Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
The primary structure: interface to efficient encoding of RNA and DNA
sequences. The design aims toward the vector
library and repa. In
particular, everything is strict; if you want to stream full genomes, use
or lazy bytestring
s instead and cast to Biobase.Primary definitions
only at the last moment.
Degenerate encoding can be found in the IUPAC
TODO enable OverloadedLists
- module Biobase.Primary.Letter
- module Biobase.Primary.Nuc.Conversion
- acgt :: [Letter DNA n]
- charDNA :: Char -> Letter DNA n
- dnaChar :: Letter DNA n -> Char
- cdna :: Iso' Char (Letter DNA n)
- dnaSeq :: MkPrimary p DNA n => p -> Primary DNA n
- acgu :: [Letter RNA n]
- charRNA :: Char -> Letter RNA n
- rnaChar :: Letter RNA n -> Char
- crna :: Iso' Char (Letter RNA n)
- rnaSeq :: MkPrimary p RNA n => p -> Primary RNA n
- charXNA :: Char -> Letter XNA n
- xnaChar :: Letter XNA n -> Char
- xnaSeq :: MkPrimary p XNA n => p -> Primary XNA n
module Biobase.Primary.Letter
cdna :: Iso' Char (Letter DNA n) Source #
An isomorphism from Char
to 'Letter DNA'. This assumes that the
underlying Char
s actually represent a DNA sequence. This allows typesafe
modification of DNA sequences since only [A,C,G,T,N]
are allowed.