListBox selection stop (Just (safeIndex "CommonIO.singleSelectionDialog" strings index))] set can [on command := safetyNet parentWindow $ stop Nothing] } -- | Fill a grid from a list of lists of texts. Each list inside the -- big list represents a row. Also set the given number or rows and -- columns to be header: grey background and not editable. -- This function assumes that the normal spreadsheet-like grid header row -- and column have been made invisible. fillGridFromList :: Grid () -> Int -> Int -> [[String]] -> IO () fillGridFromList _ _ _ [] = return () fillGridFromList theGrid nrHeaderRows nrHeaderCols list = do{ nrOfCols <- gridGetNumberCols theGrid ; nrOfRows <- gridGetNumberRows theGrid ; when (length list > nrOfRows || maximum (map length list) > nrOfCols) $ internalError "Common" "fillGridFromList" "grid is not big enough" ; sequence_ . concat $ [ [ do{ gridSetCellValue theGrid rowNr colNr txt ; let isHeaderCell = rowNr < nrHeaderRows || colNr < nrHeaderCols ; gridSetCellBackgroundColour theGrid rowNr colNr (if isHeaderCell then systemGrey else white) ; gridSetReadOnly theGrid rowNr colNr isHeaderCell } | (txt, colNr) <- zip theRow [0..] ] | (theRow, rowNr) <- zip list [0..] ] } -- | Export some data (a list of lists of strings) to a tab delimited -- file. The user is asked to choose a location exportToTabFile :: Window a -> String -> String -> [[String]] -> IO () exportToTabFile parentWindow description fileName theData = do { mFilename <- fileSaveDialog parentWindow False -- remember current directory True -- overwrite prompt ("Export " ++ description) [("Tab delimited files",["*.txt"])] "" -- directory fileName ; ifJust mFilename $ \filename -> ignoreResult (safeWriteFile parentWindow filename (tabDelimited theData)) } getScreenPPI :: IO Size getScreenPPI = do{ dc <- screenDCCreate ; s <- dcGetPPI dc ; screenDCDelete dc ; return s } screenToLogicalPoint :: Size -> Point -> DoublePoint screenToLogicalPoint ppi p = DoublePoint (screenToLogicalX ppi (pointX p)) (screenToLogicalY ppi (pointY p)) logicalToScreenPoint :: Size -> DoublePoint -> Point logicalToScreenPoint ppi doublePoint = pt (logicalToScreenX ppi (doublePointX doublePoint)) (logicalToScreenY ppi (doublePointY doublePoint)) screenToLogicalX :: Size -> Int -> Double screenToLogicalX ppi x = fromIntegral x / (fromIntegral (sizeW ppi) / 2.54) logicalToScreenX :: Size -> Double -> Int logicalToScreenX ppi x = truncate (x * fromIntegral (sizeW ppi) / 2.54) screenToLogicalY :: Size -> Int -> Double screenToLogicalY ppi y = fromIntegral y / (fromIntegral (sizeH ppi) / 2.54) logicalToScreenY :: Size -> Double -> Int logicalToScreenY ppi y = truncate (y * fromIntegral (sizeH ppi) / 2.54) -- Create a grid of which the standard labels (A,B,C... for columns -- and 1,2,3... for rows) are invisible mkNoLabelGrid :: Window a -> Int -> Int -> IO (Grid ()) mkNoLabelGrid thePanel nrOfRows nrOfCols = do{ theGrid <- gridCreate thePanel idAny rectNull 0 ; gridCreateGrid theGrid nrOfRows nrOfCols 0 ; gridSetColLabelSize theGrid 0 ; gridSetRowLabelSize theGrid 0 ; return theGrid } resizeGrid :: Grid () -> Int -> Int -> IO () resizeGrid theGrid nrOfRows nrOfCols = do{ oldNrOfRows <- gridGetNumberRows theGrid ; oldNrOfCols <- gridGetNumberCols theGrid ; when (nrOfRows > oldNrOfRows) . ignoreResult $ gridAppendRows theGrid (nrOfRows - oldNrOfRows) False ; when (nrOfRows < oldNrOfRows) . ignoreResult $ gridDeleteRows theGrid nrOfRows (oldNrOfRows - nrOfRows) False ; when (nrOfCols > oldNrOfCols) . ignoreResult $ gridAppendCols theGrid (nrOfCols - oldNrOfCols) False ; when (nrOfCols < oldNrOfCols) . ignoreResult $ gridDeleteCols theGrid nrOfCols (oldNrOfCols - nrOfCols) False } -- | Get the position of a frame, if the frame is minimized or maximized -- it is restored to its normal size first. Otherwise, you get -- (-32000, -32000) for a minimized window :-) safeGetPosition :: Frame a -> IO (Int, Int) safeGetPosition f = do{ -- isMax <- frameIsMaximized f isMax <- frameIsFullScreen f -- ; isMin <- frameIsIconized f -- ; when (isMax || isMin) $ frameRestore f ; when (isMax) $ frameRestore f ; p <- get f position ; return (pointX p, pointY p) } -- Show a dialog with a grid and a save button gridDialogWithSave :: Window a -> String -> Maybe String -> [[String]] -> IO () -> IO () gridDialogWithSave parentWindow title maybeNote matrixContents saveAction = do{ -- Create dialog and panel ; theDialog <- dialog parentWindow [ text := title , resizeable := True ] ; p <- panel theDialog [] -- Create and fill grid ; theGrid <- mkNoLabelGrid p height width ; gridEnableEditing theGrid False ; fillGridFromList theGrid 0 0 matrixContents ; gridAutoSizeColumns theGrid False -- File menu ; saveButton <- button p [ text := "Save as..." , on command := safetyNet parentWindow $ saveAction ] -- Dialog layout ; set theDialog [ layout := minsize (sz 600 400) $ column 5 ( case maybeNote of Just note -> [ hfill $ label note ] Nothing -> [] ++ [ container p $ column 5 [ fill $ widget theGrid , row 0 [ widget saveButton, glue ] ] ] ) , visible := True ] } where width = maximum . map length $ matrixContents height = length matrixContents -- | Using bootstrapUI, a record containing all widgets and variables can be created -- at the end of the create function, but still referred to before creation -- NOTE: widgets should not be referred to in a strict way because this will -- cause a loop bootstrapUI :: (uistate -> IO uistate) -> IO () bootstrapUI fIO = do { fixIO fIO ; return () }